To add a new account type, you will have to create a few classes which have a dedicated purpose in the application. For inspiration, take a look at the mastodon directory for an example.
- General class: general functionality and features
- Reader class: parsing responses, endpoints etc
- Post class: creating and deleting posts etc
- Auth class: syncing accounts and revoking tokens
Base classes are available which handle some default cases.
The Factory classes will need to be updated so your new account type can be detected:
- GeneralFactory
- ReaderFactory
- PostFactory
- AuthFactory
The authentication dance for a new account type is managed in This code will be updated in the future to become more abstract so more functions can be moved to the respective account type auth class.
An authenticator (service) needs to create and registered in the Manifest. You can use the BaseAuthenticator class which handles most of the classes.