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Trace API

Wuchieh J. Jong edited this page Dec 19, 2018 · 11 revisions

IBM Confidential - This is under development and represents current work in progress. Subject to change as it is being developed! - IBM Confidential

Welcome to the IBM Food Trust™ Trace API

The Trace API allows authorized users (human and system) to retrieve trace information from IBM Food Trust™ for events, products, locations, and associated data.


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Getting Started
  3. Swagger
  4. Trace API
    1. Parameters
    2. Example Query
    3. Response Model
    4. Events
    5. Facilities
    6. Payloads
    7. Product Instances
    8. Products
    9. Sequences


To use the IBM Food Trust Trace API, you must meet the following prerequisites:

  1. Your organization must have subscribed to the IBM Food Trust Trace module; please contact Aditya Khosla by email at [email protected] for details.

  2. You are familiar with using REST APIs to send data programmatically. Automation of data upload is an ultimate goal for you and your supply chain partners to maximize the value of IBM Food Trust.

  3. For IBM Food Trust organizations to share and trace supply chain data, each organization must have defined the appropriate data access control. For details on restricting and sharing your data, see Data Entitlement and Access Control.

Getting Started

Take the following steps to get started with the IBM Food Trust Trace API:

  1. Obtain an Authentication Token - Get Authentication Token for Human User or Get Authentication Token for System User.

  2. Submit an API request with the authentication token in the Authorization header. See an example request for the Trace API here. For manual testing, human users can use the Swagger UI to run the APIs directly.

  3. Refer to the API endpoint documentation below for help understanding the response format.


Swagger can be used in the development process to test the Trace API. Our Swagger UI is available in the following environments:

To try out the API manually, you must first provide a valid IBM Food Trust Authorization Token (human user token) in the Swagger page, using the Authorize button on the top right of the page.

API Endpoint

The /traces endpoint retrieves trace information based on a product identifier: /ift/api/outbound/v1/traces


The following parameters are supported:

productId (query string)

A parameter that identifies the specific product instance to retrieve trace information for. The supported formats are shown in the following table:

Type Example and Syntax
EPC LGTIN urn:epc:class:lgtin:0614141.107346.101
urn:epc:class:lgtin:<CompanyPrefix>.<ItemRefAndIndicator>.<Lot>(13 digits + Lot #)
EPC SGTIN urn:epc:id:sgtin:0614141.107346.2017
urn:epc:id:sgtin:<CompanyPrefix>.<ItemRefAndIndicator>.<SerialNumber>(13 Digits + Serial Number)
IBM Food Trust™ Product with Lot # urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:1234567890123.product-123.lot4
urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:<Company Prefix>.<Item Reference>.<Lot Number>
IBM Food Trust™ Product with Serial # urn:ibm:ift:product:serial:obj:1234567890123.product-123.serial-number-4567
urn:ibm:ift:product:serial:obj:<Company Prefix>.<Item Reference>.<Serial Number>

Example Query


curl -X GET "" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <VALID_IFT_AUTHORIZATION_TOKEN>"


  "urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:999999999999.sliced-mango.lot-1": {
    "events": {
      "urn:uuid:c50240fc-4df3-4d34-bd16-36031bf8b2a5": {
        "data": {
          "time": "2018-10-28T00:00:00.000Z",
          "type": "commission",
          "step": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:commissioning",
          "facility": {
            "id": ""
          "productInstances": {
            "instances": [
                "id": "",
                "quantity": 500,
                "unit": "CS"
        "payloadIds": []
      "urn:uuid:b3b8ee28-58cb-4f26-9ad5-f27b27cb89d6": {
        "data": {
          "time": "2018-10-29T02:00:00.000Z",
          "type": "commission",
          "step": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:commissioning",
          "facility": {
            "id": ""
          "productInstances": {
            "instances": [
                "id": "",
                "quantity": 650,
                "unit": "CS"
        "payloadIds": []
      "urn:uuid:7d87bbfd-e9b0-49ee-9c04-d2938f6138f8": {
        "data": {
          "time": "2018-11-02T00:00:01.000Z",
          "type": "transformation",
          "step": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:transforming",
          "facility": {
            "id": "urn:ibm:ift:location:loc:999999999999.factory-1"
          "productInstances": {
            "inputs": [
                "id": "",
                "quantity": 500,
                "unit": "CS"
                "id": "",
                "quantity": 650,
                "unit": "CS"
            "outputs": [
                "id": "urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:999999999999.sliced-mango.lot-2",
                "quantity": 4800,
                "unit": "KGM"
        "payloadIds": []
      "urn:uuid:e207acb5-139b-4813-98bf-b275775e499f": {
        "data": {
          "time": "2018-11-12T00:00:01.000Z",
          "type": "observation",
          "step": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:stocking",
          "facility": {
            "id": "",
            "sources": [
                "id": "urn:ibm:ift:location:loc:999999999999.factory-1"
            "destinations": [
                "id": ""
          "productInstances": {
            "instances": [
                "id": "urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:999999999999.sliced-mango.lot-2",
                "quantity": 1,
                "unit": "EA"
        "payloadIds": []
    "facilities": {
      "": {
        "data": {
          "name": "Tropical Farms",
          "type": "FARM",
          "address": {
            "city": "Miami",
            "postalCode": "72814"
      "": {
        "data": {
          "name": "Sunshine Farms",
          "type": "FARM",
          "address": {
            "city": "West Palm Beach",
            "postalCode": "33401"
      "urn:ibm:ift:location:loc:999999999999.factory-1": {
        "data": {
          "name": "LC Foods Inc",
          "type": "PROCESSING_FACILITY",
          "address": {
            "city": "Florence",
            "postalCode": "29501"
        "payloadIds": []
      "": {
        "data": {
          "name": "Bob's Corner Market",
          "type": "STORE",
          "address": {
            "street": "1 Main St",
            "city": "Durham",
            "state": "NC",
            "postalCode": "27713",
            "country": "US"
        "payloadIds": []
    "payloads": {
      "urn:uuid:eed87696-40cc-4839-a609-24d8f0429d08": {
        "data": {
          "time": "2018-11-02T00:00:00.000Z",
          "content": "[]",
          "contentType": "application/json",
          "typeUri": "typeUriString"
    "productInstances": {
      "": {
        "data": {
          "name": "Mango",
          "productId": ""
        "payloadIds": []
       "": {
        "data": {
          "name": "Mango",
          "productId": ""
        "payloadIds": []
      "urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:999999999999.sliced-mango.lot-2": {
        "data": {
          "name": "Sliced Mango",
          "productId": "urn:ibm:ift:product:class:999999999999.sliced-mango",
          "sellByDate": "2018-11-17"
        "payloadIds": [
    "products": {
      "": {
        "data": {
          "name": "Mango"
        "payloadIds": []
      "urn:ibm:ift:product:class:999999999999.sliced-mango": {
        "data": {
          "name": "Sliced Mango",
          "sku": "12345678"
        "payloadIds": []
    "sequences": {
      "events": [
          "source": "urn:uuid:c50240fc-4df3-4d34-bd16-36031bf8b2a5",
          "target": "urn:uuid:7d87bbfd-e9b0-49ee-9c04-d2938f6138f8"
          "source": "urn:uuid:b3b8ee28-58cb-4f26-9ad5-f27b27cb89d6",
          "target": "urn:uuid:7d87bbfd-e9b0-49ee-9c04-d2938f6138f8"
          "source": "urn:uuid:7d87bbfd-e9b0-49ee-9c04-d2938f6138f8",
          "target": "urn:uuid:e207acb5-139b-4813-98bf-b275775e499f"
      "facilities": [
          "source": "",
          "target": "urn:ibm:ift:location:loc:999999999999.factory-1"
          "source": "",
          "target": "urn:ibm:ift:location:loc:999999999999.factory-1"
          "source": "urn:ibm:ift:location:loc:999999999999.factory-1",
          "target": ""
      "productInstances": [
          "source": "",
          "target": "urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:999999999999.sliced-mango.lot-2"
          "source": "",
          "target": "urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:999999999999.sliced-mango.lot-2"
  "x-version": "1.0.0"

Response Model

The Trace API returns data pertaining to events, locations, data payloads, products, and the corresponding sequencing of these items, in the following JSON format:

    "events": {
    "facilities": {
    "payloads": {
    "product_instances": {
    "products: {
    "sequences": {
  "x-version": "<VERSION>"

For each JSON object, the data Model and Example JSON are provided below:


Events related to the specified trace product identifier are returned in the events section of the JSON response. By default, only the following types of events are returned:

  • Lot Creation - Events that contain information collected during the lot creation of products.
    • Lot Creation events must meet the following criteria:
      • Event Type: Commission
  • Transformation - Events that contain information collected when input products are transformed into intermediate or finished products.
    • Transformation events must meet the following criteria:
      • Event Type: Transformation
  • Store Scan - Events that contain information collected when the product is scanned at a store.
    • Store Scan events must meet the following criteria:
      • Event Type: Observation
      • Biz Step: Stocking


"events": {
  // Unique ID of the event
  "<EVENT_ID>": {
    "data": {
      // Date and time of the event in the format: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmZ"
      "time": "<EVENT_TIME>",
      // Type of business transaction (commission, transformation, observation)
      "type": "<EVENT_TYPE>",
      // Business step that the event was a part of in the format: "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:Step"
      "step": "<EVENT_STEP>",
      "facility": {
        // Unique ID of the facility
        "id": "<FACILITY_ID>",
        "sources": [
            // Unique ID of the source facility
            "id": "<SOURCE_ID>"
        "destinations": [
            // Unique ID of the destination facility
            "id": "<DESTINATION_ID>"
      "productInstances": {
        "instances": [
            // Unique ID of the instance
            "id": "<INSTANCE_ID>",
            // Item quantity must be a number
            "quantity": <INSTANCE_QUANTITY>,
            // Unit of measure is a two or three character code from UN/CEFACT
            "unit": "<INSTANCE_UNIT_OF_MEASURE>"
        "inputs": [
            // Unique ID of the input
            "id": "<INPUT_ID>",
            // Input quantity must be a number
            "quantity": <INPUT_QUANTITY>,
            // Unit of measure is a two or three character code from UN/CEFACT
            "unit": "<INPUT_UNIT_OF_MEASURE>"
        "outputs": [
            // Unique ID of the output
            "id": "<OUTPUT_ID>",
            "quantity": <OUTPUT_QUANTITY>,
            // Unit of measure is a two or three character code from UN/CEFACT
            "unit": "<OUTPUT_UNIT_OF_MEASURE"
    // List of associated Payload IDs
    "payloadIds": [


"events": {
  "urn:uuid:c50240fc-4df3-4d34-bd16-36031bf8b2a5": {
    "data": {
      "time": "2018-10-28T00:00:00.000Z",
      "type": "commission",
      "step": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:commissioning",
      "facility": {
        "id": ""
      "productInstances": {
        "instances": [
            "id": "",
            "quantity": 500,
            "unit": "CS"
    "payloadIds": []
  "urn:uuid:b3b8ee28-58cb-4f26-9ad5-f27b27cb89d6": {
    "data": {
      "time": "2018-10-29T02:00:00.000Z",
      "type": "commission",
      "step": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:commissioning",
      "facility": {
        "id": ""
      "productInstances": {
        "instances": [
            "id": "",
            "quantity": 650,
            "unit": "CS"
    "payloadIds": []
  "urn:uuid:7d87bbfd-e9b0-49ee-9c04-d2938f6138f8": {
    "data": {
      "time": "2018-11-02T00:00:01.000Z",
      "type": "transformation",
      "step": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:transforming",
      "facility": {
        "id": "urn:ibm:ift:location:loc:999999999999.factory-1"
      "productInstances": {
        "inputs": [
            "id": "",
            "quantity": 500,
            "unit": "CS"
            "id": "",
            "quantity": 650,
            "unit": "CS"
        "outputs": [
            "id": "urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:999999999999.sliced-mango.lot-2",
            "quantity": 4800,
            "unit": "KGM"
    "payloadIds": []
  "urn:uuid:e207acb5-139b-4813-98bf-b275775e499f": {
    "data": {
      "time": "2018-11-12T00:00:01.000Z",
      "type": "observation",
      "step": "urn:epcglobal:cbv:bizstep:stocking",
      "facility": {
        "id": "",
        "sources": [
            "id": "urn:ibm:ift:location:loc:999999999999.factory-1"
        "destinations": [
            "id": ""
      "productInstances": {
        "instances": [
            "id": "urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:999999999999.sliced-mango.lot-2",
            "quantity": 1,
            "unit": "EA"
    "payloadIds": []


Facility information related to a product trace is contained in the facilities block. The model is shown below:


"facilities": {
  // Unique ID for the facility
  "<FACILITY_ID>": {
    "data": {
      "name": "<FACILITY_NAME>",
      // Type of facility (STORE, FARM, SUPPLIER, etc)
      "type": "STORE",
      "address": {
        "street": "<FACILITY_STREET_ADDRESS>",
        "city": "<FACILITY_CITY>",
        "state": "<FACILITY_STATE>",
        "postalCode": "<FACILITY_POSTAL_CODE>",
        "country": "<FACILTIY_COUNTRY>"
    // List of associated Payload IDs
    "payloadIds": [


"facilities": {
  "": {
    "data": {
      "name": "Tropical Farms",
      "type": "FARM",
      "address": {
        "city": "Miami",
        "postalCode": "72814"
  "": {
    "data": {
      "name": "Sunshine Farms",
      "type": "FARM",
      "address": {
        "city": "West Palm Beach",
        "postalCode": "33401"
  "urn:ibm:ift:location:loc:999999999999.factory-1": {
    "data": {
      "name": "LC Foods Inc",
      "type": "PROCESSING_FACILITY",
      "address": {
        "city": "Florence",
        "postalCode": "29501"
    "payloadIds": []
  "": {
    "data": {
      "name": "Bob's Corner Market",
      "type": "STORE",
      "address": {
        "street": "1 Main St",
        "city": "Durham",
        "state": "NC",
        "postalCode": "27713",
        "country": "US"
    "payloadIds": []


Payloads contain custom information related to a product trace in the payloads block. One or more trace events, facilities, products, or product instances can reference a payload ID in the payloadIds. The model is shown below:


"payloads": {
  // Unique ID of the payload
  "<PAYLOAD_ID>": {
    "data": {
      // Date and time of the payload in the format: "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.mmmZ"
      "time": "<PAYLOAD_TIME>",
      // Customized content in a String format
      "content": "<PAYLOAD_CONTENT>",
      // HTTP content type of the payload (application/json, application/xml, etc)
      "contentType": "<PAYLOAD_CONTENT_TYPE>",
      // URI for the payload type
      "typeUri": "<PAYLOAD_TYPE_URI>"


"payloads": {
  "urn:uuid:eed87696-40cc-4839-a609-24d8f0429d08": {
    "data": {
      "time": "2018-11-02T00:00:00.000Z",
      "content": "customized data",
      "contentType": "application/json",
      "typeUri": "typeUriString"

Product Instances

Product instance (such as lot-level) information related to a product trace is contained in the productInstances block. A productInstance is a specific instance or lot of a product. The model is shown below:


"productInstances": {
  // Unique ID of the product instance
    "data": {
      "name": "<PRODUCT_NAME>",
      "productId": "<PRODUCT_ID>",
      // Date of freeze in YYYY-MM-DD format
      "firstFreezeDate": "<DATE>",
      // Date of the start of harvest in YYYY-MM-DD format
      "harvestStartDate": "<DATE>",
      // Date of the end of harvest in YYYY-MM-DD format
      "harvestEndDate": "<DATE>",
      // Expiration date in YYYY-MM-DD format
      "expirationDate": "<DATE>",
      // Sell-by date in YYYY-MM-DD format
      "sellByDate": "<DATE>"
    // List of associated Payload IDs
    "payloadIds": [


"productInstances": {
  "": {
    "data": {
      "name": "Mango",
      "productId": ""
    "payloadIds": []
    "": {
    "data": {
      "name": "Mango",
      "productId": ""
    "payloadIds": []
  "urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:999999999999.sliced-mango.lot-2": {
    "data": {
      "name": "Sliced Mango",
      "productId": "urn:ibm:ift:product:class:999999999999.sliced-mango",
      "sellByDate": "2018-11-17"
    "payloadIds": [


General product information is contained in the product block. The model is shown below:


"products": {
  // Unique ID of the product
  "<PRODUCT_ID>": {
    "data": {
      "name": "<PRODUCT_NAME>",
      "sku": "<PRODUCT_SKU>"
    // List of associated Payload IDs
    "payloadIds": [


"products": {
  "": {
    "data": {
      "name": "Mango"
    "payloadIds": []
  "urn:ibm:ift:product:class:999999999999.sliced-mango": {
    "data": {
      "name": "Sliced Mango",
      "sku": "12345678"
    "payloadIds": []


This object describes the corresponding sequencing of events, facilities, and products. Each array outlines an ordered list that shows matching source and targets. This information can be used to create a linear timeline or a tree structure, depending on the returned data.


"sequences": {
  "events": [
      "source": "<EVENT_SOURCE_ID>",
      "target": "<EVENT_TARGET_ID>"
  "facilities": [
      "source": "<FACILITY_SOURCE_ID>",
      "target": "<FACILITY_TARGET_ID>"
  "productInstances": [
      "source": "<PRODUCT_INSTANCE_SOURCE_ID>",
      "target": "<PRODUCT_INSTANCE_TARGET_ID>"


"sequences": {
  "events": [
      "source": "urn:uuid:c50240fc-4df3-4d34-bd16-36031bf8b2a5",
      "target": "urn:uuid:7d87bbfd-e9b0-49ee-9c04-d2938f6138f8"
      "source": "urn:uuid:b3b8ee28-58cb-4f26-9ad5-f27b27cb89d6",
      "target": "urn:uuid:7d87bbfd-e9b0-49ee-9c04-d2938f6138f8"
      "source": "urn:uuid:7d87bbfd-e9b0-49ee-9c04-d2938f6138f8",
      "target": "urn:uuid:e207acb5-139b-4813-98bf-b275775e499f"
  "facilities": [
      "source": "",
      "target": "urn:ibm:ift:location:loc:999999999999.factory-1"
      "source": "",
      "target": "urn:ibm:ift:location:loc:999999999999.factory-1"
      "source": "urn:ibm:ift:location:loc:999999999999.factory-1",
      "target": ""
  "productInstances": [
      "source": "",
      "target": "urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:999999999999.sliced-mango.lot-2"
      "source": "",
      "target": "urn:ibm:ift:product:lot:class:999999999999.sliced-mango.lot-2"

The diagram below shows the sequences for the events, locations, and product instances, based on the prior example:

Event Sequence Diagram

API Response Caching

By default, API responses are cached for 24 hours. The first query will have a longer response time, but subsequent queries with the same parameters should have faster response times. A separate entry is cached for each unique tuple based on the following information:

  • organization identifier from the request token
  • productId input query parameter

Bypassing or Updating the Cached Response

If you have updated trace data within the previous 24 hours, you may want to retrieve the latest trace information. To bypass the cache, provide an HTTP header named X-ApiCache-Bypass with a value of true. This will bypass the API cache and return the latest available trace information.

Be aware that bypassing the cache will result in much longer response times, so only provide the header when there has been updated trace information. When the cache is bypassed, the latest response information will be added to the current API cache. Therefore, subsequent requests with the same parameters will return the updated trace information.

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