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jayoungers edited this page Oct 12, 2018 · 3 revisions

PatchMap is a .Net library intended to simplify the process of creating and updating entities in your REST based applications.

After defining a map for an entity (a Blog, for example), you can Insert, Update, and Patch that entity using the same code:

public class BlogsController : BaseController
    public BlogsController(ExampleContext dbContext) : base(dbContext) { }

    [HttpPost, Route("")]
    public PatchCommandResult<BlogViewModel> Insert(BlogViewModel blog)
        return new BlogPatchCommand(DbContext).Execute(null, blog.ToPatchOperations());

    [HttpPut, Route("{id}")]
    public PatchCommandResult<BlogViewModel> Update(int id, BlogViewModel blog)
        return new BlogPatchCommand(DbContext).Execute(id, blog.ToPatchOperations());

    [HttpPatch, Route("{id}")]
    public PatchCommandResult<BlogViewModel> Patch(int id, List<JsonPatch> patches)
        return new BlogPatchCommand(DbContext).Execute(id, patches.ToPatchOperations<BlogViewModel>());
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