diff --git a/model/dao/ProjectDAO/PostgreSQLProjectDAO.php b/model/dao/ProjectDAO/PostgreSQLProjectDAO.php
index f763498e1..ba82c54fa 100644
--- a/model/dao/ProjectDAO/PostgreSQLProjectDAO.php
+++ b/model/dao/ProjectDAO/PostgreSQLProjectDAO.php
@@ -482,70 +482,137 @@ public function getByDescription(string $desc): ?int
* @param ProjectVO $projectVO the {@link ProjectVO} with the data we want to update on database.
* @param array $update an array with flags for updating or not the different fields.
- * @return int the number of rows that have been affected (it should be 1).
- * @throws {@link SQLQueryErrorException}
+ * @return OperationResult the result {@link OperationResult} with information about operation status
public function partialUpdate(ProjectVO $projectVO, $update) {
- $affectedRows = 0;
+ $result = new OperationResult(false);
- if($projectVO->getId() != "") {
- $currProjectVO = $this->getById($projectVO->getId());
+ $sql = "UPDATE project SET ";
+ if ($update['activation'])
+ $sql .= "activation=:activation, ";
+ if ($update['init'])
+ $sql .= "init=:init, ";
+ if ($update['end'])
+ $sql .= "_end=:end, ";
+ if ($update['invoice'])
+ $sql .= "invoice=:invoice, ";
+ if ($update['estHours'])
+ $sql .= "est_hours=:est_hours, ";
+ if ($update['areaId'])
+ $sql .= "areaid=:areaid, ";
+ if ($update['customerId'])
+ $sql .= "customerid=:customerid, ";
+ if ($update['description'])
+ $sql .= "description=:description, ";
+ if ($update['type'])
+ $sql .= "type=:type, ";
+ if ($update['movHours'])
+ $sql .= "moved_hours=:moved_hours, ";
+ if ($update['schedType'])
+ $sql .= "sched_type=:sched_type, ";
+ if (strlen($sql) == strlen("UPDATE project SET ")) {
+ $result->setIsSuccessful(true);
+ $result->setMessage('No changes.');
+ $result->setResponseCode(200);
+ return $result;
- // If the query returned a row then update
- if (!is_null($currProjectVO)) {
+ // remove the last comma
+ $sql = substr($sql, 0, -2);
+ $sql .= " WHERE id=:id";
- $sql = "UPDATE project SET ";
+ $initDateFormatted = (is_null($projectVO->getInit())) ? null : DBPostgres::formatDate($projectVO->getInit());
+ $endDateFormatted = (is_null($projectVO->getEnd())) ? null : DBPostgres::formatDate($projectVO->getEnd());
+ try {
+ $statement = $this->pdo->prepare($sql);
+ $statement->bindValue(":id", $projectVO->getId(), PDO::PARAM_INT);
if ($update['activation'])
- $sql .= "activation=" . DBPostgres::boolToString($projectVO->getActivation()) . ", ";
+ $statement->bindValue(":activation", $projectVO->getActivation(), PDO::PARAM_BOOL);
if ($update['init'])
- $sql .= "init=" . DBPostgres::formatDate($projectVO->getInit()) . ", ";
+ $statement->bindValue(":init", $initDateFormatted, PDO::PARAM_STR);
if ($update['end'])
- $sql .= "_end=" . DBPostgres::formatDate($projectVO->getEnd()) . ", ";
+ $statement->bindValue(":end", $endDateFormatted, PDO::PARAM_STR);
if ($update['invoice'])
- $sql .= "invoice=" . DBPostgres::checkNull($projectVO->getInvoice()) . ", ";
+ $statement->bindValue(":invoice", $projectVO->getInvoice(), PDO::PARAM_STR);
if ($update['estHours'])
- $sql .= "est_hours=" . DBPostgres::checkNull($projectVO->getEstHours()) . ", ";
+ $statement->bindValue(":est_hours", $projectVO->getEstHours(), PDO::PARAM_STR);
if ($update['areaId'])
- $sql .= "areaid=" . DBPostgres::checkNull($projectVO->getAreaId()) . ", ";
+ $statement->bindValue(":areaid", $projectVO->getAreaId(), PDO::PARAM_INT);
if ($update['customerId'])
- $sql .= "customerid=" . DBPostgres::checkNull($projectVO->getCustomerId()) . ", ";
+ $statement->bindValue(":customerid", $projectVO->getCustomerId(), PDO::PARAM_INT);
if ($update['description'])
- $sql .= "description=" . DBPostgres::checkStringNull($projectVO->getDescription()) . ", ";
+ $statement->bindValue(":description", $projectVO->getDescription(), PDO::PARAM_STR);
if ($update['type'])
- $sql .= "type=" . DBPostgres::checkStringNull($projectVO->getType()) . ", ";
+ $statement->bindValue(":type", $projectVO->getType(), PDO::PARAM_STR);
if ($update['movHours'])
- $sql .= "moved_hours=" . DBPostgres::checkNull($projectVO->getMovedHours()) . ", ";
+ $statement->bindValue(":moved_hours", $projectVO->getMovedHours(), PDO::PARAM_STR);
if ($update['schedType'])
- $sql .= "sched_type=" . DBPostgres::checkStringNull($projectVO->getSchedType());
- if (strlen($sql) == strlen("UPDATE project SET "))
- return NULL;
+ $statement->bindValue(":sched_type", $projectVO->getSchedType(), PDO::PARAM_STR);
- $last = strrpos($sql, ",");
+ $statement->execute();
- if ($last == (strlen($sql) - 2))
- $sql = substr($sql, 0, -2);
+ $result->setIsSuccessful(true);
+ $result->setMessage('Project created successfully.');
+ $result->setResponseCode(200);
+ }
+ catch (PDOException $ex) {
+ //make sure to log the error as a failure, but return the OperationResult object
+ //successfully so that front end can see error and fail gracefully
+ $errorMessage = $ex->getMessage();
+ error_log('Project update failed: ' . $errorMessage);
+ $result->setErrorNumber($ex->getCode());
+ $resultMessage = "Project update failed: \n";
- $sql .= " WHERE id=".$projectVO->getId();
+ if (strpos($errorMessage, "Foreign key violation")){
+ if (strpos($errorMessage, "customerid")) {
+ $resultMessage .= "Assigned customer does not exist.";
+ }
+ else if (strpos($errorMessage,"areaid")) {
+ $resultMessage .= "Assigned area does not exist.";
+ }
+ }
+ else if (strpos($errorMessage, "Not null violation")) {
+ if (strpos($errorMessage,"areaid")) {
+ $resultMessage .= "Area is null. Please choose area.";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //if not a predictable error like FK/null violation, just return the native error code and message
+ $resultMessage .= $errorMessage;
+ }
- $res = pg_query($this->connect, $sql);
- if ($res == NULL) throw new SQLQueryErrorException(pg_last_error());
- $affectedRows = pg_affected_rows($res);
+ $result->setMessage($resultMessage);
+ $result->setIsSuccessful(false);
+ $result->setResponseCode(500);
- return $affectedRows;
+ return $result;
/** Project updater for PostgreSQL.
diff --git a/model/facade/ProjectsFacade.php b/model/facade/ProjectsFacade.php
index e0ad76810..019ae0ef1 100644
--- a/model/facade/ProjectsFacade.php
+++ b/model/facade/ProjectsFacade.php
@@ -284,15 +284,11 @@ static function UpdateProject(ProjectVO $project) {
* @param ProjectVO $task the Project value object we want to update.
* @param array $update the updating flags of the Project VO.
- * @return int it just indicates if there was any error (-1) or not (0).
- * @throws {@link SQLQueryErrorException}
+ * @return OperationResult the result {@link OperationResult} with information about operation status
static function PartialUpdateProject(ProjectVO $project, $update) {
- $action = new PartialUpdateProjectAction($project, $update);
- return $action->execute();
+ $action = new PartialUpdateProjectAction($project, $update);
+ return $action->execute();
/** Partial Update Projects Function
@@ -302,17 +298,13 @@ static function PartialUpdateProject(ProjectVO $project, $update) {
* @param array $projects the Project value objects we want to update.
* @param array $updates the updating flag arrays of the Project VOs.
- * @return int it just indicates if there was any error (-1) or not (0).
- * @throws {@link SQLQueryErrorException}
+ * @return array OperationResult the array of results {@link OperationResult} with information about operation status.
static function PartialUpdateProjects($projects, $updates) {
- foreach((array)$projects as $i=>$project)
- if ((ProjectsFacade::PartialUpdateProject($project, $updates[$i])) == -1)
- return -1;
- return 0;
+ $operationResults = [];
+ foreach ((array) $projects as $i=>$project)
+ $operationResults[] = ProjectsFacade::PartialUpdateProject($project, $updates[$i]);
+ return $operationResults;
/** GetProjectsByCustomerUserLogin Function
diff --git a/model/facade/action/PartialUpdateProjectAction.php b/model/facade/action/PartialUpdateProjectAction.php
index cd319606e..e27695acb 100644
--- a/model/facade/action/PartialUpdateProjectAction.php
+++ b/model/facade/action/PartialUpdateProjectAction.php
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
include_once(PHPREPORT_ROOT . '/model/facade/action/Action.php');
include_once(PHPREPORT_ROOT . '/model/dao/DAOFactory.php');
include_once(PHPREPORT_ROOT . '/model/vo/ProjectVO.php');
+include_once(PHPREPORT_ROOT . '/model/OperationResult.php');
/** Partial Update Project Action
@@ -77,17 +78,11 @@ public function __construct(ProjectVO $project, $update) {
* This is the function that contains the code that updates the Project on persistent storing.
- * @return int it just indicates if there was any error (-1) or not (0).
+ * @return OperationResult the result {@link OperationResult} with information about operation status
protected function doExecute() {
$dao = DAOFactory::getProjectDAO();
- if ($dao->partialUpdate($this->project, $this->update)!=1) {
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
+ return $dao->partialUpdate($this->project, $this->update);
diff --git a/web/services/updateProjectsService.php b/web/services/updateProjectsService.php
index bbe25e665..32a8ffd09 100644
--- a/web/services/updateProjectsService.php
+++ b/web/services/updateProjectsService.php
@@ -66,7 +66,19 @@
$projectVO = new ProjectVO();
- $update = array();
+ $update = array(
+ "activation" => false,
+ "init" => false,
+ "end" => false,
+ "invoice" => false,
+ "estHours" => false,
+ "description" => false,
+ "areaId" => false,
+ "customerId" => false,
+ "type" => false,
+ "movedHours" => false,
+ "schedType" => false
+ );
@@ -226,11 +238,19 @@
- if (count($updateProjects) >= 1)
- if (ProjectsFacade::PartialUpdateProjects($updateProjects, $updates) == -1)
- $string = "There was some error while updating the projects";
+ $operationResults = ProjectsFacade::PartialUpdateProjects($updateProjects, $updates);
+ $errors = array_filter($operationResults, function ($item) {
+ return (!$item->getIsSuccessful());
+ });
+ if ($errors) {
+ //if multiple failures, let's just return a 500
+ http_response_code(500);
+ $string = "";
+ foreach ($errors as $result) {
+ $string .= "" . $result->getMessage() . "";
+ }
+ $string .= "";
+ }
if (!isset($string))
$string = "Operation Success!";