Releases: IBM/cloud-pak-deployer
What's Changed
- Upgrade Flask to 2.3.3
- CP4BA & IPM 1.14.2
- Destroy of AWS resources
- #552 mcg is optional attribute - HOTFIX
- #559 Db2 instance provisioning fails
- Use alternative registry
- Implement node setting changes as per CP4D documentation
- Deployer documentation reorganize
- Hofix -
- Fix CR name
- #585 Private registry credentials check fails
- #586 IAM login requires longer timeout
- #589 Run deployer container with --privileged mode
- HOTFIX - models and ws-runtimes separate install
- and various other changes
Full Changelog: v2.0.3...v2.1.0
What's Changed
- #528 Destroy of AWS cluster fails
- cp4ba config - add param to enabling iocr
- #538 Enable MANTA
- Fix cognos datasource connection check
- Removed domain_name and cluster_name from check
- CP4BA 23.0.1 IF003
- Mantaflow and fixes
Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3
What's Changed
- #521 ws-runtimes installation failure
- Fix bai login in usage
- #503 Allow CP4D upgrades from 4.6.5+ to 4.7.x
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.0.2
What's Changed
- Test password changes
- #509 Fix mirror-images parameter
- Hotfix component name
- Build image on push to itz-df
- Set CP4D initial password as segmented string
- CP4BA cumulative CP4BA
- Azure self-managed OpenShift
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
What's Changed
- Update satellite storage classes
- Install ws runtimes
- Increase db2 wait time for CP4BA
- Remove ICSP for Manta
- DataStage incorrectly flagged as removed
- Allow regular updates of the AWS credentials
- Fix AWS ODF storage provisioning
- Check existence of cp4d version and throw meaningful message if not existing
- Create script to apply node settings
- Cloud Pak for Data 4.7 support
- Various CP4D 4.7.0 changes
- Mirror images for correct processor arch
- CP4BA update to 23.0.1
- Add demo videos to documentation
- Cognos dashboards for CP4D 4.7
- ADP DB init fixed
- Fix Db2 OLTP provisioning for 4.7
- Automatically create MCG secrets for Watson Assistant and others
- Add
- Fix non-mco settings
- kubeletconfig hotfix
- Wrong variable for air-gapped
Full Changelog: v1.8.0...v2.0.0
What's Changed
- Added Cloud Pak for Business Automation support
- Failure to install Watson Knowledge Studio
- Minor documentation updates
- Fix replication and dpra install options
- Mirroring images fails
- Ensure doc is built when merge with main
- Suppress Ansible warning message
- Cloud Pak for Integration private registry support
Full Changelog: v1.7.0...v1.8.0
What's Changed
Automated provisioning of OpenPages instances
Various corrections and additions for Watson AIOps
Add secondary_storage for IBM Cloud OpenShift
Detect CP4D upgrade on existing install
Update run on OpenShift doc
Solve scheduler issue
Implement cartridge removal for all cartridges
Update CP4I to latest version
Use mkdocs for documentation
Removing the \u200b charachters from the yaml
Failure when installing Factsheets
Fix cp4d monitors for cp4d 4.6.x
Patch ARO provisioning
Add DPRA and DataStage Enterprise cartridges
Support portworx for existing OpenShift
Add confirm_destroy to global_config
ROSA Machine Config Operator changes
Support Cloud Pak on Satellite
Specify Cloud Pak for Data license
Implement single-node OpenShift on AWS
Re-add watson-ks pre-processing script
Script to patch DV 4.6.4
Documentation updates
Full Changelog: v1.6.0...v1.7.0
What's Changed
- Wizard changes
- Mirror only images from selected processor architecture
- Do not delete dependent datastage_ent_plus (hot fix)
- CI/CD deployment changes
- Solve Elastic Storage issues for AWS ROSA clusters
- Refine deployment of AWS clusters when temporary security tokens are in place
Full Changelog: v1.5.0...v1.6.0
What's Changed
- Add support for Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps
- Wizard enhancements for IBM TechZone CPDemo framework
- Cp4d audit labels and OpenShift monitoring labels
- Update Event Streams CASE version
- OLM lockup issue - will attempt fixing in the background while creating subscriptions
- Fix provisioning of Cognos Analytics 4.6
- Make preparation of Cognos metastore more resilient
- Drop ClusterLogForwarder if exists
- Ability to install OpenShift Advanced Data Protection (OADP) operator
- Fix cartridge sizes, were ignored by the deployer
- Document CP4D instances
- Handle logging issue when journalctl logs error
- Allow specifying global oc login secret: CPD_OC_LOGIN environment variable or oc-login secret
- Fix turbonomic failure
- Add CP4D 4.6.0 changes
- Allow specifying AMI for AWS instances
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.5.0
What's Changed
- confirm delete provisioned instances flag
- Air gapped documentation updates
- Patch OLM in background
- Scale DataStage pxruntime
- Cloud Pak for Data 4.6 support
Full Changelog: v1.3.6...v1.4.0