- Location, people, names.
- Varies among industries.
- Find them in the text and connect with Wikipedia.
- Useful: same concepts with different names.
- One to many relationship.
- Take the context around names.
- Example, of before the name, a comma.
- Sometimes there is a title: Mr, General, President.
Differences with news and tweets:
- In news, person are politicians, celebrities. In tweets: actors, TV, ...
- Same with locations and organizations.
- Capitalization: all uppercase, all lowercase, all letters upper initial.
- Unusual spelling, acronyms, abbreviations.
Feature representation:
- BIO: begin (B), inside (I), out (O).
- SVM-U (uneven). E.g. SVM where one class has many points (very well defined the class) vs. very few.
Inference algorithm:
How to capture non-local dependencies:
- German verbs
- Inter-text references.
How to incorporate external knowledge / databases: