From 5faa8a6b70cd7ea6d01b04e06c4cd3f51a6d8c28 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: DGamerL <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2025 02:38:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/4] Just need to do verbs now
.../code/modules/mob/ | 268 ++++++++++++++++++
tgstation.dme | 1 +
2 files changed, 269 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 modular_iris/code/modules/mob/
diff --git a/modular_iris/code/modules/mob/ b/modular_iris/code/modules/mob/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..629d512bbfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modular_iris/code/modules/mob/
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+ name = "imaginary friend"
+ real_name = "imaginary friend"
+ desc = "A wonderful yet fake friend."
+ see_invisible = SEE_INVISIBLE_OBSERVER
+ stat = DEAD // Keep hearing ghosts and other IFs
+ see_in_dark = 8
+ move_on_shuttle = TRUE
+ var/aghosted_original_mob
+ var/icon/friend_image
+ var/image/current_image
+ var/hidden = FALSE
+ var/mob/living/owner
+ var/datum/action/innate/imaginary_orbit/orbit
+ var/datum/action/innate/imaginary_hide/hide
+ var/list/current_huds = list()
+ . = ..()
+ setup_friend()
+ update_image()
+ . = ..()
+ if(!QDELETED(src))
+ deactivate()
+/mob/eye/camera/imaginary_friend/Initialize(mapload, mob/_owner)
+ . = ..()
+ if(!owner || !owner.client)
+ owner = _owner
+ // TODO: find out if Iris has screentext in any form
+// owner.play_screen_text("An imaginary friend has appeared to help you!
The imaginary friend is an out of character aid for mentors to assist you. If someone asks you about it in character you can explain it as remembering something from the past, etc, but you are not insane.")
+ orbit = new
+ orbit.Grant(src)
+ hide = new
+ hide.Grant(src)
+/// gives the friend the correct name, gender and sets up their appearance
+ name = client.prefs.read_preference(/datum/preference/name)
+ real_name = name
+ gender = client.prefs.read_preference(/datum/preference/choiced/gender)
+ friend_image = get_flat_human_icon(null, client.prefs, outfit_override = /datum/outfit/job/assistant)
+/// makes the friend update their icon and appear to themselves and, if not hidden, the owner
+ if(!client)
+ return
+ owner.client?.images.Remove(current_image)
+ client.images.Remove(current_image)
+ current_image = image(friend_image, src, layer = MOB_LAYER, dir = dir)
+ current_image.override = TRUE
+ = name
+ if(hidden)
+ current_image.alpha = 150
+ if(!hidden && owner.client)
+ owner.client.images |= current_image
+ client.images |= current_image
+ if(owner)
+ owner.client?.images.Remove(friend_image)
+ client?.images.Remove(friend_image)
+ owner = null
+ current_image = null
+ friend_image = null
+ return ..()
+ set category = "Imaginary Friend"
+ set name = "Toggle Darkness"
+ switch(lighting_cutoff)
+ lighting_cutoff = LIGHTING_CUTOFF_MEDIUM
+ lighting_cutoff = LIGHTING_CUTOFF_HIGH
+ else
+ lighting_cutoff = LIGHTING_CUTOFF_VISIBLE
+ update_sight()
+ set category = "Imaginary Friend"
+ set name = "Toggle HUD"
+ var/hud_choice = tgui_input_list(usr, "Choose a HUD to toggle", "Toggle HUD prefs", list("Medical HUD", "Security HUD", "Squad HUD", "Xeno Status HUD", "Faction UPP HUD", "Faction Wey-Yu HUD", "Faction RESS HUD", "Faction CLF HUD"))
+ var/datum/atom_hud/hud
+ switch(hud_choice)
+ if("Medical HUD")
+ if("Security HUD")
+ if(hud_choice in current_huds)
+ hud.show_to(src)
+ current_huds -= hud_choice
+ else
+ hud.hide_from(src)
+ current_huds += hud_choice
+/mob/eye/camera/imaginary_friend/say(message, bubble_type, list/spans = list(), sanitize = TRUE, datum/language/language, ignore_spam = FALSE, forced)
+ if(!message)
+ return
+ if(client)
+ if(client.prefs.muted & MUTE_IC)
+ to_chat(src, span_danger("You cannot send IC messages (muted)."))
+ return
+ if(client.handle_spam_prevention(message, MUTE_IC))
+ return
+ message = capitalize(trim(copytext_char(sanitize(message), 1, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN)))
+ if(!message)
+ return
+ var/rendered = "[name] [say_quote(message)] \"[message]\""
+ // TODO: idk do something with dchat
+// var/dead_rendered = "[name] (imaginary friend of [owner]) [say_quote(message)] \"[message]\""
+ to_chat(owner, "[rendered]")
+ to_chat(src, "[rendered]")
+ create_chat_message(owner, language, message, spans)
+/// shows langchat and speech text to the owner and friend, and sends speech text to dchat
+ message = capitalize(trim(copytext_char(sanitize(message), 1, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN)))
+ if(!message)
+ return
+ var/rendered = "[name] [say_quote(message)] \"[message]\""
+ var/dead_rendered = "[name] (imaginary friend of [owner]) [say_quote(message)] \"[message]\""
+ to_chat(owner, "[rendered]")
+ to_chat(src, "[rendered]")
+ log_say("Imaginary Friend: [dead_rendered]")
+ if(!hidden)
+ var/list/send_to = list()
+ if(!owner.client?.prefs.lang_chat_disabled)
+ send_to += owner
+ if(!client?.prefs.lang_chat_disabled)
+ send_to += src
+ if(length(send_to))
+ langchat_speech(message, send_to, GLOB.all_languages, skip_language_check = TRUE)
+ //speech bubble
+ var/mutable_appearance/MA = mutable_appearance('icons/mob/effects/talk.dmi', src, "default[say_test(message)]", FLY_LAYER)
+ MA.appearance_flags = APPEARANCE_UI_IGNORE_ALPHA
+ INVOKE_ASYNC(GLOBAL_PROC, GLOBAL_PROC_REF(flick_overlay_to_clients), MA, owner.client ? list(client, owner.client) : list(client), 3 SECONDS)
+ for(var/mob/ghost as anything in GLOB.dead_mob_list)
+ if(isnewplayer(ghost) || src == ghost)
+ continue
+ var/link = "F"
+ to_chat(ghost, "[dead_rendered] ([link])")
+/mob/eye/camera/imaginary_friend/Move(newloc, Dir = 0)
+ if(world.time < move_delay)
+ return FALSE
+ if(get_dist(src, owner) > 9)
+ recall()
+ move_delay = world.time + 10
+ return FALSE
+ forceMove(newloc)
+ move_delay = world.time + 1
+ dir = get_dir(get_turf(src), destination)
+ loc = destination
+ update_image()
+ orbiting?.end_orbit(src)
+ . = ..()
+ // pixel_y = -2
+ animate(src, pixel_y = 0, time = 10, loop = -1)
+/// returns the friend to the owner
+ if(QDELETED(owner))
+ deactivate()
+ return FALSE
+ if(orbit_target == owner)
+ orbiting?.end_orbit(src)
+ return FALSE
+ if(!hidden)
+ hide.Trigger()
+ dir = SOUTH
+ update_image()
+ orbit(owner)
+/// logs the imaginary friend's removal, ghosts them and cleans up the friend
+ log_admin("[key_name(src)] stopped being imaginary friend of [key_name(owner)].")
+ message_admins("[key_name_admin(src)] stopped being imaginary friend of [key_name_admin(owner)].")
+ ghostize(TRUE, TRUE)
+ qdel(src)
+/mob/eye/camera/imaginary_friend/ghostize(can_reenter_corpse = FALSE, aghosted = FALSE)
+ if(QDELING(src))
+ return
+ icon = friend_image
+ mouse_opacity = MOUSE_OPACITY_ICON
+ var/mob/ghost = ..()
+ if(ghost?.mind)
+ ghost.mind.original_character = aghosted_original_mob
+ return ghost
+ name = "Orbit"
+ button_icon_state = "joinmob"
+ . = ..()
+ var/mob/eye/camera/imaginary_friend/friend = owner
+ friend.recall()
+ name = "Hide"
+ button_icon_state = "hidemob"
+ . = ..()
+ var/mob/eye/camera/imaginary_friend/friend = owner
+ if(friend.hidden)
+ friend.hidden = FALSE
+ friend.update_image()
+ name = "Hide"
+ button_icon_state = "hidemob"
+ else
+ friend.hidden = TRUE
+ friend.update_image()
+ name = "Show"
+ button_icon_state = "unhidemob"
+ build_button_icon()
diff --git a/tgstation.dme b/tgstation.dme
index 14e36f70ab5..e7233202456 100644
--- a/tgstation.dme
+++ b/tgstation.dme
@@ -6602,6 +6602,7 @@
#include "modular_iris\code\modules\blooper\"
#include "modular_iris\code\modules\blooper\"
#include "modular_iris\code\modules\blooper\"
+#include "modular_iris\code\modules\mob\"
#include "modular_iris\code\modules\mob\dead\new_player\"
#include "modular_iris\maps\biodome\"
#include "modular_iris\maps\biodome\"
From 1940ce33120b140577898484c2070bde66d0d83f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: DGamerL <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2025 03:07:41 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Verbs and mentor stuff
code/__DEFINES/ | 3 +-
code/__DEFINES/ | 2 +
.../code/modules/mob/ | 49 +++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/code/__DEFINES/ b/code/__DEFINES/
index 3e6a48ed561..aea1d57cf47 100644
--- a/code/__DEFINES/
+++ b/code/__DEFINES/
@@ -43,10 +43,11 @@
#define R_SPAWN (1<<12)
#define R_AUTOADMIN (1<<13)
#define R_DBRANKS (1<<14)
+#define R_MENTOR (1<< 15)
-#define R_EVERYTHING (1<<15)-1 //the sum of all other rank permissions, used for +EVERYTHING
+#define R_EVERYTHING (1<<23)-1 //the sum of all other rank permissions, used for +EVERYTHING
#define ADMIN_QUE(user) "(?)"
#define ADMIN_FLW(user) "(FLW)"
diff --git a/code/__DEFINES/ b/code/__DEFINES/
index ae8c75b0588..4514aeea28f 100644
--- a/code/__DEFINES/
+++ b/code/__DEFINES/
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ _ADMIN_VERB(verb_path_name, verb_permissions, verb_name, verb_desc, verb_categor
+// IRIS EDIT: mentor category
+#define ADMIN_CATEGORY_MENTOR "Mentor" // slightly scuffed
// Visibility flags
diff --git a/modular_iris/code/modules/mob/ b/modular_iris/code/modules/mob/
index 629d512bbfc..4bfcdb62f45 100644
--- a/modular_iris/code/modules/mob/
+++ b/modular_iris/code/modules/mob/
@@ -266,3 +266,52 @@
button_icon_state = "unhidemob"
+// MARK: Verb
+ADMIN_VERB(imaginary_friend, R_MENTOR, "Imaginary friend", "Become an imaginary friend.", ADMIN_CATEGORY_MENTOR)
+ user.holder.imaginary_friend()
+ BLACKBOX_LOG_ADMIN_VERB("Imaginary friend")
+ var/mob/user = usr
+ if(istype(user, /mob/eye/camera/imaginary_friend))
+ var/mob/eye/camera/imaginary_friend/friend = user
+ friend.deactivate()
+ return
+ if(!isobserver(user))
+ to_chat(user, span_warning("Can only become an imaginary friend while observing or aghosted."))
+ return
+ var/mob/living/befriended_mob
+ switch(tgui_input_list(user, "Select by:", "Imaginary Friend", list("Key", "Mob")))
+ if("Key")
+ var/client/selected_client = tgui_input_list(user, "Select a key", "Imaginary Friend", GLOB.clients)
+ if(!selected_client)
+ return
+ befriended_mob = selected_client.mob
+ if("Mob")
+ var/list/cliented_mobs = GLOB.mob_living_list.Copy()
+ for(var/mob/checking_mob as anything in cliented_mobs)
+ if(checking_mob.client)
+ continue
+ cliented_mobs -= checking_mob
+ var/mob/selected_mob = tgui_input_list(user, "Select a mob", "Imaginary Friend", cliented_mobs)
+ if(!selected_mob)
+ return
+ befriended_mob = selected_mob
+ if(!isobserver(user))
+ return
+ if(!istype(befriended_mob))
+ return
+ var/mob/eye/camera/imaginary_friend/friend = new(get_turf(befriended_mob), befriended_mob)
+ friend.aghosted_original_mob = user.mind?.original_character
+ user.mind.transfer_to(friend)
+ log_admin("[key_name(friend)] started being imaginary friend of [key_name(befriended_mob)].")
+ message_admins("[key_name_admin(friend)] started being imaginary friend of [key_name_admin(befriended_mob)].")
From abf682a7bb7a7fc70d8e345e0fd9a1f854731cfe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: DGamerL <>
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2025 03:34:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 3/4] Small fix
modular_iris/code/modules/mob/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/modular_iris/code/modules/mob/ b/modular_iris/code/modules/mob/
index 4bfcdb62f45..132c0949353 100644
--- a/modular_iris/code/modules/mob/
+++ b/modular_iris/code/modules/mob/
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
mouse_opacity = MOUSE_OPACITY_ICON
var/mob/ghost = ..()
- ghost.mind.original_character = aghosted_original_mob
+ ghost.mind.original_character = WEAKREF(aghosted_original_mob)
return ghost
From cbec31ac27271bce53b06e1176e34666f56718da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: DGamerL <>
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2025 16:06:48 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Update code/__DEFINES/
code/__DEFINES/ | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/code/__DEFINES/ b/code/__DEFINES/
index aea1d57cf47..6257684e17e 100644
--- a/code/__DEFINES/
+++ b/code/__DEFINES/
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
#define R_SPAWN (1<<12)
#define R_AUTOADMIN (1<<13)
#define R_DBRANKS (1<<14)
-#define R_MENTOR (1<< 15)
+#define R_MENTOR (1<<15)