A year befor I had had to stay at home for Online-Classing, and it was very boring. Then I saw a project on OshwHub ESP8266 eInk Clock. So I made one and added English words list in the flash.
At the same time I saw an eInk device in Xiaomi Store 有品&秒秒测智能健康日历. I am eager to make the same product.
Eventually, I found a repositorybreakstring/eInkCalendarOfToxicSoul.
Just do it.
- Display: Display is freaking expensive, around 230 RMB(without shipping fee). Caution: There are two version of Waveshare 5.83inch e-Paper HAT, the resolutions are different.
- MCU: I used Waveshare E-Paper ESP32 Driver Board.
Significantly, on the early version of E-Paper ESP32 Driver Board there is only one button.
But I got a two-button version.
According to the E-Paper ESP32 Driver Board schemetic,ON/OFF is the power switch,and the display switch is here:
- Power: USB Power(maybe I will use 4 AA batteries?)
- IDE: PlatformIO IDE
- Adafruit GFX
- GxEPD2: based on Adafruit_GFX
- U8g2 for Adafruit GFX: based on U8g2
- U8g2_fontmaker
- ArduinoJSON
TEM4 Words List: 新东方-专四词根+联想记忆法(乱序版)- IP Address Search: codes in src/MyIP.h & src/MyIP.cpp
- Fonts: from MakeFont-造字工房 non-commercial fonts. Please read the License before you using.
- Weather API: Qweather-和风天气开发平台. Please register an account and apply a KEY to replace the
in src/config.h. Codes in src/QWeather.h & src/QWeather.cpp - Todoist ACCESS TOKEN
const String QWEATHER_API_KEY = "********************";
const String TODOIST_ACCESS_TOKEN = "************************";
const String MUXIAOGUO_API_KEY = "************************";
const String TIANXING_API_KEY = "************************";
- Programme upload:
I used a 7.5 inches eInk display.
- Tomato clock + buzzer
- Time + RTC
- SD card + personalize fonts and texts
Words List JSONHitokotoTo do list
- AilansKudoShinichi PCB Design
Time | Features |
2021.05.29 | First updated |
2022.01.20 | Add Hitokoto API |
2022.01.21 | Add Todoist API |
2022.01.22 | Add Chinese Lunar |