The below picture indicates the current state of the Cloud Pak Deployer, which infrastructures are supported to provision or use OpenShift, the storage classes which can be controlled and the Cloud Paks with cartridges and components.
The Cloud Pak Deployer requires podman or docker to run, which are available on most Linux distributions such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux (preferred), Fedora, CentOS, Ubuntu and MacOS. On Windows Docker behaves differently than Linux platforms and this can cause the deployer to fail.
Once the guest operating system is up and running, log on as root to the guest operating system. For convenience, VirtualBox also supports port forwarding so you can use PuTTY to access the Linux command line.
If you clone the repository from the command line, you will need to enter a token when you run the git clone command. You can retrieve your token as follows:
Go to a directory where you want to download the Git repo.
First go to the directory where you cloned the GitHub repository, for example ~/cloud-pak-deployer.
cd cloud-pak-deployer
Then run the following command to build the container image.
./ build
This process will take 5-10 minutes to complete and it will install all the pre-requisites needed to run the automation, including Ansible, Python and required operating system packages. For the installation to work, the system on which the image is built must be connected to the internet.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/10-use-deployer/1-overview/overview/index.html b/10-use-deployer/1-overview/overview/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9ab947b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/10-use-deployer/1-overview/overview/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Overview - Cloud Pak Deployer
The server on which you run the Cloud Pak Deployer may not have the necessary clients to interact with the cloud infrastructure, OpenShift, or the installed Cloud Pak. You can run commands using the same container image that runs the deployment of OpenShift and the Cloud Paks through the command line: Open a command line
If you want to destroy the provisioned OpenShift cluster, including the installed Cloud Pak(s), you can do this through the Cloud pak Deployer. Steps can be found here: Destroy the assets
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/10-use-deployer/3-run/aws-rosa/index.html b/10-use-deployer/3-run/aws-rosa/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bd593e0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/10-use-deployer/3-run/aws-rosa/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+ AWS ROSA - Cloud Pak Deployer
On Amazon Web Services (AWS), OpenShift can be set up in various ways, managed by Red Hat (ROSA) or self-managed. The steps below are applicable to the ROSA (Red Hat OpenShift on AWS) installation. More information about ROSA can be found here:
There are 5 main steps to run the deployer for AWS:
A typical setup of the ROSA cluster is pictured below:
When deploying ROSA, an external host name and domain name are automatically generated by Amazon Web Services and both the API and Ingress servers can be resolved by external clients. At this stage, one cannot configure the domain name to be used.
Deployer reads the configuration from a directory you set in the CONFIG_DIR environment variable. A status directory (STATUS_DIR environment variable) is used to log activities, store temporary files, scripts. If you use a File Vault (default), the secrets are kept in the $STATUS_DIR/vault directory.
You can find OpenShift and Cloud Pak sample configuration (yaml) files here: sample configuration. For ROSA installations, copy one of ocp-aws-rosa-*.yaml files into the $CONFIG_DIR/config directory. If you also want to install a Cloud Pak, copy one of the cp4*.yaml files.
Set configuration and status directories environment variables🔗
Cloud Pak Deployer uses the status directory to log its activities and also to keep track of its running state. For a given environment you're provisioning or destroying, you should always specify the same status directory to avoid contention between different deploy runs.
If you do not yet have an access key (or you no longer have the associated secret), create an access key
Store your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key in safe place
Alternative: Using temporary AWS security credentials (STS)🔗
If your account uses temporary security credentials for AWS resources, you must use the Access Key ID, Secret Access Key and Session Token associated with your temporary credentials.
You must set the infrastructure.use_sts to True in the openshift configuration if you need to use the temporary security credentials. Cloud Pak Deployer will then run the rosa create cluster command with the appropriate flag.
Without these changes, sthe cloud player will fail and you will receive the following error message: "Failed to get the cluster-admin password from the vault".
If you want to pull the Cloud Pak images from the entitled registry (i.e. an online install), or if you want to mirror the images to your private registry, you need to download the entitlement key. You can skip this step if you're installing from a private registry and all Cloud Pak images have already been downloaded to the private registry.
Select Get Entitlement Key and create a new key (or copy your existing key)
Copy the key value
As stated for the API key, you can choose to download the entitlement key to a file. However, when we reference the entitlement key, we mean the 80+ character string that is displayed, not the file.
Optional: If your user does not have permanent administrator access but using temporary credentials, you can set the AWS_SESSION_TOKEN to be used for the AWS CLI.
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=your_session_token
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: This is the AWS Access Key you retrieved above, often this is something like AK1A2VLMPQWBJJQGD6GV
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The secret associated with your AWS Access Key, also retrieved above
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: The session token that will grant temporary elevated permissions
ROSA_LOGIN_TOKEN: The offline access token that was retrieved before. This is a very long string (200+ characters). Make sure you enclose the string in single or double quotes as it may hold special characters
CP_ENTITLEMENT_KEY: This is the entitlement key you acquired as per the instructions above, this is a 80+ character string
If your AWS_SESSION_TOKEN is expires while the deployer is still running, the deployer may end abnormally. In such case, you can just issue new temporary credentials (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN) and restart the deployer. Alternatively, you can update the 3 vault secrets, respectively aws-access-key, aws-secret-access-key and aws-session-token with new values as they are re-retrieved by the deployer on a regular basis.
If you only want to validate the configuration, you can run the dpeloyer with the --check-only argument. This will run the first stage to validate variables and vault secrets and then execute the generators.
To run the container using a local configuration input directory and a data directory where temporary and state is kept, use the example below. If you don't specify the status directory, the deployer will automatically create a temporary directory. Please note that the status directory will also hold secrets if you have configured a flat file vault. If you lose the directory, you will not be able to make changes to the configuration and adjust the deployment. It is best to specify a permanent directory that you can reuse later. If you specify an existing directory the current user must be the owner of the directory. Failing to do so may cause the container to fail with insufficient permissions.
./ env apply --accept-all-licenses
You can also specify extra variables such as env_id to override the names of the objects referenced in the .yaml configuration files as {{ env_id }}-xxxx. For more information about the extra (dynamic) variables, see advanced configuration.
The --accept-all-licenses flag is optional and confirms that you accept all licenses of the installed cartridges and instances. Licenses must be either accepted in the configuration files or at the command line.
When running the command, the container will start as a daemon and the command will tail-follow the logs. You can press Ctrl-C at any time to interrupt the logging but the container will continue to run in the background.
You can return to view the logs as follows:
./ env logs
Deploying the infrastructure, preparing OpenShift and installing the Cloud Pak will take a long time, typically between 1-5 hours,dependent on which Cloud Pak cartridges you configured. For estimated duration of the steps, refer to Timings.
If you need to interrupt the automation, use CTRL-C to stop the logging output and then use:
If the Cloud Pak Deployer fails, for example because certain infrastructure components are temporarily not available, fix the cause if needed and then just re-run it with the same CONFIG_DIR and STATUS_DIR as well extra variables. The provisioning process has been designed to be idempotent and it will not redo actions that have already completed successfully.
Once the process has finished, it will output the URLs by which you can access the deployed Cloud Pak. You can also find this information under the cloud-paks directory in the status directory you specified.
To retrieve the Cloud Pak URL(s):
cat $STATUS_DIR/cloud-paks/*
This will show the Cloud Pak URLs:
Cloud Pak for Data URL for cluster pluto-01 and project cpd:
The admin password can be retrieved from the vault as follows:
List the secrets in the vault:
./ vault list
This will show something similar to the following:
Secret list for group sample:
+- aws-access-key
+- aws-secret-access-key
+- ibm_cp_entitlement_key
+- rosa-login-token
+- pluto-01-cluster-admin-password
+- cp4d_admin_zen_40_pluto_01
+- all-config
You can then retrieve the Cloud Pak for Data admin password like this:
./ vault get --vault-secret cp4d_admin_zen_40_pluto_01
PLAY [Secrets] *****************************************************************
+included: /cloud-pak-deployer/automation-roles/99-generic/vault/vault-get-secret/tasks/get-secret-file.yml for localhost
+cp4d_admin_zen_40_pluto_01: gelGKrcgaLatBsnAdMEbmLwGr
You can find examples of a couple of typical changes you may want to do here: Post-run changes.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/10-use-deployer/3-run/aws-self-managed/index.html b/10-use-deployer/3-run/aws-self-managed/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..24b461046
--- /dev/null
+++ b/10-use-deployer/3-run/aws-self-managed/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+ AWS Self-managed - Cloud Pak Deployer
Red Hat OpenShift also supports single-node deployments in which control plane and compute are combined into a single node. Obviously, this type of configuration does not cater for any high availability requirements that are usually part of a production installation, but it does offer a more cost-efficient option for development and testing purposes.
Cloud Pak Deployer can deploy a single-node OpenShift with elastic storage and a sample configuration is provided as part of the deployer.
When deploying the IBM Cloud Paks on single-node OpenShift, there may be intermittent timeouts as pods are starting up. In those cases, just re-run the deployer with the same configuration and check status of the pods.
Deployer reads the configuration from a directory you set in the CONFIG_DIR environment variable. A status directory (STATUS_DIR environment variable) is used to log activities, store temporary files, scripts. If you use a File Vault (default), the secrets are kept in the $STATUS_DIR/vault directory.
You can find OpenShift and Cloud Pak sample configuration (yaml) files here: sample configuration. For self-managed OpenShift installations, copy one of ocp-aws-self-managed-*.yaml files into the $CONFIG_DIR/config directory. If you also want to install a Cloud Pak, copy one of the cp4*.yaml files.
Set configuration and status directories environment variables🔗
Cloud Pak Deployer uses the status directory to log its activities and also to keep track of its running state. For a given environment you're provisioning or destroying, you should always specify the same status directory to avoid contention between different deploy runs.
When deploying a self-managed OpenShift on Amazon web Services, a public hosted zone must be created in the same account as your OpenShift cluster. The domain name or subdomain name registered in the Route53 service must be specifed in the openshift configuration of the deployer.
If you can use your permanent security credentials for the AWS account, you will need an Access Key ID and Secret Access Key for the deployer to setup an OpenShift cluster on AWS.
If you do not yet have an access key (or you no longer have the associated secret), create an access key
Store your Access Key ID and Secret Access Key in safe place
Alternative: Using temporary AWS security credentials (STS)🔗
If your account uses temporary security credentials for AWS resources, you must use the Access Key ID, Secret Access Key and Session Token associated with your temporary credentials.
If the openshift configuration has the infrastructure.credentials_mode set to Manual, Cloud Pak Deployer will automatically configure and run the Cloud Credential Operator utility.
If you want to pull the Cloud Pak images from the entitled registry (i.e. an online install), or if you want to mirror the images to your private registry, you need to download the entitlement key. You can skip this step if you're installing from a private registry and all Cloud Pak images have already been downloaded to the private registry.
Select Get Entitlement Key and create a new key (or copy your existing key)
Copy the key value
As stated for the API key, you can choose to download the entitlement key to a file. However, when we reference the entitlement key, we mean the 80+ character string that is displayed, not the file.
CP_ENTITLEMENT_KEY: This is the entitlement key you acquired as per the instructions above, this is a 80+ character string. You don't need to set this environment variable when you install the Cloud Pak(s) from a private registry
Set the environment variables for AWS self-managed OpenShift deployment🔗
Optional: If your user does not have permanent administrator access but using temporary credentials, you can set the AWS_SESSION_TOKEN to be used for the AWS CLI.
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN=your_session_token
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: This is the AWS Access Key you retrieved above, often this is something like AK1A2VLMPQWBJJQGD6GV
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The secret associated with your AWS Access Key, also retrieved above
AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: The session token that will grant temporary elevated permissions
If your AWS_SESSION_TOKEN is expires while the deployer is still running, the deployer may end abnormally. In such case, you can just issue new temporary credentials (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SESSION_TOKEN) and restart the deployer. Alternatively, you can update the 3 vault secrets, respectively aws-access-key, aws-secret-access-key and aws-session-token with new values as they are re-retrieved by the deployer on a regular basis.
Create the secrets needed for self-managed OpenShift cluster🔗
You need to store the below credentials in the vault so that the deployer has access to them when installing self-managed OpenShift cluster on AWS.
If you only want to validate the configuration, you can run the dpeloyer with the --check-only argument. This will run the first stage to validate variables and vault secrets and then execute the generators.
To run the container using a local configuration input directory and a data directory where temporary and state is kept, use the example below. If you don't specify the status directory, the deployer will automatically create a temporary directory. Please note that the status directory will also hold secrets if you have configured a flat file vault. If you lose the directory, you will not be able to make changes to the configuration and adjust the deployment. It is best to specify a permanent directory that you can reuse later. If you specify an existing directory the current user must be the owner of the directory. Failing to do so may cause the container to fail with insufficient permissions.
./ env apply --accept-all-licenses
You can also specify extra variables such as env_id to override the names of the objects referenced in the .yaml configuration files as {{ env_id }}-xxxx. For more information about the extra (dynamic) variables, see advanced configuration.
The --accept-all-licenses flag is optional and confirms that you accept all licenses of the installed cartridges and instances. Licenses must be either accepted in the configuration files or at the command line.
When running the command, the container will start as a daemon and the command will tail-follow the logs. You can press Ctrl-C at any time to interrupt the logging but the container will continue to run in the background.
You can return to view the logs as follows:
./ env logs
Deploying the infrastructure, preparing OpenShift and installing the Cloud Pak will take a long time, typically between 1-5 hours,dependent on which Cloud Pak cartridges you configured. For estimated duration of the steps, refer to Timings.
If you need to interrupt the automation, use CTRL-C to stop the logging output and then use:
If the Cloud Pak Deployer fails, for example because certain infrastructure components are temporarily not available, fix the cause if needed and then just re-run it with the same CONFIG_DIR and STATUS_DIR as well extra variables. The provisioning process has been designed to be idempotent and it will not redo actions that have already completed successfully.
Once the process has finished, it will output the URLs by which you can access the deployed Cloud Pak. You can also find this information under the cloud-paks directory in the status directory you specified.
To retrieve the Cloud Pak URL(s):
cat $STATUS_DIR/cloud-paks/*
This will show the Cloud Pak URLs:
Cloud Pak for Data URL for cluster pluto-01 and project cpd (domain name specified was
The admin password can be retrieved from the vault as follows:
List the secrets in the vault:
./ vault list
This will show something similar to the following:
Secret list for group sample:
+- aws-access-key
+- aws-secret-access-key
+- ocp-pullsecret
+- ocp-ssh-pub-key
+- ibm_cp_entitlement_key
+- pluto-01-cluster-admin-password
+- cp4d_admin_zen_40_pluto_01
+- all-config
You can then retrieve the Cloud Pak for Data admin password like this:
./ vault get --vault-secret cp4d_admin_zen_40_pluto_01
PLAY [Secrets] *****************************************************************
+included: /cloud-pak-deployer/automation-roles/99-generic/vault/vault-get-secret/tasks/get-secret-file.yml for localhost
+cp4d_admin_zen_40_pluto_01: gelGKrcgaLatBsnAdMEbmLwGr
You can find examples of a couple of typical changes you may want to do here: Post-run changes.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/10-use-deployer/3-run/azure-aro/index.html b/10-use-deployer/3-run/azure-aro/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4546dc93f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/10-use-deployer/3-run/azure-aro/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ Azure ARO - Cloud Pak Deployer
Running the Cloud Pak Deployer on Microsoft Azure - ARO🔗
On Azure, OpenShift can be set up in various ways, managed by Red Hat (ARO) or self-managed. The steps below are applicable to the ARO (Azure Red Hat OpenShift).
There are 5 main steps to run the deployer for Azure:
A typical setup of the ARO cluster is pictured below:
When deploying ARO, you can configure the domain name by setting the openshift.domain_name attribute. The resulting domain name is managed by Azure, and it must be unique across all ARO instances deployed in Azure. Both the API and Ingress urls are set to be public in the template, so they can be resolved by external clients. If you want to use a custom domain and don't have one yet, you buy one from Azure:
Deployer reads the configuration from a directory you set in the CONFIG_DIR environment variable. A status directory (STATUS_DIR environment variable) is used to log activities, store temporary files, scripts. If you use a File Vault (default), the secrets are kept in the $STATUS_DIR/vault directory.
You can find OpenShift and Cloud Pak sample configuration (yaml) files here: sample configuration. For ARO installations, copy one of ocp-azure-aro*.yaml files into the $CONFIG_DIR/config directory. If you also want to install a Cloud Pak, copy one of the cp4*.yaml files.
Set configuration and status directories environment variables🔗
Cloud Pak Deployer uses the status directory to log its activities and also to keep track of its running state. For a given environment you're provisioning or destroying, you should always specify the same status directory to avoid contention between different deploy runs.
Verify your quota and permissions in Microsoft Azure🔗
Check Azure resource quota of the subscription - Azure Red Hat OpenShift requires a minimum of 40 cores to create and run an OpenShift cluster.
The ARO cluster is provisioned using the az command. Ideally, one has to have Contributor permissions on the subscription (Azure resources) and Application administrator role assigned in the Azure Active Directory. See details here.
AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP: The Azure resource group that will hold all resources belonging to the cluster: VMs, load balancers, virtual networks, subnets, etc.. Typically you will create a resource group for every OpenShift cluster you provision.
AZURE_LOCATION: The Azure location of the resource group, for example useast or westeurope.
AZURE_SP: Azure service principal that is used to create the resources on Azure. You will get the service principal from the Azure administrator.
You must run the OpenShift installation using an Azure Service Principal with sufficient permissions. The Azure account administrator will share the SP credentials as a JSON file. If you have subscription-level access you can also create the Service Principal yourself. See steps in Create Azure service principal.
If you want to pull the Cloud Pak images from the entitled registry (i.e. an online install), or if you want to mirror the images to your private registry, you need to download the entitlement key. You can skip this step if you're installing from a private registry and all Cloud Pak images have already been downloaded to the private registry.
Select Get Entitlement Key and create a new key (or copy your existing key)
Copy the key value
As stated for the API key, you can choose to download the entitlement key to a file. However, when we reference the entitlement key, we mean the 80+ character string that is displayed, not the file.
If you only want to validate the configuration, you can run the dpeloyer with the --check-only argument. This will run the first stage to validate variables and vault secrets and then execute the generators.
To run the container using a local configuration input directory and a data directory where temporary and state is kept, use the example below. If you don't specify the status directory, the deployer will automatically create a temporary directory. Please note that the status directory will also hold secrets if you have configured a flat file vault. If you lose the directory, you will not be able to make changes to the configuration and adjust the deployment. It is best to specify a permanent directory that you can reuse later. If you specify an existing directory the current user must be the owner of the directory. Failing to do so may cause the container to fail with insufficient permissions.
./ env apply --accept-all-licenses
You can also specify extra variables such as env_id to override the names of the objects referenced in the .yaml configuration files as {{ env_id }}-xxxx. For more information about the extra (dynamic) variables, see advanced configuration.
The --accept-all-licenses flag is optional and confirms that you accept all licenses of the installed cartridges and instances. Licenses must be either accepted in the configuration files or at the command line.
When running the command, the container will start as a daemon and the command will tail-follow the logs. You can press Ctrl-C at any time to interrupt the logging but the container will continue to run in the background.
You can return to view the logs as follows:
./ env logs
Deploying the infrastructure, preparing OpenShift and installing the Cloud Pak will take a long time, typically between 1-5 hours,dependent on which Cloud Pak cartridges you configured. For estimated duration of the steps, refer to Timings.
If you need to interrupt the automation, use CTRL-C to stop the logging output and then use:
If the Cloud Pak Deployer fails, for example because certain infrastructure components are temporarily not available, fix the cause if needed and then just re-run it with the same CONFIG_DIR and STATUS_DIR as well extra variables. The provisioning process has been designed to be idempotent and it will not redo actions that have already completed successfully.
Once the process has finished, it will output the URLs by which you can access the deployed Cloud Pak. You can also find this information under the cloud-paks directory in the status directory you specified.
To retrieve the Cloud Pak URL(s):
cat $STATUS_DIR/cloud-paks/*
This will show the Cloud Pak URLs:
Cloud Pak for Data URL for cluster pluto-01 and project cpd (domain name specified was
The admin password can be retrieved from the vault as follows:
List the secrets in the vault:
./ vault list
This will show something similar to the following:
Secret list for group sample:
+- ibm_cp_entitlement_key
+- sample-provision-ssh-key
+- sample-provision-ssh-pub-key
+- cp4d_admin_zen_sample_sample
You can then retrieve the Cloud Pak for Data admin password like this:
./ vault get --vault-secret cp4d_admin_zen_sample_sample
PLAY [Secrets] *****************************************************************
+included: /automation_script/automation-roles/99-generic/vault/vault-get-secret/tasks/get-secret-file.yml for localhost
+cp4d_admin_zen_sample_sample: gelGKrcgaLatBsnAdMEbmLwGr
You can find examples of a couple of typical changes you may want to do here: Post-run changes.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/10-use-deployer/3-run/azure-self-managed/index.html b/10-use-deployer/3-run/azure-self-managed/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0931a1c91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/10-use-deployer/3-run/azure-self-managed/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+ Azure Self-managed - Cloud Pak Deployer
Running the Cloud Pak Deployer on Microsoft Azure - Self-managed🔗
On Azure, OpenShift can be set up in various ways, managed by Red Hat (ARO) or self-managed. The steps below are applicable to the self-managed Red Hat OpenShift.
There are 5 main steps to run the deployer for Azure:
A typical setup of the OpenShift cluster on Azure is pictured below:
When deploying self-managed OpenShift on Azure, you must configure the domain name by setting the openshift.domain_name, which must be public domain with a registrar. OpenShift will create a public DNS zone with additional entries to reach the OpenShift API and the applications (Cloud Paks). If you don't have a domain yet, you buy one from Azure:
Deployer reads the configuration from a directory you set in the CONFIG_DIR environment variable. A status directory (STATUS_DIR environment variable) is used to log activities, store temporary files, scripts. If you use a File Vault (default), the secrets are kept in the $STATUS_DIR/vault directory.
You can find OpenShift and Cloud Pak sample configuration (yaml) files here: sample configuration. For Azure self-managed installations, copy one of ocp-azure-self-managed*.yaml files into the $CONFIG_DIR/config directory. If you also want to install a Cloud Pak, copy one of the cp4*.yaml files.
Set configuration and status directories environment variables🔗
Cloud Pak Deployer uses the status directory to log its activities and also to keep track of its running state. For a given environment you're provisioning or destroying, you should always specify the same status directory to avoid contention between different deploy runs.
Verify your quota and permissions in Microsoft Azure🔗
Check Azure resource quota of the subscription - Azure Red Hat OpenShift requires a minimum of 40 cores to create and run an OpenShift cluster.
The self-managed cluster is provisioned using the IPI installer command. Ideally, one has to have Contributor permissions on the subscription (Azure resources) and Application administrator role assigned in the Azure Active Directory. See details here.
AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP: The Azure resource group that will hold all resources belonging to the cluster: VMs, load balancers, virtual networks, subnets, etc.. Typically you will create a resource group for every OpenShift cluster you provision.
AZURE_LOCATION: The Azure location of the resource group, for example useast or westeurope.
AZURE_SP: Azure service principal that is used to create the resources on Azure. You will get the service principal from the Azure administrator.
You must run the OpenShift installation using an Azure Service Principal with sufficient permissions. The Azure account administrator will share the SP credentials as a JSON file. If you have subscription-level access you can also create the Service Principal yourself. See steps in Create Azure service principal.
If you want to pull the Cloud Pak images from the entitled registry (i.e. an online install), or if you want to mirror the images to your private registry, you need to download the entitlement key. You can skip this step if you're installing from a private registry and all Cloud Pak images have already been downloaded to the private registry.
Select Get Entitlement Key and create a new key (or copy your existing key)
Copy the key value
As stated for the API key, you can choose to download the entitlement key to a file. However, when we reference the entitlement key, we mean the 80+ character string that is displayed, not the file.
CP_ENTITLEMENT_KEY: This is the entitlement key you acquired as per the instructions above, this is a 80+ character string. You don't need to set this environment variable when you install the Cloud Pak(s) from a private registry
Create the secrets needed for self-managed OpenShift cluster🔗
You need to store the OpenShift pull secret and service principal credentials in the vault so that the deployer has access to it.
If you only want to validate the configuration, you can run the dpeloyer with the --check-only argument. This will run the first stage to validate variables and vault secrets and then execute the generators.
To run the container using a local configuration input directory and a data directory where temporary and state is kept, use the example below. If you don't specify the status directory, the deployer will automatically create a temporary directory. Please note that the status directory will also hold secrets if you have configured a flat file vault. If you lose the directory, you will not be able to make changes to the configuration and adjust the deployment. It is best to specify a permanent directory that you can reuse later. If you specify an existing directory the current user must be the owner of the directory. Failing to do so may cause the container to fail with insufficient permissions.
./ env apply --accept-all-licenses
You can also specify extra variables such as env_id to override the names of the objects referenced in the .yaml configuration files as {{ env_id }}-xxxx. For more information about the extra (dynamic) variables, see advanced configuration.
The --accept-all-licenses flag is optional and confirms that you accept all licenses of the installed cartridges and instances. Licenses must be either accepted in the configuration files or at the command line.
When running the command, the container will start as a daemon and the command will tail-follow the logs. You can press Ctrl-C at any time to interrupt the logging but the container will continue to run in the background.
You can return to view the logs as follows:
./ env logs
Deploying the infrastructure, preparing OpenShift and installing the Cloud Pak will take a long time, typically between 1-5 hours,dependent on which Cloud Pak cartridges you configured. For estimated duration of the steps, refer to Timings.
If you need to interrupt the automation, use CTRL-C to stop the logging output and then use:
If the Cloud Pak Deployer fails, for example because certain infrastructure components are temporarily not available, fix the cause if needed and then just re-run it with the same CONFIG_DIR and STATUS_DIR as well extra variables. The provisioning process has been designed to be idempotent and it will not redo actions that have already completed successfully.
Once the process has finished, it will output the URLs by which you can access the deployed Cloud Pak. You can also find this information under the cloud-paks directory in the status directory you specified.
To retrieve the Cloud Pak URL(s):
cat $STATUS_DIR/cloud-paks/*
This will show the Cloud Pak URLs:
Cloud Pak for Data URL for cluster pluto-01 and project cpd (domain name specified was
The admin password can be retrieved from the vault as follows:
List the secrets in the vault:
./ vault list
This will show something similar to the following:
Secret list for group sample:
+- ibm_cp_entitlement_key
+- sample-provision-ssh-key
+- sample-provision-ssh-pub-key
+- cp4d_admin_cpd_demo
You can then retrieve the Cloud Pak for Data admin password like this:
./ vault get --vault-secret cp4d_admin_zen_sample_sample
PLAY [Secrets] *****************************************************************
+included: /automation_script/automation-roles/99-generic/vault/vault-get-secret/tasks/get-secret-file.yml for localhost
+cp4d_admin_zen_sample_sample: gelGKrcgaLatBsnAdMEbmLwGr
You can find examples of a couple of typical changes you may want to do here: Post-run changes.
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+ Create an Azure Service Principal - Cloud Pak Deployer
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/10-use-deployer/3-run/existing-openshift/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+ Existing OpenShift - Cloud Pak Deployer
Running the Cloud Pak Deployer on an existing OpenShift cluster🔗
When running the Cloud Pak Deployer on an existing OpenShift cluster, the following is assumed:
The OpenShift cluster is up and running with sufficient compute nodes
The appropriate storage class(es) have been pre-created
You have cluster administrator permissions to OpenShift
You can also choose to run Cloud Pak Deployer as a job on the OpenShift cluster. This removes the dependency on a separate server or workstation to run the deployer. Please note that you may need unrestricted OpenShift entitlements for this. To run the deployer on OpenShift via the OpenShift console, see Run on OpenShift using console
With the Existing OpenShift type of deployment you can install and configure the Cloud Pak(s) both on connected and disconnected (air-gapped) cluster. When using the deployer for a disconnected cluster, make sure you specify --air-gapped for the command.
There are 5 main steps to run the deployer for existing OpenShift:
Deployer reads the configuration from a directory you set in the CONFIG_DIR environment variable. A status directory (STATUS_DIR environment variable) is used to log activities, store temporary files, scripts. If you use a File Vault (default), the secrets are kept in the $STATUS_DIR/vault directory.
You can find OpenShift and Cloud Pak sample configuration (yaml) files here: sample configuration. For existing OpenShift installations, copy one of ocp-existing-ocp-*.yaml files into the $CONFIG_DIR/config directory. If you also want to install a Cloud Pak, copy one of the cp4*.yaml files.
Set configuration and status directories environment variables🔗
Cloud Pak Deployer uses the status directory to log its activities and also to keep track of its running state. For a given environment you're provisioning or destroying, you should always specify the same status directory to avoid contention between different deploy runs.
No steps should be required to prepare the infrastructure; this type of installation expects the OpenShift cluster to be up and running with the supported storage classes.
If you want to pull the Cloud Pak images from the entitled registry (i.e. an online install), or if you want to mirror the images to your private registry, you need to download the entitlement key. You can skip this step if you're installing from a private registry and all Cloud Pak images have already been downloaded to the private registry.
Select Get Entitlement Key and create a new key (or copy your existing key)
Copy the key value
As stated for the API key, you can choose to download the entitlement key to a file. However, when we reference the entitlement key, we mean the 80+ character string that is displayed, not the file.
CP_ENTITLEMENT_KEY: This is the entitlement key you acquired as per the instructions above, this is a 80+ character string. You don't need to set this environment variable when you install the Cloud Pak(s) from a private registry
Store the OpenShift login command or configuration🔗
Because you will be deploying the Cloud Pak on an existing OpenShift cluster, the deployer needs to be able to access OpenShift. There are thre methods for passing the login credentials of your OpenShift cluster(s) to the deployer process:
Regardless of which authentication option you choose, the deployer will retrieve the secret from the vault when it requires access to OpenShift. If the secret cannot be found or if it is invalid or the OpenShift login token has expired, the deployer will fail and you will need to update the secret of your choice.
For most OpenShift installations, you can retrieve the oc login command with a temporary token from the OpenShift console. Go to the OpenShift console and click on your user at the top right of the page to get the login command. Typically this command looks something like this: oc login --server= --token=sha256~NQUUMroU4B6q_GTBAMS18Y3EIba1KHnJ08L2rBHvTHA
Before passing the oc login command or the kubeconfig file, make sure you can login to your cluster using the command or the config file. If the cluster's API server has a self-signed certificate, make sure you specify the --insecure-skip-tls-verify flag for the oc login command.
Login successful.
+You have access to 65 projects, the list has been suppressed. You can list all projects with 'oc projects'
+Using project "default".
Make sure you put the oc login command between quotes (single or double) to make sure the full command is stored.
When the deployer is run, it automatically sets the oc-login vault secret to the specified oc login command. When logging in to OpenShift, the deployer first checks if there is a specific oc login secret for the cluster in question (see option 2). If there is not, it will default to the generic oc-login secret (option 1).
If you already have a "kubeconfig" file that holds the credentials of your cluster, you can use this, otherwise: - Log in to OpenShift as a cluster administrator using your method of choice - Locate the Kubernetes config file. If you have logged in with the OpenShift client, this is typically ~/.kube/config
If you did not just login to the cluster, the current context of the kubeconfig file may not point to your cluster. The deployer will check that the server the current context points to matches the cluster_name and domain_name of the configured openshift object. To check the current context, run the following command:
oc config current-context
Now, store the Kubernetes config file as a vault secret.
If the deployer manages multiple OpenShift clusters, you can specify a kubeconfig file for each of the clusters by prefixing the kubeconfig with the name of the openshift object, for example:
If you only want to validate the configuration, you can run the dpeloyer with the --check-only argument. This will run the first stage to validate variables and vault secrets and then execute the generators.
To run the container using a local configuration input directory and a data directory where temporary and state is kept, use the example below. If you don't specify the status directory, the deployer will automatically create a temporary directory. Please note that the status directory will also hold secrets if you have configured a flat file vault. If you lose the directory, you will not be able to make changes to the configuration and adjust the deployment. It is best to specify a permanent directory that you can reuse later. If you specify an existing directory the current user must be the owner of the directory. Failing to do so may cause the container to fail with insufficient permissions.
./ env apply --accept-all-licenses
You can also specify extra variables such as env_id to override the names of the objects referenced in the .yaml configuration files as {{ env_id }}-xxxx. For more information about the extra (dynamic) variables, see advanced configuration.
The --accept-all-licenses flag is optional and confirms that you accept all licenses of the installed cartridges and instances. Licenses must be either accepted in the configuration files or at the command line.
When running the command, the container will start as a daemon and the command will tail-follow the logs. You can press Ctrl-C at any time to interrupt the logging but the container will continue to run in the background.
You can return to view the logs as follows:
./ env logs
Deploying the infrastructure, preparing OpenShift and installing the Cloud Pak will take a long time, typically between 1-5 hours,dependent on which Cloud Pak cartridges you configured. For estimated duration of the steps, refer to Timings.
If you need to interrupt the automation, use CTRL-C to stop the logging output and then use:
If the Cloud Pak Deployer fails, for example because certain infrastructure components are temporarily not available, fix the cause if needed and then just re-run it with the same CONFIG_DIR and STATUS_DIR as well extra variables. The provisioning process has been designed to be idempotent and it will not redo actions that have already completed successfully.
Once the process has finished, it will output the URLs by which you can access the deployed Cloud Pak. You can also find this information under the cloud-paks directory in the status directory you specified.
To retrieve the Cloud Pak URL(s):
cat $STATUS_DIR/cloud-paks/*
This will show the Cloud Pak URLs:
Cloud Pak for Data URL for cluster pluto-01 and project cpd (domain name specified was
The admin password can be retrieved from the vault as follows:
List the secrets in the vault:
./ vault list
This will show something similar to the following:
Secret list for group sample:
+- ibm_cp_entitlement_key
+- oc-login
+- cp4d_admin_cpd_demo
You can then retrieve the Cloud Pak for Data admin password like this:
./ vault get --vault-secret cp4d_admin_cpd_sample
PLAY [Secrets] *****************************************************************
+included: /cloud-pak-deployer/automation-roles/99-generic/vault/vault-get-secret/tasks/get-secret-file.yml for localhost
+cp4d_admin_zen_sample_sample: gelGKrcgaLatBsnAdMEbmLwGr
You can find examples of a couple of typical changes you may want to do here: Post-run changes.
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+ IBM Cloud - Cloud Pak Deployer
Deployer reads the configuration from a directory you set in the CONFIG_DIR environment variable. A status directory (STATUS_DIR environment variable) is used to log activities, store temporary files, scripts. If you use a File Vault (default), the secrets are kept in the $STATUS_DIR/vault directory.
You can find OpenShift and Cloud Pak sample configuration (yaml) files here: sample configuration. For IBM Cloud installations, copy one of ocp-ibm-cloud-roks*.yaml files into the $CONFIG_DIR/config directory. If you also want to install a Cloud Pak, copy one of the cp4*.yaml files.
Set configuration and status directories environment variables🔗
Cloud Pak Deployer uses the status directory to log its activities and also to keep track of its running state. For a given environment you're provisioning or destroying, you should always specify the same status directory to avoid contention between different deploy runs.
In order for the Cloud Pak Deployer to create the infrastructure and deploy IBM Cloud Pak for Data, it must perform tasks on IBM Cloud. In order to do so it requires an IBM Cloud API Key. This can be created by following these steps:
Ensure you have selected the correct IBM Cloud Account for which you wish to use the Cloud Pak Deployer
Click Create an IBM Cloud API Key and provide a name and description
Copy the IBM Cloud API key using the Copy button and store it in a safe place, as you will not be able to retrieve it later
You can choose to download the API key for later reference. However, when we reference the API key, we mean the IBM Cloud API key as a 40+ character string.
If you want to pull the Cloud Pak images from the entitled registry (i.e. an online install), or if you want to mirror the images to your private registry, you need to download the entitlement key. You can skip this step if you're installing from a private registry and all Cloud Pak images have already been downloaded to the private registry.
Select Get Entitlement Key and create a new key (or copy your existing key)
Copy the key value
As stated for the API key, you can choose to download the entitlement key to a file. However, when we reference the entitlement key, we mean the 80+ character string that is displayed, not the file.
CP_ENTITLEMENT_KEY: This is the entitlement key you acquired as per the instructions above, this is a 80+ character string. You don't need to set this environment variable when you install the Cloud Pak(s) from a private registry
If you only want to validate the configuration, you can run the dpeloyer with the --check-only argument. This will run the first stage to validate variables and vault secrets and then execute the generators.
To run the container using a local configuration input directory and a data directory where temporary and state is kept, use the example below. If you don't specify the status directory, the deployer will automatically create a temporary directory. Please note that the status directory will also hold secrets if you have configured a flat file vault. If you lose the directory, you will not be able to make changes to the configuration and adjust the deployment. It is best to specify a permanent directory that you can reuse later. If you specify an existing directory the current user must be the owner of the directory. Failing to do so may cause the container to fail with insufficient permissions.
./ env apply --accept-all-licenses
You can also specify extra variables such as env_id to override the names of the objects referenced in the .yaml configuration files as {{ env_id }}-xxxx. For more information about the extra (dynamic) variables, see advanced configuration.
The --accept-all-licenses flag is optional and confirms that you accept all licenses of the installed cartridges and instances. Licenses must be either accepted in the configuration files or at the command line.
When running the command, the container will start as a daemon and the command will tail-follow the logs. You can press Ctrl-C at any time to interrupt the logging but the container will continue to run in the background.
You can return to view the logs as follows:
./ env logs
Deploying the infrastructure, preparing OpenShift and installing the Cloud Pak will take a long time, typically between 1-5 hours,dependent on which Cloud Pak cartridges you configured. For estimated duration of the steps, refer to Timings.
If you need to interrupt the automation, use CTRL-C to stop the logging output and then use:
If the Cloud Pak Deployer fails, for example because certain infrastructure components are temporarily not available, fix the cause if needed and then just re-run it with the same CONFIG_DIR and STATUS_DIR as well extra variables. The provisioning process has been designed to be idempotent and it will not redo actions that have already completed successfully.
Once the process has finished, it will output the URLs by which you can access the deployed Cloud Pak. You can also find this information under the cloud-paks directory in the status directory you specified.
To retrieve the Cloud Pak URL(s):
cat $STATUS_DIR/cloud-paks/*
This will show the Cloud Pak URLs:
Cloud Pak for Data URL for cluster pluto-01 and project cpd (domain name specified was
The admin password can be retrieved from the vault as follows:
List the secrets in the vault:
./ vault list
This will show something similar to the following:
Secret list for group sample:
+- ibm_cp_entitlement_key
+- sample-provision-ssh-key
+- sample-provision-ssh-pub-key
+- sample-terraform-tfstate
+- cp4d_admin_cpd_demo
You can then retrieve the Cloud Pak for Data admin password like this:
./ vault get --vault-secret cp4d_admin_cpd_demo
PLAY [Secrets] *****************************************************************
+included: /cloud-pak-deployer/automation-roles/99-generic/vault/vault-get-secret/tasks/get-secret-file.yml for localhost
+cp4d_admin_zen_sample_sample: gelGKrcgaLatBsnAdMEbmLwGr
You can find examples of a couple of typical changes you may want to do here: Post-run changes.
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files /dev/null and b/10-use-deployer/3-run/images/aws-rosa-ocs.png differ
diff --git a/10-use-deployer/3-run/images/aws-self-managed-ocs.png b/10-use-deployer/3-run/images/aws-self-managed-ocs.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37f2cb217
Binary files /dev/null and b/10-use-deployer/3-run/images/aws-self-managed-ocs.png differ
diff --git a/10-use-deployer/3-run/images/azure-aro.png b/10-use-deployer/3-run/images/azure-aro.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d4212c70
Binary files /dev/null and b/10-use-deployer/3-run/images/azure-aro.png differ
diff --git a/10-use-deployer/3-run/images/ibm-roks-ocs.png b/10-use-deployer/3-run/images/ibm-roks-ocs.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..42e568754
Binary files /dev/null and b/10-use-deployer/3-run/images/ibm-roks-ocs.png differ
diff --git a/10-use-deployer/3-run/images/vsphere-ocs-nfs.png b/10-use-deployer/3-run/images/vsphere-ocs-nfs.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b99c4bfcf
Binary files /dev/null and b/10-use-deployer/3-run/images/vsphere-ocs-nfs.png differ
diff --git a/10-use-deployer/3-run/run/index.html b/10-use-deployer/3-run/run/index.html
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+ Running Cloud Pak Deployer - Cloud Pak Deployer
Cloud Pak Deployer supports various public and private cloud infrastructures. Click on the links below, or in the left menu to find details about running the deployer on each of the following infrastructures:
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/10-use-deployer/3-run/vsphere/index.html
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+ vSphere - Cloud Pak Deployer
A typical setup of the vSphere cluster with OpenShift is pictured below:
When deploying OpenShift and the Cloud Pak(s) on VMWare vSphere, there is a dependency on a DHCP server for issuing IP addresses to the newly configured cluster nodes. Also, once the OpenShift cluster has been installed, valid fully qualified host names are required to connect to the OpenShift API server at port 6443 and applications running behind the ingress server at port 443. The Cloud Pak deployer cannot set up a DHCP server or a DNS server and to be able to connect to OpenShift or to reach the Cloud Pak after installation, name entries must be set up.
Deployer reads the configuration from a directory you set in the CONFIG_DIR environment variable. A status directory (STATUS_DIR environment variable) is used to log activities, store temporary files, scripts. If you use a File Vault (default), the secrets are kept in the $STATUS_DIR/vault directory.
You can find OpenShift and Cloud Pak sample configuration (yaml) files here: sample configuration. For vSphere installations, copy one of ocp-vsphere-*.yaml files into the $CONFIG_DIR/config directory. If you also want to install a Cloud Pak, copy one of the cp4*.yaml files.
Set configuration and status directories environment variables🔗
Cloud Pak Deployer uses the status directory to log its activities and also to keep track of its running state. For a given environment you're provisioning or destroying, you should always specify the same status directory to avoid contention between different deploy runs.
The OpenShift IPI installer requires vSphere credentials to create VMs and storage
Firewall rules
The OpenShift cluster's API server on port 6443 and application server on port 443 must be reachable.
Whitelisted URLs
The OpenShift and Cloud Pak download locations and registry must be accessible from the vSphere infrastructure. See Whitelisted locations
When provisioning new VMs, IP addresses must be automatically assigned through DHCP
A DNS server that will resolve the OpenShift API server and applications is required. See DNS configuration
Time server
A time server to synchronize the time must be available in the network and configured through the DHCP server
There are also some optional settings, dependent on the specifics of the installation:
Bastion server
It can be useful to have a bastion/installation server to run the deployer. This (virtual) server must reside within the vSphere network
NFS details
If an NFS server is used for storage, it must be reacheable (firewall) and no_root_squash must be set
Private registry
If the installation must use a private registry for the Cloud Pak installation, it must be available and credentials shared
If the Cloud Pak URL must have a CA-signed certificate, the key, certificate and CA bundle must be available at instlalation time
Load balancer
The OpenShift IPI install creates 2 VIPs and takes care of the routing to the services. In some implementations, a load balancer provided by the infrastructure team is preferred. This load balancer must be configured externally
During the provisioning and configuration process, the deployer needs access to the OpenShift API and the ingress server for which the IP addresses are specified in the openshift object.
Ensure that the DNS server has the following entries:
api.openshift_name.domain_name → Point to the api_vip address configured in the openshift object
*.apps.openshift_name.domain_name → Point to the ingress_vip address configured in the openshift object
If you do not configure the DNS entries upfront, the deployer will still run and it will "spoof" the required entries in the container's /etc/hosts file. However to be able to connect to OpenShift and access the Cloud Pak, the DNS entries are required.
In order for the Cloud Pak Deployer to create the infrastructure and deploy the IBM Cloud Pak, it must have provisioning access to vSphere and it needs the vSphere user and password. The user must have permissions to create VM folders and virtual machines.
VSPHERE_USER: This is the user name of the vSphere user, often this is something like admin@vsphere.local
VSPHERE_PASSWORD: The password of the vSphere user. Be careful with special characters like $, ! as they are not accepted by the IPI provisioning of OpenShift
If you want to pull the Cloud Pak images from the entitled registry (i.e. an online install), or if you want to mirror the images to your private registry, you need to download the entitlement key. You can skip this step if you're installing from a private registry and all Cloud Pak images have already been downloaded to the private registry.
Select Get Entitlement Key and create a new key (or copy your existing key)
Copy the key value
As stated for the API key, you can choose to download the entitlement key to a file. However, when we reference the entitlement key, we mean the 80+ character string that is displayed, not the file.
CP_ENTITLEMENT_KEY: This is the entitlement key you acquired as per the instructions above, this is a 80+ character string. You don't need to set this environment variable when you install the Cloud Pak(s) from a private registry
If you only want to validate the configuration, you can run the dpeloyer with the --check-only argument. This will run the first stage to validate variables and vault secrets and then execute the generators.
To run the container using a local configuration input directory and a data directory where temporary and state is kept, use the example below. If you don't specify the status directory, the deployer will automatically create a temporary directory. Please note that the status directory will also hold secrets if you have configured a flat file vault. If you lose the directory, you will not be able to make changes to the configuration and adjust the deployment. It is best to specify a permanent directory that you can reuse later. If you specify an existing directory the current user must be the owner of the directory. Failing to do so may cause the container to fail with insufficient permissions.
./ env apply --accept-all-licenses
You can also specify extra variables such as env_id to override the names of the objects referenced in the .yaml configuration files as {{ env_id }}-xxxx. For more information about the extra (dynamic) variables, see advanced configuration.
The --accept-all-licenses flag is optional and confirms that you accept all licenses of the installed cartridges and instances. Licenses must be either accepted in the configuration files or at the command line.
When running the command, the container will start as a daemon and the command will tail-follow the logs. You can press Ctrl-C at any time to interrupt the logging but the container will continue to run in the background.
You can return to view the logs as follows:
./ env logs
Deploying the infrastructure, preparing OpenShift and installing the Cloud Pak will take a long time, typically between 1-5 hours,dependent on which Cloud Pak cartridges you configured. For estimated duration of the steps, refer to Timings.
If you need to interrupt the automation, use CTRL-C to stop the logging output and then use:
If the Cloud Pak Deployer fails, for example because certain infrastructure components are temporarily not available, fix the cause if needed and then just re-run it with the same CONFIG_DIR and STATUS_DIR as well extra variables. The provisioning process has been designed to be idempotent and it will not redo actions that have already completed successfully.
Once the process has finished, it will output the URLs by which you can access the deployed Cloud Pak. You can also find this information under the cloud-paks directory in the status directory you specified.
To retrieve the Cloud Pak URL(s):
cat $STATUS_DIR/cloud-paks/*
This will show the Cloud Pak URLs:
Cloud Pak for Data URL for cluster pluto-01 and project cpd (domain name specified was
The admin password can be retrieved from the vault as follows:
List the secrets in the vault:
./ vault list
This will show something similar to the following:
Secret list for group sample:
+- vsphere-user
+- vsphere-password
+- ocp-pullsecret
+- ocp-ssh-pub-key
+- ibm_cp_entitlement_key
+- sample-kubeadmin-password
+- cp4d_admin_cpd_demo
You can then retrieve the Cloud Pak for Data admin password like this:
./ vault get --vault-secret cp4d_admin_cpd_demo
PLAY [Secrets] *****************************************************************
+included: /cloud-pak-deployer/automation-roles/99-generic/vault/vault-get-secret/tasks/get-secret-file.yml for localhost
+cp4d_admin_zen_sample_sample: gelGKrcgaLatBsnAdMEbmLwGr
You can find examples of a couple of typical changes you may want to do here: Post-run changes.
\ No newline at end of file
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+ Post-run changes - Cloud Pak Deployer
If you want to change the deployed configuration, you can just update the configuration files and re-run the deployer. Make sure that you use the same input configuration and status directories and also the env_id if you specified one, otherwise deployment may fail.
Below are a couple of examples of post-run changes you may want to do.
When initially installed, the Cloud Pak Deployer will generate a strong password for the Cloud Pak for Data admin user (or cpadmin if you have selected to use Foundational Services IAM). If you want to change the password afterwards, you can do this from the Cloud Pak for Data user interface, but this means that the deployer will no longer be able to make changes to the Cloud Pak for Data configuration.
If you have updated the admin password from the UI, please make sure you also update the secret in the vault.
First, list the secrets in the vault:
./ vault list
This will show something similar to the following:
Secret list for group sample:
+- ibm_cp_entitlement_key
+- sample-provision-ssh-key
+- sample-provision-ssh-pub-key
+- sample-terraform-tfstate
+- cp4d_admin_zen_sample_sample
Then, update the password:
./ vault set -vs cp4d_admin_zen_sample_sample -vsv "my Really Sec3re Passw0rd"
Finally, run the deployer again. It will make the necessary changes to the OpenShift secret and check that the admin user can log in. In this case you can speed up the process via the --skip-infra flag.
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+ Running commands - Cloud Pak Deployer
Open a command line within the Cloud Pak Deployer container🔗
Sometimes you may need to access the OpenShift cluster using the OpenShift client. For convenience we have made the oc command available in the Cloud Pak Deployer and you can start exploring the current OpenShift cluster immediately without having to install the client on your own workstation.
Make sure you have set the CONFIG_DIR and STATUS_DIR environment variables to the same values when you ran the env apply command. This will ensure that the oc command will access the OpenShift cluster(s) of that configuration.
If you have not run the deployer yet and do not intend to install any Cloud Paks, but you do want to access the OpenShift cluster from the command line to check or prepare items, run the deployer with the --skip-cp-install flag.
./ env apply --skip-cp-install
Deployer will check the configuration, download clients, attempt to login to OpenShift and prepare the OpenShift cluster with the global pull secret and (for Cloud Pak for Data) node settings. After that the deployer will finish without installing any Cloud Pak.
+Entering Cloud Pak Deployer command line in a container.
+Use the "exit" command to leave the container and return to the hosting server.
+Installing OpenShift client
+Current OpenShift context: cpd
Now, you can check the OpenShift cluster version:
[root@Cloud Pak Deployer Container ~]$ oc get clusterversion
+version 4.8.14 True False 2d3h Cluster version is 4.8.14
Or, display the list of OpenShift projects:
[root@Cloud Pak Deployer Container ~]$ oc get projects | grep -v openshift-
+calico-system Active
+default Active
+ibm-cert-store Active
+ibm-odf-validation-webhook Active
+ibm-system Active
+kube-node-lease Active
+kube-public Active
+kube-system Active
+openshift Active
+services Active
+tigera-operator Active
+cpd Active
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a0e3fe65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/10-use-deployer/9-destroy/destroy/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Destroy cluster - Cloud Pak Deployer
Optional: set environment variables for deployer config and status directories. If not specified, respectively $HOME/cpd-config and $HOME/cpd-status will be used.
IBM_CLOUD_API_KEY: This is the API key you generated using your IBM Cloud account, this is a 40+ character string
STATUS_DIR: The directory where the Cloud Pak Deployer keeps all status information and log files. Please note that if you have chosen to use a File Vault, the directory specified must be the one you used when you created the environment
CONFIG_DIR: Directory that holds the configuration. This must be the same directory you used when you created the environment
STATUS_DIR: The directory where the Cloud Pak Deployer keeps all status information and log files. Please note that if you have chosen to use a File Vault, the directory specified must be the one you used when you created the environment
CONFIG_DIR: Directory that holds the configuration. This must be the same directory you used when you created the environment
STATUS_DIR: The directory where the Cloud Pak Deployer keeps all status information and log files. Please note that if you have chosen to use a File Vault, the directory specified must be the one you used when you created the environment
CONFIG_DIR: Directory that holds the configuration. This must be the same directory you used when you created the environment
Please ensure you specify the same extra (dynamic) variables that you used when you ran the env apply command.
When running the command, the container will start as a daemon and the command will tail-follow the logs. You can press Ctrl-C at any time to interrupt the logging but the container will continue to run in the background.
You can return to view the logs as follows:
./ env logs
If you need to interrupt the process, use CTRL-C to stop the logging output and then use:
Once the process has finished successfully, you can delete the status directory.
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+ Cloud Paks - Cloud Pak Deployer
Defines the Cloud Pak(s) which is/are layed out on the OpenShift cluster, typically in one or more OpenShift projects. The Cloud Pak definition represents the instance users connect to and which is responsible for managing the functional capabilities installed within the application.
Name of the OpenShift project of the Cloud Pak for Data instance
Name of the OpenShift cluster
Yes, inferred from openshift
Existing openshift cluster
Cloud Pak for Data version to install, this will determine the version for all cartridges that do not specify a version
If set to True the deployer will run the OLM utils playbooks to install catalog sources, subscriptions and CRs. If set to False, deployer will use OLM utils to generate the scripts and then run them, which will cause the catalog sources, subscriptions and CRs to be created immediately and install in parallel
True (default), False
If set to True the deployer will enable Foundational Services IAM for authentication
False (default), True
Controls whether the node settings using the machine configs will be applied onto the OpenShift cluster.
True, False
Depicts whether Db2U containers run with limited privileges. If they do (True), Deployer will create KubeletConfig and Tuned OpenShift resources as per the documentation.
False (default), True
Set to 'True' to accept Cloud Pak licenses. Alternatively the --accept-all-licenses can be used for the command
True, False (default)
Set to cpd-enterprise, cpd-standard, watsonx-data, watsonx-ai, watsonx-gov-model-management, watsonx-gov-risk-compliance, dependent on the deployed license
Whether the Cloud Pak for Data is a production license
True (default), False
When using private registry, specify name of image_registry
References an openshift_storage element in the OpenShift cluster that was defined for this Cloud Pak for Data instance. The name must exist under `openshift.[openshift_cluster_name].openshift_storage.
No, inferred from openshift->openshift_storage
List of cartridges to install for this Cloud Pak for Data instance. See Cloud Pak for Data cartridges for more details
The immediate content of the cp4i object is actually a list of OpenShift projects (namespaces). There can be more than one project and instances can be created in separate projects.
Before you run the Cloud Pak Deployer be sure that the correct operator channels are defined for the selected instance types. Some products require a license ID, please check the documentation of each product for the correct license. If you decide to use CASE files instead of the IBM Operator Catalog (more on that below) make sure that you selected the correct CASE versions - please refer:
The following properties are defined on the project level:
Allowed values
The name of the OpenShift project that will be created and used for the installation of the defined instances.
Dynamically defined form the env_id parameter during the execution.
Yes, inferred from openshift
Existing openshift cluster
Reference to the storage definition that exists in the openshift object (please see above). The definition must include the class name of the file storage type and the class name of the block storage type.
No, inferred from openshift->openshift_storage
The version of the Cloud Pak for Integration (e.g. 2021.4.1)
The property defines if the CASE files are used for installation. If it is True then the operator catalogs are created from the CASE files. If it is False, the IBM Operator Catalog from the entitled registry is used.
True, False (default)
Set to True to accept Cloud Pak licenses. Alternatively the --accept-all-licenses can be used for the command
True, False
If it is True then the CP4I top-level operator that installs all other operators is used. Otherwise, only the operators for the selected instance types are installed.
True, False (default)
Needed if the use_top_level_operator is True otherwise, it is ignored. Specifies the channel of the top-level operator.
Needed if the use_top_level_operator is True otherwise, it is ignored. Specifies the CASE package version of the top-level operator.
It defines whether the operators are visible in all namespaces or just in the specific namespace where they are needed.
True, False (default)
List of the instances that are going to be created (please see below).
Despite the properties use_case_files, use_top_level_operator and operators_in_all_namespaces are defined as optional, they are actually crucial for the way of execution of the installation process. If any of them is omitted, it is assumed that the default False value is used. If none of them exists, it means that all are False. In this case, it means that the IBM Operator Catalog is used and only the needed operators for specified instance types are installed in the specific namespace.
The instance property contains one or more instances definitions. Each instance must have a unique name. There can be more the one instance of the same type.
For each instance definition, an instance type must be specified. We selected the type names that are as much as possible similar to the naming convention used in the Platform Navigator use interface. The following table shows all existing types:
The Platform Navigator is defined as one of the instance types. There is typically only one instance of it. The exception would be an installation in two or more completely separate namespaces (see the CP4I documentation). Special attention is paid to the installation of the Navigator. The Cloud Pak Deployer will install the Navigator instance first, before any other instance, and it will wait until the instance is ready (this could take up to 45 minutes).
When the installation is completed, you will find the admin user password in the status/cloud-paks/cp4i--cp4i-PN-access.txt file. Of course, you can obtain the password also from the platform-auth-idp-credentials secret in ibm-common-services namespace.
Sample value for 2021.4.1
Unique name within the cluster using only lowercase alphanumerics and "-"
Defines the Cloud Pak for Watson AIOps installation to be configured on the OpenShift cluster(s). The following instances can be installed by the deployer: * AI Manager * Event Manager * Turbonomic * Instana * Infrastructure management * ELK stack (ElasticSearch, Logstash, Kibana)
Aside from the base install, the deployer can also install ready-to-use demos for each of the instances
The project that is specified at the cp4waiops level defines the OpenShift project into which the instances of each of the services will be installed. Below is a list of instance "kinds" that can be installed. For every "service instance" there can also be a "demo content" entry to prepare the demo content for the capability.
Defines the Cloud Pak for Business Automation installation to be configured on the OpenShift cluster(s). See Cloud Pak for Business Automation for additional details.
+cpfs_profile_size:small# Profile size which affect replicas and resources of Pods of CPFS as per
+# Section for Cloud Pak for Business Automation itself
+# Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) CP4BA
+enabled:true# Currently always true
+profile_size:small# Profile size which affect replicas and resources of Pods as per
+foundation:# Foundation pattern, always true -
+bas:true# Business Automation Studio (BAS)
+bai:true# Business Automation Insights (BAI)
+ae:true# Application Engine (AE)
+decisions:# Operational Decision Manager (ODM) -
+decision_center:true# Decision Center (ODM)
+decision_runner:true# Decision Runner (ODM)
+decision_server_runtime:true# Decision Server (ODM)
+# Additional customization for Operational Decision Management
+# Contents of the following will be merged into ODM part of CP4BA CR yaml file. Arrays are overwritten.
+# Enable support for decision models
+decisions_ads:# Automation Decision Services (ADS) -
+ads_designer:true# Designer (ADS)
+ads_runtime:true# Runtime (ADS)
+content:# FileNet Content Manager (FNCM) -
+cmis:true# Content Management Interoperability Services (FNCM - CMIS)
+css:true# Content Search Services (FNCM - CSS)
+es:true# External Share (FNCM - ES)
+tm:true# Task Manager (FNCM - TM)
+ier:true# IBM Enterprise Records (FNCM - IER)
+icc4sap:false# IBM Content Collector for SAP (FNCM - ICC4SAP) - Currently not implemented
+application:# Business Automation Application (BAA) -
+app_designer:true# App Designer (BAA)
+ae_data_persistence:true# App Engine data persistence (BAA)
+document_processing:# Automation Document Processing (ADP) -
+document_processing_designer:true# Designer (ADP)
+# Additional customization for Automation Document Processing
+# Contents of the following will be merged into ADP part of CP4BA CR yaml file. Arrays are overwritten.
+# GPU config as described on
+# [Tech Preview] Deploy OCR Engine 2 (IOCR) for ADP -
+use_iocr:none# Allowed values: "none" to uninstall, "all" or "auto" to install (these are aliases)
+workflow:# Business Automation Workflow (BAW) -
+baw_authoring:true# Workflow Authoring (BAW) - always keep true if workflow pattern is chosen. BAW Runtime is not implemented.
+kafka:true# Will install a kafka cluster and enable kafka service for workflow authoring.
+# Section for IBM Process mining
+# Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) Process Mining
+# Additional customization for Process Mining
+# Contents of the following will be merged into PM CR yaml file. Arrays are overwritten.
+# Disables redis to spare resources as per
+# Section for IBM Robotic Process Automation
+# Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) RPA
+# Additional customization for Robotic Process Automation
+# Contents of the following will be merged into RPA CR yaml file. Arrays are overwritten.
+# Configures the NLP provider component of IBM RPA. You can disable it by specifying 0.
+# Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) CloudBeaver (PostgreSQL, DB2, MSSQL UI)
+# Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) Roundcube
+# Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) Cerebro
+# Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) AKHQ
+# Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) Mongo Express
+# Set to false if you don't want to install (or remove) phpLDAPAdmin
Used to configure extra UIs. The following properties are defined on the project level.
Allowed values
Set to true to enable CloudBeaver (PostgreSQL, DB2, MSSQL UI).
true, false
Set to true to enable Roundcube. Client for mail.
true, false
Set to true to enable Cerebro. Client for ElasticSearch in CP4BA.
true, false
Set to true to enable AKHQ. Client for Kafka in CP4BA.
true, false
Set to true to enable Mongo Express. Client for MongoDB.
true, false
Set to true to enable phpLDApAdmin. Client for OpenLDAP.
true, false
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+ Cloud Pak for Business Automation - Cloud Pak Deployer
Contains CP4BA version 23.0.2 iFix 2. RPA and Process Mining are currently not deployed due to discrepancy in Cloud Pak Foundational Services version. Contains IPM version 1.14.3.Contains RPA version 23.0.14.
This is not an official IBM documentation. Absolutely no warranties, no support, no responsibility for anything. Use it on your own risk and always follow the official IBM documentations. It is always your responsibility to make sure you are license compliant when using this repository to install IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation.
Please do not hesitate to create an issue here if needed. Your feedback is appreciated.
Not for production use (neither dev nor test or prod environments). Suitable for Demo and PoC environments - but with Production deployment.
Automatic deployment of the whole platform where you don't need to take care about almost any prerequisites
OCP Ingress certificate is used for Routes so there is only one certificate you need to trust in you local machine to trust all URLs of the whole platform
Trusted certificate in browser also enable you to save passwords
Wherever possible a common admin user cpadmin with adjustable password is used, so you don't need to remember multiple credentials when you want to access the platform (convenience also comes with responsibility - so you don't want to expose your platform to whole world)
The whole platform is running on containers, so you don't need to manually prepare anything on traditional VMs and take care of them including required prerequisites
Many otherwise manual post-deployment steps have been automated
Pre integrated and automatically connected extras are deployed in the platform for easier access/management/troubleshooting
You have a working Production deployment which you can use as a reference for further custom deployments
When you perform full deployment, as a result you will get full CP4BA platform as seen in the picture. You can also omit some capabilities - this is covered later in this doc.
More details about each section from the picture follows below it.
Contains extra software which makes working with the platform even easier.
phpLDAPadmin - Web UI for OpenLDAP directory making it easier to admin and troubleshoot the LDAP.
Gitea - Contains Git server with web UI and is used for ADS and ADP for project sharing and publishing. Organizations for ADS and APD are automatically created. Gitea is connected to OpenLDAP for authentication and authorization.
Nexus - Repository manager which contains pushed ADS java libraries needed for custom development and also for publishing custom ADS jars. Nexus is connected to OpenLDAP for authentication and authorization.
Roundcube - Web UI for included Mail server to be able to browse incoming emails.
Cerebro - Web UI elastic search browser automatically connected to ES instance deployed with CP4BA.
AKHQ - Web UI kafka browser automatically connected to Kafka instance deployed with CP4BA.
Kibana - Web UI elastic search dashboard tool automatically connected to ES instance deployed with CP4BA.
Mail server - For various mail integrations e.g. from BAN, BAW and RPA.
Mongo Express - Web UI for Mongo DB databases for CP4BA and Process Mining to easier troubleshoot DB.
CloudBeaver - Web UI for Postgresql and MSSQL databases making it easier to admin and troubleshoot the DBs.
CP4BA (Cloud Pak for Business Automation) section🔗
With proper sizing of the cluster and provided RWX File and RWO Block Storage Class, CP4BA deployed with Deployer should be working on any OpenShift 4.12 with Worker Nodes which in total have (60 CPU, 128GB Memory).
CP4BA Review and perform post deploy manual steps for CP4BA as specified in Project cloud-pak-deployer in ConfigMap cp4ba-postdeploy in file. It is best to copy the contents and open it in nice MarkDown editor like VSCode.
RPA Review and perform post deploy manual steps for RPA as specified in Project cloud-pak-deployer in ConfigMap cp4ba-rpa-postdeploy in file. It is best to copy the contents and open it in nice MarkDown editor like VSCode.
Process Mining Review and perform post deploy manual steps for IPM as specified in Project cloud-pak-deployer in ConfigMap cp4ba-pm-postdeploy in file. It is best to copy the contents and open it in nice MarkDown editor like VSCode.
Endpoints, access info and other useful information is available in Project cloud-pak-deployer in ConfigMap cp4ba-usage in file after installation. It is best to copy the contents and open it in nice MarkDown editor like VSCode.
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+ Assets - Cloud Pak Deployer
The Cloud Pak Deployer can implement demo assets and accelerators as part of the deployment process to standardize standing up fully-featured demo environments, or to test patches or new versions of the Cloud Pak using pre-defined assets.
If you put a script named in the CONFIG_DIR/assets directory, it will be run as part of applying the node settings. This way you can override the existing node settings applied by the deployer or update the compute nodes with new settings. For more information regarding the script, go to Prepare OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud and IBM Cloud Satellite.
A cp4d_asset entry defines one or more assets to be deployed for a specific Cloud Pak for Data instance (OpenShift project). In the configuration, a directory relative to the configuration directory (CONFIG_DIR) is specified. For example, if the directory where the configuration is stored is $HOME/cpd-config/sample and you specify assets as the asset directory, all assets under /cpd-config/sample/assets are processed.
You can create one or more subdirectories under the specified location, each holding an asset to be deployed. The deployer finds all scripts and cp4d-asset.yaml Ansible task files and runs them.
The following runtime attributes will be set prior to running the shell script or the Ansible task: * If the Cloud Pak for Data instances has the Common Core Services (CCS) custom resource installed, cpdctl is configured for the current Cloud Pak for Data instance and the current context is set to the admin user of the instance. This means you can run all cpdctl commands without first having to login to Cloud Pak for Data. * * The current working directory is set to the directory holding the script. * When running the shell script, the following environment variables are available: - CP4D_URL: Cloud Pak for Data URL - CP4D_ADMIN_PASSWORD: Cloud Pak for Data admin password - CP4D_OCP_PROJECT: OpenShift project that holds the Cloud Pak for Data instance - KUBECONFIG: OpenShift configuration file that allows you to run oc commands for the cluster
Download the zip file to the cp4d-assets directory in the specified configuration directory
Create the shell script (example below)
Add a cp4d_asset entry to the Cloud Pak for Data config file in the config directory (or in any other file with extention .yaml) shell script:
+SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )
+# Function to retrieve project by name
+function retrieve_project {
+ project_name=$1
+ # First check if project already exists
+ project_id=$(cpdctl project list \
+ --output json | \
+ jq -r --arg project_name $project_name \
+ 'if .total_results==0 then "" else .resources[] | select( == $project_name) | .metadata.guid end')
+ echo $project_id
+# Function to create a project
+function create_project {
+ project_name=$1
+ retrieve_project $project_name
+ if [ "$project_id" != "" ];then
+ echo "Project $project_name already exists"
+ return
+ else
+ echo "Creating project $project_name"
+ storage_id=$(uuidgen)
+ storage=$(jq --arg storage_id $storage_id '. | .guid=$storage_id | .type="assetfiles"' <<< '{}')
+ cpdctl project create --name $project_name --storage "$storage"
+ fi
+ # Find project_id to return
+ project_id=$(cpdctl project list \
+ --output json | \
+ jq -r --arg project_name $project_name \
+ 'if .total_results==0 then "" else .resources[] | select( == $project_name) | .metadata.guid end')
+# Function to import a project
+function import_project {
+ project_id=$1
+ zip_file=$2
+ import_id=$(cpdctl asset import start \
+ --project-id $project_id --import-file $zip_file \
+ --output json --jmes-query "" --raw-output)
+ cpdctl asset import get --project-id $project_id --import-id $import_id --output json
+# Function to run jobs
+function run_jobs {
+ project_id=$1
+ for job in $(cpdctl job list --project-id $project_id \
+ --output json | jq -r '.results[] | .metadata.asset_id');do
+ cpdctl job run create --project-id $project_id --job-id $job --job-run "{}"
+ done
+# Start of the asset code
+# Unpack the utilities-customer-attrition-prediction-industry-accelerator directory
+rm -rf /tmp/utilities-customer-attrition-prediction-industry-accelerator
+tar xzf utilities-customer-attrition-prediction-industry-accelerator.tar.gz -C /tmp
+# Change to the asset directory
+pushd ${asset_dir} > /dev/null
+# Log on to Cloud Pak for Data with the admin user
+cp4d_token=$(curl -s -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST $CP4D_URL/icp4d-api/v1/authorize -d '{"username": "admin", "password": "'$CP4D_ADMIN_PASSWORD'"}' | jq -r .token)
+# Import categories
+curl -s -k -H 'accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer ${cp4d_token}" -H "content-type: multipart/form-data" -X POST $CP4D_URL/v3/governance_artifact_types/category/import?merge_option=all -F "file=@./utilities-customer-attrition-prediction-glossary-categories.csv;type=text/csv"
+# Import glossary terms
+curl -s -k -H 'accept: application/json' -H "Authorization: Bearer ${cp4d_token}" -H "content-type: multipart/form-data" -X POST $CP4D_URL/v3/governance_artifact_types/glossary_term/import?merge_option=all -F "file=@./utilities-customer-attrition-prediction-glossary-terms.csv;type=text/csv"
+# Check if customer-attrition project already exists. If so, do nothing
+project_id=$(retrieve_project "customer-attrition")
+# If project does not exist, import it and run jobs
+if [ "$project_id" == "" ];then
+ create_project "customer-attrition"
+ import_project $project_id \
+ /tmp/utilities-customer-attrition-prediction-industry-accelerator/
+ run_jobs $project_id
+ echo "Skipping deployment of CP4D asset, project customer-attrition already exists"
+# Return to original directory
+popd > /dev/null
+exit 0
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+ Cartridges - Cloud Pak Deployer
Defines the services (cartridges) which must be installed into the Cloud Pak for Data instances. The cartridges will be configured with the storage class defined at the Cloud Pak for Data object level. For each cartridge you can specify whether it must be installed or removed by specifying the state. If a cartridge is installed and the state is changed to removed, the cartridge and all of its instances are removed by the deployer when it is run.
An example Cloud Pak for Data object with cartridges is below:
When run, the deployer installs the Db2 OLTP (db2oltp), Watson Machine Learning (wml) and Watson Studio (ws) cartridges. If the Watson Knowledge Catalog (wkc) is installed in the cpd-instance OpenShift project, it is removed.
After the deployer installs Db2 OLTP, a new Db2 instance is created with the specified attributes.
This is a list of cartridges that will be installed in the Cloud Pak for Data instance. Every cartridge is identified by its name.
Some cartridges may require additional information to correctly install or to create an instance for the cartridge. Below you will find a list of all tested Cloud Pak for Data cartridges and their specific properties.
Defines the Cloud Pak Foundational Services (fka Common Services) which are required for all Cloud Pak for Data installations. Cloud Pak for Data Foundational Services provide functionalities around certificate management, license service, identity and access management (IAM), etc.
This cartridge is mandatory for every Cloud Pak for Data instance.
Defines the Cloud Pak for Data platform operator (fka "lite") which installs the base services needed to operate Cloud Pak for Data, such as the Zen metastore, Zen watchdog and the user interface.
This cartridge is mandatory for every Cloud Pak for Data instance.
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+ Platform connections - Cloud Pak Deployer
Cloud Pak for Data platform connection - cp4d_conection🔗
The cp4d_connection object can be used to create Global Platform connections.
+- name: connection_name # Name of the connection, must be unique
+ type: database # Type, currently supported: [database]
+ cp4d_instance: cpd # CP4D instance on which the connection must be created
+ openshift_cluster_name: cluster_name # OpenShift cluster name on which the cp4d_instance is deployed
+ database_type: db2 # Type of connection
+ database_hostname: hostname # Hostname of the connection
+ database_port: 30556 # Port of the connection
+ database_name: bludb # Database name of the connection
+ database_port_ssl: true # enable ssl flag
+ database_credentials_username: 77066f69 # Username of the datasource
+ database_credentials_password_secret: db-credentials # Vault lookup name to contain the password
+ database_ssl_certificate_secret: db-ssl-cert # Vault lookup name to contain the SSL certificate
Cloud Pak for Data backup and restore platform connections - cp4d_backup_restore_connections🔗
The cp4d_backup_restore_connections can be used to backup all current configured Global Platform connections, which are either created by the Cloud Pak Deployer or added manually. The backup is stored in the status/cp4d/exports folder as a json file.
A backup file can be used to restore global platform connections. A flag can be used to indicate whether if a Global Platform connection with the same name already exists, the restore is skipped.
Using the Cloud Pak Deployer cp4d_backup_restore_connections capability implements the following: - Connect to the IBM Cloud Pak for Data instance specified using cp4d_instance and openshift_cluster_name - If connections_backup_file is specified export all Global Platform connections to the specified file in the status/cp4d/export/connections folder - If connections_restore_file is specified, load the file and restore the Global Platform connections - The connections_restore_overwrite (true/false) indicates whether if a Global Platform Connection with the same already exists, it will be replaced.
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+ Instances - Cloud Pak Deployer
Some cartridges have the ability to create one or more instances to run an isolated installation of the cartridge. If instances have been configured for the cartridge, the deployer can manage creating and deleting the instances.
The following Cloud Pak for Data cartridges are currently supported for managing instances:
Analytics engine powered by Apache Spark Instances🔗
Analytics Engine instances can be defined by adding the instances section to the cartridges entry of cartridge analytics-engine. The following example shows the configuration to define an instance.
DataStage instances can be defined by adding the instances section to the cartridges entry of cartridge datastage-ent-plus. The following example shows the configuration to define an instance.
DataStage, upon deployment, always creates a default instance called ds-px-default. This instance cannot be configured in the instances section.
Optionally, the default px_runtime and px_compute instances of the DataStage instance can be tweaked. Both scale_px_runtime and scale_px_compute must be specified when used, and all properties must be specified.
DB2 OLTP instances can be defined by adding the instances section to the cartridges entry of cartridge db2. The following example shows the configuration to define an instance.
Data Virtualization instances can be defined by adding the instances section to the cartridges entry of cartridge dv. The following example shows the configuration to define an instance.
A Cognos Analytics instance can be defined by adding the instances section to the cartridges entry of cartridge ca. The following example shows the configuration to define an instance.
Name of the DB2 instance used for the Cognos Repository database
The Cognos Content Repository database can use an IBM Cloud Pak for Data DB2 OLTP instance. The Cloud Pak Deployer will first determine whether an existing DB2 OLTP existing with the name specified metastore_ref. If this is the case, this DB2 OLTP instance will be used and the database is prepared using the Cognos DB2 script prior to provisioning the Cognos instance.
EnterpriseDB instances can be defined by adding the instances section to the cartridges entry of cartridge dv. The following example shows the configuration to define an instance.
+- project: cpd-instance
+ openshift_cluster_name: "{{ env_id }}"
+ cartridges:
+ # Please note that for EDB Postgress, a secret edb-postgres-license-key must be created in the vault
+ # before deploying
+ - name: edb_cp4d
+ size: small
+ state: installed
+ instances:
+ - name: instance1
+ version: "13.5"
+ #Optional Parameters
+ type: Standard
+ members: 1
+ size_gb: 50
+ resource_request_cpu: 1000m
+ resource_request_memory: 4Gi
+ resource_limit_cpu: 1000m
+ resource_limit_memory: 4Gi
An OpenPages instance can be defined by adding the instances section to the cartridges entry of cartridge openpages. The following example shows the configuration to define an instance.
The size of the OpenPages instances, default is xsmall
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+ LDAP - Cloud Pak Deployer
Cloud Pak for Data can connect to an LDAP user registry for identity and access managment (IAM). When configured, for a Cloud Pak for Data instance, a user must authenticate with the user name and password stored in the LDAP server.
If SAML is also configured for the Cloud Pak for Data instance, authentication (identity) is managed by the SAML server but access management (groups, roles) can still be served by LDAP.
IBM Cloud Pak for Data can connect to an LDAP user registry in order for users to log on with their LDAP credentials. The configuration of LDAP can be specified in a seperate yaml file in the config folder, or included in an existing yaml file.
A cp4d_ldap_config entry contains the connectivity information to the LDAP user registry. The project and openshift_cluster_name values uniquely identify the Cloud Pak for Data instance. The ldap_domain_search_password_vault entry contains a reference to the vault, which means that as a preparation the LDAP bind user password must be stored in the vault used by the Cloud Pak Deployer using the key referenced in the configuration. If the password is not available, the Cloud Pak Deployer will fail and not able to configure the LDAP connectivity.
# Each Cloud Pak for Data Deployment deployed in an OpenShift Project of an OpenShift cluster can have its own LDAP configuration
+- project: cpd-instance
+ openshift_cluster_name: sample # Mandatory
+ ldap_host: ldaps://ldap-host # Mandatory
+ ldap_port: 636 # Mandatory
+ ldap_user_search_base: ou=users,dc=ibm,dc=com # Mandatory
+ ldap_user_search_field: uid # Mandatory
+ ldap_domain_search_user: uid=ibm_roks_bind_user,ou=users,dc=ibm,dc=com # Mandatory
+ ldap_domain_search_password_vault: ldap_bind_password # Mandatory, Password vault reference
+ auto_signup: "false" # Mandatory
+ ldap_group_search_base: ou=groups,dc=ibm,dc=com # Optional, but mandatory when using user groups
+ ldap_group_search_field: cn # Optional, but mandatory when using user groups
+ ldap_mapping_first_name: cn # Optional, but mandatory when using user groups
+ ldap_mapping_last_name: sn # Optional, but mandatory when using user groups
+ ldap_mapping_email: mail # Optional, but mandatory when using user groups
+ ldap_mapping_group_membership: memberOf # Optional, but mandatory when using user groups
+ ldap_mapping_group_member: member # Optional, but mandatory when using user groups
The above configuration uses the LDAPS protocol to connect to port 636 on the ldap-host server. This server can be a private server if an upstream DNS server is also defined for the OpenShift cluster that runs Cloud Pak for Data. Common Name uid=ibm_roks_bind_user,ou=users,dc=ibm,dc=com is used as the bind user for the LDAP server and its password is retrieved from vault secret ldap_bind_password.
User Group configuration - cp4d_user_group_configuration🔗
The cp4d_user_group_configuration: can optionally create User Group(s) with references to LDAP Group(s). A user_groups entry must contain at least 1 role_assignments and 1 ldap_groups entry.
# Each Cloud Pak for Data Deployment deployed in an OpenShift Project of an OpenShift cluster can have its own User Groups configuration
+- project: zen-sample # Mandatory
+ openshift_cluster_name: sample # Mandatory
+ user_groups:
+ - name: CA_Analytics_Viewer
+ description: User Group for Cognos Analytics Viewers
+ role_assigmnents:
+ - name: zen_administrator_role
+ ldap_groups:
+ - name: cn=ca_viewers,ou=groups,dc=ibm,dc=com
+ - name: CA_Analytics_Administrators
+ description: User Group for Cognos Analytics Administrators
+ role_assigmnents:
+ - name: zen_administrator_role
+ ldap_groups:
+ - name: cn=ca_admins,ou=groups,dc=ibm,dc=com
Role Assignment values: - zen_administrator_role - zen_user_role - wkc_data_scientist_role - zen_developer_role - zen_data_engineer_role (requires installation of DataStage cartridge to become available)
During the creation of User Group(s) the following validations are performed: - LDAP configuration is completed - The provided role assignment(s) are available in Cloud Pak for Data - The provided LDAP group(s) are available in the LDAP registry - If the User Group already exists, it ensures the provided LDAP Group(s) are assigned, but no changes to the existing role assignments are performed and no LDAP groups are removed from the User Group
When using Cloud Pak for Data LDAP connectivity and User Groups, the User Groups can be assigned to authorize the users of the LDAP groups access to the proviosioned instance(s).
Currently supported instance authorization: - Cognos Analytics (ca)
+- project: zen-sample # Mandatory
+ openshift_cluster_name: sample # Mandatory
+ cartridges:
+ - name: cognos_analytics
+ manage_access: # Optional, requires LDAP connectivity
+ - ca_role: Analytics Viewer # Mandatory, one the CA Access roles
+ cp4d_user_group: CA_Analytics_Viewer # Mandatory, the CP4D User Group Name
+ - ca_role: Analytics Administrators # Mandatory, one the CA Access roles
+ cp4d_user_group: CA_Analytics_Administrators # Mandatory, the CP4D User Group Name
A Cognos Analytics (ca) instance can have multiple manage_access entries. Each entry consists of 1 ca_role and 1 cp4d_user_group element. The ca_role must be one of the following possible values: - Analytics Administrators - Analytics Explorers - Analytics Users - Analytics Viewer
During the configuration of the instance authorization the following validations are performend: - LDAP configuration is completed - The provided ca_role is valid - The provided cp4d_user_group exists
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+ SAML - Cloud Pak Deployer
You can configure Single Sign-on (SSO) by specifying a SAML server for the Cloud Pak for Data instance, which will take care of authenticating users. SAML configuration can be used in combination with the Cloud Pak for Data LDAP configuration, in which case LDAP complements the identity with access management (groups) for users.
An cp4d_saml_config entry holds connection information, certificates and field configuration that is needed in the exchange between Cloud Pak for Data user management and the identity provider (idP). The entry must created for every Cloud Pak for Data project that requires SAML authentication.
When a cp4d_saml_config entry exists for a certain cp4d project, the user management pods are updated with a samlConfig.json file and then restarted. If an entry is removed later, the file is removed and the pods restarted again. When no changes are needed, the file in the pod is left untouched and no restart takes place.
The above configuration uses the IBM preproduction IAM server to delegate authentication to and authentication is done via the user's e-mail address. An issuer must be configured in the identity provider (idP) and the idP's certificate must be kept in the vault so Cloud Pak for Data can confirm its identity.
Name of OpenShift project of the matching cp4d entry. The cp4d project must exist.
URL of the identity provider (idP) login page
Name of the parameter to authenticate with the idP
Vault secret that holds the private certificate to authenticate to the idP. If not specified, requests will not be signed.
Vault secret that holds the public certificate of the idP. This confirms the identity of the idP
The name you chose to register the Cloud Pak for Data instance with your idP
Format of the requests from Cloud Pak for Data to the idP. If not specified, urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress is used
Specify the callback URL if you want to override the default of cp4d_url/auth/login/sso/callback
The callbackUrl field in the samlConfig.json file is automatically populated by the deployer if it is not specified by the cp4d_saml_config entry. It then consists of the Cloud Pak for Data base URL appended with /auth/login/sso/callback.
Before running the deployer with SAML configuration, ensure that the secret configured for idp_cert_secret exists in the vault. Check Vault configuration for instructions on adding secrets to the vault.
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+ Global config - Cloud Pak Deployer
Cloud Pak Deployer can use properties set in the global configuration (global_config) during the deployment process and also as substitution variables in the configuration, such as {{ env_id}} and {{ ibm_cloud_region }}.
The following global_config variables are automatically copied into a "simple" form so they can be referenced in the configuration file(s) and also overridden using the command line.
Variable name
Name used to group secrets, typically you will specify sample
Cloud platform applicable to configuration, such as ibm-cloud, aws, azure
Environment ID used in various other configuration objects
When Cloud Platform is ibm-cloud, the region into which the ROKS cluster is deployed
When Cloud Platform is aws, the region into which the ROSA/self-managed OpenShift cluster is deployed
When Cloud Platform is azure, the region into which the ARO OpenShift cluster is deployed
User name to be used for admin user (currently not used)
Password to be used for all (admin) users it not specified in the vault
Is destroying of clusters, services/cartridges and instances allowed?
For all other variables, you can refer to the qualified form, for example: "{{ global_config.division }}"
If you run the command and specify -e env_id=jupiter-03, this will override the value in the global_config object. The same applies to the other variables.
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+ Objects overview - Cloud Pak Deployer
All objects used by the Cloud Pak Deployer are defined in a yaml format in files in the config directory. You can create a single yaml file holding all objects, or group objects in individual yaml files. At deployment time, all yaml files in the config directory are merged.
To make it easier to navigate the different object types, they have been groups in different tabs. You can also use the index below to find the definitions.
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+ DNS - Cloud Pak Deployer
When deploying OpenShift in a private network, one may want to reach additional private network services by their host name. Examples could be a database server, Hadoop cluster or an LDAP server. OpenShift provides a DNS operator which deploys and manages CoreDNS which takes care of name resolution for pods running inside the container platform, also known as DNS forwarding.
If the services that need to be reachable our registered on public DNS servers, you typically do not have to configure upstream DNS servers.
The upstream DNS used for a particular OpenShift cluster is configured like this:
The zones which have been defined for each of the upstream_dns configurations control which DNS server(s) will be used for name resolution. For example, if is given as the zone and an upstream DNS server of, any host name matching * will be resolved using DNS server and port 53.
If you want to remove the upstream DNS that was previously configured, you can change the deployer configuration as below and run the deployer. Removing the upstream_dns element altogether will not make changes to the OpenShift DNS operator.
List of alternative upstream DNS servers(s) for OpenShift
Name of the upstream DNS entry
Specification of one or more zone for which the DNS server is applicable
One or more DNS servers (host:port) that will resolve host names in the specified zone
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+ Infrastructure - Cloud Pak Deployer
For some of the cloud platforms, you must explicitly specify the infrastructure layer on which the OpenShift cluster(s) will be provisioned, or you can override the defaults.
For IBM Cloud, you can configure the VPC, subnets, NFS server(s), other Virtual Server Instance(s) and a number of other objects. When provisioning OpenShift on vSphere, you can configure data center, data store, network and virtual machine definitions. For Azure ARO you configure a single object with information about the virtual network (vnet) to be used and the node server profiles. When deploying OpenShift on AWS you can specify an EFS server if you want to use elastic storage.
The resource group is for cloud asset grouping purposes. You can define multiple resource groups in your IBM cloud account to group the provisioned assets. If you do not need to group your assets, choose default.
SSH keys to connect to VSIs. If you have Virtual Server Instances in your VPC, you will need an SSH key to connect to them. SSH keys defined here will be looked up in the vault and created if they don't exist already.
Controls whether the VPC is managed. The default is True. Only set to False if the VPC is not managed but only referenced by other objects such as transit gateways.
True (default), False
Security rules which are allowed for inbound traffic
Existing security_rule
Connect VPC to IBM Cloud classic infratructure resources
Defines the network access control list to be associated with subnets to allow or deny traffic from or to external connections. The rules are processed in sequence per direction. Rules that appear higher in the list will be processed first.
Defines which VPCs must be included in the transit gateway
Defines the VPC to include. Every VPC must exist in the configuration, even if not managed by this configuration. When referencing an existing VPC, make sure that there is a vpc object of that name with managed set to False.
Defines a new Elastic File Storage (EFS) service that is connected to the OpenShift cluster within the same VPC. The file storage will be used as the back-end for the efs-nfs-client OpenShift storage class.
Folder that holds the data, this will be mounted from the NFS storage class
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+ Logging and auditing - Cloud Pak Deployer
For logging and auditing of Cloud Pak for Data we make use of the OpenShift logging framework, which delivers a lot of flexibility in capturing logs from applications, storing them in an ElasticSearch datastore in the cluster (currently not supported by the deployer), or forwarding the log entries to external log collectors such as an ElasticSearch, Fluentd, Loki and others.
OpenShift logging captures 3 types of logging entries from workload that is running on the cluster:
infrastructure - logs generated by OpenShift processes
audit - audit logs generated by applications as well as OpenShift
application - all other applications on the cluster
Defines how OpenShift forwards the logs to external log collectors. Currently, the following log collector types are supported:
When OpenShift logging is activated via the openshift_logging object, all 3 logging types are activated automatically. You can specify logging_output items to forward log records to the log collector of your choice. In the below example, the application logs are forwarded to a loki server and audit logs to, both have the same certificate to connect with:
Cloud Pak for Data and Foundational Services application logs are automatically picked up and forwarded to the loki-application logging destination and no additional configuration is needed.
Name of the OpenShift cluster to configure the logging for
Must internal ElasticSearch log store and Kibana be provisioned? (default False)
True, False (default)
Defines which classes of log records will be sent to the log collectors
Specifies OpenShift log records class to forwawrd
application, infrastructure, audit
Specifies the logging_output to send the records to . If not specified, records will be sent to the internal log only
Specify your own labels to be added to the log records. Every logging input/output combination can have its own labes
Defines the log collectors. If configure_es_log_store is True, output will always be sent to the internal ES log store
Log collector name, referenced by cluster_wide_logging or cp4d_audit
Type of the log collector, currently only loki is possible
URL of the log collector; this URL must be reachable from within the cluster
Defines the vault secrets that hold the certificate elements
Yes, if url is https
Public certificate to connect to the URL
Private key to connect to the URL
Certificate Authority bundle to connect to the URL
If you also want to activate audit logging for Cloud Pak for Data, you can do this by adding a cp4d_audit_config object to your configuration. With the below example, the Cloud Pak for Data audit logger is configured to write log records to the standard output (stdout) of the pods, after which they are forwarded to the loki-audit logging destination by a ClusterLogForwarder custom resource. Optionally labels can be specified which are added to the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource pipeline entry.
Because audit log entries are written to the standard output, they will also be picked up by the generic application log forwarder and will therefore also appear in the application logging destination.
The Cloud Pak Deployer simplifies the recording of audit log entries by means of the OpenShift logging framework, which can in turn be configured to forward entries to various log collectors such as Fluentd, Loki and ElasticSearch.
A cp4d_audit_config entry defines the audit configuration for a Cloud Pak for Data instance (OpenShift project). The main configuration items are the number of replicas and the output. Currently only one output type is supported: openshift-logging, which allows the OpenShift logging framework to pick up audit entries and forward to the designated collectors.
When a cp4d_audit_config entry exists for a certain cp4d project, the zen-audit-config ConfigMap is updated and then the audit logging deployment is restarted. If no configuration changes have been made, no restart is done.
Additionally, for the audit_output entries, the OpenShift logging ClusterLogForwarder instance is updated to forward audit entries to the designated logging output. In the example below the auditing is configured with 2 replicas and an input and pipeline is added to the ClusterLogForwarder instance so output to the matching channel defined in openshift_logging.logging_output.
Name of OpenShift project of the matching cp4d entry. The cp4d project must exist.
Number of replicas for the Cloud Pak for Data audit logger.
No (default 1)
Defines where the audit logs should be written to
Type of auditing output, defines where audit logging entries will be written
Name of the logging_output entry in the openshift_logging object. This logging_output entry must exist.
Optional list of labels set to the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource pipeline
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+ Monitoring - Cloud Pak Deployer
For monitoring of Cloud Pak for Data we make use of the OpenShift Monitoring framework. The observations generated by Cloud Pak for Data are pushed to the OpenShift Monitoring Prometheus endpoint. This will allow (external) monitoring tools to combine the observations from the OpenShift platform and Cloud Pak for Data from a single source.
To deploy Cloud Pak for Data Monitors, its is mandatory to also enable the OpenShift monitoring. OpenShift monitoring is activated via the openshift_monitoring object.
Allow pushing Prometheus metrics to OpenShift (must be set to True for monitoring to work)
True, False
Storage class to keep persistent monitoring data
Valid storage class
Size of the PVC holding the monitoring data
Yes if pv_storage_class is set
Set this value to redirect metrics to remote Prometheus
Number of seconds (s), minutes (m), hours(h), days (d), weeks (w), years (y) to retain monitoring data. Default is 15d
Additional labels to be added to the metrics
Enable Grafana community operator?
False (default), True
If enabled, project in which to enable the Grafana operator
Yes, if grafana_operator enabled
Note Labels must be specified as a YAML record where each line is a key-value. The labels will be added to the prometheus key of the user-workload-monitoring-config ConfigMap and to the prometheusK8S key of the cluster-monitoring-config ConfigMap.
Note When the Grafana operator is enabled, you can build your own Grafana dashboard based on the metrics collected by Prometheus. When installed, Grafana creates a local admin user with user name root and passwowrd secret. Grafana can be accessed using the OpenShift route that is created in the project specified by grafana_project.
The observations of Cloud Pak for Data are generated using the zen-watchdog component, which is part of the cpd_platform cartridge and therefore available on each instance of Cloud Pak for Data. Part of the zen-watchdog installation is a set of monitors which focus on the technical deployment of Cloud Pak for Data (e.g. running pods and bound Persistent Volume Claims (pvcs)).
Additional monitors which focus more on the operational usage of Cloud Pak for Data can be deployed as well. These monitors are maintained in a seperate Git repository and be accessed at IBM/cp4d-monitors. Using the Cloud Pak Deployer, monitors can be deployed which uses the Cloud Pak for Data zen-watchdog monitor framework. This allows adding custom monitors to the zen-watchdog, making these custom monitors visible in the Cloud Pak for Data metrics.
Using the Cloud Pak Deployer cp4d_monitors capability implements the following: - Create Cloud Pak for Data ServiceMonitor endpoint to forward zen-watchdog monitor events to OpenShift Cluster monitoring - Create source repository auth secrets (optional, if pulling monitors from secure repo) - Create target container registry auth secrets (optional, if pushing monitor images to secure container registry) - Deploy custom monitors, which will be added to the zen-watchdog monitor framework
For custom monitors to be deployed, it is mandatory to enable the OpenShift user-workload monitoring, as specified in OpenShift monitoring.
The Cloud Pak for Data monitors are specified in a cp4d_monitors definition.
Each cp4d_monitors entry contains a set of default settings, which are applicable to the monitors list. These defaults can be overwritten per monitor if needed.
Allowed values
The name of the monitor set
lowercase RFC 1123 subdomain (1)
The OpenShift project (namespace) on which the Cloud Pak for Data instance resides
The Openshift cluster name
The default repository location of all monitors located in the monitors section
The default repo access token secret name, must be available in the vault
The default target container registry (cr) for the monitor image to be pushed. When omitted, the OpenShift internal registry is used
The default target container registry user name secret name used to push the monitor image. Must be available in the vault
The default target container registry password secret name used to push the monitor image. Must be available in the vault
List of monitors
Per monitors entry, the following settings are specified:
Allowed values
The name of the monitor entry
lowercase RFC 1123 subdomain (1)
Overrides default_monitor_source_repo for this single monitor
Overrides default_monitor_source_token_secret for this single monitor
Overrides default_monitor_target_cr for this single monitor
Overrides default_monitor_target_cr_user_secret for this single monitor
Overrides default_monitor_target_cr_user_password for this single monitor
Sets the context of the monitor the the source repo (sub folder name)
Set the label of the pushed image, default to 'latest'
Sets the schedule of the generated Cloud Pak for Data monitor cronjob
Each monitor has a set of event_types, which contain the observations generated by the monitor. These event types are retrieved directly from the github repository, which it is expected that each context contains a file called event_types.yml. During deployment of the monitor this file is retrieved and used to populate the event_types of the monitor.
If the Deployer runs and the monitor is already deployed, the following process is used: - The build process is restarted to ensure the latest image of monitor is used - A comparison is made between the monitor's current configuration and the configuration created by the Deployer. If these are identical, the monitor's configuration is left as-is, however if these are different, the monitor's configuration is rebuild and the monitor is re-deployed.
This monitor counts the number of Global Platform connections and for each Global Platform Connection a test is executed to test whether the connection can still be established.
Once the monitor is deployed, the following metrics are available in IBM Cloud Pak for Data.
On the Platform Management Events page the following entries are added: - Cloud Pak for Data Global Connections Count - Global Connection - <Global Connection Name> (for each connection)
Using the IBM Cloud Pak for Data Prometheus endpoint🔗
It will generate 2 types of metrics:
global_connections_count Provides the number of available connections
global_connection_valid For each connection, a test action is performed
1 (Test Connection success)
0 (Test connection failed)
# HELP global_connections_count
+# TYPE global_connections_count gauge
+global_connections_count{event_type="global_connections_count",monitor_type="cp4d_platform_global_connections",reference="Cloud Pak for Data Global Connections Count"} 2
+# HELP global_connection_valid
+# TYPE global_connection_valid gauge
+global_connection_valid{event_type="global_connection_valid",monitor_type="cp4d_platform_global_connections",reference="Cognos MetaStore Connection"} 1
+global_connection_valid{event_type="global_connection_valid",monitor_type="cp4d_platform_global_connections",reference="Cognos non-shared"} 0
Zen Watchdog metrics (used in platform management events) - watchdog_cp4d_platform_global_connections_global_connections_count - watchdog_cp4d_platform_global_connections_global_connection_valid (for each connection)
Zen Watchdog metrics can have the following values: - 2 (info) - 1 (warning) - 0 (critical)
# HELP watchdog_cp4d_platform_global_connections_global_connection_valid
+# TYPE watchdog_cp4d_platform_global_connections_global_connection_valid gauge
+watchdog_cp4d_platform_global_connections_global_connection_valid{event_type="global_connection_valid",monitor_type="cp4d_platform_global_connections",reference="Cognos MetaStore Connection"} 2
+watchdog_cp4d_platform_global_connections_global_connection_valid{event_type="global_connection_valid",monitor_type="cp4d_platform_global_connections",reference="Cognos non-shared"} 1
+# HELP watchdog_cp4d_platform_global_connections_global_connections_count
+# TYPE watchdog_cp4d_platform_global_connections_global_connections_count gauge
+watchdog_cp4d_platform_global_connections_global_connections_count{event_type="global_connections_count",monitor_type="cp4d_platform_global_connections",reference="Cloud Pak for Data Global Connections Count"} 2
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+ OpenShift - Cloud Pak Deployer
You can configure one or more OpenShift clusters that will be layed down on the specified infrastructure, or which already exist.
Dependent on the cloud platform on which the OpenShift cluster will be provisioned, different installation methods apply. For IBM Cloud, Terraform is used, whereas for vSphere the IPI installer is used. On AWS (ROSA), the rosa CLI is used to create and modify ROSA clusters. Each of the different platforms have slightly different properties for the openshift objects.
Every OpenShift cluster definition of a few mandatory properties that control which version of OpenShift is installed, the number and flavour of control plane and compute nodes and the underlying infrastructure, dependent on the cloud platform on which it is provisioned. Storage is a mandatory element for every openshift definition. For a list of supported storage types per cloud platform, refer to Supported storage types.
The Multicloud Object Gateway (MCG) supports access to s3-compatible object storage via an underpinning block/file storage class, through the Noobaa operator. Some Cloud Pak for Data services such as Watson Assistant need object storage to run. MCG does not need to be installed if OpenShift Data Foundation (fka OCS) is also installed as the operator includes Noobaa.
Total number of compute nodes. This must be a factor of the number of subnets
IBM Cloud resource group for the ROKS cluster
Must the Cloud Native Toolkit (OpenShift GitOps) be installed?
True, False (default)
Must the OpenShift Advanced Data Protection operator be installed
True, False (default)
Type of infrastructure to provision ROKS cluster on
Name of the VPC if type is vpc
Yes, inferrred from vpc
Existing VPC
List of subnets within the VPC to use. Either 1 or 3 subnets must be specified
Existing subnet
Reference to the cos object created for this cluster
Existing cos object
If true, it indicates that the ROKS cluster must be provisioned without public endpoints
True, False (default)
If true, the Allow ICMP, TCP and UDP rules for the security group associated with the ROKS cluster are removed if present. If false, the Allow ICMP, TCP and UDP rules are added if not present.
True, False (default)
Reference to the storage flavour to be used as secondary storage, for example "900gb.5iops-tier"
Must Multicloud Object Gateway be installed (Once installed, False does not uninstall)
True, False
Type of storage supporting the object Noobaa object storage
Storage class supporting the Noobaa object storage
Existing storage class
List of storage definitions to be defined on OpenShift, see below for further explanation
The managed attribute indicates whether the ROKS cluster is managed by the Cloud Pak Deployer. If set to False, the deployer will not provision the ROKS cluster but expects it to already be available in the VPC. You can still use the deployer to create the VPC, the subnets, NFS servers and other infrastructure, but first run it without an openshift element. Once the VPC has been created, manually create an OpenShift cluster in the VPC and then add the openshift element with managed set to False. If you intend to use OpenShift Container Storage, you must also activate the add-on and create the OcsCluster custom resource.
If you set infrastructure.private_only to True, the server from which you run the deployer must be able to access the ROKS cluster via its private endpoint, either by establishing a VPN to the cluster's VPC, or by making sure the deployer runs on a server that has a connection with the ROKS VPC via a transit gateway.
Property explanation OpenShift clusters on vSphere🔗
Allowed values
Name of the OpenShift cluster
Domain name of the cluster, this will also depict the route to the API and ingress endpoints
OpenShift version. If you want to install 4.10, specify "4.10"
>= 4.6
Total number of control plane nodes, typically 3
vm_definition object that will be used to define number of vCPUs and memory for the control plane nodes
Existing vm_definition
Total number of compute nodes
vm_definition object that will be used to define number of vCPUs and memory for the compute nodes
Existing vm_definition
Virtual IP address that the installer will provision for the API server
Virtual IP address that the installer will provision for the ingress server
Must the Cloud Native Toolkit (OpenShift GitOps) be installed?
True, False (default)
Must the OpenShift Advanced Data Protection operator be installed
True, False (default)
Infrastructure properties
Network CIDR used by the OpenShift pods. Normally you would not have to change this, unless other systems in the network are in the subnet.
Property explanation OpenShift clusters on AWS (self-managed)🔗
Allowed values
Name of the OpenShift cluster
OpenShift version version, specified as x.y.z
>= 4.6
Base domain name of the cluster. Together with the name, this will be the domain of the OpenShift cluster.
Flavour of the AWS servers used for the control plane nodes. m5.xxlarge is the recommended value 4 GB of memory
Total number of control plane
Flavour of the AWS servers used for the compute nodes. m5.4xlarge is a large node with 16 cores and 64 GB of memory
Total number of compute nodes
Must the Cloud Native Toolkit (OpenShift GitOps) be installed?
True, False (default)
Must the OpenShift Advanced Data Protection operator be installed
True, False (default)
Infrastructure properties
Type of OpenShift cluster on AWS.
rosa or self-managed
Region of AWS where cluster is deployed.
Determines whether the OpenShift cluster is deployed across multiple availability zones. Default is True.
True (default), False
Security requirement of the Cloud Credential Operator (COO) when doing installations with temporary AWS security credentials. Default (omit) is automatically handled by CCO.
Manual, Mint
Machine CIDR. This value will be used to create the VPC and its subnets. In case of an existing VPC, specify the CIDR of that VPC.
Network CIDR used by the OpenShift pods. Normally you would not have to change this, unless other systems in the network are in the subnet.
Existing public and private subnet IDs in the VPC to be used for the OpenShift cluster. Must be specified in combination with machine_cidr and hosted_zone_id.
Existing subnet IDs
Indicates whether the OpenShift can be accessed from the internet. Default is True
True, False
ID of the AWS Route 53 hosted zone that controls the DNS entries. If not specified, the OpenShift installer will create a hosted zone for the specified domain_name. This attribute is only needed if you create the OpenShift cluster in an existing VPC
If not standard, specify the IAM role that the OpenShift installer must use for the control plane nodes during cluster creation
If not standard, specify the IAM role that the OpenShift installer must use for the compute nodes during cluster creation
Must Multicloud Object Gateway be installed (Once installed, False does not uninstall)
True, False
Type of storage supporting the object Noobaa object storage
Storage class supporting the Noobaa object storage
Existing storage class
List of storage definitions to be defined on OpenShift, see below for further explanation
When deploying the OpenShift cluster within an existing VPC, you must specify the machine_cidr that covers all subnets and the subnet IDs within the VPC. For example:
Must Multicloud Object Gateway be installed (Once installed, False does not uninstall)
True, False
Type of storage supporting the object Noobaa object storage
Storage class supporting the Noobaa object storage
Existing storage class
List of storage definitions to be defined on OpenShift, see below for further explanation
When deploying the OpenShift cluster within an existing VPC, you must specify the machine_cidr that covers all subnets and the subnet IDs within the VPC. For example:
Property explanation for OpenShift cluster on Microsoft Azure (ARO)🔗
You are not allowed to specify the OCP version of the ARO cluster. The latest current version is provisioned automatically instead no matter what value is specified in the "ocp_version" parameter. The "ocp_version" parameter is mandatory for compatibility with other layers of the provisioning, such as the OpenShift client. For instance, the value is used by the process which downloads and installs the oc client. Please, specify the value according to what OCP version will be provisioned.
Allowed values
Name of the OpenShift cluster
Name of the azure element in the configuration
Domain mame of the cluster, if you want to override the name generated by Azure
The OpenShift version. If you want to install 4.10, specify "4.10"
>= 4.6
Must the Cloud Native Toolkit (OpenShift GitOps) be installed?
True, False (default)
Must the OpenShift Advanced Data Protection operator be installed
When using the Cloud Pak Deployer on an existing OpenShift cluster, the scripts assume that the cluster is already operational and that any storage classes have been pre-created. The deployer accesses the cluster through a vault secret with the kubeconfig information; the name of the secret is <name>-kubeconfig.
When deploying on existing OpenShift, the underlying infrastructure can pose some restrictions on capabilities available. For example, Red Hat OpenShift on IBM Cloud (aka ROKS) does not include the Machine Config Operator and ROSA on AWS does not allow to set labels for Machine Config Pools. This means that node settings required for Cloud Pak for Data must be applied in a non-standard manner.
The following values are allowed for infrastructure.type:
detect (default): The deployer will attempt to detect the underlying cloud infrastructure. This is done by retrieving the existing storage classes and then inferring the cloud type.
standard: The deployer will assume a standard OpenShift cluster with no further restrictions. This is the fallback value for detect if the underlying infra cannot be detected.
aws-self-managed: A self-managed OpenShift cluster on AWS. No restrictions.
aws-rosa: Managed Red Hat OpenShift on AWS. Some restrictions with regards to Machine Config Pools apply.
azure-aro: Managed Red Hat OpenShift on Azure. No known restrictions.
vsphere: OpenShift on vSphere. No known restrictions.
Name of the storage definition, to be referenced by the Cloud Pak
Type of storage class to use in the OpenShift cluster
nfs, ocs, aws-elastic, auto, custom
OpenShift storage class to use for file storage if different from default for storage_type
Yes if storage_type is custom
OpenShift storage class to use for block storage if different from default for storage_type
Yes if storage_type is custom
The custom storage_type can be used in case you want to use a non-standard storage class(es). In this case the storage class(es) must be already configured on the OCP cluster and set in the respective ocp_storage_class_file and ocp_storage_class_block variables
The auto storage_type will let the deployer automatically detect the storage type based on the existing storage classes in the OpenShift cluster.
An openshift definition always includes the type(s) of storage that it will provide. When the OpenShift cluster is provisioned by the deployer, the necessary infrastructure and storage class(es) are also configured. In case an existing OpenShift cluster is referenced by the configuration, the storage classes are expected to exist already.
The table below indicates which storage classes are supported by the Cloud Pak Deployer per cloud infrastructure.
The ability to provision or use certain storage types does not imply support by the Cloud Paks or by OpenShift itself. There are several restrictions for production use OpenShift Data Foundation, for example when on ROSA.
Cloud Provider
NFS Storage
OCS/ODF Storage
Custom (2)
Yes (1)
Yes (3)
(1) An existing NFS server can be specified so that the deployer configures the managed-nfs-storage storage class. The deployer will not provision or change the NFS server itself.
(2) If you specify a custom storage type, you must specify the storage class to be used for block (RWO) and file (RWX) storage.
(3) Specifying this storage type means that Elastic File Storage (EFS) and Elastic Block Storage (EBS) storage classes will be used. For EFS, an nfs_server object is required to define the "file server" storage on AWS.
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+ Private registries - Cloud Pak Deployer
In cases where the OpenShift cluster is in an environment with limited internet connectivity, you may want OpenShift to pull Cloud Pak images from a private image registry (aka container registry). There may also be other reasons for choosing a private registry over the entitled registry.
The below steps outline how to configure a private registry for a Cloud Pak deployment. When the image_registry object is referenced by the Cloud Pak object (such as cp4d), the deployer makes the following changes in OpenShift so that images are pulled from the private registry:
Global pull secret: The image registry's credentials are retrieved from the vault (the secret name must be image-registry-<name> and an entry for the registry is added to the global pull secret (secret pull-secret in project openshift-config).
ImageContentSourcePolicy: This is a mapping between the original location of the image, for example is mapped to
Image registry settings: OpenShift keeps image registry settings in custom resource If a private registry with a self-signed certificate is configured, certificate authority's PEM secret must be created as a configmap in the openshift-config project. The deployer uses the vault secret referenced in registry_trusted_ca_secret property to create or update the configmap so that OpenShift can connect to the registry in a secure manner. Alternatively, you add the registry_insecure: true property to pull images without checking the certificate.
Defines a private registry that will be used for pulling the Cloud Pak container images from. Additionally, if the Cloud Pak entitlement key was specified at run time of the deployer, the images defined by the case files will be mirrored to this private registry.
Port that the image registry listens on. Default is the https port (443)
Namespace (path) within the registry that holds the Cloud Pak images. Mandatory only when using the IBM Cloud Container Registry (ICR)
Defines whether insecure registry access with a self-signed certificate is allowed
True, False (default)
Defines the vault secret which holds the certificate authority bundle that must be used when connecting to this private registry. This parameter cannot be specified if registry_insecure is also specified.
The registry_host_name you specify in the image_registry definition must also be available for DNS lookup within OpenShift. If the registry runs on a server that is not registered in the DNS, use its IP address instead of a host name.
When mirroring images, the deployer connects to the registry using the host name and port. If the port is omitted, the standard https protocol (443) is used. If a registry_namespace is specified, for example when using the IBM Container Registry on IBM Cloud, it will be appended to the registry URL.
The user and password to connect to the registry will be retrieved from the vault, using secret image-registry-<your_image_registry_name> and must be stored in the format registry_user:registry_password. For example, if you want to connect to the image registry cpd404 with user admin and password very_s3cret, you would create a secret as follows:
If you need to connect to a private registry which is not signed by a public certificate authority, you have two choices: * Store the PEM certificate that that holds the CA bundle in a vault secret and specify that secret for the registry_trusted_ca_secret property. This is the recommended method for private registries. * Specify registry_insecure: false (not recommended): This means that the registry (and port) will be marked as insecure and OpenShift will pull images from it, even if its certificate is self-signed.
For example, if you have a file /tmp/ca.crt with the PEM certificate for the certificate authority, you can do the following:
This will create a vault secret which the deployer will use to populate a configmap in the openshift-config project, which in turn is referenced by the custom resource. For the above configuration, configmap cpd404-ca-bundle would be created and teh would look something like this:
Using the IBM Container Registry as a private registry🔗
If you want to use a private registry when running the deployer for a ROKS cluster on IBM Cloud, you must use the IBM Container Registry (ICR) service. The deployer will automatically create the specified namespace in the ICR and set up the credentials accordingly. Configure an image_registry object with the host name of the private registry and the namespace that holds the images. An example of using the ICR as a private registry:
The registry host name must end with and the registry namespace is mandatory. No other properties are needed; the deployer will retrieve them from IBM Cloud.
If you have already created the ICR namespace, create a vault secret for the image registry credentials:
The Cloud Pak for Data installation refers to the cpd463image_registry object.
If the ibm_cp_entitlement_key secret is in the vault at the time of running the deployer, the required images will be mirrored from the entitled registry to the private registry. If all images are already available in the private registry, just specify the --skip-mirror-images flag when you run the deployer.
Using a private registry for the Cloud Pak installation (non-IBM Cloud)🔗
Configure an image_registry object with the host name of the private registry and some optional properties such as port number, CA certificate and whether insecure access to the registry is allowed.
The registry_host_name you specify in the image_registry definition must also be available for DNS lookup within OpenShift. If the registry runs on a server that is not registered in the DNS, use its IP address instead of a host name.
To create the vault secret for the image registry credentials:
The Cloud Pak for Data installation refers to the cpd463image_registry object.
If the ibm_cp_entitlement_key secret is in the vault at the time of running the deployer, the required images will be mirrored from the entitled registry to the private registry. If all images are already available in the private registry, just specify the --skip-mirror-images flag when you run the deployer.
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+ Topologies - Cloud Pak Deployer
Configuration of the topology to be deployed typically boils down to choosing the cloud infrastructure you want to deploy, then choosing the type of OpenShift and storage, integrating with infrastructure services and then setting up the Cloud Pak(s). For most initial implementations, a basic deployment will suffice and later this can be extended with additional configuration.
Depicted below is the basic deployment topology, followed by a topology with all bells and whistles.
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+ Vault - Cloud Pak Deployer
Throughout the deployment process, the Cloud Pak Deployer will create secrets in a vault and retrieve them later. Examples of secrets are: ssh keys, Cloud Pak for Data admin password. Additionally, when provisioning infrastructure no the IBM Cloud, the resulting Terraform state file is also stored in the vault so it can be used later if the configuration needs to be changed.
Configuration of the vault is done through a vault object in the configuration. If you want to use the file-based vault in the status directory, you do not need to configure anything.
The following Vault implementations can be used to store and retrieve secrets: - File Vault (no encryption) - IBM Cloud Secrets Manager - Hashicorp Vault (token authentication) - Hashicorp Vault (certificate authentication)
The File Vault is the default vault and also the simplest. It does not require a password and all secrets are stored in base-64 encoding in a properties file under the <status_directory>/vault directory. The name of the vault file is the environment_name you specified in the global configuration, inventory file or at the command line.
All of the other vault options require some secret manager (IBM Cloud service or Hashicorp Vault) to be available and you need to specify a password or provide a certificate.
When authentication type is api-key, the field to authenticate with
Default secret path to store and retrieve secrets into/from
Default field to store or retrieve secrets
Determines whether or not the secrete group will be appended to the path
True (default), False
Depicts if secrets are stored in base64 format for Hashicorp Vault
True (default), False
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+ Configure Cloud Paks - Cloud Pak Deployer
When provisioning on IBM Cloud ROKS, a CA-signed certificate for the ingress subdomain is automatically generated in the IBM Cloud certificate manager. The deployer retrieves the certificate and adds it to the secret that stores the certificate key. This will avoid getting a warning when opening the Cloud Pak for Data home page.
SAML for Single Sign-on. When specified in the cp4d_saml_config object, the deployer configures the user management pods to redirect logins to the identity provider (idP) of choice.
LDAP configuration. LDAP can be used both for authentication (if no SSO has been configured) and for access management by mapping LDAP groups to Cloud Pak for Data user groups. Specify the LDAP or LDAPS properties in the cp4d_ldap_config object so that the deployer configures it for Cloud Pak for Data. If SAML has been configured for authentication, the configured LDAP server is only used for access management.
User group configuration. This creates user-defined user groups in Cloud Pak for Data to match the LDAP configuration. The configuration object used for this is cp4d_user_group_configuration.
Some cartridges such as Data Virtualization have the ability to create one or more instances to run an isolated installation of the cartridge. If instances have been configured for the cartridge, this steps provisions them. The following Cloud Pak for Data cartridges are currently supported for creating instances:
Analytics engine powered by Apache Spark (analytics-engine)
Cloud Pak for Data does not support group-defined access to cartridge instances. After creation of the instances (and also when the deployer is run with the --cp-config-only flag), the permissions of users accessing the instance is configured.
For Cognos Analytics, the Cognos Authorization process is run to apply user group permissions to the Cognos Analytics instance.
Cloud Pak for Data defines data source connections at the platform level and these can be reused in some cartridges like Watson Knowledge Catalog and Watson Studio. The cp4d_connection object defines each of the platform connections that must be managed by the deployer.
If you want to back up or restore platform connections, the cp4d_backup_restore_connections object defines the JSON file that will be used for backup and restore.
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+ Configure infrastructure - Cloud Pak Deployer
In a configuration scenario where NFS is used for OpenShift storage, the NFS server must be provisioned as a VSI within the VPC that contains the OpenShift cluster. It is best practice to shield off the NFS server from the outside world by using a jump host (bastion) to access it.
This steps configures the bastion host which has a public IP address to serve as a jump host to access other servers and services within the VPC.
Configures the NFS server using the specs in the nfs_server configuration object(s). It installs the required packages and sets up the NFSv4 service. Additionally, it will format the empty volume as xfs and export it so it can be used by the managed-nfs-storage storage class in the OpenShift cluster.
This steps takes care of configuring the storage classes in the OpenShift cluster. Storage classes are an abstraction of the underlying physical and virtual storage. When run, it processes the openshift_storage elements within the current openshift configuration object.
Two types of storage classes can be automatically created and configured:
Activates the ROKS cluster's OpenShift Container Storage add-on to install the operator into the cluster. Once finished with the preparation, the OcsCluster OpenShift object is created to provision the storage cluster. As the backing storage the ibmc-vpc-block-metro-10iops-tier storage class is used, which has the appropriate IO characteristics for the Cloud Paks.
Both NFS and OCS storage classes can be created but only 1 storage class of each type can exist in the cluster at the moment. If more than one storage class of the same type is specified, the configuration will fail.
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+ Automated Cognos Authorization using LDAP groups - Cloud Pak Deployer
The automated cognos authorization capability uses LDAP groups to assign users to a Cognos Analytics Role, which allows these users to login to IBM Cloud Pak for Data and access the Cognos Analytics instance. This capability will perform the following tasks: - Create a User Group and assign the associated LDAP Group(s) and Cloud Pak for Data role(s) - For each member of the LDAP Group(s) part of the User Group, create the user as a Cloud Pak for Data User and assigned the Cloud Pak for Data role(s) - For each member of the LDAP Group(s) part of the User Group, assign membership to the Cognos Analytics instance and authorize for the Cognos Analytics Role
If the User Group is already present, validate all LDAP Group(s) are associated with the User Group. Add the LDAP Group(s) not yet assiciated to the User Group. Existing LDAP groups will not be removed from the User Group
If a User is already present in Cloud Pak for Data, it will not be updated.
If a user is already associated with the Cognos Analytics instance, keep its original membership and do not update the membership
Prior to running the script, ensure: - LDAP configuration in IBM Cloud Pak for Data is completed and validated - Cognos Analytics instance is provisioned and running in IBM Cloud Pak for Data - The role(s) that will be associated with the User Group are present in IBM Cloud Pak for Data
The script execution will run through the following tasks:
Validation Confirm all required arguments are provided. Confirm at least 1 User Group Role assignment is provided. Confirm at least 1 LDAP Group is provided.
Login to Cloud Pak for Data and generate a Bearer token Using the provided IBM Cloud for Data URL, username and password, login to Cloud pak for Data and generate the Bearer token used for subsequent commands. Exit with an error if the login to IBM Cloud Pak for Data fails.
Confirm the provided User Group role(s) are present in Cloud Pak for Data Acquire all Cloud Pak for Data roles and confirm the provided User Group role(s) are one of the existing Cloud Pak for Data roles. Exit with an error if a role is provided which is not currently present in IBM Cloud Pak for Data.
Confirm the provided Cognos Analytics role is valid Ensure the provided Cognos Analytics role is one of the available Cognos Analytics roles. Exit with an error if a Cognos Analytics role is provided that does not match with the available Cognos Analytics roles.
Confirm LDAP is configured in IBM Cloud Pak for Data Ensures the LDAP configuration is completed. Exit with an error if there is no current LDAP configuration.
Confirm the provided LDAP groups are present in the LDAP User Registry Using IBM Cloud Pak for Data, query whether the provided LDAP groups are present in the LDAP User registry. Exit with an error if a LDAP Group is not available.
Confirm if the IBM Cloud Pak for Data User Group exists Queries the IBM Cloud Pak for Data User Groups. If the provided User Group exists, acquire the Group ID.
If the IBM Cloud Pak for Data User Group does not exist, create it If the User Group does not exist, create it, and assign the IBM Cloud Pak for Data Roles and LDAP Groups to the new User Group
If the IBM Cloud Pak for Data User Group does exist, validate the associated LDAP Groups If the User Group already exists, confirm all provided LDAP groups are associated with the User Group. Add LDAP groups that are not yet associated.
Get the Cognos Analytics instance ID Queries the IBM Cloud Pak for Data service instances and acquires the Cognos Analytics instance ID. Exit with an error if no Cognos Analytics instance is available
Ensure each user member of the IBM Cloud Pak for Data User Group is an existing user Each user that is member of the provided LDAP groups, ensure this member is an IBM Cloud Pak for Data User. Create a new user with the provided User Group role(s) if the the user is not yet available. Any existing User(s) will not be updated. If Users are removed from an LDAP Group, these users will not be removed from Cloud Pak for Data.
Ensure each user member of the IBM Cloud Pak for Data User Group is associated to the Cognos Analytics instance Each user that is member of the provided LDAP groups, ensure this member is associated to the Cognos Analytics instance with the provided Cognos Analytics role. Any user that is already associated to the Cognos Analytics instance will have its Cognos Analytics role updated to the provided Cognos Analytics Role
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+ Deploy assets - Cloud Pak Deployer
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+ Install the Cloud Pak - Cloud Pak Deployer
This stage focuses on preparing the OpenShift cluster for installing the Cloud Pak(s) and then proceeds with the installation of Cloud Paks and the cartridges. The below documentation will start with a list of steps that will be executed for all Cloud Paks, then proceed with Cloud Pak specific activities. The execution of the steps may slightly differ from the sequence in the documentation.
Before going ahead with the mirroring of container images and installation of Cloud Pak for Data, the previous configuration (if any) is retrieved from the vault to determine if a Cloud Pak for Data instance has been removed. If a previously installed cp4d object no longer exists in the current configuration, its associated instance is removed from the OpenShift cluster.
First, the custom resources are removed from the OpenShift project. This happens with a grace period of 5 minutes. After the grace period has expired, OpenShift automatically forcefully deletes the custom resource and its associated definitions. Then, the control plane custom resource Ibmcpd is removed and finally the namespace (project). For the namespace deletion, a grace period of 10 minutes is applied.
When installing the Cloud Paks, images must be pulled from an image registry. All Cloud Paks support pulling images directly from the IBM Entitled Registry using the entitlement key, but there may be situations this is not possible, for example in air-gapped environents, or when images must be scanned for vulnerabilities before they are allowed to be used. In those cases, a private registry will have to be set up.
The Cloud Pak Deployer can mirror images to a private registry from the entitled registry. On IBM Cloud, the deployer is also capable of creating a namespace in the IBM Container Registry and mirror the images to that namespace.
When a private registry has been specified in the Cloud Pak entry (using the image_registry_name property), the necessary OpenShift configuration changes will also be made.
Create IBM Container Registry namespace (IBM Cloud only)🔗
If OpenShift is deployed on IBM Cloud (ROKS), the IBM Container Registry should be used as the private registry from which the images will be pulled. Images in the ICR are organized by namespace and can be accessed using an API key issued for a service account. If an image_registry object is specified in the configuration, this process will take care of creating the service account, then the API key and it will store the API key in the vault.
If an image registry has been specified for the Cloud Pak using the image_registry_name property, the referenced image_registry entry is looked up in the configuration and the credentials are retrieved from the vault. Then the connection to the registry is tested by logging on.
Prepare OpenShift cluster for Cloud Pak installation🔗
Cloud Pak for Data requires a number of cluster-wide settings:
Create an ImageContentSourcePolicy if images must be pulled from a private registry
Set the global pull secret with the credentials to pull images from the entitled or private image registry
Create a Tuned object to set kernel semaphores and other properties of CoreOS containers being spun up
Allow unsafe system controls in the Kubelet configuration
Set PIDs limit and default ulimit for the CRI-O configuration
For all OpenShift clusters, except ROKS on IBM Cloud, these settings are applied using OpenShift configuration objects and then picked up by the Machine Config Operator. This operator will then apply the settings to the control plane and compute nodes as appropriate and reload them one by one.
To avoid having to reload the nodes more than once, the Machine Config Operator is paused before the settings are applied. After all setup, the Machine Config Operator is released and the deployment process will then wait until all nodes are ready with the configuration applied.
Prepare OpenShift cluster on IBM Cloud and IBM Cloud Satellite🔗
As mentioned before, ROKS on IBM Cloud does not include the Machine Config Operator and would normally require the compute nodes to be reloaded (classic ROKS) or replaced (ROKS on VPC) to make the changes effective. While implementing this process, we have experienced intermittent reliability issues where replacement of nodes never finished or the cluster ended up in a unusable state. To avoid this, the process is applying the settings in a different manner.
On every node, a cron job is created which starts every 5 minutes. It runs a script that checks if any of the cluster-wide settings must be (re-)applied, then updates the local system and restarts the crio and kubelet daemons. If no settings are to be adjusted, the daemons will not be restarted and therefore the cron job has minimal or no effect on the running applications.
Compute node changes that are made by the cron job: ImageContentSourcePolicy: File /etc/containers/registries.conf is updated to include registry mirrors for the private registry. Kubelet: File /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf is appended with the allowedUnsafeSysctls entries. CRI-O: pids_limit and default_ulimit changes are made to the /etc/crio/crio.conf file. Pull secret: The registry and credentials are appended to the /.docker/config.json configuration.
There are scenarios, especially on IBM Cloud Satellite, where custom changes must be applied to the compute nodes. This is possible by adding the to the assets directory within the CONFIG_DIR directory. Once Kubelet, CRI-O and other changes have been applied, this script (if existing) is run to apply any additional configuration changes to the compute node.
By setting the NODE_UPDATED script variable to 1 you can tell the deployer to restart the crio and kubelet daemons.
WARNING: You should never set the NODE_UPDATED script variable to 0 as this will cause previous changes to the pull secret, ImageContentSourcePolicy and others not to become effective.
WARNING: Do not end the script with the exit command; this will stop the calling script from running and therefore not restart the daemons.
Sample script:
+# This is a sample script that will cause the crio and kubelet daemons to be restarted once by checking
+# file /tmp/apply-custom-node-settings-run. If the file doesn't exist, it creates it and sets NODE_UPDATED to 1.
+# The deployer will observe that the node has been updated and restart the daemons.
If a private image registry is specified, and if the IBM Cloud Pak entitlement key is available in the vault (cp_entitlement_key secret), the Cloud Pak case files for the Foundational Services, the Cloud Pak control plane and cartridges are downloaded to a subdirectory of the status directory that was specified. Then all images defined for the cartridges are mirrored from the entitled registry to the private image registry. Dependent on network speed and how many cartridges have been configured, the mirroring can take a very long time (12+ hours). All images which have already been mirrored to the private registry are skipped by the mirroring process.
Even if all images have been mirrored, the act of checking existence and digest can still take a bit of time (10-15 minutes). To avoid this, you can remove the cp_entitlement_key secret from the vault and unset the CP_ENTITLEMENT_KEY environment variable before running the Cloud Pak Deployer.
The images of the operators which control the Cloud Pak are defined in OpenShift CatalogSource objects which reside in the openshift-marketplace project. Operator subscriptions subsequently reference the catalog source and define the update channel. When images are pulled from the entitled registry, most subscriptions reference the same ibm-operator-catalog catalog source (and also a Db2U catalog source). If images are pulled from a private registry, the control plane and also each cartridge reference their own catalog source in the openshift-marketplace project.
This step creates the necessary catalog sources, dependent on whether the entitled registry or a private registry is used. For the entitled registry, it creates the catalog source directly using a YAML template; when using a private registry, the cloudctl case command is used for the control plane and every cartridge to install the catalog sources and their dependencies.
Most custom resources defined by the cartridge operators require some back-end storage. To be able to reference the correct OpenShift storage classes, they are retrieved based on the openshift_storage_name property of the Cloud Pak object.
When using express install, the Cloud Pak for Data operator also installs the Cloud Pak Foundational Services. Consecutively, this part of the deployer:
Creates the operator project if it doesn't exist already
Creates an OperatorGroup
Installs the license service and certificate manager
Creates the platform operator subscription
Waits until the ClusterServerVersion objects for the platform operator and Operand Deployment Lifecycle Manager have been created
When the Cloud Pak for Data operator has been installed, the process continues by creating an OperandRequest object for the platform operator which manages the project in the which Cloud Pak for Data instance is installed. Then it creates an Ibmcpd custom resource in the project which installs the controle plane with nginx the metastore, etc.
The Cloud Pak for Data control plane is a pre-requisite for all cartridges so at this stage, the deployer waits until the Ibmcpd status reached the Completed state.
Once the control plane has been installed successfully, the deployer generates a new strong 25-character password for the Cloud Pak for Data admin user and stores this into the vault. Additionally, the admin-user-details secret in the OpenShift project is updated with the new password.
Install the specified Cloud Pak for Data cartridges🔗
Now that the control plane has been installed in the specified OpenShift project, cartridges can be installed. Every cartridge is controlled by its own operator subscription in the operators project and a custom resource. The deployer iterates twice over the specified cartridges, first to create the operator subscriptions, then to create the custom resources.
This steps creates subscription objects for each cartridge in the operators project, using a YAML template that is included in the deployer code and the subscription_channel specified in the cartridge definition. Keeping the subscription channel separate delivers flexibility when new subscription channels become available over time.
Once the subscription has been created, the deployer waits for the associate CSV(s) to be created and reach the Installed state.
If this is not the first installation, earlier configured cartridges may have been removed. This steps iterates over all supported cartridges and checks if the cartridge has been installed and wheter it exists in the configuration of the current cp4d object. If the cartridge is no longer defined, its custom resource is removed; the operator will then take care of removing all OpenShift configuration.
This steps creates the Custom Resources for each cartridge. This is the actual installation of the cartridge. Cartridges can be installed in parallel to a certain extent and the operator will wait for the dependencies to be installed first before starting the processes. For example, if Watson Studio and Watson Machine Learning are installed, both have a dependency on the Common Core Services (CCS) and will wait for the CCS object to reach the Completed state before proceeding with the install. Once that is the case, both WS and WML will run the installation process in parallel.
Installation of the cartridges can take a very long time; up to 5 hours for Watson Knowledge Catalog. While cartridges are being installed, the deployer checks the states of all cartridges on a regular basis and reports these in a log file. The deployer will retry until all specified cartridges have reached the Completed state.
Configure LDAP authentication for Cloud Pak for Data🔗
If LDAP has been configured for the Cloud Pak for Data element, it will be configured after all cartridges have finished installing.
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+ Overview - Cloud Pak Deployer
In this stage, the following activities are executed:
Show the Cloud Pak for Data URL and admin password
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+ Prepare deployment - Cloud Pak Deployer
This stage mainly takes care of checking the configuration and expanding it where necessary so it can be used by subsequent stages. Additionally, the preparation also calls the roles that will generate Terraform or other configuration files which are needed for provisioning and configuration.
All yaml files in the config directory of the specified CONFIG_DIR are processed and a composite JSON object, all_config is created, which contains all configuration.
While processing the objects defined in the config directory files, the defaults directory is also processed to determine if any supplemental "default" variables must be added to the configuration objets. This makes it easy for example to ensure VSIs always use the correct Red Hat Enterprise Linux image available on IBM Cloud.
You will find the generator roles under the automation-generators directory. There are cloud-provider dependent roles such as openshift which have a structure dependent on the chosen cloud provider and there are generic roles such as cp4d which are not dependent on the cloud provider.
To find the appropriate role for the object, the generator first checks if the role is found under the specified cloud provider directory. If not found, it will call the role under generic.
Each of the objects have a syntax checking module called This Python program checks the attributes of the object in question and can also add defaults for properties which are missing. All errors found are collected and displayed at the end of the generator.
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+ Provision infrastructure - Cloud Pak Deployer
This stage will provision the infrastructure that was defined in the input configuration files. Currently, this has only been implemented for IBM Cloud.
The IBM Cloud infrastructure provisioning runs Terraform to initially provision the infrastructure components such as VPC, VSIs, security groups, ROKS cluster and others. Also, if changes have been made in the configuration, Terraform will attempt to make the changes to reach the desired end-state.
Based on the chosen action (apply or destroy), Terraform is instructed to provision or change the infrastructure components or to destroy everything.
The Terraform state file (tfstate) is maintained in the vault and is critical to enable dynamic updates to the infrastructure. If the state file is lost or corrupted, updates to the infrastructure will have to be done manually. The Ansible tasks have been built in a way that the Terraform state file is always persisted into the vault, even if the apply or destroy process has failed.
This step initializes the Terraform provider (ibm) with the correct version. If needed, the Terraform modules for the provider are downloaded or updated.
Applying changes to the infrastructure using Terraform based on the input configuration files may cause critical components to be replaced (destroyed and recreated). The plan step checks what will be changed. If infrastructure components are destroyed and the --confirm-destroy parameter has not be specified for the deployer, the process is aborted.
This is the execution of the plan and will provision new infrastructure (apply) or destroy everything (destroy).
While the Terraform apply or destroy process is running, a .tfstate file is updated on disk. When the command completes, the deployer writes this as a secret to the vault so it can be used next time to update (or destroy) the infrastructure components.
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+ Smoke tests - Cloud Pak Deployer
This is the final stage before returning control to the process that started the deployer. Here tests to check that the Cloud Pak and its cartridges has been deployed correctly and that everything is running as expected.
The method for smoke tests should be dynamic, for example by referencing a Git repository and context (directory within the repository); the code within that directory then deploys the asset(s).
With this information you can go to the Cloud Pak for Data URL and login using the admin user.
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+ Validate - Cloud Pak Deployer
In this stage, the following activities are executed:
Is the specified cloud platform in the inventory file supported?
Are the mandatory variables defined?
Can the deployer connect to the specified vault?
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+ Timings - Cloud Pak Deployer
Install ROKS OCS add-on and create storage classes
40 - Configure infrastructure
Install NFS on VSIs
Create NFS storage classes
Create private container registry namespace
50 - Install Cloud Pak
Prepare OpenShift for Cloud Pak for Data install
During this step, the compute nodes may be replaced and also the Kubernetes services may be restarted.
Mirror Cloud Pak for Data images to private registry (only done when using private registry)
If the entitled registry is used, this step will be skipped. When using a private registry, if images have already been mirrored, the duration will be much shorter, approximately 10 minutes.
Install Cloud Pak for Data control plane
Create Cloud Pak for Data subscriptions for cartridges
Install cartridges
The amount of time really depends on the cartridges being installed. In the table below you will find an estimate of the installation time for each cartridge. Cartridges will be installed in parallel through the operators.
60 - Configure Cloud Pak
Configure Cloud Pak for Data LDAP
Provision instances for cartridges
For cartridges that have instances defined. Creation of the instances will run in parallel where possible.
Configure cartridge and instance permissions based on LDAP config
Cloud Pak for Data installation with just Cognos Analytics will take 20 (control plane) + 75 (ccs) + 20 (ca) + 45 (ca instance) = ~160 minutes
Cloud Pak for Data installation with Cognos Analytics and Watson Studio will take 20 (control plane) + 75 (ccs) + 45 (ws+ca) + 45 (ca instance) = ~185 minutes
Cloud Pak for Data installation with just Watson Knowledge Catalog will take 20 (control plane) + 75 (ccs) + 30 (db2aas) + 60 (iis) + 90 (wkc) = ~275 minutes
Cloud Pak for Data installation with Watson Knowledge Catalog and Watson Studio will take the same time because WS will finish 30 minutes after installing CCS, while WKC will take a lot longer to complete
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+ Cloud Pak for Data uninstall - Cloud Pak Deployer
Uninstall Cloud Pak for Data and Foundational Services🔗
For convenience, the Cloud Pak Deployer includes a script that removes the Cloud Pak for Data instance from the OpenShift cluster, then Cloud Pak Foundational Services and finally the catalog sources and CRDs.
Make sure you are connected to the OpenShift cluster
Run script ./scripts/cp4d/ <CP4D_project>
You will have to confirm that you want to delete the instance and all other artifacts.
Please be very careful with this command. Ensure you are connected to the correct OpenShift cluster and that no other Cloud Paks use operator namespace. The action cannot be undone.
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+ Access NFS server provisioned on IBM Cloud - Cloud Pak Deployer
When choosing the "simple" sample configuration for ROKS VPC on IBM Cloud, the deployer also provisions a Virtual Server Instance and installs a standard NFS server on it. In some cases you may want to get access to the NFS server for troubleshooting.
For security reasons, the NFS server can only be reached via a bastion server that is connected to the internet, i.e. use the bastion server as a jump host, this to avoid exposing NFS volumes to the outside world and provide an extra layer of protection. Additionally, password login is disabled on both the bastion and NFS servers and one must use the private SSH key to connect.
Getting SSH access to the NFS server is easiest from within the deployer container as it has all tools installed to extract the IP addresses from the Terraform state file.
Optional: Ensure that the environment variables for the configuration and status directories are set. If not specified, the directories are assumed to be $HOME/cpd-config and $HOME/cpd-status.
+Entering Cloud Pak Deployer command line in a container.
+Use the "exit" command to leave the container and return to the hosting server.
+Installing OpenShift client
+Current OpenShift context: pluto-01
Access to both the bastion and NFS servers are typically protected by the same SSH key, which is stored in the vault. To list all vault secrets, run the command below.
cd /cloud-pak-deployer
+./ vault list
Then, retrieve the private key (in the above example pluto-01-provision-ssh-key) to an output file in your ~/.ssh directory, make sure it has the correct private key format (new line at the end) and permissions (600).
To connect to the NFS server, you need the public IP address of the bastion server and the private IP address of the NFS server. Obviously these can be retrieved from the IBM Cloud resource list (, but they are also kept in the Terraform "tfstate" file
./ vault get -vs sample-terraform-tfstate \
+ -vsf /tmp/sample-terraform-tfstate
The below commands do not provide the prettiest output but you should be able to extract the IP addresses from them.
For the bastion node public (floating) IP address:
Once you've finished exploring the NFS server, you can exit from it:
Finally, exit from the deployer container which is then terminated.
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+ Cloud Pak Deployer
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+ Advanced configuration - Cloud Pak Deployer
The Cloud Pak Deployer includes several samples which you can use to build your own configuration. You can find sample configuration yaml files in the sub-directories of the sample-configurations directory of the repository. Descriptions and topologies are also included in the sub-directories.
Do not make changes to the sample configurations in the cloud-pak-deployer directory, but rather copy it to your own home directory or somewhere else and then make changes. If you store your own configuration under the repository's clone, you may not be able to update (pull) the repository with changes applied on GitHub, or accidentally overwrite it.
The deployer expects to manage all objects referenced in the configuration files, including the referenced OpenShift cluster and Cloud Pak installation. If you have already pre-provisioned the OpenShift cluster, choose a configuration with existing-ocp cloud platform. If the Cloud Pak has already been installed, unexpected and undesired activities may happen. The deployer has not been designed to alter a pre-provisioned OpenShift cluster or existing Cloud Pak installation.
Edit the "cp4d-....yaml" file and select the cartridges to be installed by changing the state to installed. Additionally you can accept the Cloud Pak license in the config file by specifying accept_licenses: True.
nano ./config/cp4d-450.yaml
The configuration typically works without any configuration changes and will create all referenced objects, including the Virtual Private Cloud, subnets, SSH keys, ROKS cluster and OCS storage ndoes. There is typically no need to change address prefixes and subnets. The IP addresses used by the provisioned components are private to the VPC and are not externally exposed.
Configuration steps - dynamically choose OpenShift and Cloud Pak🔗
Copy the sample configuration directory to your own directory:
mkdir -p $HOME/cpd-config/config
Copy the relevant OpenShift configuration file from the samples-configuration directory to the config directory, for example:
Edit the "$HOME/cpd-config/config/cp4d-....yaml" file and select the cartridges to be installed by changing the state to installed. Additionally you can accept the Cloud Pak license in the config file by specifying accept_licenses: True.
nano $HOME/cpd-config/config/cp4d-463.yaml
For more advanced configuration topics such as using a private registry, setting up transit gateways between VPCs, etc, go to the Advanced configuration section
You can choose to keep only a single file per subdirectory or, for more complex configurations, you can create multiple yaml files. You can find a full list of all supported object types here: Configuration objects. The generator automatically merges all .yaml files in the config and defaults directory. Files with different extensions are ignored. In the sample configurations we split configuration of the OpenShift ocp-... and Cloud Pak cp4.-... objects.
For example, your config directory could hold the following files:
This will provision a ROKS cluster on IBM Cloud with OpenShift Data Foundation (fka OCS) and Cloud Pak for Data 4.0.8.
Holds the defaults for all object types. If a certain object property has not been specified in the config directory, it will be retrieved from the defaults directory using the flavour specified in the configured object. If no flavour has been selected, the default flavour will be chosen.
You should not need this subdirectory in most circumstances.
Optional directory holding the assets you wish to deploy for the Cloud Pak. More information about Cloud Pak for Data assets which can be deployed can be found in object definition cp4d_asset. The directory can be named differently as well, for example cp4d-assets or customer-churn-demo.
The Cloud Pak Deployer pipeline has been built using Ansible and it can be configured using "inventory" files. Inventory files allow you to specify global variables used throughout Ansible playbooks. In the current version of the Cloud Pak Deployer, the inventory directory has become fully optional as the global_config and vault objects have taken over its role. However, if there are certain global variables such as env_id you want to pass via an inventory file, you can also do this.
User passwords, certificates and other "secret" information is kept in the vault, which can be either a flat file (not encrypted), HashiCorp Vault or the IBM Cloud Secrets Manager service. Some of the deployment configurations require that the vault is pre-populated with secrets which as needed during the deployment. For example, a vSphere deployment needs the vSphere user and password to authenticate to vSphere and Cloud Pak for Data SAML configuration requires the idP certificate
All samples default to the File Vault, meaning that the vault will be kept in the vault directory under the status directory you specify when you run the deployer. Detailed descriptions of the vault settings can be found in the sample inventory file and also here: vault settings.
Optional: Ensure that the environment variables for the configuration and status directories are set. If not specified, the directories are assumed to be $HOME/cpd-config and $HOME/cpd-status.
If the configuration is kept in a GitHub repository, you can set environment variables to have the deployer pull the GitHub repository to the current server before starting the process.
CPD_CONFIG_GIT_REPO: The clone URL of the GitHub repository that holds the configuration.
CPD_CONFIG_GIT_REF: The branch, tag or commit ID to be cloned. If not specified, the repository's default branch will be cloned.
CPD_CONFIG_GIT_CONTEXT: The directory within the GitHub repository that holds the configuration. This directory must contain the config directory under which the YAML files are kept.
When specifying a GitHub repository, the contents will be copied under $STATUS_DIR/cpd-config and this directory is then set as the configuration directory.
In some situations you may want to use a single configuration for deployment in different environments, such as development, acceptance test and production. The Cloud Pak Deployer uses the Jinja2 templating engine which is included in Ansible to pre-process the configuration. This allows you to dynamically adjust the configuration based on extra variables you specify at the command line.
This passes the env_id and ibm_cloud_region variables to the Cloud Pak Deployer, which can then populate variables in the configuration. In the sample configurations, the env_id is used to specify the name of the VPC, ROKS cluster and others and overrides the value specified in the global_config definition. The ibm_cloud_region overrides region specified in the inventory file.
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+ Using alternative CASE repositories and registries - Cloud Pak Deployer
In most scenarios you will not need this type of configuration.
Alternative repositories and registries are mainly geared towards pre-GA use of the Cloud Paks where CASE files are downloaded from internal repositories and staging container image registries need to be used as images have not been released yet.
By default the Cloud Pak Deployer image is built on top of the olm-utils images in If you're working with a pre-release of the Cloud Pak OLM utils image, you can override the setting as follows:
Configuring the alternative repositories and registries🔗
When specifying a cp_alt_repo object in a YAML file, this is used for all Cloud Paks. The object triggers the following steps: * The following files are created in the /tmp/work directory in the container:, resolvers.yaml and resolvers_auth. * When downloading CASE files using the ibm-pak plug-in, the play_env sets the locations of the resolvers and authorization files. * Also, the locations of the case files for the Cloud Pak, Foundational Servides and Open Content are set in an enviroment variable. * Registry mirrors are configured using an ImageContentSourcePolicy resource in the OpenShift cluster. * Registry credentials are added to the OpenShift cluster's global pull secret.
To run the deployer you can now use the standard process:
./ env apply -v
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+ Apply OpenShift node settings when machine config operator does not exist - Cloud Pak Deployer
Apply OpenShift node settings when machine config operator does not exist🔗
Cloud Pak Deployer automatically applies cluster and node settings before installing the Cloud Pak(s). Sometimes you may also want to automate applying these node settings without installing the Cloud Pak. For convenience, the repository includes a script that makes the same changes normally done through automation: scripts/cp4d/
To apply the node settings, do the following:
If images are pulled from the entitled registry, set the CP_ENTITLEMENT_KEY environment variable
If images are to be pulled from a private registry, set both the CPD_PRIVATE_REGISTRY and CPD_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_CREDS environment variables
Log in to the OpenShift cluster with cluster-admin permissions
Run the scripts/cp4d/ script.
The CPD_PRIVATE_REGISTRY value must reference the registry host name and optionally the port and namespace that must prefix the images. For example, if the images are kept in, you must specify for the CPD_PRIVATE_REGISTRY environment variable. If images are kept in https://cust-reg:5000, you must specify cust-reg:5000 for the CPD_PRIVATE_REGISTRY environment variable.
For the CPD_PRIVATE_REGISTRY_CREDS value, specify both the user and password in a single string, separated by a colon (:). For example: admin:secret_passw0rd.
When setting the private registry and its credentials, the script automatically creates the configuration that will set up ImageContentSourcePolicy and global pull secret alternatives. This change cannot be undone using the script. It is not possible to set the private registry and later change to entitled registry. Changing the private registry's credentials can be done by re-running the script with the new credentials.
Creating ConfigMaps and secret
+configmap "cloud-pak-node-fix-scripts" deleted
+configmap/cloud-pak-node-fix-scripts created
+configmap "cloud-pak-node-fix-config" deleted
+configmap/cloud-pak-node-fix-config created
+secret "cloud-pak-node-fix-secrets" deleted
+secret/cloud-pak-node-fix-secrets created
+Setting global pull secret
+info: pull-secret was not changed
+secret/cloud-pak-node-fix-secrets data updated
+Private registry specified, creating ImageContentSourcePolicy for registry
+Generating Tuned config unchanged
+Writing fix scripts to config map
+configmap/cloud-pak-node-fix-scripts data updated
+configmap/cloud-pak-node-fix-scripts data updated
+configmap/cloud-pak-node-fix-scripts data updated
+configmap/cloud-pak-node-fix-scripts data updated
+Creating service account for DaemonSet
+serviceaccount/cloud-pak-crontab-sa unchanged added: "cloud-pak-crontab-sa"
+Recreate DaemonSet
+daemonset.apps "cloud-pak-crontab-ds" deleted
+daemonset.apps/cloud-pak-crontab-ds created
+Showing running DaemonSet pods
+cloud-pak-crontab-ds-b92f9 0/1 Terminating 0 12m
+cloud-pak-crontab-ds-f85lf 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 0s
+cloud-pak-crontab-ds-jlbvm 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 0s
+cloud-pak-crontab-ds-rbj65 1/1 Terminating 0 12m
+cloud-pak-crontab-ds-vckrs 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 0s
+cloud-pak-crontab-ds-x288p 1/1 Terminating 0 12m
+Waiting for 5 seconds for pods to start
+Showing running DaemonSet pods
+cloud-pak-crontab-ds-f85lf 1/1 Running 0 5s
+cloud-pak-crontab-ds-jlbvm 1/1 Running 0 5s
+cloud-pak-crontab-ds-vckrs 1/1 Running 0 5s
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+ Continuous Adoption using GitOps - Cloud Pak Deployer
The process of supporting multiple products, releases and patch levels within a release has great similarity to the git-flow model, which has been really well-described by Vincent Driessen in his blog post: This model has been and is still very popular with many software-development teams.
Below is a description of how a git-flow could be implemented with the Cloud Pak Deployer. The following steps are covered:
Setting up the company's Git and image registry for the Cloud Paks
There are 4 Cloud Pak environments within the company's domain: Dev, UAT, Pre-prod and Prod. Each of these environments have a namespace in the company's registry (or an isolated registry could be created per environment) and the Cloud Pak release installed is represented by manifests in a branch of the Git repository, respectively dev, uat, pp and prod.
Organizing registries by namespace has the advantage that duplication of images can be avoided. Each of the namespaces can have their own set of images that have been approved for running in the associated environment. The image itself is referenced by digest (i.e., checksum) and organized on disk as such. If one tries to copy an image to a different namespace within the same registry, only a new entry is created, the image itself is not duplicated because it already exists.
The manifests (CASE files) representing the Cloud Pak components are present in each of the branches of the Git repository, or there is a configuration file that references the location of the case file, including the exact version number.
In the Cloud Pak Deployer, we have chosen to reference the CASE versions in the configuration, for example:
If Cloud Pak for Data has been configured with a private registry in the deployer config, the deployer will mirror images from the IBM entitled registry to the private registry. In the above configuration, no private registry has been specified. The deployer will automatically download and use the CASE files to create the catalog sources.
With the initial status in place, the continuous adoption process may commence, using the principles of git-flow.
Git-flow addresses a couple of needs for continuous adoption:
Control and visibility over what software (version) runs in which environment; there is a central truth which describes the state of every environment managed
New features (in case of the deployer: new operator versions and custom resources) can be tested without affecting the pending releases or production implementation
While preparing for a new release, hot fixes can still be applied to the production environments
The Git repository consists of 4 branches: dev, uat, pp and prd. At the start, release 4.0.0 is being implemented and it will go through the stages from dev to prd. When the installation has been tested in development, a pull request (PR) is done to promote to the uat branch. The PR is reviewed, and changes are then merged into the uat branch. After testing in the uat branch, the steps are repeated until the 4.0.0 release is eventually in production.
With each of the implementation and promotion steps, the registry namespaces and associated with the particular branch are updated with the images described in the manifests kept in the Git repository. Additionally, the changes are installed in the respective environments. The details of these processes will be outlined later.
New patches are received, committed and installed on the dev branch on a regular basis and when no issues are found, the changes are gathered into a PR for uat. When no issues are found for 2 weeks, another PR is done for the pp branch and eventually for prd. During this promotion flow, new patches are still being received in dev.
While version 4.0.2 is running in production, a critical defect is found for which a hot fix is developed. The hot fix is first committed to the pp branch and tested and then a PR is made to promote it to the prd branch. In the meantime, the dev and uat branches continue with their own release schedule. The hot fix is included in 4.0.4 which will be promoted as part of the 4.0.5 release.
The uat, pp and prd branches can be protected by a branch protection rule so that changes from dev can only be promoted (via a pull request) after an approving review or, when the intention is to promote changes in a fully automated manner, after passing status checks and testing. Read Managing a branch protection rule for putting in these controls in GitHub or Protected branches for GitLab.
With this flow, there is control over patches, promotion approvals and releases installed in each of the environments. Additional branches could be introduced if additional environments are in play or if different releases are being managed using the git-flow.
As discussed above, patches are first "developed" in the dev branch, i.e., changes are fed into the Git repository, images are loaded into the company's registry (dev namespace) and the installed into the Dev environment.
The process of receiving and installing the patches is common for all Cloud Paks: the cloudctl case tool downloads the CASE file associated with the operator version and the same CASE file can be used to upload images into the company's registry. Then a Catalog Source is created which makes the images available to the operator subscriptions, which in turn manage the various custom resources in the Cloud Pak instance. For example, the ws operator manages the Ws custom resource and this CR ensures that OpenShift deployments, secrets, Config Maps, Stateful Sets, and so forth are managed within the Cloud Pak for Data instance project.
In the git-flow example, Watson Studio release 4.0.2 is installed by updating the Catalog Source. Detailed installation steps for Cloud Pak for Data can be found in the IBM documentation.
Now that the hard work of managing changes to the Git repository branches and image registry namespaces has been done, we can look at the (automatic) deployment of the changes.
In a continuous adoption workflow, the implementation of new releases and patches is automated by means of a pipeline, which allows for deployment and testing in a predictable and controlled manner. A pipeline executes a series of steps to inspect the change and then run the command to install it in the respective environment. Moreover, after installation tests can be automatically executed. The most-popular tools for pipelines are ArgoCD, GitLab pipelines and Tekton (serverless).
To link the execution of a pipeline with the git-flow pull request, one can use ArcoCD or a GitHub/GitLab webhook. As soon as a PR is accepted and changes are applied to the Git branch, the pipeline is triggered and will run the Cloud Pak Deployer to automatically apply the changes according to the latest version.
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+ Locations to whitelist on bastion - Cloud Pak Deployer
When building or running the deployer in an environment with strict policies for internet access, you may have to specify the list of URLs that need to be accessed by the deployer.
Locations to whitelist when building the deployer image.🔗
Used for
Base image
olm-utils base image
Installing operating system packages
Installing operating system packages
Hashicorp Vault integration
Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL)
EPEL mirror site
EPEL mirror site
Python packages for deployer
Ansible Galaxy packages
Locations to whitelist when running the deployer for existing OpenShift.🔗
Used for
Case files, Cloud Pak clients: cloudctl, cpd-cli, cpdctl
Google Container Registry (GCR)
Binary content for
Binary content for
OpenShift client
Certificate checking
OpenShift subscriptions
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+ Private registry and air-gapped - Cloud Pak Deployer
Some environments, especially in situations where the OpenShift cannot directly connect to the internet, require a private registry for OpenShift to pull the Cloud Pak images from. The Cloud Pak Deployer can mirror images from the entitled registry to a private registry that you want to use for the Cloud Pak(s). Also, if infrastructure which holds the OpenShift cluster is fully disconnected from the internet, the Cloud Pak Deployer can build a registry which can be stored on a portable hard disk or pen drive and then shipped to the site.
Note: In all cases, the deployer can work behind a proxy to access the internet. Go to Running behind proxy for more information.
The below instructions are not limited to disconnected (air-gapped) OpenShift clusters, but are more generic for deployment using a private registry.
There are three use cases for mirroring images to a private registry and using this to install the Cloud Pak(s):
Use case 2 - Mirror images with a connected server, install using a bastion. The connected server can connect to the internet and to the private registry used by the OpenShift cluster. The server cannot connect to the OpenShift cluster. The bastion server can connect to the private registry and to the OpenShift cluster.
Use case 3 - Mirror images using a portable image registry. The private registry used by the OpenShift cluster cannot be reached from the server that is connected to the internet. You need a portable registry to download images and which you then ship to a server that can connect to the existing OpenShift cluster and its private registry.
For specifying a private registry in the Cloud Pak Deployer configuration, please see Private registry. Example of specifying a private registry with a self-signed certificate in the configuration:
The deployer only supports using a private registry for the Cloud Pak images, not for OpenShift itself. Air-gapped installation of OpenShift is currently not in scope for the deployer.
The registry_host_name you specify in the image_registry definition must also be available for DNS lookup within OpenShift. If the registry runs on a server that is not registered in the DNS, use its IP address instead of a host name.
The main 3 directories that are needed for both types of air-gapped installations are:
Cloud Pak Deployer directory: cloud-pak-deployer
Configuration directory: The directory that holds a all the Cloud Pak Deployer configuration
Status directory: The directory that will hold all downloads, vault secrets and the portable registry when applicable (use case 3)
Fpr use cases 2 and 3, where the directories must be shipped to the air-gapped cluster, the Cloud Pak Deployer and Configuration directories will be stored in the Status directory for simplicity.
Use case 1 - Mirror images and install using a bastion server🔗
This is effectively "not-air-gapped" scenario, where the following conditions apply:
The private registry is hosted inside the private dloud
The bastion server can connect to the internet and mirror images to the private image registry
The bastion server is optionally connected to the internet via a proxy server. See Running behind a proxy for more details
The bastion server is connected to the internet and OpenShift cluster.
If there are restrictions regarding the internet sites that can be reached, ensure that the website domains the deployer needs are whitelisted. For a list of domains, check locations to whitelist
If a proxy server is configured for the bastion node, check the settings (http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy environment variables)
Build the Cloud Pak Deployer image using ./ build
Create or update the directory with the configuration; make sure all your Cloud Paks and cartridges are specified as well as an image_registry entry to identify the private registry
Export the CONFIG_DIR and STATUS_DIR environment variables to respectively point to the configuration directory and the status directory
Export the CP_ENTITLEMENT_KEY environment variable with your Cloud Pak entitlement key
Create a vault secret image-registry-<name> holding the connection credentials for the private registry specified in the configuration (image_registry). For example for a registry definition with name cpd453, create secret image-registry-cpd453.
Run the ./ env apply command to start deployment of the Cloud Pak to the OpenShift cluster. For example:
./ env apply
The existence of the image_registry definition and its reference in the cp4d definition instruct the deployer to mirror images to the private registry and to configure the OpenShift cluster to pull images from the private registry. If you have already mirrored the Cloud Pak images, you can add the --skip-mirror-images parameter to speed up the deployment process.
Use case 2 - Mirror images with an internet-connected server, install using a bastion🔗
This use case is also sometimes referred to as "semi-air-gapped", where the following conditions apply:
The private registry is hosted outside of the private cloud that hosts the bastion server and OpenShift
An internet-connected server external to the private cloud can reach the entitled registry and the private registry
The internet-connected server is optionally connected to the internet via a proxy server. See Running behind a proxy for more details
The bastion server cannot connect to the internet
The bastion server can connect to OpenShift
Please note that in this case the Cloud Pak Deployer expects an OpenShift cluster to be available already and will only work with an existing-ocp configuration. The bastion server does not have access to the internet and can therefore not instantiate an OpenShift cluster.
If there are restrictions regarding the internet sites that can be reached, ensure that the website domains the deployer needs are whitelisted. For a list of domains, check locations to whitelist
If a proxy server is configured for the internet-connected server, check the settings (http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy environment variables)
Build the Cloud Pak Deployer image using ./ build
Create or update the directory with the configuration; make sure all your Cloud Paks and cartridges are specified as well as an image_registry entry to identify the private registry
Export the CONFIG_DIR and STATUS_DIR environment variables to respectively point to the configuration directory and the status directory
Export the CP_ENTITLEMENT_KEY environment variable with your Cloud Pak entitlement key
Create a vault secret image-registry-<name> holding the connection credentials for the private registry specified in the configuration (image_registry). For example for a registry definition with name cpd453, create secret image-registry-cpd453.
This will download all clients to the status directory and then mirror images from the entitled registry to the private registry. If mirroring fails, fix the issue and just run the env download again.
Before saving the status directory, you can optionally remove the entitlement key from the vault:
When the download finished successfully, the status directory holds the deployer scripts, the configuration directory and the deployer container image.
Run the env apply --skip-mirror-images command to start deployment of the Cloud Pak to the OpenShift cluster. For example:
cd cloud-pak-deployer
+./ env apply \
+ --skip-mirror-images
The CPD_AIRGGAP environment variable tells the deployer it will not download anything from the internet; --skip-mirror-images indicates that images are already available in the private registry that is included in the configuration (image_registry)
Use case 3 - Mirror images using a portable image registry🔗
This use case is also usually referred to as "air-gapped", where the following conditions apply:
The private registry is hosted in the private cloud that hosts the bastion server and OpenShift
The bastion server cannot connect to the internet
The bastion server can connect to the private registry and the OpenShift cluster
The internet-connected server cannot connect to the private cloud
The internet-connected server is optionally connected to the internet via a proxy server. See Running behind a proxy for more details
You need a portable registry to fill the private registry with the Cloud Pak images
Please note that in this case the Cloud Pak Deployer expects an OpenShift cluster to be available already and will only work with an existing-ocp configuration. The bastion server does not have access to the internet and can therefore not instantiate an OpenShift cluster.
If there are restrictions regarding the internet sites that can be reached, ensure that the website domains the deployer needs are whitelisted. For a list of domains, check locations to whitelist
If a proxy server is configured for the bastion node, check the settings (http_proxy, https_proxy, no_proxy environment variables)
Build the Cloud Pak Deployer image using build
Create or update the directory with the configuration, making sure all your Cloud Paks and cartridges are specified
Export the CONFIG_DIR and STATUS_DIR environment variables to respectively point to the configuration directory and the status directory
Export the CP_ENTITLEMENT_KEY environment variable with your Cloud Pak entitlement key
Run the deployer using the ./ env download command. For example:
./ env download
This will download all clients, start the portable registry and then mirror images from the entitled registry to the portable registry. The portable registry data is kept in the status directory. If mirroring fails, fix the issue and just run the env download again.
Before saving the status directory, you can optionally remove the entitlement key from the vault:
When the download finished successfully, the status directory holds the deployer scripts, the configuration directory, the deployer container image and the portable registry.
Ship the status directory from the internet-connected server to the bastion server.
You can use tar with gzip mode or any other compression technique. The status directory now holds all assets required for the air-gapped installation and its size can be substantial (100+ GB). You may want to use multi-volume tar files if you are using network transfer.
See the air-gapped installation of Cloud Pak for Data in action: For the demonstration video, the download of the previous step has first been re-run to only download the Cloud Pak for Data control plane to avoid having to ship and upload ~700 GB.
We're using the instructions in Run on existing OpenShift, adding the CPD_AIRGAP environment variable.
Restore the status directory onto the bastion server. Make sure the volume to which you restore has enough space to hold the entire status directory, which includes the portable registry.
Export the STATUS_DIR environment variable to point to the status directory
Untar the cloud-pak-deployer scripts, for example:
tar xvzf $STATUS_DIR/cloud-pak-deployer.tar.gz
+cd cloud-pak-deployer
Set the CPD_AIRGAP environment variable to true
export CPD_AIRGAP=true
Set the environment variable for the oc login command. For example:
Create a vault secret image-registry-<name> holding the connection credentials for the private registry specified in the configuration (image_registry). For example for a registry definition with name cpd453, create secret image-registry-cpd453.
Run the ./ env apply command to start deployment of the Cloud Pak to the OpenShift cluster. For example:
./ env apply
The CPD_AIRGGAP environment variable tells the deployer it will not download anything from the internet. As a first action, the deployer mirrors images from the portable registry to the private registry included in the configuration (image_registry)
If the Cloud Pak Deployer is run from a server that has the HTTP proxy environment variables set up, i.e. "proxy" environment variables are configured on the server and in the terminal session, it will also apply these settings in the deployer container.
The following environment variables are automatically applied to the deployer container if set up in the session running the command:
If you do not want the deployer to use the proxy environment variables, you must remove them before running the command:
Special settings for debug and DaemonSet images in air-gapped mode🔗
Specifically when running the deployer on IBM Cloud ROKS, certain OpenShift settings must be applied using DaemonSets in the kube-system namespace. Additionally, the deployer uses the oc debug node commands to retrieve kubelet and crio configuration files from the compute nodes.
The default container images used by the DaemonSets and oc debug node commands are based on Red Hat's Universal Base Image and will be pulled from Red Hat registries. This is typically not possible in air-gapped installations, hence different images must be used. It is your responsibility to copy suitable (preferably UBI) images to an image registry that is connected to the OpenShift cluster. Also, if a pull secret is needed to pull the image(s) from the registry, you must create the associated secret in the kube-system OpenShift project.
To configure alternative container images for the deployer to use, set the following properties in the .inv file kept in your configuration's inventory directory, or specify them as additional command line parameters for the command.
If you do not set these values, the deployer assumes that the default images are used for DaemonSet and oc debug node.
Container image to be used for the oc debug command.
Container image to be used for the DaemonSets that configure Kubelet, etc.
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+ Build image and run deployer on OpenShift - Cloud Pak Deployer
In some cases, especially if the OpenShift cluster is remote from where the oc command is running, the oc logs -f command may terminate abruptly.
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+ Run deployer on OpenShift using Console - Cloud Pak Deployer
Select cloud-pak-deployer as the project at the top of the page
Click the deployer pod
Click logs
When running the deployer installing Cloud Pak for Data, the first run will fail. This is because the deployer applies the node configuration to OpenShift, which will cause all nodes to restart one by one, including the node that runs the deployer. Because of the job setting, a new deployer pod will automatically start and resume from where it was stopped.
Re-run deployer when failed or if you want to update the configuration🔗
If the deployer has failed or if you want to make changes to the configuration after the successful run, you can do the following:
Open the OpenShift console
Go to Workloads → Jobs
Check the logs of the cloud-pak-deployer job
If needed, make changes to the cloud-pak-deployer-config Config Map by going to Workloads → ConfigMaps
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+ Run deployer wizard on OpenShift - Cloud Pak Deployer
Now you can access the deployer wizard using the route created in the cloud-pak-deployer project. * Open the OpenShift console * Go to Networking → Routes * Click the Cloud Pak Deployer wizard route
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+ Deployer development setup - Cloud Pak Deployer
Setting up a virtual machine or server to develop the Cloud Pak Deployer code. Focuses on initial setup of a server to run the deployer container, setting up Visual Studio Code, issuing GPG keys and running the deployer in development mode.
We recommend to use a Red Hat Linux server for development of the Cloud Pak Deployer, either using a virtual server in the cloud or a virtual machine on your workstation. Ideally you run Visual Studio Code on your workstation and connect it to the remote Red Hat Linux server, updating the code and running it immediately from that server.
To allow for remote development, a number of packages need to be installed on the Linux server. Not having these will cause VSCode not to work and the error messages are difficult to debug. To install these packages, run the following as the root user:
It is recommended to use a special development user (your user name) on the Linux server, rather than using root. Not only will this be more secure; it also prevent destructive mistakes. In the below steps, we create a user fk-dev and give it sudo permissions.
useradd -G wheel fk-dev
To give the fk-dev permissions to run commands as root, change the sudo settings.
Scroll down until you see the following line:
Change the line to look like this:
Now, save the file by pressing Esc, followed by : and x.
Especially when running the virtual server in the cloud, users would logon using their SSH key. This requires the public key of the workstation to be added to the development user's SSH configuration.
Make sure you run the following commands as the development user (fk-dev):
We also want to ensure that commits are verified (trusted) by signing them with a GPG key. This requires set up on the development server and also on your Git account.
First, set up a new GPG key:
gpg --default-new-key-algo rsa4096 --gen-key
You will be prompted to specify your user information:
Real name: Enter your full name
Email address: Your e-mail address that will be used to sign the commits
Press o at the following prompt:
Change (N)ame, (E)mail, or (O)kay/(Q)uit?
Then, you will be prompted for a passphrase. You cannot use a passphrase for your GPG key if you want to use it for automatic signing of commits. Just press Enter multiple times until the GPG key has been generated.
List the signatures of the known keys. You will use the signature to sign the commits and to retrieve the public key.
Clone the repository using a git command. The command below is the clone of the main Cloud Pak Deployer repository. If you have forked the repository to develop features, you will have to use the URL of your own fork.
The Cloud Pak Deployer runs as a container on the server. When you're in the process of developing new features, having to always rebuild the image is a bit of a pain, hence we've introduced a special command line parameter.
When adding the --cpd-develop parameter to the command line, the current directory is mapped as a volume to the /cloud-pak-deployer directory within the container. This means that any latest changes you've done to the Ansible playbooks or other commands will take effect immediately.
Even though it is possible to run the deployer multiple times in parallel, for different environments, please be aware that is NOT possible when you use the --cpd-develop parameter. If you run two deploy processes with this parameters, you will see errors with permissions.
When working on multiple changes concurrently, you may have to switch between branches or tags. By default, the Cloud Pak Deployer image is built with image latest, but you can override this by setting the CPD_IMAGE_TAG environment variable in your session.
By default, the command detects if podman (preferred) or docker is found on the system. In case both are present, podman is used. You can override this behaviour by setting the CPD_CONTAINER_ENGINE environment variable.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/80-development/doc-development-setup/index.html b/80-development/doc-development-setup/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1e13db5fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/80-development/doc-development-setup/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ Deployer documentation development setup - Cloud Pak Deployer
Mkdocs themes encapsulate all of the configuration and implementation details of static documentation sites. This GitHub repository has been built with a dependency on the Mkdocs tool. This GiHub repository is connected to GitHub Actions; any commit to the main branch will cause a build of the GitHub pages to be triggered. The preferred method of working while developing documentation is to use the tooling from a loacal system
If you want to test the documentation pages you're developing, it is best to run Mkdocs in a container and map your local docs folder to a folder inside the container. This avoids having to install nvm and many modules on your workstation.
Do the following:
Make sure you have cloned this repository to your development server
Start from the main directory of the cloud-pak-deployer repository
cd docs
This will build a Red Hat UBI image with all requirements pre-installed. It will take ~2-10 minutes to complete this step, dependent on your network bandwidth.
Now that the container has fully started, it automatically tracks all changes under the docs folder and updates the pages site automatically. You can view the site by opening a browswer for URL:
Note that after merging your updated documentation with the main branch, the pages site will be rendered by a GitHub action. Go to GitHub Actions if you want to monitor the build process.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/80-development/doc-guidelines/index.html b/80-development/doc-guidelines/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c790f902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/80-development/doc-guidelines/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+ Deployer documentation guidelines - Cloud Pak Deployer
Code block outputs should specify the output language. This can be done by putting the language after the opening tick marks. For example, to create the following code block:
\n )\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport { h } from \"~/utilities\"\n\nimport { renderTooltip } from \"../tooltip\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Render an annotation\n *\n * @param id - Annotation identifier\n * @param prefix - Tooltip identifier prefix\n *\n * @returns Element\n */\nexport function renderAnnotation(\n id: string | number, prefix?: string\n): HTMLElement {\n prefix = prefix ? `${prefix}_annotation_${id}` : undefined\n\n /* Render tooltip with anchor, if given */\n if (prefix) {\n const anchor = prefix ? `#${prefix}` : undefined\n return (\n \n )\n } else {\n return (\n \n )\n }\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport { translation } from \"~/_\"\nimport { h } from \"~/utilities\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Render a 'copy-to-clipboard' button\n *\n * @param id - Unique identifier\n *\n * @returns Element\n */\nexport function renderClipboardButton(id: string): HTMLElement {\n return (\n \n )\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport { ComponentChild } from \"preact\"\n\nimport { configuration, feature, translation } from \"~/_\"\nimport {\n SearchDocument,\n SearchMetadata,\n SearchResultItem\n} from \"~/integrations/search\"\nimport { h, truncate } from \"~/utilities\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Helper types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Render flag\n */\nconst enum Flag {\n TEASER = 1, /* Render teaser */\n PARENT = 2 /* Render as parent */\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Helper function\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Render a search document\n *\n * @param document - Search document\n * @param flag - Render flags\n *\n * @returns Element\n */\nfunction renderSearchDocument(\n document: SearchDocument & SearchMetadata, flag: Flag\n): HTMLElement {\n const parent = flag & Flag.PARENT\n const teaser = flag & Flag.TEASER\n\n /* Render missing query terms */\n const missing = Object.keys(document.terms)\n .filter(key => !document.terms[key])\n .reduce((list, key) => [\n ...list, {key}, \" \"\n ], [])\n .slice(0, -1)\n\n /* Assemble query string for highlighting */\n const url = new URL(document.location)\n if (feature(\"search.highlight\"))\n url.searchParams.set(\"h\", Object.entries(document.terms)\n .filter(([, match]) => match)\n .reduce((highlight, [value]) => `${highlight} ${value}`.trim(), \"\")\n )\n\n /* Render article or section, depending on flags */\n const { tags } = configuration()\n return (\n \n \n {parent > 0 && }\n
\n }\n \n \n )\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Render a search result\n *\n * @param result - Search result\n *\n * @returns Element\n */\nexport function renderSearchResultItem(\n result: SearchResultItem\n): HTMLElement {\n const threshold = result[0].score\n const docs = [...result]\n\n /* Find and extract parent article */\n const parent = docs.findIndex(doc => !doc.location.includes(\"#\"))\n const [article] = docs.splice(parent, 1)\n\n /* Determine last index above threshold */\n let index = docs.findIndex(doc => doc.score < threshold)\n if (index === -1)\n index = docs.length\n\n /* Partition sections */\n const best = docs.slice(0, index)\n const more = docs.slice(index)\n\n /* Render children */\n const children = [\n renderSearchDocument(article, Flag.PARENT | +(!parent && index === 0)),\n => renderSearchDocument(section, Flag.TEASER)),\n ...more.length ? [\n \n \n {more.length > 0 && more.length === 1\n ? translation(\"\")\n : translation(\"search.result.more.other\", more.length)\n }\n \n { => renderSearchDocument(section, Flag.TEASER))}\n \n ] : []\n ]\n\n /* Render search result */\n return (\n
\n {children}\n
\n )\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport { SourceFacts } from \"~/components\"\nimport { h, round } from \"~/utilities\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Render repository facts\n *\n * @param facts - Repository facts\n *\n * @returns Element\n */\nexport function renderSourceFacts(facts: SourceFacts): HTMLElement {\n return (\n
\n {typeof value === \"number\" ? round(value) : value}\n
\n ))}\n
\n )\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport { h } from \"~/utilities\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Helper types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Tabbed control type\n */\ntype TabbedControlType =\n | \"prev\"\n | \"next\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Render control for content tabs\n *\n * @param type - Control type\n *\n * @returns Element\n */\nexport function renderTabbedControl(\n type: TabbedControlType\n): HTMLElement {\n const classes = `tabbed-control tabbed-control--${type}`\n return (\n
\n \n
\n )\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport { h } from \"~/utilities\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Render a table inside a wrapper to improve scrolling on mobile\n *\n * @param table - Table element\n *\n * @returns Element\n */\nexport function renderTable(table: HTMLElement): HTMLElement {\n return (\n
\n {table}\n
\n )\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport { configuration, translation } from \"~/_\"\nimport { h } from \"~/utilities\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Version\n */\nexport interface Version {\n version: string /* Version identifier */\n title: string /* Version title */\n aliases: string[] /* Version aliases */\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Helper functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Render a version\n *\n * @param version - Version\n *\n * @returns Element\n */\nfunction renderVersion(version: Version): HTMLElement {\n const config = configuration()\n\n /* Ensure trailing slash - see */\n const url = new URL(`../${version.version}/`, config.base)\n return (\n
\n )\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Render a version selector\n *\n * @param versions - Versions\n * @param active - Active version\n *\n * @returns Element\n */\nexport function renderVersionSelector(\n versions: Version[], active: Version\n): HTMLElement {\n return (\n
\n \n
\n {}\n
\n )\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport {\n Observable,\n Subject,\n animationFrameScheduler,\n auditTime,\n combineLatest,\n debounceTime,\n defer,\n delay,\n filter,\n finalize,\n fromEvent,\n map,\n merge,\n switchMap,\n take,\n takeLast,\n takeUntil,\n tap,\n throttleTime,\n withLatestFrom\n} from \"rxjs\"\n\nimport {\n ElementOffset,\n getActiveElement,\n getElementSize,\n watchElementContentOffset,\n watchElementFocus,\n watchElementOffset,\n watchElementVisibility\n} from \"~/browser\"\n\nimport { Component } from \"../../../_\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Annotation\n */\nexport interface Annotation {\n active: boolean /* Annotation is active */\n offset: ElementOffset /* Annotation offset */\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Helper types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Mount options\n */\ninterface MountOptions {\n target$: Observable /* Location target observable */\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Watch annotation\n *\n * @param el - Annotation element\n * @param container - Containing element\n *\n * @returns Annotation observable\n */\nexport function watchAnnotation(\n el: HTMLElement, container: HTMLElement\n): Observable {\n const offset$ = defer(() => combineLatest([\n watchElementOffset(el),\n watchElementContentOffset(container)\n ]))\n .pipe(\n map(([{ x, y }, scroll]): ElementOffset => {\n const { width, height } = getElementSize(el)\n return ({\n x: x - scroll.x + width / 2,\n y: y - scroll.y + height / 2\n })\n })\n )\n\n /* Actively watch annotation on focus */\n return watchElementFocus(el)\n .pipe(\n switchMap(active => offset$\n .pipe(\n map(offset => ({ active, offset })),\n take(+!active || Infinity)\n )\n )\n )\n}\n\n/**\n * Mount annotation\n *\n * @param el - Annotation element\n * @param container - Containing element\n * @param options - Options\n *\n * @returns Annotation component observable\n */\nexport function mountAnnotation(\n el: HTMLElement, container: HTMLElement, { target$ }: MountOptions\n): Observable> {\n const [tooltip, index] = Array.from(el.children)\n\n /* Mount component on subscription */\n return defer(() => {\n const push$ = new Subject()\n const done$ = push$.pipe(takeLast(1))\n push$.subscribe({\n\n /* Handle emission */\n next({ offset }) {\n\"--md-tooltip-x\", `${offset.x}px`)\n\"--md-tooltip-y\", `${offset.y}px`)\n },\n\n /* Handle complete */\n complete() {\n\"--md-tooltip-x\")\n\"--md-tooltip-y\")\n }\n })\n\n /* Start animation only when annotation is visible */\n watchElementVisibility(el)\n .pipe(\n takeUntil(done$)\n )\n .subscribe(visible => {\n el.toggleAttribute(\"data-md-visible\", visible)\n })\n\n /* Toggle tooltip presence to mitigate empty lines when copying */\n merge(\n push$.pipe(filter(({ active }) => active)),\n push$.pipe(debounceTime(250), filter(({ active }) => !active))\n )\n .subscribe({\n\n /* Handle emission */\n next({ active }) {\n if (active)\n el.prepend(tooltip)\n else\n tooltip.remove()\n },\n\n /* Handle complete */\n complete() {\n el.prepend(tooltip)\n }\n })\n\n /* Toggle tooltip visibility */\n push$\n .pipe(\n auditTime(16, animationFrameScheduler)\n )\n .subscribe(({ active }) => {\n tooltip.classList.toggle(\"md-tooltip--active\", active)\n })\n\n /* Track relative origin of tooltip */\n push$\n .pipe(\n throttleTime(125, animationFrameScheduler),\n filter(() => !!el.offsetParent),\n map(() => el.offsetParent!.getBoundingClientRect()),\n map(({ x }) => x)\n )\n .subscribe({\n\n /* Handle emission */\n next(origin) {\n if (origin)\n\"--md-tooltip-0\", `${-origin}px`)\n else\n\"--md-tooltip-0\")\n },\n\n /* Handle complete */\n complete() {\n\"--md-tooltip-0\")\n }\n })\n\n /* Allow to copy link without scrolling to anchor */\n fromEvent(index, \"click\")\n .pipe(\n takeUntil(done$),\n filter(ev => !(ev.metaKey || ev.ctrlKey))\n )\n .subscribe(ev => ev.preventDefault())\n\n /* Allow to open link in new tab or blur on close */\n fromEvent(index, \"mousedown\")\n .pipe(\n takeUntil(done$),\n withLatestFrom(push$)\n )\n .subscribe(([ev, { active }]) => {\n\n /* Open in new tab */\n if (ev.button !== 0 || ev.metaKey || ev.ctrlKey) {\n ev.preventDefault()\n\n /* Close annotation */\n } else if (active) {\n ev.preventDefault()\n\n /* Focus parent annotation, if any */\n const parent = el.parentElement!.closest(\".md-annotation\")\n if (parent instanceof HTMLElement)\n parent.focus()\n else\n getActiveElement()?.blur()\n }\n })\n\n /* Open and focus annotation on location target */\n target$\n .pipe(\n takeUntil(done$),\n filter(target => target === tooltip),\n delay(125)\n )\n .subscribe(() => el.focus())\n\n /* Create and return component */\n return watchAnnotation(el, container)\n .pipe(\n tap(state => push$.next(state)),\n finalize(() => push$.complete()),\n map(state => ({ ref: el, ...state }))\n )\n })\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport {\n EMPTY,\n Observable,\n Subject,\n defer,\n finalize,\n merge,\n share,\n takeLast,\n takeUntil\n} from \"rxjs\"\n\nimport {\n getElement,\n getElements,\n getOptionalElement\n} from \"~/browser\"\nimport { renderAnnotation } from \"~/templates\"\n\nimport { Component } from \"../../../_\"\nimport {\n Annotation,\n mountAnnotation\n} from \"../_\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Helper types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Mount options\n */\ninterface MountOptions {\n target$: Observable /* Location target observable */\n print$: Observable /* Media print observable */\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Helper functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Find all annotation markers in the given code block\n *\n * @param container - Containing element\n *\n * @returns Annotation markers\n */\nfunction findAnnotationMarkers(container: HTMLElement): Text[] {\n const markers: Text[] = []\n for (const el of getElements(\".c, .c1, .cm\", container)) {\n const nodes: Text[] = []\n\n /* Find all text nodes in current element */\n const it = document.createNodeIterator(el, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT)\n for (let node = it.nextNode(); node; node = it.nextNode())\n nodes.push(node as Text)\n\n /* Find all markers in each text node */\n for (let text of nodes) {\n let match: RegExpExecArray | null\n\n /* Split text at marker and add to list */\n while ((match = /(\\(\\d+\\))(!)?/.exec(text.textContent!))) {\n const [, id, force] = match\n if (typeof force === \"undefined\") {\n const marker = text.splitText(match.index)\n text = marker.splitText(id.length)\n markers.push(marker)\n\n /* Replace entire text with marker */\n } else {\n text.textContent = id\n markers.push(text)\n break\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return markers\n}\n\n/**\n * Swap the child nodes of two elements\n *\n * @param source - Source element\n * @param target - Target element\n */\nfunction swap(source: HTMLElement, target: HTMLElement): void {\n target.append(...Array.from(source.childNodes))\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Mount annotation list\n *\n * This function analyzes the containing code block and checks for markers\n * referring to elements in the given annotation list. If no markers are found,\n * the list is left untouched. Otherwise, list elements are rendered as\n * annotations inside the code block.\n *\n * @param el - Annotation list element\n * @param container - Containing element\n * @param options - Options\n *\n * @returns Annotation component observable\n */\nexport function mountAnnotationList(\n el: HTMLElement, container: HTMLElement, { target$, print$ }: MountOptions\n): Observable> {\n\n /* Compute prefix for tooltip anchors */\n const parent = container.closest(\"[id]\")\n const prefix = parent?.id\n\n /* Find and replace all markers with empty annotations */\n const annotations = new Map()\n for (const marker of findAnnotationMarkers(container)) {\n const [, id] = marker.textContent!.match(/\\((\\d+)\\)/)!\n if (getOptionalElement(`li:nth-child(${id})`, el)) {\n annotations.set(id, renderAnnotation(id, prefix))\n marker.replaceWith(annotations.get(id)!)\n }\n }\n\n /* Keep list if there are no annotations to render */\n if (annotations.size === 0)\n return EMPTY\n\n /* Mount component on subscription */\n return defer(() => {\n const done$ = new Subject()\n\n /* Retrieve container pairs for swapping */\n const pairs: [HTMLElement, HTMLElement][] = []\n for (const [id, annotation] of annotations)\n pairs.push([\n getElement(\".md-typeset\", annotation),\n getElement(`li:nth-child(${id})`, el)\n ])\n\n /* Handle print mode - see */\n print$\n .pipe(\n takeUntil(done$.pipe(takeLast(1)))\n )\n .subscribe(active => {\n el.hidden = !active\n\n /* Show annotations in code block or list (print) */\n for (const [inner, child] of pairs)\n if (!active)\n swap(child, inner)\n else\n swap(inner, child)\n })\n\n /* Create and return component */\n return merge(...[...annotations]\n .map(([, annotation]) => (\n mountAnnotation(annotation, container, { target$ })\n ))\n )\n .pipe(\n finalize(() => done$.complete()),\n share()\n )\n })\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport {\n Observable,\n map,\n of,\n shareReplay,\n tap\n} from \"rxjs\"\n\nimport { watchScript } from \"~/browser\"\nimport { h } from \"~/utilities\"\n\nimport { Component } from \"../../../_\"\n\nimport themeCSS from \"./index.css\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Mermaid diagram\n */\nexport interface Mermaid {}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Data\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Mermaid instance observable\n */\nlet mermaid$: Observable\n\n/**\n * Global sequence number for diagrams\n */\nlet sequence = 0\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Helper functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Fetch Mermaid script\n *\n * @returns Mermaid scripts observable\n */\nfunction fetchScripts(): Observable {\n return typeof mermaid === \"undefined\" || mermaid instanceof Element\n ? watchScript(\"\")\n : of(undefined)\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Mount Mermaid diagram\n *\n * @param el - Code block element\n *\n * @returns Mermaid diagram component observable\n */\nexport function mountMermaid(\n el: HTMLElement\n): Observable> {\n el.classList.remove(\"mermaid\") // Hack: mitigate\n mermaid$ ||= fetchScripts()\n .pipe(\n tap(() => mermaid.initialize({\n startOnLoad: false,\n themeCSS\n })),\n map(() => undefined),\n shareReplay(1)\n )\n\n /* Render diagram */\n mermaid$.subscribe(() => {\n el.classList.add(\"mermaid\") // Hack: mitigate\n const id = `__mermaid_${sequence++}`\n const host = h(\"div\", { class: \"mermaid\" })\n mermaid.mermaidAPI.render(id, el.textContent, (svg: string) => {\n\n /* Create a shadow root and inject diagram */\n const shadow = host.attachShadow({ mode: \"closed\" })\n shadow.innerHTML = svg\n\n /* Replace code block with diagram */\n el.replaceWith(host)\n })\n })\n\n /* Create and return component */\n return mermaid$\n .pipe(\n map(() => ({ ref: el }))\n )\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport {\n Observable,\n Subject,\n defer,\n filter,\n finalize,\n map,\n merge,\n tap\n} from \"rxjs\"\n\nimport { Component } from \"../../_\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Details\n */\nexport interface Details {\n action: \"open\" | \"close\" /* Details state */\n reveal?: boolean /* Details is revealed */\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Helper types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Watch options\n */\ninterface WatchOptions {\n target$: Observable /* Location target observable */\n print$: Observable /* Media print observable */\n}\n\n/**\n * Mount options\n */\ninterface MountOptions {\n target$: Observable /* Location target observable */\n print$: Observable /* Media print observable */\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Watch details\n *\n * @param el - Details element\n * @param options - Options\n *\n * @returns Details observable\n */\nexport function watchDetails(\n el: HTMLDetailsElement, { target$, print$ }: WatchOptions\n): Observable {\n let open = true\n return merge(\n\n /* Open and focus details on location target */\n target$\n .pipe(\n map(target => target.closest(\"details:not([open])\")!),\n filter(details => el === details),\n map(() => ({\n action: \"open\", reveal: true\n }) as Details)\n ),\n\n /* Open details on print and close afterwards */\n print$\n .pipe(\n filter(active => active || !open),\n tap(() => open =,\n map(active => ({\n action: active ? \"open\" : \"close\"\n }) as Details)\n )\n )\n}\n\n/**\n * Mount details\n *\n * This function ensures that `details` tags are opened on anchor jumps and\n * prior to printing, so the whole content of the page is visible.\n *\n * @param el - Details element\n * @param options - Options\n *\n * @returns Details component observable\n */\nexport function mountDetails(\n el: HTMLDetailsElement, options: MountOptions\n): Observable> {\n return defer(() => {\n const push$ = new Subject()\n push$.subscribe(({ action, reveal }) => {\n el.toggleAttribute(\"open\", action === \"open\")\n if (reveal)\n el.scrollIntoView()\n })\n\n /* Create and return component */\n return watchDetails(el, options)\n .pipe(\n tap(state => push$.next(state)),\n finalize(() => push$.complete()),\n map(state => ({ ref: el, ...state }))\n )\n })\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport { Observable, of } from \"rxjs\"\n\nimport { renderTable } from \"~/templates\"\nimport { h } from \"~/utilities\"\n\nimport { Component } from \"../../_\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Data table\n */\nexport interface DataTable {}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Data\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Sentinel for replacement\n */\nconst sentinel = h(\"table\")\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Mount data table\n *\n * This function wraps a data table in another scrollable container, so it can\n * be smoothly scrolled on smaller screen sizes and won't break the layout.\n *\n * @param el - Data table element\n *\n * @returns Data table component observable\n */\nexport function mountDataTable(\n el: HTMLElement\n): Observable> {\n el.replaceWith(sentinel)\n sentinel.replaceWith(renderTable(el))\n\n /* Create and return component */\n return of({ ref: el })\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport {\n Observable,\n Subject,\n animationFrameScheduler,\n asyncScheduler,\n auditTime,\n combineLatest,\n defer,\n finalize,\n fromEvent,\n map,\n merge,\n skip,\n startWith,\n subscribeOn,\n takeLast,\n takeUntil,\n tap,\n withLatestFrom\n} from \"rxjs\"\n\nimport { feature } from \"~/_\"\nimport {\n Viewport,\n getElement,\n getElementContentOffset,\n getElementContentSize,\n getElementOffset,\n getElementSize,\n getElements,\n watchElementContentOffset,\n watchElementSize\n} from \"~/browser\"\nimport { renderTabbedControl } from \"~/templates\"\n\nimport { Component } from \"../../_\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Content tabs\n */\nexport interface ContentTabs {\n active: HTMLLabelElement /* Active tab label */\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Helper types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Mount options\n */\ninterface MountOptions {\n viewport$: Observable /* Viewport observable */\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Watch content tabs\n *\n * @param el - Content tabs element\n *\n * @returns Content tabs observable\n */\nexport function watchContentTabs(\n el: HTMLElement\n): Observable {\n const inputs = getElements(\":scope > input\", el)\n const initial = inputs.find(input => input.checked) || inputs[0]\n return merge( => fromEvent(input, \"change\")\n .pipe(\n map(() => getElement(`label[for=\"${}\"]`))\n )\n ))\n .pipe(\n startWith(getElement(`label[for=\"${}\"]`)),\n map(active => ({ active }))\n )\n}\n\n/**\n * Mount content tabs\n *\n * This function scrolls the active tab into view. While this functionality is\n * provided by browsers as part of `scrollInfoView`, browsers will always also\n * scroll the vertical axis, which we do not want. Thus, we decided to provide\n * this functionality ourselves.\n *\n * @param el - Content tabs element\n * @param options - Options\n *\n * @returns Content tabs component observable\n */\nexport function mountContentTabs(\n el: HTMLElement, { viewport$ }: MountOptions\n): Observable> {\n\n /* Render content tab previous button for pagination */\n const prev = renderTabbedControl(\"prev\")\n el.append(prev)\n\n /* Render content tab next button for pagination */\n const next = renderTabbedControl(\"next\")\n el.append(next)\n\n /* Mount component on subscription */\n const container = getElement(\".tabbed-labels\", el)\n return defer(() => {\n const push$ = new Subject()\n const done$ = push$.pipe(takeLast(1))\n combineLatest([push$, watchElementSize(el)])\n .pipe(\n auditTime(1, animationFrameScheduler),\n takeUntil(done$)\n )\n .subscribe({\n\n /* Handle emission */\n next([{ active }, size]) {\n const offset = getElementOffset(active)\n const { width } = getElementSize(active)\n\n /* Set tab indicator offset and width */\n\"--md-indicator-x\", `${offset.x}px`)\n\"--md-indicator-width\", `${width}px`)\n\n /* Scroll container to active content tab */\n const content = getElementContentOffset(container)\n if (\n offset.x < content.x ||\n offset.x + width > content.x + size.width\n )\n container.scrollTo({\n left: Math.max(0, offset.x - 16),\n behavior: \"smooth\"\n })\n },\n\n /* Handle complete */\n complete() {\n\"--md-indicator-x\")\n\"--md-indicator-width\")\n }\n })\n\n /* Hide content tab buttons on borders */\n combineLatest([\n watchElementContentOffset(container),\n watchElementSize(container)\n ])\n .pipe(\n takeUntil(done$)\n )\n .subscribe(([offset, size]) => {\n const content = getElementContentSize(container)\n prev.hidden = offset.x < 16\n next.hidden = offset.x > content.width - size.width - 16\n })\n\n /* Paginate content tab container on click */\n merge(\n fromEvent(prev, \"click\").pipe(map(() => -1)),\n fromEvent(next, \"click\").pipe(map(() => +1))\n )\n .pipe(\n takeUntil(done$)\n )\n .subscribe(direction => {\n const { width } = getElementSize(container)\n container.scrollBy({\n left: width * direction,\n behavior: \"smooth\"\n })\n })\n\n /* Set up linking of content tabs, if enabled */\n if (feature(\"\"))\n push$.pipe(\n skip(1),\n withLatestFrom(viewport$)\n )\n .subscribe(([{ active }, { offset }]) => {\n const tab = active.innerText.trim()\n if (active.hasAttribute(\"data-md-switching\")) {\n active.removeAttribute(\"data-md-switching\")\n\n /* Determine viewport offset of active tab */\n } else {\n const y = el.offsetTop - offset.y\n\n /* Passively activate other tabs */\n for (const set of getElements(\"[data-tabs]\"))\n for (const input of getElements(\n \":scope > input\", set\n )) {\n const label = getElement(`label[for=\"${}\"]`)\n if (\n label !== active &&\n label.innerText.trim() === tab\n ) {\n label.setAttribute(\"data-md-switching\", \"\")\n\n break\n }\n }\n\n /* Bring active tab into view */\n window.scrollTo({\n top: el.offsetTop - y\n })\n\n /* Persist active tabs in local storage */\n const tabs = __md_get(\"__tabs\") || []\n __md_set(\"__tabs\", [ Set([tab, ...tabs])])\n }\n })\n\n /* Create and return component */\n return watchContentTabs(el)\n .pipe(\n tap(state => push$.next(state)),\n finalize(() => push$.complete()),\n map(state => ({ ref: el, ...state }))\n )\n })\n .pipe(\n subscribeOn(asyncScheduler)\n )\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport { Observable, merge } from \"rxjs\"\n\nimport { Viewport, getElements } from \"~/browser\"\n\nimport { Component } from \"../../_\"\nimport { Annotation } from \"../annotation\"\nimport {\n CodeBlock,\n Mermaid,\n mountCodeBlock,\n mountMermaid\n} from \"../code\"\nimport {\n Details,\n mountDetails\n} from \"../details\"\nimport {\n DataTable,\n mountDataTable\n} from \"../table\"\nimport {\n ContentTabs,\n mountContentTabs\n} from \"../tabs\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Content\n */\nexport type Content =\n | Annotation\n | ContentTabs\n | CodeBlock\n | Mermaid\n | DataTable\n | Details\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Helper types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Mount options\n */\ninterface MountOptions {\n viewport$: Observable /* Viewport observable */\n target$: Observable /* Location target observable */\n print$: Observable /* Media print observable */\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Mount content\n *\n * This function mounts all components that are found in the content of the\n * actual article, including code blocks, data tables and details.\n *\n * @param el - Content element\n * @param options - Options\n *\n * @returns Content component observable\n */\nexport function mountContent(\n el: HTMLElement, { viewport$, target$, print$ }: MountOptions\n): Observable> {\n return merge(\n\n /* Code blocks */\n ...getElements(\"pre:not(.mermaid) > code\", el)\n .map(child => mountCodeBlock(child, { target$, print$ })),\n\n /* Mermaid diagrams */\n ...getElements(\"pre.mermaid\", el)\n .map(child => mountMermaid(child)),\n\n /* Data tables */\n ...getElements(\"table:not([class])\", el)\n .map(child => mountDataTable(child)),\n\n /* Details */\n ...getElements(\"details\", el)\n .map(child => mountDetails(child, { target$, print$ })),\n\n /* Content tabs */\n ...getElements(\"[data-tabs]\", el)\n .map(child => mountContentTabs(child, { viewport$ }))\n )\n}\n", "/*\n * Copyright (c) 2016-2022 Martin Donath \n *\n * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy\n * of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to\n * deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the\n * rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or\n * sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is\n * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:\n *\n * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in\n * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.\n *\n * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR\n * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY,\n * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE\n * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER\n * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING\n * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS\n * IN THE SOFTWARE.\n */\n\nimport {\n Observable,\n Subject,\n defer,\n delay,\n finalize,\n map,\n merge,\n of,\n switchMap,\n tap\n} from \"rxjs\"\n\nimport { getElement } from \"~/browser\"\n\nimport { Component } from \"../_\"\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Dialog\n */\nexport interface Dialog {\n message: string /* Dialog message */\n active: boolean /* Dialog is active */\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Helper types\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Watch options\n */\ninterface WatchOptions {\n alert$: Subject /* Alert subject */\n}\n\n/**\n * Mount options\n */\ninterface MountOptions {\n alert$: Subject /* Alert subject */\n}\n\n/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n * Functions\n * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */\n\n/**\n * Watch dialog\n *\n * @param _el - Dialog element\n * @param options - Options\n *\n * @returns Dialog observable\n */\nexport function watchDialog(\n _el: HTMLElement, { alert$ }: WatchOptions\n): Observable