An interactive site for travel agent site that lets a user view destinations and leave reviews. This app corresponds with the Ruby Travel API designed by the authors.
Users will need to install Ruby, Rails, psql and Postgres. Click here for instructions on installing Ruby. Click here for instructions on installing psql and Postgres. After installing the above software, users will need to clone this project from my github repository. Once cloned, use the command line to navigate to the project folder and install all necessary Ruby Gems with...
- $ bundle install In the command line, type the following commands which will create the necessary database and launch a local server sso that you can access the application in a browser window.
- $ rake db:create
- $ rake db:migrate
- $ rake db:test:prepare
- $ rails s
- Now open a web browser and enter localhost:3000 in the address bar to view the project.
| Behavior | Input | Output |
- As an user I want to be able to look up travel destinations.
- As a user I want to be able to log into my account.
- I want to be able to add reviews.
- I want to be able to be able to update reviews.
- I want to be able to delete reviews.
- Ruby
- Rails
- ActiveRecord
- Rspec
- Pry
- Capybara
- Postgres
- Markdown
- git & gitHub
The MIT license
Copyright (c) 2020 **Josey Kinnaman & Chisato Murakami