⚠️ This isn't a legal document and doesn't have any legal value.
We'll share 50% of our pure profit with contributors in the form of "Contributors" fund.
profit = revenue - taxes - fees - operational costs
Example: $10,000 revenue is ~$6k in profit. (15-20% GooglePlay fee, ~20% Bulgarian taxes, operational costs)
The money from the Contributors fund will be assigned as a bounty for paid
tasks. Each paid
task is labeled will "paid" and will continue bounty
, details & success criteria.
Contributors can show interest in the comments of a paid
tasks and @founders will approve and assign the task to a contributor.
Each task will have milestones and deadline. If the task is solved successfully and passes success criteria the bounty
will be paid to the contributor who solved it.
Tasks bounty while we are poor, will range between $10-$100.
🚧 All above is currently a big WIP and we're looking for your feedback and ideas.
How can we enable fair, win-win contributions so everyone is happy? If you have ideas please share your ideas in Ivy Wallet Telegram.