Not all programs I use exist in the AUR or Arch package repos. Here is a collection of the rest and how to manually install them.
ToDo: Add this all to the install script!
# useradd -m -G wheel,seat,cups,docker,plugdev,libvirt -s /bin/fish icelk
# passwd icelk
Add missing groups using groupadd <group name>
You have to install opendoas
and copy the doas.conf file from this repo to
to use doas. I also like to force-uninstall sudo
(pacman -Rsndd sudo
) and symlink doas instead (ln -sf /bin/doas /bin/sudo
Smooth volume changer. Download & install both crates from this repo.
Iclu utils. Download & install all crates from this repo.
Run # bootctl install
to install the boot manager. Then you have to add
entries to /boot/loader/entries/
. These are not provided in this repo since
they are device specific.
Install the package rustup
and run rustup toolchain install stable
Then you should be available to install the programs (while in the appropriate
directories) via cargo install --path .
All binaries in
cargo install spotify_player -F notify,image,lyric-finder,pulseaudio-backend,streaming,media-control --no-default-features
I built NVimPager without the man pages
(the dependencies were countless...) by commenting out the lines in the
in a local clone. It is therefore not present in installed.txt
That should be all... (PR me if I'm wrong)
Some Firefox settings are overridden by config/firefox-user.js
I use these extensions:
- Bitwarden (free password manager with sync and support to self-host passwords!)
- Multi-Account Containers (a must-have with Firefox. Lets you have multiple "containers" of cookies)
- Forget Me Not (great extension to clear unused
and cookies) - Tridactyl (installed using
. Navigation with the keyboard)
Proper sorting isn't merged into ripgrep yet, so I run my patch. You'll have to compile ripgrep using the path in the comment at the link below. BurntSushi/ripgrep#2243 (comment)
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