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Lab 1: Array Search Testing

Table of contents

  1. Software installation and environment set-up
  2. Instructor demonstration: testing and debugging array rotation
  3. Your assignment: testing search algorithms

Software installation and environment set-up

  • Download and install IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition

    • Alternatively you can use a package manager such as Homebrew: brew install intellij-idea-ce
    • Software like IntelliJ is often referred to as IDEs, because they integrate a code editor, build tools and a debugger.
  • Launch the IntelliJ IDE

    • In the welcome window, click "New Project". A new project should be created for each lab.
    • In the pop-up window, enter the title of your lab assignment as "Name". For lab 1, it should be SearchTest .
    • Choose "Location", which is whatever directory that you prefer to contain all lab assignments. Check "Create Git repository" if you would like to use version control (optional).
    • Language: "Java"; build systems: "IntelliJ"
    • Install JDK. Click "Add SDK -> Download JDK" in the "JDK" drop-down menu
    • In the pop-up window choose "Vendor" : "Oracle OpenJDK". "Version" should be filled in automatically (20 as of the time of writing). Make sure version ≥15. "Location" can be left as default.
    • Click "Download" and wait for the download to finish. In the "New Project" window, uncheck "Add sample code" and leave everything else as is. Click "Create".

Instructor demonstration: testing and debugging array rotation

In this section I will show you how to:

  • Structure your lab projects
  • Build and run the code
  • Debug and test

You can download a copy of this demo here.

We first create a IntelliJ project "RotationTest". After creation, the file structure looks like:

Suppose we are to implement the "ripple" approach of array rotation. We right click on the src directory in the file structure and choose "Java Class".

We enter "Rotation" as its name. IntelliJ creates a new file src/ whose content is an empty public class Rotation. In the editor, we create rotate_ripple as a public static member function of Rotation:

public class Rotation {
    public static void rotate_ripple(int[] A) {
        if (A.length > 1) {
            int tmp1 = A[0];
            for (int i=0; i != A.length - 1; ++i) {
                int tmp2 = A[i+1];
                A[i+1] = tmp1;
                tmp1 = tmp2;
            A[0] = tmp1;

Next we create unit tests for rotate_ripple. Right click on the root directory and select "New -> Directory". Name the new directory test.

Right click on test in the file structure. Go to the last item in the pop-up menu and select "Mark Directory As -> Test Sources Root". The test directory will be highlighted in green.

Add a new Java class in test called RotationTest. Create rotate_save_n_shift as a private static member function of RotationTest. We use rotate_save_n_shift as our test oracle.

A test oracle is a mechanism for determining whether a test has passed or failed.

In this case, we are testing rotate_ripple against rotate_save_n_shift.

Next we import JUnit, a Java testing framework. Add the following lines to the beginning of RotationTest:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

Move cursor to junit, where IntelliJ tells me that it cannot resolve the symbol. Click on "Add 'JUnit' to classpath" and then "OK". Perform the same action on jupiter.

Add the following as a public member function of RotationTest:

public void test_rotation_simple() {
    String test_description = "rotating a small array";
    int[] A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    int[] B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    try {
        assertArrayEquals(A, B);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        fail(test_description + e.toString());

Note that the function is marked with the @Test attribute, which indicates that it contains a unit test. The array {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} is the example that we talked about in lecture. We call the two implementations of rotation and compare the produced arrays using assertArrayEquals, which is wrapped in a try-catch block. Should the assertion fail, the catch clause throws an exception, which contains an error message that consists of description of the test case and the exception e.

We can run this test point by clicking on the green icon:

The rotation implementation is correct, so the test case passes:

We can also generate random numbers to fill the input array:

public void test_rotation_random() {
    String test_description = "rotating an array with random integers";
    Random r = new Random(0);
    int[] A = new int[100];
    for (int i = 0; i != A.length; ++ i) {
        A[i] = r.nextInt();
    int[] B = Arrays.copyOf(A, A.length);
    try {
        assertArrayEquals(A, B);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        fail(test_description + e.toString());

Now that we have multiple test cases, we can select which tests to run using the drop-down menu in the top-right corner:

Suppose I made a mistake in the implementation. For example, if I did not assign tmp2 to tmp1, it would cause the entire array to be filled with A[0] and produce a wrong answer. If we remove tmp1 = tmp2 and rerun the test, it catches the bug by throwing an assertion error:

Now suppose we would like to debug the issue. We start by inspecting the two rotated arrays. We can add a breakpoint at assertArrayEquals(A, B). We click on the line number and it turns into a red dot. Then we choose "Debug ..." from the drop-down menu:

Execution stops at the breakpoint. Both arrays, A and B, are displayed in the "Debug" section of IntelliJ. We can see that the correct implementation produces {5, 1, 2, 3, 4} but the buggy implementation produces {1, 1, 1, 1, 1} instead:

We can add more breakpoints by repeating the steps above. Breakpoints are controlled using the "View Breakpoints" pop-up (the two-overlapping-red-circles button). We can resume the execution by hitting the green play button ("Resume Program"). Alternatively, we can single-step through the program by pressing the down-arrow button.

Your assignment: testing search algorithms


Your tasks are to create test cases for three search algorithm implementations. You have two options for test oracles: 1) using the Java standard library 2) implementing your own.

Think about the following questions before you start:

  1. What does it mean for each search algorithm to be correct?
  2. Can some of the three algorithms share the same test oracle? Why?
  3. What are possible corner cases? Hint: arrays with 0 or 1 element, arrays with even or odd lengths, start and end positions being equal, ...


Testing locally: create a class Search in src/, which contains the search algorithms to test. Create your test oracles as methods of test/

Submit your test file named The file should contain public class StudentTest. The class contains a member function public void test() (marked with @Test) which serves as the main entrance.

For example, if you have 2 test functions test_foo() and test_bar(), the test() function should be:

public void test() {

Inside each test function, use JUnit's assertions such as assertEquals to check for the correct answer. Suppose you are testing Search.find_first_true(A, begin, end) and the expected result is 2:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach;
import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;

public class StudentTest {

    public void test() {

    public void test_find_first_true() {
        // ...
        assertEquals(2, Search.find_first_true(A, begin, end));

Autograder will run your submission on 8 problematic Search implementations. It also runs one correct implementation to rule out false positive. Your test cases are expected to throw exceptions on all implementations except the correct one.

Problem Set

Problem 1: Testing Linear Search on an Array of Booleans

The most basic but surprisingly useful search function involves an array A of boolean values (true or false).

Specification: The find_first_true(A, begin, end) function returns the position of the first true in array A, that is, find the smallest index i such that A[i] is true. The search is restricted to the subarray within A that starts at the begin index and finishes one element before the end index. (This is called a half-open interval.) If there are no true elements in the subarray, then find_first_true returns the end position of the subarray. The caller of find_first_true is required to provide a valid half-open range, which means begin <= end, 0 <= begin, begin <= A.length, 0 <= end, and end <= A.length.

[Example 1] If the input array A is

{false, false, true, false, true}

then the result should be 2 because A[2] == true and there are no true elements at lower indices (A[0] and A[1] are both false).

[Example 2] Suppose A is the array

{true, false, true, false, true}

and we search in the half-open interval [1,3). The answer should be 2.

find_first_true(A, 1, 3) == 2

The search function has the following signature:

public static int find_first_true(boolean[] A, int begin, int end) {
    // ...

Add test cases for function Search.find_first_true(A, begin, end) in the StudentTest class and call your tests in test().

Problem 2: Testing Linear Search on an Array of Integers

Another search function involves an array of integers.

Specification The find_first_equal(A, x) function returns the position of the first element in A that is equal to the x argument. If there are no elements equal to x, the length of the array is returned.

[Example 3] Suppose A is the array

{32, 11, 4, 5, 99, 5, 32, 75}

then the result of search for 5 should be 3:

find_first_equal(A, 5) == 3

The search function has the following signature:

public static int find_first_equal(int[] A, int x) {
    // ...

Add test cases for function Search.find_first_equal(A, x) in the StudentTest class and call your tests in test(). The implementation of find_first_equal could potentially depend on find_first_true.

Problem 3: Testing Binary Search on an Array of Booleans

We revisit searching an array of Booleans, but suppose that all of the false elements in the array come before all of the true elements (sorted) this time.

Specification: The find_first_true_sorted(A, begin, end) returns the position of the first true in array A, that is, it finds the smallest index i greater or equal to begin and less than end such that A[i] is true. If there is no true within the half-open range [begin,end), it returns end. The caller must supply a valid half-open range which means begin <= end, 0 <= begin, begin <= A.length, 0 <= end, and end <= A.length. Furthermore, the array must already be sorted so that all the false elements come before any true elements.

[Example 4] Suppose A is the sorted array

{false, false, true, true, true, true, true}

The position of the first true element is 2 in this case.

The search function has the following signature:

public static int find_first_true_sorted(boolean[] A, int begin, int end) {
    // ...

Add test cases for function Search.find_first_true_sorted(A, begin, end) in the StudentTest class and call your tests in test().

  • You have reached the end of Lab 1. Yay!