diff --git a/zOS-WLM/Samples/V2024 WSC WLM Starter Policy Guidance.pdf b/zOS-WLM/Samples/V2024 WSC WLM Starter Policy Guidance.pdf new file mode 100644 index 00000000..cc3031dc Binary files /dev/null and b/zOS-WLM/Samples/V2024 WSC WLM Starter Policy Guidance.pdf differ diff --git a/zOS-WLM/Samples/V2024 WSC WLM Starter Policy.xlsx b/zOS-WLM/Samples/V2024 WSC WLM Starter Policy.xlsx new file mode 100644 index 00000000..ea4f8597 Binary files /dev/null and b/zOS-WLM/Samples/V2024 WSC WLM Starter Policy.xlsx differ diff --git a/zOS-WLM/Samples/WLMPOL.WSCDEF.XML b/zOS-WLM/Samples/WLMPOL.WSCDEF.XML new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fc0f6907 --- /dev/null +++ b/zOS-WLM/Samples/WLMPOL.WSCDEF.XML @@ -0,0 +1,3163 @@ + +WSCDEF +WSC WLM starter policy +038 +E6E2C3C4C5C640400000000000000000000000000000000000 +00000000000000 +WLM AA zOS V2R4 HBB77C0 LEVEL038 + + + +RGCAPPED +Control q +uiesced nonswappables +2024/07/29 12:49:11 +DELUCA +2024/07/29 12:49:11 +DELUCA +CPUServiceUn +its +0 +1 +Yes + + +RGCPCAP +Cap GCP + only portion of workload +2023/07/26 16:34:19 +DELUCA +2023/07/26 16:34: +19 +DELUCA +CPUServi +ceUnits +5000 +No + + + + +RGZCX +Default to enforce ILMT +D9F4555-13446AD-70FF8DA +303-0915801A-C0AA-489A-891B-6EF7DD-C744F4 +DEPT1234 +Department 1234 +2023/02/20 15:35:21< +/CreationDate> +DELUCA +2023/06/13 +18:34:23 +DELUCA +Nu +mberCPsTimes100 +170 +Yes + + + + +BAT_WKL +Batch Workloads +2023/02/06 12:55:00 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 12:55:00< +/ModificationDate> +DELUCA + + + +BATHI +High priority batch + +2023/02/06 13:00:35 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 11:27:23 +DELUCA +No +Normal + +Default + + +3 +250 +30 + + +4 +20 + + + + +BATLO +Low priority batch +2023/02/06 16:23:18 +DELUCA< +/CreationUser> +2023/07/26 16:35:18 +DELUCA +No +Normal +Default +RGCPCAP + + +5 +< +Level>10 + + + + +BATTES +T +Test batch jobs +2023/02/06 16: +24:50 +DELUCA +2023/ +02/06 16:25:13 +DELUCA +No +Normal +Default + + + + + + + +DB_WKL +Database +workloads +2023/02/06 12:55:28 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 12:55:28 +DELUCA + + +DDFHI +DDF high priority + +2023/02/06 16:33:53 +DELUCA +2023/06/13 18:26:22 +DELUCA +No +Normal +Default + + +2 +50 +00:00:00.030 +90 + + +3 +40 + + + + +DDFLO +DDF low priority +2023/02/06 16:35:05 +DELUCA +2023/06/13 18:26:56 +DELUCA +No +Normal +Default + + +4 + +20 + + + + + + +OMVS_WKL +Open MVS workloa +ds +2023/02/06 16:28:03 + +DELUCA +2023/02/06 16:28:03 +< +ModificationUser>DELUCA + + +OMVS +OMVSKERN forked/spawned +20 +23/02/06 16:41:57 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 16:43:49 +DELUCA +No +Normal +Default + + +1 +50 + + + + + + +ONL_WKL +Online workloads +2023/02/06 16:27:33 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 16:27:33 +DELUCA + + +CICSHI +CICS high priority trans +2023/02/06 + 16:32:26 +DELUCA +2 +023/02/20 11:30:28 +DELUCA +No +Normal +Default + + +2 +00:00:00.010 +90 + + + + +CICSLO< +/Name> +CICS low priority trans +2023/02/ +06 16:33:09 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 11:30:45 +DELUCA +No +Normal +Default + + +3 + +00:00:00.015 +80 + + + + +IMSHI + +IMS high priority +2023/02/06 16 +:36:19 +DELUCA +2023 +/02/28 10:23:49 +DELUCA +< +CPUCritical>No +Normal +Default + + +2 +00:00:00.020 +90 +< +/PercentileResponseTime> + + + +WASHI +Websphere high priority +2023/02/20 1 +5:24:11 +DELUCA +202 +3/02/20 15:24:11 +DELUCA + +No +Normal +Default + + +2 +00:00:00.030 +90 + + + + + +WASLO +Websphere low priority +2023/02/20 1 +5:24:20 +DELUCA +202 +3/02/20 15:24:20 +DELUCA + +No +Normal +Default + + +4 +00:00:00.030 + + + + + + + +STC_WKL +Started task workloads +2023/02/06 16:29:1 +5 +DELUCA +2023/02/0 +6 16:29:15 +DELUCA + + +CAPPED +Limit resource consum +ption +2024/07/29 12:50:18 +DELUCA +2024/07/29 12:50:18 +DELUCA +No +Normal +Default +RGCAPPED + + + + + +NEWWORK +Unclassified work< +/Description> +2023/02/06 16:41:30 +DEL +UCA +2023/02/06 16:41:49 +DELUCA +No +Normal +Default + + +3 +30 + + + + +SERVERS +CICS/IMS Tran Managed + Regions +2023/02/28 10:30:19 +DELUCA +2023/02/28 10:30:19 +DELUCA +No +< +IOPriorityGroup>Normal +Default + + + +1 +50 + + + + +STCCRIT +Critical sta +rted tasks +2023/02/06 16:44:43 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 16:47:00 +DELUCA +Yes +Normal +Default + + +1 +70 + + + + +STCHI +High priori +ty systems work +2023/02/06 16:47:07 +< +CreationUser>DELUCA +2023/02/20 15:29:24 +DELUCA +Yes +Normal +Default + + +1 +60 + + + + +STCLO +Low pr +iority systems work +2023/02/06 16:48:24 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 16:49:05 +DELUCA +No +Normal +Default + + +3 +20 + + + + +ZCXHI +zCX + instances +2023/02/20 15:27:04 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 15:30:18 +DELUCA +No + +Normal +Default + + +3 +40 + + + + + + +TSO_WKL +TSO workloads +2023/02/06 16:29:30 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 16 +:29:30 +DELUCA + + +TSO +TSO user community +2023/02/06 16:49:59 +DELUCA +2023/06/13 18:27:13 +DELUCA +No +No +rmal +Default + + +3 +50 +0 +0:00:00.030 +90 + + + +5 +30 + + + + + + + + +PROD +Default policy +2023/02/13 14:46:53 +DELUCA +2023/02/13 14:46:53 +DELUCA + + + + + + + + + + +RCACCTRC +Account receivables +2023/02/07 15:18:19 +DELUCA +< +ModificationDate>2023/02/07 15:18:19 +DELUCA + + + +RCBATTCE +JES transaction class E +2023/02/07 15:18:44 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:1 +8:44 +DELUCA + + +RCBATTCJ +JES transaction class J +2023/02/07 15:19:05 +DELUCA< +/CreationUser> +2023/02/07 15:19:05 +DELUCA + + +RCBATTCM< +/Name> +JES transaction class M +2023/02/ +07 15:19:20 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:19:20 +DELUCA + + +RCCICSIP +CICS subsyst +em instance CICSIP* +2023/02/13 17:10:23 +DELUCA +2023/02/13 17:10:23 +DELUCA + + +RCDBSPAS +Stored procedure address space +2023/02/07 18:19:44 +DELUCA +2023/02/13 17:02:15 +DELUCA + + +RCDB2IRL +DB2 IRLMs +2023/02/07 15:19:33 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15: +19:33 +DELUCA + + +RCDB2T +DDF DB2 test +2023/02/07 18:00:27 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 18:00:27 +DE +LUCA + + +RCDDFDBC +DDF DB2P* subsystem instance +2023/02/07 15:1 +9:50 +DELUCA +2023/0 +2/07 15:19:50 +DELUCA + + +RCFTP +FTP report class +2023/02/07 15:20:02 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:20:02 +DELUCA + + +RCIMSIP +IMS for subsystem name in IMSID +20 +23/02/07 15:22:13 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:22:13 +DELUCA + + +RCINET +OMVS tra +nsaction name INET* +2023/02/13 17:13:44 +DELUCA +2023/02/13 17:13:44 +DELUCA + + +RCIVTNO +IMS transaction names IVTNO* +2023/02/07 15:22:55 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:22:55 +DELUCA + + +RCLU1234 +DDF VTAM LU logon +2023/02/07 15:23:1 +2 +DELUCA +2023/02/0 +7 15:23:12 +DELUCA + + +RCMON +Monitor started tasks +2023/02/28 11:16:19 +DELUCA + +2023/02/28 11:16:19 +DELUCA + + +RCMQCHIN + +MQ CHIN services started tasks + +2023/02/07 15:23:32 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:23:32 +DELUCA + + +RCMQMSTR +MQ M +STR services started tasks +2023/02/07 15:23:47 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:23 +:47 +DELUCA + + +RCOMVSKN +Tasks spawned with OMVSKN UID + +2023/02/13 17:12:47 +DE +LUCA +2023/02/13 17:12:47 +DELUCA + + +RCPA +YT +DDF test payroll work +2023/02 +/07 15:24:06 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:24:06 +DELUCA + + +RCPBAT +Production ba +tch +2023/02/07 15:24:18 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:24:18 + +DELUCA + + +R +CPDBSTC +Database started tasks +2 +023/02/07 15:24:36 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:24:36 +DELUCA + + +RCPRODON +Produ +ction online work +2023/02/07 15:24:52 + +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:24:52 +DELUCA + + +RCSPAS1 +DDF stored procedures +2023/02/07 15:25:07 +DELUCA +2023/02/13 17:01:28 +DEL +UCA + + +RCSPMSTC +SPM SYSSTC rule +2023/02/13 17:18:15 +DELUCA +2023/02/13 17:18:15< +/ModificationDate> +DELUCA + + +RCSPMSTM +SPM SYSTEM rule +2023/02/13 17:17:57 +DELUCA +2023/02/13 17:17:57 +DEL +UCA + + +RCSRVR +CICS/IMS tran managed regions +2023/02/28 11:11: +29 +DELUCA +2023/02/ +28 11:11:29 +DELUCA + + +RCSTOR +Storage backups +2023/02/07 15:25:29 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:25:29 +DELUCA + + +RCSYSADM +DDF SYSADM work +2023/02/07 15:25:45 + +DELUCA +2023/02/07 + 15:25:45 +DELUCA + + +RCSYSLO +Low priority system work + +2023/02/07 15:26:12 +DE +LUCA +2023/02/07 15:26:12 +DELUCA + + +RCSY +SSTC +SYSSTC classified started tasks +2023/02/07 15:31:52 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:31:52 +DELUCA + + +RCTBAT +T +est batch +2023/02/07 15:32:16 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:32:16 +DELUCA + + +< +Name>RCTDBSTC +Test databases started tasks +2023/02/07 15:33:22 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:33:22 +DEL +UCA + + +RCTONL +Test onlines +2023/02/07 18:21:30 + +DELUCA +2023/02/07 18:21:30 +DELUCA + + +RCTOR +CICS Terminal Owning Regions +2023/02/20 15:47:12 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 15:47:12 +DELUCA + + +RCTRN1 +CICS tran1 in CICSIP* region +2023/02/07 15 +:53:17 +DELUCA +2023 +/02/07 15:53:17 +DELUCA +< +/ReportClass> + +RCTRN2 +CICS tran2 in CICSI +P* region +2023/02/07 15:53:39 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:53:39 +DELUCA + + +< +Name>RCTRN3 +CICS tran3 in CICSIP* region +2023/02/07 15:53:50 +DELUCA + +2023/02/07 15:53:50 +DELUC +A + + +RCTRX1 +CICS trans matching name TRX1 +2023/02/07 15:54:09 + +DELUCA +2023/02/07 + 15:54:09 +DELUCA + + +RCTRX2 +CICS trans matching name +TRX2 +2023/02/07 15:54:22 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 15:54:22 + +DELUCA + + + +RCTSO +General TSO use +2023/02/07 + 18:24:40 +DELUCA +2 +023/02/07 18:24:40 +DELUCA + + +RCTSOEMG +TSO emergency +use +2023/02/07 18:24:25 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 18:24:25 + +DELUCA + + +R +CUASCH +Unclassified ASCH work +20 +23/02/20 16:01:05 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 16:01:05 +DELUCA + + +RCUCICS +Unclass +ified CICS +2023/02/20 15:56:56 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 15:56:56 +DELUCA + + + +RCUDDF +Unclassified DDF work +2023/02/20 15:57:29 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 15:57:29 +DELUCA + + +RCUIMS +Unc +lassified IMS +2023/02/20 15:57:49 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 15:57:49 +DELUCA + + +RCUIWEB +Unclassified IWEB work +2023/02/20 15:58:12 +DELUCA +< +ModificationDate>2023/02/20 15:58:12 +DELUCA + + + +RCUJES +Unclassified JES +2023/02/20 15:58:19 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 15:58:19 +DELUCA + + +RCULDAP +LDAP enclave +2023/06/13 18:32:14 +DELUCA +2023/06/13 18:32:14 +DELUCA + + +RCULSFM +Un +classified LAN Server work +2023/02/20 15:58:29 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 15:58 +:29 +DELUCA + + +RCUMQ +Unclassified MQ Series Workflow< +/Description> +2023/02/20 15:58:55 +DEL +UCA +2023/02/20 15:58:55 +DELUCA + + +RCUOM +VS +Unclassified OMVS +2023/02/20 +15:59:26 +DELUCA +20 +23/02/20 15:59:26 +DELUCA + + + +RCUSOM +Unclassified SOM +requests +2023/02/20 15:59:55 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 15:59:55 +DELUCA + + +RCUSTC +Unclassified started tasks +2023/02/20 16:00:01 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 16:00:01 +DELUCA + + +RCUTCP + +TCP independent enclave +2023/06/13 18:32:01 +DELUCA +2023/06/13 18:32:01 + +DELUCA + +< +ReportClass> +RCUTSO +Unclassified TSO +2023/02/20 16:00:06 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 16:00:06 +DEL +UCA + + +RCUWAS +Unclassified Websphere work +2023/02/20 15:56:47 + +DELUCA +2023/02/20 + 15:56:47 +DELUCA + + +RCWASADM +Liberty tran class TCAD +MIN +2023/02/24 14:15:45 +DELUCA +2023/02/24 14:15:45 + +DELUCA + + +R +CWASBER +Example WAS collection name +2023/02/24 14:16:00 +DELUCA +2023/02/28 10:42:10 +DELUCA + + +RCWASCIC + +Example WAS collection name +2023/02/24 14:16:08 +DELUCA +2023/02/28 10:4 +2:23 +DELUCA + + +RCWASIC +Liberty tran class TCIC +2023/02/24 14:22:02 +DELUCA +2023/02/24 14:22:02 +DELUCA + + +RCWASIVP +Example WAS collection name +2023/ +02/24 14:16:34 +DELUCA +2023/02/28 10:42:40 +DELUCA + + +RCWASMQ +Liberty tr +an class TCMQ +2023/02/24 14:22:15 +DELUCA +2023/02/24 14:22:15 +DELUCA + + +RCWASMYS +Liberty example collection name +2023/02/24 14:16:42 +DELUCA +2023/02/24 14:16:42 +DELUCA + + +RCWASSTC + +WebSphere Application Server STC +2023/ +02/28 11:15:37 +DELUCA +2023/02/28 11:15:37 +DELUCA + + +RCWASTCI +Tran clas +s part of CN BBERWW* +2023/02/24 14:17:36 +DELUCA +2023/02/24 14:17:36 +DELUCA + + +RCWASTRD +Example WAS collection name +2023/02/24 14:17:51 +DELUCA +2023/02/28 10:44:24 +DELUCA + + +RCWASZCE +Liberty example collection name +202 +3/02/24 14:19:17 +DELUCA +2023/02/24 14:19:17 +DELUCA + + +RCWASZCI +Liberty + tran class TCCICS +2023/02/24 14:18:19 +DELUCA +2023/02/24 14:18:19 +DELUCA + + +RCZOSCON +z/OS Connect Servers STCs +2023/02/07 18:20:22 +DELUCA +2023/02/07 18:20:22 +DELUCA + + + + +RCZCX +RGZCX +z/OS Container Extension work +2023/02/20 15:38:35 +DELUCA + +2023/02/20 15:38:35 +DELU +CA + + + + +PBAT_TCG +Production bat +ch classes +2023/02/06 17:13:02 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 17:13:02 +DELUCA +TransactionCla +ss + + +A + +JES class A production jobs + + +B +JES class B production jobs + + +C +JES class C production jobs + + + + +TBAT_TCG +Test batch classes +2023/02/06 17:13:57 +DELUCA + +2023/02/06 17:13:57 +DELU +CA +TransactionClass + + +X +JES class X test jobs + + +Y +JES class Y +test jobs + + +Z +JES class Z test jobs + + + + +PDBL_TNG +Prod +uction database systems +2023/02/06 17:15:44 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 17:15:44 + +DELUCA +T +ransactionName + + +DB2P* +DB2 production regions + + +ADABAS* +ADABAS production regions + + + +IDMS* +IDMS production + regions + + + + + +PONL_TNG +Prod online/region man +aged CICS +2023/02/06 17:17:33 +DELUCA +2023/06/07 15:21:34 +DELUCA +TransactionName + + + +CICSPSTC +CICS production region STC name + + +IMSP1* +IMS production region1 STC name + + +IMSP2* +IMS product +ion region2 STC name + + +CICSQS +TC +CICS QAL region STC name + +< +/QualifierNames> + + +SRVR_TNG +CICS/IMS tran managed regions +2023/ +02/28 11:12:58 +DELUCA +2023/02/28 11:12:58 +DELUCA +TransactionName + + +CICS* +Transaction managed CICS region + + +IMSPA* +Transacti +on managed IMS region A + + +IMS +PB* +Transaction managed IMS region B + + + + +STO +R_TNG +Storage backup tasks +2023/ +02/06 17:19:11 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 17:19:11 +DELUCA +TransactionName + + +DFHSM* +STC for HSM + + +ADSM* +STC for ADSM + + +USRBKUPS +STC for other +user backups + + + + +SYHI_TNG +High priority syst +em tasks +2023/02/06 17:20:09 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 17:20:09 +DELUCA +TransactionName< +/QualifierType> + + +CA* +C +A tasks + + +MONITOR* +OEM monitoring tasks + + +OMEG* +OMEGAMON + + +SDSF +SDSF STC + + + + +SYLO_TNG +Low priority system tasks +2023/02/06 +17:21:51 +DELUCA +20 +23/02/06 17:21:51 +DELUCA + +TransactionName + + + +PRINT* +Printing processes + + +REPORT* +Report generator tasks + + +CUSTPGM* +C +ustomer programs + + +CUSTSTC +Customer started tasks + + +SPECIFIC +Customer specific tasks + + + + + + +SYST_TNG +MISC system tasks for SYSSTC +< +CreationDate>2023/02/06 17:23:21 +DELUCA +2023/02/20 16:22:04 +D +ELUCA +TransactionName + + +PORTMAP + + +< +Name>NFS* + + +VMCF + + +NAMED + + +R +OUTED + + + + +TDBL_TNG +Test database systems +2023/02/06 17:24:04 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 17:24:04 +DELUCA +TransactionName + + +IMST* +IMS test database +regions + + +DB2T* +DB2 test database regions + + + + +TONL_TNG +Non-prod online systems +2023/02/06 17:27:22 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 17:27: +22 +DELUCA +TransactionName + + +CICST* +CICS test regions STC names + + +CICDEV* +CICS development STC names + + +CICQAL* +CICS + quality assurance STC names + + +IMSQAL* +IMS quality assurance regions + + +IMSDEV* +IMS development STC + names + + +IMST* +IMS test regions STC names + + + + +ZOSC_TNG +z/OS Connect servers group +2023/02/06 17:31:56 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 17: +31:56 +DELUCA +TransactionName + + +ZCEE* + +example z/OS Connect server name + + +MYSERVER +example z/OS Connect ser +ver name + + + + + +EMG_UIG +Emergency use TSO useri +ds +2023/02/06 17:28:58 + +DELUCA +2023/02/06 17:28:58 +< +ModificationUser>DELUCA +Userid + + + +TSOEMG1 +ID assigned +to .. (fill in) + + +TSOEMG2 +ID assigned to .. (fill in) + + +TSOEMG3 +ID assigned to .. (fill in) + + + + +TSO_UIG +General use TSO userids + +2023/02/06 17:30:30 +DELUCA +2023/02/06 17:30:30 + +DELUCA +Userid + + + +DEV* +Application development TSO IDs< +/Description> + + +SYS* +Sy +stem programmer TSO IDs + + +USE +RID1 +ID assigned to .. (fill in) + + +USERID2 +ID assigned to .. (fill in +) + + + + + + +ASCH +APPC schedules trans programs + +1900/01/01 00:00:00 +2023/02/20 16:01:44 +DELUCA +NEWWORK +RCUASCH +Never + + + +CB +WebSphere App Server requests +1900/01/01 00:00:0 +0 +2023/02/24 14:38:09 +DELUCA +NEWWORK +RCUWAS +Never + + +Example CB collection name +Collecti +onName +BBTRD2* +WASHI +RCWASTRD +No +No +Non +e +No + + +Example CB collection name +Collect +ionName +BBCICS* +WASHI +RCWASCIC +No +No +No +ne +No + + +Example CB collection name +Collec +tionName +BBIVP* +WASLO +RCWASIVP +No +No +No +ne +No + + +Example CB collection name +Collec +tionName +BBERWW* +WASLO +RCWASBER +No +No +N +one +No + +For + tran class part of CN BBERWW +TransactionClass +TCITPI +WASLO +RCWASTCI +No +No +None +No + + + +Liberty server CN - mixed case +CollectionName +MYSERVER + +WASHI +RCWASMYS +No +No +None +No + +TC TCADMIN part of CN MYSERVER +Transacti +onClass +TCADMIN +WASLO +RCWASADM +No +No +No +ne +No + + + +Liberty server CN - mixed case +CollectionName +ZCEE* +WASHI +RCWASZCE +No +No +None +No + +TC TCCICS part of CN ZCEE* +Tra +nsactionClass +TCCICS +WASHI +RCWASCIC +No +No +None +No + + +TC TCMQ part of CN ZCEE* +Tra +nsactionClass +TCMQ +WASHI +RCWASMQ +No +No + +None +No + + +TC TCIC part of CN ZCEE* +Transa +ctionClass +TCIC +WASLO +RCWASIC +No +No +Non +e +No + + + + + +CI +CS +CICS transaction level rules +1900/01/01 00:00:00 +2023/02/20 16:02:0 +1 +DELUCA +CICSLO +RCUCICS +Never + + +CICS production VTAM applid +SubsystemInstance +CICSIP* +CICSLO +RCCI +CSIP +No +No +None +No + +CICS trans only in CICSIP* rgns +TransactionName +TRN1 +CICSHI +RCTRN1 +No +No +None +No + + +CICS trans only in CICSIP* rgns +TransactionName +TRN2 + +CICSHI +RCTRN2 +No +No +None +No + +< +ClassificationRule> +MOBILE trans in CICSIP* rgns +TransactionName +TRN3 + +CICSHI +RCTRN3 +No +No +Mobile +No + + + + +All transactions with t +his name +TransactionName +TRX1 +CICSHI +RCTRX1 +No +No +None +No + + +All transactions wit +h this name +TransactionName +TRX2 +CICSLO +RCTRX2 +No +No +None +No + + + + +DDF +Distributed DDF work +1900/01/01 00:00:00 +202 +3/02/20 16:02:08 +DELUCA + +NEWWORK +RCUDDF +Never + + +DB2 prod subsystem nam +e +SubsystemInstance +DB2P* +DDFLO +RCDDFDBC +No +No +None +No + + +Stored procedure proc name +ProcedureName +CALLSPA +DDFHI +RCSPAS1 +No +No +None +No + + + +Userid of system administrator +< +QualifierType>Userid +SYSADM +DDFHI +RCSYSADM +No +No +None +No + + +Plan name - accounts + +PlanName +ACCTRECV +DDFHI +RCACCTRC +No +No + +None +No + + + +DB2 test subsystem name + +SubsystemInstance +DB2T* +DDFLO +RCDB2T +No +No +< +ReportingAttribute>None +No + +Stored procedure name of payroll +P +rocedureName +PAYABLE +DDFLO +RCPAYT +No +No +None +No + + +LU name of login terminals +LUN +ame +LU12345% + +DDFLO +RCLU1234 +No +No +None< +/ReportingAttribute> +No + + + + + +IMS< +/SubsystemType> +IMS transaction level rules +1900/01/01 00:00:00 +2023/06/07 12:13:39 +DELUCA +IMSHI +RCUIMS +Never + + +IMS subsystem name in IMSID +< +QualifierType>SubsystemInstance +IMSIP* +IMSHI +RCIMSIP +No +No + +None +No + +Change this to your TX names +Tran +sactionName +IVTNO* +IMSHI +RCIVTNO +No +No + +None +No + + + + + +IWEB +Scalable WebServer transactions + +1900/01/01 00:00:00 +2023/02/20 1 +6:02:28 +DELUCA +NEWWORK +RCUIWE +B +Never + + + +JES +JES classification rules +1900/01 +/01 00:00:00 +2023/02/20 16:02:37 +DELUCA +NEWWOR +K +RCUJES +Never + + +Low priority batch +Trans +actionClass +J +BATLO +RCBATTCJ +No +No +None + +No + + +Low priority batch +TransactionClass + +E +BATLO +RCBATTCE +No +No +None +No + + +Low priority batch +TransactionClass +M +BATLO +RCBATTCM +No +No +None + +No + + +Produc +tion high priority batch +TransactionClassGroup +PBAT_TCG +BATHI +RCPBAT +No +No +None +No + + +Test batch jobs +TransactionClassGroup +TBAT_TCG +BATTEST +RCTBAT +No +No +None +No + + + + +LDAP +LDAP + enclave +2023/06/13 17:04:04 +DELUCA +2023/06/13 18:32:31 +DELUCA +STCHI< +/DefaultServiceClassName> +RCULDAP +Never + + + +LSFM +Lan + Server for MVS rules +1900/01/01 00:00:00 +2023/02/20 16:02:45 + +DELUCA +NEWWORK +RCULSFM +Never + + + +MQ +MQ Series Workflow request +s +1900/01/01 00:00:00 +2023/02/20 16:02:54 +DELUCA +NEWWORK +RCUMQ +Never + + + + +OMVS +Unix System Services requests +1900/01/01 00:00:00 +2023/02/20 16:0 +3:02 +DELUCA +NEWWORK +RCUOMVS +Never + + +Tasks spawned with OMVSKERN UID +Userid +OMVSKERN +OMVS +RCOMVSKN + +No +No +None +No + + +Transaction name FTP* + +TransactionName +FTP* +STCHI +RCFTP +No +No +None +No + + +Transaction name INET* +TransactionName +INET* +< +ServiceClassName>STCHI +RCINET +No +No +None +No + + + + +SOM +SOM client object requests +190 +0/01/01 00:00:00 +2023/02/20 16:03:10 +DELUCA +NE +WWORK +RCUSOM +Never + + + +STC +Started Tasks classifications +1900/01/01 00:00:00 +2023/06/13 18:28:41 +DELUCA +NEWWORK +RCUSTC +Never + + + +DB2 IRLM regions +TransactionName +DB2*IRLM +SYSSTC +RCDB2IRL +No + +No +None +No + + +Production DB regions +TransactionNameGroup +PDBL_TNG +STCCR +IT +RCPDBSTC +No +No +None +Yes + + + +Test application rgns with DB +Transact +ionNameGroup +TDBL_TNG +STCLO +RCTDBSTC +No +Yes +None +No + + +Stored procedure address space +TransactionName +%%%%SPAS +< +ServiceClassName>STCHI +RCDBSPAS +No +No +None +No + + +MQ series started task +TransactionName +MQ%%MSTR +STCCRIT +RCMQMSTR +No +No +None +Yes + + + +MQ series started task +TransactionName +MQ%%CHIN + +STCHI +RCMQCHIN +No +No +None +Yes + + + +SPM rule for SYSTEM classified +< +QualifierType>SubsystemParameter +SYSTEM +SYSTEM +RCSPMSTM +No +No +None +No + + +SPM rule for SYSSTC classified +SubsystemParameter +SYSSTC + +SYSSTC +R +CSPMSTC +No +No +None +No + + +WebSphere started tasks +TransactionName +WAS* +STCHI +RCWAS +STC +No +No +None +Yes + + +zCX instance name + +TransactionName +ZCX* +ZCXHI +RCZCX +No +No +None +No + + +TNG for started tasks for SYSSTC +TransactionNameGroup +SYST_TNG< +/QualifierValue> +SYSSTC +RC +SYSSTC +No +No +None +No + + +TNG for high priority STCs +TransactionNameGroup + +SYHI_TNG +SYSSTC +RCMON +No +No +None +No + + + +CICS Terminal Owning Re +gions +TransactionName +CICTOR* +SERVERS +RCTOR +No +Both +None +Yes + + +TNG for productio +n online STCs +TransactionNameGroup + +PONL_TNG +STCHI +RCPRODON +No +Yes +None +Yes + + +CIC +S/IMS tran managed regions +TransactionNameGroup +SRVR_TNG +SERVERS + +RCSRVR +N +o +No +None +Yes + + +STCs not assigned SYSSTC/SYSTEM +Transactio +nNameGroup +STOR_TNG +STCLO +RCSTOR +No +No + +None +No + + +TNG for low priority STCs +Trans +actionNameGroup +SYLO_TNG +STCLO +RCSYSLO + +No +No +None +No + + +z/OS Connect servers group +TransactionNameGroup +ZOSC_TNG + +STCHI +RCZOSCON +No +No +None +No + + + +TNG for test online STCs +TransactionNameGroup +TONL_TNG +STCLO +RCTONL +No +Yes +< +ReportingAttribute>None +No + + + + +TC +P +TCP independent enclave +2023/06/13 17:07:51 +DELUCA +2023/06/13 18:32:41 +DELUCA +STCHI +RCUTCP +Never + + + +TSO +TSO classification rules + +1900/01/01 00:00:00 +2023/02/20 16 +:03:34 +DELUCA +NEWWORK +RCUTSO< +/DefaultReportClassName> +Never + + +Userids for emergency TSO use +UseridGroup +EMG_UIG +SYSSTC +RCT +SOEMG +No +No +None +No + + +Userids for general TSO use +UseridGroup +TSO_UIG +TSO +RCTSO< +/ReportClassName> +No +No +None +No + + + + + + +1.0 +0.0 +0.0000 +< +SRB>1.0 + + +No +No +No +No + + + + +MQWFEXEAE +MQ SERIES WORKFLOW EXE SERVER +MQ +NoLimit +MQWFSRVP +WLMAE=MQWFEXAE,WLMSN=&IWMSSNM, SRVEP=FMCEMAIN,SRVNO=1 + + +SPASAE< +/Name> +WLM stored procedures +DB2 +NoLimit +DBC1WLM2 +DB2SSN=DBC1,NUMTCB=X,APPLENV=SPASAE + + + + +DB2_PROD + +User defined element name + + +< +SchedulingEnvironments> + +BATCHUPDATE +Off shift batch updates to DB + + + +DB2_PROD +On + + + + + + +