- fix: add missing cstdint header (in preparation for GCC 15)
- remove missing/broken package anchors to DBI for DBIResult-class
- fix warning: format string is not a string literal on debian and fedora clang
- fix NOTE: Documented arguments not in \usage in documentation object 'ClickhouseDriver-class' (dbname)
- fix broken roxygen2 doctype (r-lib/roxygen2#1491)
- rename Yandex Clickhouse to ClickHouse
- explicit void for c functions without type
- align dbplyr function argument names with prototypes
- drop support for <R 3.6 such that C/C++11 is supported by default
- use bibentry for CITATION
- remove LazyData section from DESCRIPTION
- use vector instead of personList in CITATION
- updated to the latest dbplyr interface
- fixed C/C++ compilation warnings
- cleaned up the code base
- updated dependencies (DBI, dplyr)
- fix: now properly nests ColumnDateTime for Nullables
- declared cli as import
- reduced title length to less than 65 characters
- removed unsupported aggregate function for translater
- removed warning suppression
- augmented Docs for dbplyr utils-functions
- transitioned from deprecated data_frame() to tibble()
- updated authorship for 'lz4'
- updated ownership of copyright for 'lz4'
- added gtest vendor files to .Rbuildignore
- implements DBI functions dbCreateTable and dbAppendTable
- adds support for table names with spaces or special characters
- renames db parameter in dbConnect to dbname
- adds test cases
- fix: properly nests Date-Types in Nullable
- fix: join on the same key when using dplyr is now possible
- fix: removed .Internal calls when setting Encoding
- fix windows connection
- replace yaml dependencies by R code (reduce dependencies)
- update clickhouse-cpp dependencies
- fixes solaris build
- add missing stdexcept headers (gcc-10 compatibility)
- enhanced dplyr join support (thanks to Oliver Flasch)
- extended documentation (thanks to Malte Kyhos & Alicja Grzadziel)
- Enhanced sql-translation (e.g., custom if null and is null checks)
- Packrat was removed from repository
- UUID-support
- The package now supports config-files