- Phone: +44 7878 459945
- Email: [email protected]
- ORCID: 0000-0002-1078-1440
- LinkedIn: Javier Sánchez Utgés
- GitHub: JavierSanchez-Utges
- Google Scholar: Javier S Utgés
- Sept 2020 – present
- PIPS Internship at ABPI
- Supervised 7 students across BSc, MSc and PhD degrees
- Reviewer of contributions for ISMB 2024: 3DSIG
- Student Representative of Computational Biology Division
- Sept 2018 – July 2020
- Grade: 9.3/10
- Honours: Introduction to Perl
- 9-month Internship at the Barton Group, University of Dundee
- MSc Thesis: "Ankyrin repeats in context with population variation"
- Sept 2014 – July 2018
- Grade: 8.4/10
- Honours: Bioinformatics, Molecular Structure & Interactions
- 12-month Erasmus exchange at University of Dundee
- Dissertation: “Methods for the detection and estimation of selection acting upon the genome”
- Aug 2022 – Nov 2022
- London, England
- Improved the Interactive Resources for Schools website of the ABPI
- July 2017 – Sept 2017
- Barcelona, Spain
- Internship at the Calafell Lab on Forensic and Population Genetics
Comparative evaluation of methods for the prediction of protein-ligand binding sites (10.1186/s13321-024-00923-z)
- Nov 2024
- Utgés JS, Barton GJ
- Journal of Cheminformatics
Classification of likely functional class for ligand binding sites identified from fragment screening (10.1038/s42003-024-05970-8)
- Mar 2024
- Utgés JS, MacGowan SA, Ives CM, Barton GJ
- Communications Biology
Ankyrin repeats in context with human population variation (10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009335)
- Aug 2021
- Utgés JS, Tsenkov MI, Dietrich NJM, MacGowan SA, Barton GJ
- PLOS Computational Biology
- A Python Flask Web Application to explore protein-ligand binding sites
- Tools: Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
- Packages: Flask, 3DMol.js, Chart.js
- LBS-comparison
- The largest benchmark of ligand binding site prediction methods.
- Tools: Python, P2Rank, fpocket, IF-SitePred, POVME
- Packages: BioPython, Pandas, Sklearn
- A pipeline for the analysis of fragment screening-derived binding sites
- Tools: Python, Bash, Jalview, OC
- Packages: Matplotlib, Pandas, Seaborn
- ANK-analysis
- The most comprehensive analysis of Ankyrin repeats
- Tools: Python, ClustalO, Chimera, AMPS, gnomAD
- Packages: ProIntVar, ProteoFAV, VarAlign
- July 2024
- Poster: "LIGYSIS: a resource for the analysis of ligand binding sites"
- Montreal, Canada
- Nov 2023
- Poster: "LIGYSIS: a resource for the analysis of ligand binding sites"
- Prague, Czech Republic
- July 2023
- Poster: "Characterising the human protein-ligand interactome"
- Lyon, France
- Mar 2023
- Poster + flash talk: "Predicting function in ligand binding sites"
- Heidelberg, Germany
- Sept 2022
- Poster: "Fragment screening in context with human population variation"
- Sitges, Spain
- June 2021
- Talk: "Tandem Repeats: methods and roles in molecular evolution"
- Online
- Languages: Python, Bash, R, JavaScript, HTML, CSS.
- Software: Jalview, ChimeraX, PyMol, Clustal, HMMER.
- Skills: Protein sequence and structure analysis, machine learning, web development, workflow generation, method benchmarking, version control, scientific writing, supervision, team work.
- Spanish and Catalan: Mother tongue
- English: Advanced level, C1 (Grade A, First Certificate in English)
- German: Advanced level, B2 (5 years at Official Language School)
- French: Basic level
- PhD Supervisor: Prof Geoff Barton
- MSc Secondary Supervisor: Dr Stuart MacGowan
- PIPS Supervisor: Dr Andrew Croydon
- BSc Dissertation Supervisor: Prof Antonio Barbadilla