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199 lines (159 loc) · 7.41 KB

File metadata and controls

199 lines (159 loc) · 7.41 KB

Part 1. Process Analyze-ready bam file

GATK4 : Data pre-processing for variant discovery

1. Create index files

  • create .fai file
# gunzip hg38.fa.gz
# samtools faidx hg38.fa
  • create .dict file
#  gatk CreateSequenceDictionary R=hg38.fa O=hg38.dict
  • create .bwt file
    This takes long time
# bwa index hg38.fa

2. Quality Control

Perform quality control of fastq files with fastqc

  • -t : number of threads
# real	0m51.862s
mkdir -p qc out

for file in raw/*.fastq.gz; do 
    fastqc -t 4 -o qc "$file"

Inspect the quality control results with multiqc

# real	0m17.672s
multiqc qc -o . -n raw_multiqc_report.html

# host http server to view the report
python -m http.server 2200 --directory $PWD

# or open directly with firefox, movaXterm, VScode, etc
firefox multiqc_report.html

(Optionally), preprocess the fastq files with fastp. But, in this case we are not going to run this code since QC metrics are already good and bwa supports soft clipping.

mkdir trimmed
fastp -i raw/SRR7138438_WES_of_homo_sapiens_subventricular_zone_of_brain_tumor_patient_1.fastq.gz -I raw/SRR7138438_WES_of_homo_sapiens_subventricular_zone_of_brain_tumor_patient_2.fastq.gz -o trimmed/SRR7138438_WES_of_homo_sapiens_subventricular_zone_of_brain_tumor_patient_1.fastq.gz -O trimmed/SRR7138438_WES_of_homo_sapiens_subventricular_zone_of_brain_tumor_patient_2.fastq.gz

(Optional) Then, re-run fastqc and multiqc for the trimmed files

mkdir reqc
for file in trimmed/*.fastq.gz; do # run this code in demo INSTEAD!!
    fastqc -t 4 -o reqc "$file"
multiqc reqc -o . -n trimmed_multiqc_report.html

3. Alignment to reference genome

Tip : run with tmux or screen

map to reference using BWA-MEM

# real	4m36.037s
bwa mem -Ma -t 4 \
ref/hg38.fa \
raw/subsampled_SRR7138440_WES_of_homo_sapiens_blood_of_brain_tumor_patient_2.fastq.gz \
raw/subsampled_SRR7138440_WES_of_homo_sapiens_blood_of_brain_tumor_patient_2.fastq.gz > out/Blood.sam

bwa mem -Ma -t 4 \
ref/hg38.fa \
raw/subsampled_SRR7138435_WES_of_homo_sapiens_tumor_of_brain_tumor_patient_1.fastq.gz \
raw/subsampled_SRR7138435_WES_of_homo_sapiens_tumor_of_brain_tumor_patient_2.fastq.gz > out/Tumor.sam

bwa mem -Ma -t 4 \
ref/hg38.fa \
raw/subsampled_SRR7138438_WES_of_homo_sapiens_subventricular_zone_of_brain_tumor_patient_1.fastq.gz \
raw/subsampled_SRR7138438_WES_of_homo_sapiens_subventricular_zone_of_brain_tumor_patient_2.fastq.gz > out/Svz.sam

# You can use for-loops
for R1 in raw/*_1.fastq.gz; do
    SAMPLE_NAME=$(basename "$R1" _1.fastq.gz)

    if [[ "$SAMPLE_NAME" == *"blood"* ]]; then
    elif [[ "$SAMPLE_NAME" == *"subventricular"* ]]; then

    bwa mem -Ma -t 4 -R "$OPTIONS" ref/hg38.fa "$R1" "$R2" > "out/${SHORT_NAME}.sam"

Then, check output using samtools

samtools view out/Blood.sam | less
samtools flagstat out/Blood.sam

4. Mark duplicates

Mark duplicates (Deduplicate) and Sorting alignment file using GATK4:: MarkDuplicatesSpark

# real	1m57.587s
gatk MarkDuplicatesSpark -I out/Blood.sam -O out/Blood.bam --spark-master "local[4]"
gatk MarkDuplicatesSpark -I out/Tumor.sam -O out/Tumor.bam --spark-master "local[4]"
gatk MarkDuplicatesSpark -I out/Svz.sam -O out/Svz.bam --spark-master "local[4]"

# or you can do this way
for sample in Blood Tumor Svz; do
  gatk MarkDuplicatesSpark -I out/${sample}.sam -O out/${sample}.bam --spark-master "local[4]"

Then, again check with samtools as above

5. Base quality recalibration

adjust base quality based on machine learning, using known variants

  1. Build Model
# real	1m26.424s
gatk BaseRecalibratorSpark -I out/Blood.bam -R ref/hg38.fa --known-sites ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.dbsnp138.vcf -O out/recal_data_blood.table --spark-master "local[4]"

gatk BaseRecalibratorSpark -I out/Tumor.bam -R ref/hg38.fa --known-sites ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.dbsnp138.vcf -O out/recal_data_tumor.table --spark-master "local[4]"

gatk BaseRecalibratorSpark -I out/Svz.bam -R ref/hg38.fa --known-sites ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.dbsnp138.vcf -O out/recal_data_svz.table --spark-master "local[4]"

# you can do this way
for sample in Blood Tumor Svz; do
  gatk BaseRecalibratorSpark -I out/${sample}.bam -R ref/hg38.fa --known-sites ref/Homo_sapiens_assembly38.dbsnp138.vcf -O out/recal_data_${sample}.table --spark-master "local[4]" # --tmp-dir /tmp
  1. Adjust base quality scores based on model
# real	1m29.627s
gatk ApplyBQSRSpark -I out/Blood.bam -R ref/hg38.fa --bqsr-recal-file out/recal_data_Blood.table -O out/Blood_bqsr.bam --spark-master "local[4]"

gatk ApplyBQSRSpark -I out/Tumor.bam -R ref/hg38.fa --bqsr-recal-file out/recal_data_Tumor.table -O out/Tumor_bqsr.bam --spark-master "local[4]"

gatk ApplyBQSRSpark -I out/Svz.bam -R ref/hg38.fa --bqsr-recal-file out/recal_data_Svz.table -O out/Svz_bqsr.bam --spark-master "local[4]"

# you can do this way
for sample in Blood Tumor Svz; do
  gatk ApplyBQSRSpark -I out/${sample}.bam -R ref/hg38.fa --bqsr-recal-file out/recal_data_${sample}.table -O out/${sample}_bqsr.bam --spark-master "local[4]"

# older version - not using multithreads
for sample in Blood Tumor Svz; do
  gatk ApplyBQSR -I out/${sample}.bam -R ref/hg38.fa --bqsr-recal-file out/recal_data_${sample}.table -O out/${sample}_bqsr.bam

Now, analysis-ready bam file is ready for downstream analysis.
But before we begin, let's check some metrices.

6. (Optional) Collect alignment metrics

Collect alignment metrics and Insert size metrics using GATK4 (This takes long) and check with multiqc

# real	4m20.417s
gatk CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics -R ref/hg38.fa -I out/Blood_bqsr.bam -O out/alignment_metrics_Blood.txt
gatk CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics -R ref/hg38.fa -I out/Tumor_bqsr.bam -O out/alignment_metrics_Tumor.txt
gatk CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics -R ref/hg38.fa -I out/Svz_bqsr.bam -O out/alignment_metrics_Svz.txt

gatk CollectInsertSizeMetrics -I out/Blood_bqsr.bam -O out/insert_metrics_Blood.txt -H out/insert_histogram_Blood.pdf
gatk CollectInsertSizeMetrics -I out/Tumor_bqsr.bam -O out/insert_metrics_Tumor.txt -H out/insert_histogram_Tumor.pdf
gatk CollectInsertSizeMetrics -I out/Svz_bqsr.bam -O out/insert_metrics_Svz.txt -H out/insert_histogram_Svz.pdf

# you can do this
for sample in Blood Tumor Svz; do
  gatk CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics -R ref/hg38.fa -I out/${sample}_bqsr.bam -O out/alignment_metrics_${sample}.txt
  gatk CollectInsertSizeMetrics -I out/${sample}_bqsr.bam -O out/insert_metrics_${sample}.txt -H out/insert_histogram_${sample}.pdf

# or this
parallel -j 3 sample={} '
  gatk CollectAlignmentSummaryMetrics -R ref/hg38.fa -I out/{}_bqsr.bam -O out/alignment_metrics_{}.txt;
  gatk CollectInsertSizeMetrics -I out/{}_bqsr.bam -O out/insert_metrics_{}.txt -H out/insert_histogram_{}.pdf
' ::: Blood Tumor Svz
# 0m17.759s
multiqc out -o . -n ready_multiqc_report.html

and check it