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File metadata and controls

74 lines (47 loc) · 2.72 KB


Brief Introduction

Generate a simulation dataset in KITTI 2D/3D object detection dataset format based on CARLA Simulator.


Dataset format


|__ calib/ # Correction data from sensors such as cameras and radars

|__ image/ # RGB image generated by camera

|__ label/ # Object tags

|__ velodyne/ # Measurement data of LiDAR

|__ train.txt

|__ trainval.txt

|__ val.txt

#Values    Name      Description
   1    type         Describes the type of object: 'Car','Pedestrian',
   					 'TrafficSigns', etc.
   1    truncated    Float from 0 (non-truncated) to 1 (truncated), where
                     truncated refers to the object leaving image boundaries
   1    occluded     Integer (0,1,2,3) indicating occlusion state:
                     0 = fully visible, 1 = partly occluded
                     2 = largely occluded
   1    alpha        Observation angle of object, ranging [-pi..pi]
   4    bbox         2D bounding box of object in the image (0-based index):
                     contains left, top, right, bottom pixel coordinates
   3    dimensions   3D object dimensions: height, width, length (in meters)
   3    location     3D object location x,y,z in camera coordinates (in meters)
   1    rotation_y   Rotation ry around Y-axis in camera coordinates [-pi..pi]
   1    score        Only for results: Float, indicating confidence in
                     detection, needed for p/r curves, higher is better.

Type of label

The targets of label calibration are mainly divided into two categories. The first category is the actors (Car and Pedestrian) generated by ourselves; The second type is the environmental targets present in the map (None, Buildings,Fences,Other,Pedestrians,Poles,RoadLines,Roads,Sidewalks,TrafficSigns,Vegetation,Vehicles,Walls,Sky,Ground,Bridge,RailTrack,GuardRail,TrafficLight,Static,Dynamic,Water,Terrain)

Usage Method

Carla version: Carla 0.9.15

python,# Scenario class, responsible for establishing clients, setting up servers, generating actors, driving servers to calculate and obtain data,# Contains tool functions such as point coordinate conversion and label generation, # KITTI format description class,# Data saving class, generating a path to save data, saving data

export_utils,# Tool functions for saving data, # Image format conversion function

visual_utils,# Visualization tool functions