Releases: IntellectualSites/fastasyncvoxelsniper
Releases · IntellectualSites/fastasyncvoxelsniper
💥 Breaking changes
- refactor!: Update group Id to
@NotMyFault (#165)
This release is not deployed to and serves the sole purpose to start the sync process for the new group Id at the central repository.
✨ Features
- Register our alias to the command map @NotMyFault (#138)
📦 Dependency updates
14 changes
- Update Paper to 1.18.2 @NotMyFault (#159)
- build: Update com.fastasyncworldedit to v2.1.1 @renovate (#158)
- build: Update dependency gradle to v7.4.2 @renovate (#157)
- build: Update dependency gradle to v7.4.1 @renovate (#155)
- build: Update com.fastasyncworldedit to v2.1.0 @renovate (#156)
- build: Update actions/checkout action to v3 @renovate (#153)
- build: Update actions/setup-java action to v3 @renovate (#152)
- build: Update dependency gradle to v7.4 @renovate (#148)
- build: Update release-drafter/release-drafter action to v5.18.1 @renovate (#147)
- build: Update org.bstats to v3 (major) @renovate (#145)
- build: Update dependency com.intellectualsites.paster:Paster to v1.1.4 @renovate (#144)
- build: Update com.fastasyncworldedit to v2.0.1 @renovate (#143)
- build: Update release-drafter/release-drafter action to v5.17.6 @renovate (#142)
- build: Update release-drafter/release-drafter action to v5.17.5 @renovate (#140)
✨ Features
- Added option to disable the update notifications @StealWonders (#132)
✅ Chore
- chore: Address Fawe's
deprecation @NotMyFault (#129) - Build against FAWE 2.0.0 and reuse WE's log manager @NotMyFault (#127)
📦 Dependency updates
- build: Update dependency org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api to v2.17.1 @renovate (#133)
- build: Update plugin shadow to v7.1.2 @renovate (#134)
- build: Update actions/setup-java action to v2.5.0 @renovate (#131)
- build: Update dependency gradle to v7.3.3 @renovate (#130)
- build: Update dependency org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api to v2.17.0 @renovate (#126)
- build: Update actions/checkout action to v2.4.0 @renovate (#124)
- build: Update actions/setup-java action to v2.4.0 @renovate (#125)
- build: Update dependency gradle to v7.3.2 @renovate (#122)
- build: Update plugin shadow to v7.1.1 @renovate (#123)
- build: Update dependency com.intellectualsites.paster:Paster to v1.1.3 @renovate (#121)
- build: Update dependency org.apache.logging.log4j:log4j-api to v2.16.0 @renovate (#114)
- build: Update plugin pluginyml to v0.5.1 @renovate (#111)
- build: Update plugin grgit to v4.1.1 @renovate (#110)
- build: Update dependency gradle to v7.3.1 @renovate (#109)
- build: Update dependency io.papermc:paperlib to v1.0.7 @renovate (#107)
FastAsyncVoxelSniper v2.2.5
✨ Features
- feat: Add update notifications @NotMyFault (#96)
🧭 Changes
- Displays syntax errors in a better way @NotMyFault (#99)
- chore: Replace java logging with Log4J @NotMyFault (#94)
📦 Dependency updates
- build: Update dependency org.jetbrains:annotations to v23 @renovate (#104)
- chore: Update com.fastasyncworldedit to v1.17-396 @renovate (#102)
- chore: Update dependency gradle to v7.3 @renovate (#103)
- chore: Update plugin shadow to v7.1.0 @renovate (#91)
- chore: Update dependency dev.notmyfault.serverlib:ServerLib to v2.3.1 @renovate (#89)
📝 Documentation updates
- docs: Move to org level templates @NotMyFault (#95)
Release 2.2.4
FastAsyncVoxelSniper v2.2.4
🐛 Fixes
- build: Don't build non shadowed jar @NotMyFault (#85)
- fix: Fix Stamp Brush @JollyajaX (#84)
🧭 Changes
- Update @Aurelien30000 (#87)
- feat: Increase max brush size to a reasonable number @NotMyFault (#86)
FastAsyncVoxelSniper v2.2.3
🐛 Fixes
- fix: Fix issues with
/b eb melt
@Aurelien30000 (#77)
✨ Features
- style: Do
validation on compile time @NotMyFault (#76) - Add
/vs debugpaste
@NotMyFault (#73)
🧭 Changes
- ci: Add support for gh workflow deployment to the OSSRH @NotMyFault (#75)
📦 Dependency updates
- Fixed "default-message-on-login" being inverted initial config setup.
- Fixed deployment of javadoc jar.
- Fixed erodeblend not knowing about tab completion of snipers like melt, fill, smooth, lift and floatclean.
- The default sniper that used to create 1 depth holes is no longer assigned by default. FAVS wont attempt to place or remove blocks until you assign a sniper to your toolkit.
- Added information at erodeblend what the presets melt, fill, smooth, lift and floatclean contain.
- Added a config option "persist-session-on-logout" to determine whether FAVS should clean up the user's snipers on logout or within the next reboot.