The following procedure describes the process of building a 64-bit executable file under Windows 7. The procedure to compile for a 32-bit version or using Windows 10 does not differ significantly.
We assume that the procedure is carried out on a clean installation of the operating system, on which you have not previously installed any program used in the procedure (e.g. Python). To avoid any confusion arising from version incompatibilities, any previously installed software should be uninstalled first.
Python version 3.6 or above is required to build DMT. Download and install Python first as follows:
Open your preferred web browser and go to
Scroll to the Looking for a specific release? section and click the link corresponding to the latest release of the 3.6 version (3.6.4 at the time of writing):
From the Files section, click the Windows x86-64 executable installer link:
Run the installer
Check the Add Python 3.6 to PATH option and select Customize installation link:
In the Optional features step, leave the options in their default state and click Next:
In the Advanced Options step, check the Install for all users option. It is also recommended to install to a simple installation path such as C:\Python36-64 for example:
Click the Install button. The installation process will complete after a few seconds.
Open your preferred web browser and go to
The download process should start automatically. If it doesn't, click the link to download the 64-bit installer:
Run the installer using the default settings in each step
The final step of the DMT build process compresses the executable file created during the build process. The open source software 7-zip is used for this, so it must be installed according to the following steps.
Open your preferred web browser and go to
Download the 64-bit installer
Install the application using the default settings in each step
Add the installation path (default C:\Program Files\7-Zip) to your Windows PATH environment variable under Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> System -> Advanced -> Environment Variables -> System Variables -> Path -> Edit -> New :
After this, it should be possible to run 7z.exe from the Windows command prompt.
Download the installer from
Run the installer with the Default option selected and click the Install button:
The installation process will complete after a few minutes.
Open the Windows command prompt (cmd.exe) and run the following commands:
Install virtualenv:
pip install virtualenv
Create a directory to hold your Python virtual environments, such as C:\projects\virtualenvs:
mkdir c:\projects mkdir c:\projects\virtualenvs cd c:\projects\virtualenvs
Create a Python virtual environment for DMT:
virtualenv -p c:\Python36-64\python.exe dmt-64
The dmt-64 directory will be created under C:\projects\virtualenvs
Activate the new virtual environment:
Download the DMT source from GitHub:
cd c:\projects git clone
Install the DMT Python requirements:
cd dash-masternode-tool pip install -r requirements.txt
Build the DMT executable:
pyinstaller --distpath=..\dist\win64 --workpath=..\build\win64 dash_masternode_tool.spec
Once the build has completed successfully, a compressed Windows executable file will be created in the C:\projects\dist\all directory. An uncompressed executable file (DashMasernodeTool.exe) can be found in the C:\projects\dist\win64 directory.