Let's kick things off with an example, shall we?
Suppose we're tasked with writing a function that generates random arithmetic problems. We spend a few minutes debating the requirements, and we agree that the problems should be random, persisted, and then HTTP POST'ed to an educational app, presumably for some aspiring math student to solve.
This is a trivial example, and could be implemented in one dense function, but instead, we'll use it to illustrate one workflow that leverages test doubles to design our code from the outside-in by breaking the problem down into its component parts.
Thinking for a moment, we decide the top-level function ought to have three dependencies:
- Something that generates two random integers and a random arithmetic operator
- Something that persists the arithmetic problem and returns a persisted problem, replete with an as-yet-undetermined identifier property
- Something that sends the problem in an HTTP POST request to the remote educational app server.
The implementation details of those three dependencies will be fascinating, for sure, but better left to worry about once we've successfully implemented the top-level function that coordinates their interaction. Once that test is done and passing, we can recurse into any of those three dependencies with a renewed sense of focus, only worrying about solving one thing at a time, be it random number generation, persistence, or making a network request.
Outside-in TDD's primary benefit is focus—both in the sense of increased productivity as well as in producing small, focused units of code with very narrow sets of responsibility.
Okay, that was a lot of planning. Let's start a test.
Because we're going to tackle this problem with outside-in test-driven
development, let's start with a test of our top-level function,
. We'll be using a jasmine/mocha compatible DSL for these
examples. (You can find a project with this test in this repo in
Let's start with an empty test:
describe('MathProblem', function(){
it('POSTs a random problem', function(){
Next, let's create our subject & invoke the method:
describe('MathProblem', function(){
var subject;
subject = new MathProblem()
it('POSTs a random problem', function(){
}) // Red -- ReferenceError: MathProblem is not defined
Make it green by defining the constructor & function:
MathProblem = function(){}
MathProblem.prototype.generate = function() {} // Green
Recalling our gameplan, let's start by defining our first test double and providing it to the subject. In this case, we'll just imagine a single function to do the job:
describe('MathProblem', function(){
var subject, createRandomProblem;
createRandomProblem = td.function('createRandomProblem')
subject = new MathProblem(createRandomProblem)
it('POSTs a random problem', function(){
In the above, we use td.function([name])
to create a test double function.
Providing a name is completely optional, but improves readability of failure
Before we continue, we can get a better understanding by debugging and invoking
. td.explain(aTestDouble)
will return an
object describing the calls, stubbings, and invocations made so far against any
test double function, and is a handy way to debug or improve your understanding
of the state of a test at any given point.
At this point, td.explain
will return:
callCount: 0,
calls: [],
description: "This test double `createRandomProblem` has 0 stubbings and 0 invocations."
Recall that the purpose of this test is not to solve the entire problem, it's
merely to prove out a working relationship between our top-level function and
its three dependencies. Therefore, it's not important that createRandomProblem
actually create a real problem yet. In fact, what it returns for the purpose of
this test doesn't even have to resemble a real problem!
Because createRandomProblem
should need no inputs, we'll "stub" (i.e. configure
a response) it such that the test double returns the string "some problem":
describe('MathProblem', function(){
// ...
it('POSTs a random problem', function(){
td.when(createRandomProblem()).thenReturn('some problem')
As you can see, td.when
is invoked, and—as if as an example to the reader—the
test double is invoked exactly as we expect it to be inside the subject (in this
case, with no arguments). This returns an object with a method called
, to which we pass whatever we want createRandomProblem()
At this point, you can console.log(createRandomProblem())
to verify the
stubbing works, but for now, we don't have enough to tie everything together.
We need the next two test doubles.
Recall that after we create a random arithmetic problem, our plan was to persist it and tack on an ID of some sort. For the sake of illustration, let's suppose that we intend for this second dependency to be an instantiable type, also with its own constructor function.
We'll add an empty constructor & method for that dependency now:
function SavesProblem() {}
SavesProblem.prototype.save = function(){}
Next, we'll create a test double designed to mirror SavesProblem
describe('MathProblem', function(){
var subject, createRandomProblem, savesProblem;
createRandomProblem = td.function('createRandomProblem')
savesProblem = td.object(SavesProblem)
subject = new MathProblem(createRandomProblem, savesProblem)
it('POSTs a random problem', function(){
// ...
As you can see above, we used a different method to create this test double!
Because our second dependency is an instantiable type, we used
td.object([constructor function])
to create a test double for it. This test
double function is smart enough to hunt for any methods defined on the function's
prototype, and therefore will return an object that has a test double function
defined as the property save
(Note: td.object()
supports no-arg and named test doubles as well, so long as
your runtime supports ES2015 Proxy objects, which as of November, 2015, are only
supported by FireFox and MS Edge.)
Now we have what we need to stub the save
method of SavesProblem
. Each time
is called, it should return a persisted problem with an ID. Once again,
remember the purpose of this test is to verify the interactions are taking place
as we intend them, so the goal isn't to actually save anything, it's to ensure
is passed the 'some problem'
that will have been returned by our
test double function.
We can specify exactly that stubbing like so:
describe('MathProblem', function(){
// ...
it('POSTs a random problem', function(){
td.when(createRandomProblem()).thenReturn('some problem')
td.when(savesProblem.save('some problem')).thenReturn('saved problem')
Once again, we're not quite done yet, but you can check your intermediate
progress by throwing in a console.log(savesProblem.save(createRandomProblem()))
By now you're a pro at creating test doubles, and the third one is as straightforward as the first:
describe('MathProblem', function(){
var subject, createRandomProblem, savesProblem, submitProblem;
createRandomProblem = td.function('createRandomProblem')
savesProblem = td.object(SavesProblem)
submitProblem = td.function('submitProblem')
subject = new MathProblem(createRandomProblem, savesProblem, submitProblem)
it('POSTs a random problem', function(){
// ...
Note that even though our purpose for this third test double isn't to stub a
return value from submitProblem
, we create it the same way as we did our
first test double function, which was a stub. That means that testdouble.js test
doubles serve double-duty, configurable as either stubs or being verified (though
you should never need to stub & verify the same interaction).
It's generally preferable for our code to return meaningful values when possible, as code that has side effects is harder to read and maintain than so-called pure functions. In practice, however, functions with side effects are almost unavoidable, so any test double library worth its salt needs to provide a way to verify that an invocation took place.
With that said, let's verify that we submit the persisted problem to some remote server:
describe('MathProblem', function(){
// ...
it('POSTs a random problem', function(){
td.when(createRandomProblem()).thenReturn('some problem')
td.when(savesProblem.save('some problem')).thenReturn('saved problem')
td.verify(submitProblem('saved problem'))
As you can see above, this test follows an arrange-act-assert pattern: setup steps at the top, a one-liner to invoke the code under test, and then our verification.
Speaking of verification, the API of td.verify
should look familiar, as it is
symmetrical to when
. By saying td.verify(submitProblem('saved problem')
we're telling testdouble.js to throw an error unless submitProblem
is invoked
with exactly one argument: 'saved problem'
Since we haven't implemented the code yet, our test will finally go red with the failure:
Error: Unsatisfied verification on test double `submitProblem`.
- called with `("saved problem")`.
But there were no invocations of the test double.
How will we get the test to pass? Our intention is made pretty explicit by the
test double configuration we've done up to this point. First, the subject will
need to create a problem, pass the created problem to save
, then pass the
result saved problem to submitProblem
Let's wire it all together in our subject now:
function MathProblem(createRandomProblem, savesProblem, submitProblem) {
this.createRandomProblem = createRandomProblem
this.savesProblem = savesProblem
this.submitProblem = submitProblem
MathProblem.prototype.generate = function(){
var problem = this.createRandomProblem(),
savedProblem = this.savesProblem.save(problem)
Ta-da, the test is now green! If it still feels like magic, feel free to add
a little something to the invocation of submitProblem
this.submitProblem(savedProblem + ' woah')
. Doing so will give the error:
Error: Unsatisfied verification on test double `submitProblem`.
- called with `("saved problem")`.
But was actually called:
- called with `("saved problem woah")`.
Which is as good as evidence as any that the test is verifying the interaction we specified properly.
Great job getting through this first tutorial. We only scratched the surface of features in testdouble.js, but it was an important first step to understanding the sort of outside-in TDD workflow we had in mind as we designed the library.
If you got this far and you're left asking "what was the point of all this?" or "what value did this test really have?", fear not, because that's a completely reasonable reaction. Not only was this example contrived, but we skipped any sort of meaningful primer on the goals and benefits of doing outside-in isolation TDD at all. If you're interested in that topic, we've prepared a screencast series introducing one approach to outside-in called Discovery Testing.
Further reading that documents the features shown off in this tutorial include: