NewsAPI Client is a TypeScript-based client for interacting with the NewsAPI service. It simplifies fetching news articles, top headlines, and news sources while handling API errors gracefully.
- Configurable with an API key for authentication.
- Fetch top headlines using /v2/top-headlines.
- Search for articles across millions of sources with /v2/everything.
- Retrieve available news sources using /v2/top-headlines/sources.
- Fully typed responses for enhanced developer experience.
- Robust error handling for API and network issues.
This package is hosted on the GitHub Package Registry. To install it, ensure you have the following prerequisites:
- Node.js: v20 or higher
- NPM: v10 or higher
- Create a
file in the root directory of your app, then add the following
Login from the terminal with the below command.
Authenticate to GitHub by running:
npm login --scope=@<your-github-username> --auth-type=legacy --registry=
Use your GitHub credentials (or a personal access token with the read:packages
scope) for login.
To install the package, run:
npm install @josh-uvi/newsapi-client
- Import the Client:
import { NewsAPIClient } from "@josh-uvi/newsapi-client";
- Provide Your API Key: You can pass your NewsAPI key via the constructor:
const client = new NewsAPIClient("<YOUR_NEWSAPI_KEY>");
import { NewsAPIClient } from "@josh-uvi/newsapi-client";
(async () => {
const client = new NewsAPIClient("<YOUR_NEWSAPI_KEY>");
try {
const headlines = await client.getTopHeadlines({ country: "us" });
console.log("Top Headlines:", headlines.articles);
} catch (error) {
if (error.response) {
// API responded with a status code outside 2xx range
console.error("API Error:",;
} else {
// Network or other error
console.error("Error:", error.message);
To get the latest top headlines:
const headlines = await client.getTopHeadlines({ country: "us" });
Parameter | Type | Description |
country | string | Filter by country (e.g., us, uk). |
category | string | Filter by category (e.g., sports). |
sources | string | Filter by source IDs. |
To search across all articles:
const everything = await client.getEverything({ q: "technology" });
Parameter | Type | Description |
q | string | Search keywords or phrases. |
from | string | Start date for the search (YYYY-MM-DD) . |
to | string | End date for the search (YYYY-MM-DD) . |
language | string | Language of the articles (e.g., en ). |
To fetch available news sources:
const sources = await client.getSources();
Parameter | Type | Description |
category | string | Filter by category (e.g., sports ). |
language | string | Language of the sources (e.g., en ). |
country | string | Country of the sources (e.g., us). |
The package contains Jest tests for all functions, utilizing Jest's mocking capabilities to simulate API calls without interacting with the actual NewsAPI service.
To execute the tests:
npm run test
It is essential to follow the steps below in the specified order to initiate a new release of the package. The following command will update or increment the version number in the package.json and package-lock.json files.
- Bump the package version with this command:
npm run bumpVersion
- Add git changes
git add -A
- Commit changes:
git commit -s -m "Add new changes"
- Push changes:
git push