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File metadata and controls

142 lines (98 loc) · 7.4 KB

How to map?


The Distrochooser data model describes as follows:

  • Translateable objects have a catalogue_id attribute, which is used in the translation as a search key
  • A distribution is a Choosable, which can have multiple ChoosableMeta objects, which define a specified property of the entry.
  • Each displayed page is a Page object, which is related to one Category object, which controls the navigation
  • Each page can have multiple Widget objects (which can also be inherited ones from Widget), which are aligned in a row/ col/ width structure
  • For SelectionWidgets, they have a topic which is used to map the answers Facettes
  • Each Facette should point to FacetteAssignments, which map a descriptive text in a defined way ("blocking", "negative", "neutral", "positive") to the selected answer (this is the decision part)
  • A Facette can have FacetteBehaviours, which can be triggered when answers might exclude themselves. FacetteBehaviours have a severity from warning to critical to be displayed in the UI. FacetteBehaviour are optional.
  • Each selected answer is a FacetteSelection and is part of a Session

Where does the decision matrix comes from?

The matrix is defined in the /doc/matrix/toml folder. Basically everything is defined in TOML-files. The Id's of the elements are used as catalogue_id mentioned earlier and are used to reference objects.

Important: If you introduce new mappings keep in mind that the translation requires updating as well!

Folder structure of /doc/matrix/toml/

folder description
assignments The mapping itself to bind facettes to choosables
choosables The distributions and it's meta information
facettes Contains answers to map to questions, referred by a topic
pages Contains defintion for each questionaire page, including it's structure, widgets etc.
version Defines questionaire versions to hide certain pages from the use (e. g. to realize simplified questionaire editions)

Recommendations: Mapping strictness

In general, distributions should be "open towards generic". E. g. a distribution for beginners should receive positive mappings for answers like "I am a beginner", while mappings for "I am a professional" will either receive no or only neutral mappings. To keep translations and update effort as small as possible, neutral mappings should only be used if there is a informational benefit for the user to display this texts.

Example: Update a distribution mapping or introduce a new distribution

In this example, we want to add the mapping of the question I want to game of the distribution Debian.

Step 1: Identify the desired distribution in choosable.toml (it's defined as a choosable)

catalogue_id="debian" <-- This is the value you are looking for!

You are introducing a new distribution? You can also add meta blocks. This meta blocks have a type and a name, which is fixed. The meta blocks are optional, but help to improve the user expierience.

The combination between type and name is fixed (it may be merged into one field at some point)

Type Name Description
link website The website to the distributions homepage
flag country An country flag. The flags are displayed using, so your language code should match ISO 3166-1-alpha-2 as seen on
date age The starting date of the distribution project

An complete distribution block can look like this and should be placed inside the choosables.toml files:


Step 2: Identify the question and facette, it is defined in on of the toml files in the facettes folder. Each file represents the facettes for a question.

In this example, the file scenario.toml is the wanted file. Within this file, you can find the desired facette. The identifier after facette. represents it's translation key, you can find these keys in the translation files aswell, if you want to search based on known translation strings.

[facette.gaming-usage] <-- This is the important key.
topic = "scenario" <-- This is the mapping to a question widget with the topic "scenario"

You are adding a new distribution? You will need to add mappings for all answer facettes, based on the distribution characteristics. For this, you can iterate the files from facettes/

Step 3: Create the assignment

  • Locate the assigments.toml file (recommendation for new distributions: Introduce new files, e. g. /assignments/my-distro.toml)
  • Find if the key of the facette is already present. Facettes are referred in this way: from = ["<facette key>"]. Keep in mind that facettes can have different directions, based on the attribute how.
  • If no facette is existing, add your new facette to the file:
[] <-- this is an internal descriptor. Should be alphanumeric, can have hyphens
long_description = "my-matrix-addition" <-- This is the key for the translation
from = ["gaming-usage"] <-- This is the facette
to = ["debian"] <-- This is the choosable ID
how = "positive" <-- This is the mapping value (see below)

The value of how can be either:

The defined weight on the how values might change at some point. The currently valid values can bee derived from AssignmentType.get_score()

  • positive - Results in +1 point at calculation
  • negative - Results in -1 point at calculation
  • neutral - Results in 0 points at calculation (but will be added to the reasons, e. g. for informational purposes)
  • blocking - Results in -100 points at calculation

Added new files? If you introduce a new TOML file, make sure you add this file into the include list inside the file matrix.toml: #include <relativepath.toml>. Make sure that following order is preserved: 1. versions/ 2. pages/ 3. facettes/ 4. choosables/ 5. assignments/

Step 4: Add translation values

If your assingment(s) long_description fields are not already present within the translations, it must be added to them. It's recommeded to start with en-<scope>.json as the start point. E. g. if you introduced an assignment, add values into facetteassignment-en.json. Same applies for facettes, choosables, pages or UI changes (ui-<lang>.json).

The mapping is already exhausting task. For this we will focus for the moment on having the translation complete in the en.json file, adding the translations for other languages at a secondary task, done by me or other focused contributors.

Step 5: Test your changes

Use the command python parse ../../doc/matrix/toml/matrix.toml --wipe to reimport everything. It is recommended to use the --wipe flag, as this will clear the database before importing.

If you have empty screens after importing, clear the session cookie in the browser.

Step 6: All good? Commit them

Definition of done in short:

  1. Pull Request with changes in distrochooser: /doc/matrix/toml/
  2. If required: Pull request with changes in translations: *-en.json files
  3. Your PR should feature some descriptive text about your changes

Thank you!