This template has the duty to be a bridge between the entity model and Diana to document collection. It has two classes DocumentTemplate
and DocumentTemplateAsync
, one for the synchronous and the other for the asynchronous work.
The DocumentTemplate
is the document template for the synchronous tasks. It has three components:
- DocumentEntityConverter: That converts an entity to communication API, e.g., The Person to DocumentEntity.
- DocumentCollectionManager: The Diana document collection entity manager.
- DocumentWorkflow: The workflow to update and save methods.
DocumentTemplate template = //instance
Person person = new Person();
person.setName("Artemis Good");
person.setPhones(Arrays.asList("55 11 94320121", "55 11 94320121"));
List<Person> people = Collections.singletonList(person);
Person personUpdated = template.insert(person);
template.insert(person, Duration.ofHours(1L));
To do both remove and retrieve information from document collection that uses the same Diana classes, namely, DocumentQuery and DocumentDeleteQuery.
DocumentQuery query = select().from("Person").where("address").eq("Olympus").build();
List<Person> peopleWhoLiveOnOlympus = template.find(query);
Optional<Person> artemis = template.singleResult(select().from("Person")
DocumentDeleteQuery deleteQuery = delete().from("Person").where("address").eq("Olympus").build();
To use a document template just follow the CDI style and put an @Inject
on the field.
private DocumentTemplate template;
The next step is to produce a DocumentCollectionManager:
public DocumentCollectionManager getManager() {
DocumentCollectionManager manager = //instance
return manager;
To work with more than one Document Template, there are two approaches:
1) Using qualifieres:
@Database(value = DatabaseType.DOCUMENT, provider = "databaseA")
private DocumentTemplate templateA;
@Database(value = DatabaseType.DOCUMENT, provider = "databaseB")
private DocumentTemplate templateB;
//producers methods
@Database(value = DatabaseType.DOCUMENT, provider = "databaseA")
public DocumentCollectionManager getManagerA() {
DocumentCollectionManager manager = //instance
return manager;
@Database(value = DatabaseType.DOCUMENT, provider = "databaseB")
public DocumentCollectionManager getManagerB() {
DocumentCollectionManager manager = //instance
return manager;
2) Using the DocumentTemplateProducer class
private DocumentTemplateProducer producer;
public void sample() {
DocumentCollectionManager managerA = //instance;
DocumentCollectionManager managerB = //instance
DocumentTemplate templateA = producer.get(managerA);
DocumentTemplate templateB = producer.get(managerB);
The DocumentTemplateAsync
is the document template for the asynchronous tasks. It has two components:
- DocumentEntityConverter: That converts an entity to communication API, e.g., The Person to DocumentEntity.
- DocumentCollectionManagerAsync: The Diana document collection entity manager asynchronous.
DocumentTemplateAsync templateAsync = //instance
Person person = new Person();
person.setName("Artemis Good");
person.setPhones(Arrays.asList("55 11 94320121", "55 11 94320121"));
List<Person> people = Collections.singletonList(person);
Consumer<Person> callback = p -> {};
templateAsync.insert(person, Duration.ofHours(1L));
templateAsync.insert(person, callback);
templateAsync.update(person, callback);
For information removal and retrieval are used the same classes from Diana for documents, DocumentQuery and DocumentDeleteQuery, respectively, also the callback method can be used.
Consumer<List<Person>> callBackPeople = p -> {};
Consumer<Void> voidCallBack = v ->{};
templateAsync.find(query, callBackPeople);
templateAsync.delete(deleteQuery, voidCallBack);
To use a document template just follow the CDI style and put an @Inject
on the field.
DocumentTemplateAsync template;
The next step is produced a DocumentCollectionManagerAsync:
public DocumentCollectionManagerAsync getManager() {
DocumentCollectionManagerAsync managerAsync = //instance
return manager;
To work with more than one Document Template, there are two approaches:
1) Using qualifieres:
@Database(value = DatabaseType.DOCUMENT, provider = "databaseA")
private DocumentTemplateAsync templateA;
@Database(value = DatabaseType.DOCUMENT, provider = "databaseB")
private DocumentTemplateAsync templateB;
//producers methods
@Database(value = DatabaseType.DOCUMENT, provider = "databaseA")
public DocumentCollectionManagerAsync getManagerA() {
DocumentCollectionManager manager = //instance
return manager;
@Database(value = DatabaseType.DOCUMENT, provider = "databaseB")
public DocumentCollectionManagerAsync getManagerB() {
DocumentCollectionManager manager = //instance
return manager;
2) Using the DocumentTemplateAsyncProducer
private DocumentTemplateAsyncProducer producer;
public void sample() {
DocumentCollectionManagerAsync managerA = //instance;
DocumentCollectionManagerAsync managerB = //instance
DocumentTemplateAsync templateA = producer.get(managerA);
DocumentTemplateAsync templateB = producer.get(managerB);