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354 lines (252 loc) · 7.99 KB

File metadata and controls

354 lines (252 loc) · 7.99 KB


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See demo here DocketWiki


DocketWiki is simple and static documentation for your project or knowledge base

DocketWiki based on MD-files without Database

You do not need powerfull server, database and difficult settings to start

Download archive, upload and unzip on your server. That's all

Based on ParseDown and ParseDown Extra by Emanuil Rusev

Full support of HTML tags and markdown

How To

Getting Started

Before you start, check requirements page


The DocketWiki has a few system requirements.

You should ensure that your web server has the following minimum PHP version and extensions:

  • PHP >= 7.0
  • Fileinfo PHP Extension
  • JSON PHP Extension
  • No database needed!


Unpack .zip-file into your webserver folder.

That's all!

Files, Directories and Structure of DocketWiki

  • assets folder contains custom styles, scripts, images and other resources for project
    • css folder contains styles
    • js folder contains custom java-script files
    • favicon folder contains favicons
    • icons folder contains icons for menu
  • documents folder contains all your MD-files
    • errors folder contains templates for error-pages
  • classes folder contains project classes
  • libs folder contains additional third-party libs
  • layouts folder contains templates for view
    • sidebar folder contains sidebar views
    • template folder contains main views
  • index.php entry point of all project
  • .htaccess rules and conditions for webserver
  • config.json configuration file
  • config_example.json additional example of configuration file


All settings of your DocketWiki placed on config.json at root-folder

You can use config.json of this demo or rename config_example.json and place your changes.

Config structure

Config contain:

  • Main Wiki settings
  • Sidebar navigation settings

Main settings

First block of settings contain next code:

"version": "1.0.0",
"wiki_name": "DocketWiki",
"wiki_root_url": "/wiki/",
"start_page": "about",

where is:

  • version of your Wiki
  • wiki_name name of your Wiki
  • wiki_root_url place '/' if it is root folder, or '/folder_name/' if it is a subfolder of existing website
  • start_page place started url of your Wiki

Sidebar navigation settings

Sidebar navigation settings contain an array with all menu-items like this:

         "name":"How To"
         "name":"Getting Started",

where is:

  • sidebar - root node for sidebar settings. required.
  • menu - root node for menu settings. required.
  • menu sub-nodes can be tow types: simple menu-item with icon, text and bubble or subtitle-text
Subtitle item

Subtitle item - simple text without links, icons etc.

   "name":"How To"
  • type - type of item. required.
  • name - text of item. required.
Menu item

Menu item - link to page of DocketWiki

   "name":"Getting Started",
   "bubble": "success",
   "bubble_text": "some text"
  • type - type of item. required.
  • icon - icon of item. you can choose icon on Icons page of this DocketWiki
  • name - text of item. required.
  • url - url-link of item. required.
  • bubble - bubble-type of item. can be success, warning, danger, info and idle
  • bubble_text - bubble-text of item.



# Heading H1
## Heading H2
### Heading H3
#### Heading H4
##### Heading H5
###### Heading H6

Texts and other


You can create a new paragraph by leaving a blank line between lines of text.

Styling text

Main styles of text do you need below:

Style Syntax Example Output
Bold ** ** ** Bold text ** ** Bold text **
Italic * * * Italic text * * Italic text *
Strikethrough ~~ ~~ ~~ Mistaken text ~~ Mistaken text
Bold and nested italic ** ** and _ _ ** Bold and _ italic _ text ** ** Bold and italic text **
All bold and italic *** *** *** Totaly bold and italic *** *** Totaly bold and italic ***


How to use:

> Something important or not important

Code block

To format code or text into its own distinct block, use triple backticks

  ``` Place your code here ```


How to use:

[link text](link url)


How to use:

Some text with footnote[^1].
Do not forget[^2] place the footnote!  


Unordered list

- List item 1
- List item 2
- List item 3

Ordered list

1. List item 1
2. List item 2
3. List item 3

Nested list

You can create nested list:

1. First list item
   - First nested list item
     - Second nested list item


Standart table using like this:

| Worker   | Salary  |
| ---      | ---     |
| James    | 1 200 $ |
| Anton    | 1 440 $ |


How to use:

![There is an image](


DocketWiki exists some custom alerts


<p class="notice notice--info">
Notice Text

Available types of notices:

  • notice
  • notice notice--success
  • notice notice--warning
  • notice notice--danger
  • notice notice--info


If you want to hide some content into accordeon, you can place this code:


  <summary>Accordeon: Show and Hide</summary>

  Some hided content



DocketWiki uses Feather Icon Pack for styling your sidebar-menu.

HTML tags

DocketWiki has full support of custom HTML-tags

You can place something like this:

<a href="#url">Custom a-tag link</a>