is a Source that reads text files from path
directory as they appear. It uses LongOffset
It is used by DataSource.createSource for FileFormat .
You can provide the schema of the data and dataFrameBuilder
- the function to build a DataFrame
in getBatch at instantiation time.
// NOTE The source directory must exist
// mkdir text-logs
val df = spark.readStream
.option("maxFilesPerTrigger", 1)
scala> df.printSchema
|-- value: string (nullable = true)
Batches are indexed.
It lives in org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
val schema = StructType(
StructField("id", LongType, nullable = false) ::
StructField("name", StringType, nullable = false) ::
StructField("score", DoubleType, nullable = false) :: Nil)
// You should have input-json directory available
val in = spark.readStream
val input = in.transform { ds =>
println("transform executed") // <-- it's going to be executed once only
scala> input.isStreaming
res9: Boolean = true
It tracks already-processed files in seenFiles
hash map.
Enable Add the following line to
Refer to Logging. |
option specifies the maximum number of files per trigger (batch). It limits the file stream source to read the maxFilesPerTrigger
number of files specified at a time and hence enables rate limiting.
It allows for a static set of files be used like a stream for testing as the file set is processed maxFilesPerTrigger
number of files at a time.
If the schema is specified at instantiation time (using optional dataSchema
constructor parameter) it is returned.
Otherwise, fetchAllFiles
internal method is called to list all the files in a directory.
When there is at least one file the schema is calculated using dataFrameBuilder
constructor parameter function. Else, an IllegalArgumentException("No schema specified")
is thrown unless it is for text provider (as providerName
constructor parameter) where the default schema with a single value
column of type StringType
is assumed.
text as the value of providerName constructor parameter denotes text file stream provider.
The maximum offset (getOffset
) is calculated by fetching all the files in path
excluding files that start with _
When computing the maximum offset using getOffset
, you should see the following DEBUG message in the logs:
DEBUG Listed ${files.size} in ${(endTime.toDouble - startTime) / 1000000}ms
When computing the maximum offset using getOffset
, it also filters out the files that were already seen (tracked in seenFiles
internal registry).
You should see the following DEBUG message in the logs (depending on the status of a file):
new file: $file
// or
old file: $file
asks metadataLog for the batch.
You should see the following INFO and DEBUG messages in the logs:
INFO Processing ${files.length} files from ${startId + 1}:$endId
DEBUG Streaming ${files.mkString(", ")}
The method to create a result batch is given at instantiation time (as dataFrameBuilder
constructor parameter).