Tip: If you want to have the option of getting the availability data in CSV format, select '** ALL HOSTS **' from the pull-down menu.\n");
+ printf("
ヒント: 稼働レポートをCSV形式で取得する場合は、プルダウンメニューから'** 全てのホスト**'を選択します。\n");
/* step 2 - the user wants to select a servicegroup */
else if (select_servicegroups == TRUE) {
- printf("
Tip: If you want to have the option of getting the availability data in CSV format, select '** ALL SERVICES **' from the pull-down menu.\n");
+ printf("
@@ -4416,11 +4424,11 @@ void display_host_availability(void)
/* display state breakdowns for all services on this host (only HTML output) */
@@ -1751,7 +1761,7 @@ void display_nav_table(char *url, int archive) {
archive_basename = strrchr((char *)&archive_file, '/') + 1;
/* now it's safe to print the filename */
- printf("
File: %s
\n", archive_basename);
+ printf("
ファイル: %s
\n", archive_basename);
@@ -1924,10 +1934,10 @@ void include_ssi_file(const char *filename) {
case EFAULT: /* Bad address. */
case ENOMEM: /* Out of memory (i.e. kernel memory). */
case ENAMETOOLONG: /* File name too long. */
- printf(" A stat call returned %d while looking for the file %s. ", errno, filename);
+ printf(" -%d: %s のファイル名が長すぎます ", errno, filename);
case EACCES: /* Permission denied. -- The file should be accessible by nagios. */
- printf(" A stat call returned a permissions error(%d) while looking for the file %s. ", errno, filename);
+ printf(" -%d: %s のパーミッションが正しくありません ", errno, filename);
case ENOENT: /* A component of the path file_name does not exist, or the path is an empty string. Just return if the file doesn't exist. */
@@ -1953,25 +1963,25 @@ void include_ssi_file(const char *filename) {
/* displays an error if CGI config file could not be read */
void cgi_config_file_error(const char *config_file) {
- printf("
+ printf("
- printf("
Error: Could not open CGI config file '%s' for reading!
\n", config_file);
+ printf("
エラー: CGI設定ファイル '%s' が読めません
\n", config_file);
- printf("Here are some things you should check in order to resolve this error:\n");
+ printf("この問題を解決するためにチェックする項目:\n");
- printf("
Make sure you've installed a CGI config file in its proper location. See the error message about for details on where the CGI is expecting to find the configuration file. A sample CGI configuration file (named cgi.cfg) can be found in the sample-config/ subdirectory of the Nagios source code distribution.\n");
- printf("
Make sure the user your web server is running as has permission to read the CGI config file.\n");
+ printf("
- printf("Make sure you read the documentation on installing and configuring Nagios thoroughly before continuing. If all else fails, try sending a message to one of the mailing lists. More information can be found at https://www.nagios.org.\n");
+ printf("作業を続ける前に徹底的にNagiosのドキュメントの\"Installing and configuration\"を読んでください。もし熟読してもわからない場合、メーリングリストを活用してみてください。詳しい情報はhttps://www.nagios.org>へどうぞ。\n");
@@ -1982,25 +1992,25 @@ void cgi_config_file_error(const char *config_file) {
/* displays an error if main config file could not be read */
void main_config_file_error(const char *config_file) {
- printf("
+ printf("
- printf("
Error: Could not open main config file '%s' for reading!
\n", config_file);
+ printf("
エラー: 設定ファイル'%s' が読み込めませんでした
\n", config_file);
- printf("Here are some things you should check in order to resolve this error:\n");
+ printf("この問題を解決するためにチェックする項目:\n");
- printf("
Make sure you've installed a main config file in its proper location. See the error message about for details on where the CGI is expecting to find the configuration file. A sample main configuration file (named nagios.cfg) can be found in the sample-config/ subdirectory of the Nagios source code distribution.\n");
- printf("
Make sure the user your web server is running as has permission to read the main config file.\n");
+ printf("
- printf("Make sure you read the documentation on installing and configuring Nagios thoroughly before continuing. If all else fails, try sending a message to one of the mailing lists. More information can be found at https://www.nagios.org.\n");
+ printf("作業を続ける前に徹底的にNagiosのドキュメントの\"Installing and configuration\"を読んでください。もし熟読してもわからない場合、メーリングリストを活用してみてください。詳しい情報はhttps://www.nagios.orgへどうぞ。\n");
@@ -2010,25 +2020,25 @@ void main_config_file_error(const char *config_file) {
/* displays an error if object data could not be read */
void object_data_error(void) {
- printf("
+ printf("
- printf("
Error: Could not read object configuration data!
+ printf("
エラー: オブジェクト設定ファイルが読み込めませんでした
- printf("Here are some things you should check in order to resolve this error:\n");
+ printf("この問題を解決するためにチェックする項目:\n");
- printf("
Verify configuration options using the -v command-line option to check for errors.\n");
- printf("
Check the Nagios log file for messages relating to startup or status data errors.\n");
+ printf("
- printf("Make sure you read the documentation on installing, configuring and running Nagios thoroughly before continuing. If all else fails, try sending a message to one of the mailing lists. More information can be found at https://www.nagios.org.\n");
+ printf("作業を続ける前に徹底的にNagiosのドキュメントの\"Installing and configuration\"を読んでください。もし熟読してもわからない場合、メーリングリストを活用してみてください。詳しい情報はhttps://www.nagios.orgへどうぞ。\n");
@@ -2038,29 +2048,29 @@ void object_data_error(void) {
/* displays an error if status data could not be read */
void status_data_error(void) {
- printf("
+ printf("
- printf("
Error: Could not read host and service status information!
+ printf("
エラー: ホストとサービス稼動状況の情報が読み込めませんでした
- printf("The most common cause of this error message (especially for new users), is the fact that Nagios is not actually running. If Nagios is indeed not running, this is a normal error message. It simply indicates that the CGIs could not obtain the current status of hosts and services that are being monitored. If you've just installed things, make sure you read the documentation on starting Nagios.\n");
+ printf("このエラーが表示される最大の原因は正しくNagiosが稼動していないことが考えられます。もしNagiosが実際には動いてない場合、このメッセージは特に意味を持たない単なるエラーになります。これは単純にCGIがホストやサービスの状態をモニタリングできていないことになります。これを解決するにはNagiosのドキュメントの\"starting Nagios\"セクションを熟読してください。\n");
- printf("Some other things you should check in order to resolve this error include:\n");
+ printf("このエラーを回避するためにチェックする箇所:\n");
- printf("
Check the Nagios log file for messages relating to startup or status data errors.\n");
- printf("
Always verify configuration options using the -v command-line option before starting or restarting Nagios!\n");
+ printf("
- printf("Make sure you read the documentation on installing, configuring and running Nagios thoroughly before continuing. If all else fails, try sending a message to one of the mailing lists. More information can be found at https://www.nagios.org.\n");
+ printf("作業を続ける前に徹底的にNagiosのドキュメントの\"Installing and configuration\"を読んでください。もし熟読してもわからない場合、メーリングリストを活用してみてください。詳しい情報はhttps://www.nagios.orgへどうぞ。\n");
@@ -205,9 +205,8 @@ int main(void) {
/* authorized_for_read_only should take priority */
if(is_authorized_for_read_only(¤t_authdata) == TRUE) {
- printf("
It appears as though you do not have permission to submit the command you requested...
- printf("
If you believe this is an error, check the HTTP server authentication requirements for accessing this CGI ");
- printf("and check the authorization options in your CGI configuration file.
Please enter all required information before committing the command. Required fields are marked in red. Failure to supply all required values will result in an error.
return TRUE;
@@ -1507,13 +1506,13 @@ void commit_command_data(int cmd) {
if (ecmd->cmt_opt == 2 && *comment_data == '\0') {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Comment was not entered");
+ error_string = strdup("コメントが入力されていません");
if (*comment_data != '\0' && *comment_author == '\0') {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Author was not entered");
+ error_string = strdup("作成者が入力されていません");
@@ -1545,7 +1544,7 @@ void commit_command_data(int cmd) {
/* check the sanity of the comment id */
if(comment_id == 0) {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Comment id cannot be 0");
+ error_string = strdup("コメントIDは0にできません");
@@ -1582,7 +1581,7 @@ void commit_command_data(int cmd) {
/* check the sanity of the downtime id */
if(downtime_id == 0) {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Downtime id cannot be 0");
+ error_string = strdup("ダウンタイムIDは0にできません");
@@ -1642,28 +1641,28 @@ void commit_command_data(int cmd) {
/* make sure we have passive check info (if necessary) */
if(cmd == CMD_PROCESS_SERVICE_CHECK_RESULT && !strcmp(plugin_output, "")) {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Plugin output cannot be blank");
+ error_string = strdup("プラグイン出力は空にできません");
/* make sure we have a notification delay (if necessary) */
if(cmd == CMD_DELAY_SVC_NOTIFICATION && notification_delay <= 0) {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Notification delay must be greater than 0");
+ error_string = strdup("通知の遅延は0よりも大きくしなければなりません");
/* make sure we have check time (if necessary) */
if(cmd == CMD_SCHEDULE_SVC_CHECK && start_time == (time_t)0) {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Start time must be non-zero or bad format has been submitted.");
+ error_string = strdup("開始時間が不正な形式が送信されたか、0以外のものでなければなりません。");
/* make sure we have start/end times for downtime (if necessary) */
if(cmd == CMD_SCHEDULE_SVC_DOWNTIME && (start_time == (time_t)0 || end_time == (time_t)0 || end_time < start_time)) {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Start or end time not valid");
+ error_string = strdup("開始または終了時間が不正です");
@@ -1735,28 +1734,28 @@ void commit_command_data(int cmd) {
/* make sure we have a notification delay (if necessary) */
if(cmd == CMD_DELAY_HOST_NOTIFICATION && notification_delay <= 0) {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Notification delay must be greater than 0");
+ error_string = strdup("通知の遅延は0以上でなければなりません");
/* make sure we have start/end times for downtime (if necessary) */
if((cmd == CMD_SCHEDULE_HOST_DOWNTIME || cmd == CMD_SCHEDULE_HOST_SVC_DOWNTIME) && (start_time == (time_t)0 || end_time == (time_t)0 || start_time > end_time)) {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Start or end time not valid");
+ error_string = strdup("開始または終了時間が不正です");
/* make sure we have check time (if necessary) */
if((cmd == CMD_SCHEDULE_HOST_CHECK || cmd == CMD_SCHEDULE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS) && start_time == (time_t)0) {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Start time must be non-zero or bad format has been submitted.");
+ error_string = strdup("開始時間は不正な形式で送信されたか、0以外のものでなければなりません。");
/* make sure we have passive check info (if necessary) */
if(cmd == CMD_PROCESS_HOST_CHECK_RESULT && !strcmp(plugin_output, "")) {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Plugin output cannot be blank");
+ error_string = strdup("プラグイン出力は空にできません");
@@ -1774,7 +1773,7 @@ void commit_command_data(int cmd) {
/* make sure we have start/end times for downtime */
if((cmd == CMD_SCHEDULE_HOSTGROUP_HOST_DOWNTIME || cmd == CMD_SCHEDULE_HOSTGROUP_SVC_DOWNTIME) && (start_time == (time_t)0 || end_time == (time_t)0 || start_time > end_time)) {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Start or end time not valid");
+ error_string = strdup("開始または終了時間が不正です");
@@ -1798,7 +1797,7 @@ void commit_command_data(int cmd) {
/* make sure we have start/end times for downtime */
if((cmd == CMD_SCHEDULE_SERVICEGROUP_HOST_DOWNTIME || cmd == CMD_SCHEDULE_SERVICEGROUP_SVC_DOWNTIME) && (start_time == (time_t)0 || end_time == (time_t)0 || start_time > end_time)) {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("Start or end time not valid");
+ error_string = strdup("開始または終了時間が不正です");
@@ -1831,7 +1830,7 @@ void commit_command_data(int cmd) {
if(!error_string) {
- error_string = strdup("An error occurred while processing your command!");
+ error_string = strdup("コマンドの実行中にエラーが発生しました!");
@@ -1839,16 +1838,16 @@ void commit_command_data(int cmd) {
/* to be safe, we are going to REQUIRE that the authentication functionality is enabled... */
if(use_authentication == FALSE) {
if(content_type == WML_CONTENT) {
- printf("
Error: Authentication is not enabled!
+ printf("
エラー: CGIの認証機能が無効になっています。
else {
- printf("
Sorry Dave, I can't let you do that...
+ printf("
- printf("It seems that you have chosen to not use the authentication functionality of the CGIs.
- printf("I don't want to be personally responsible for what may happen as a result of allowing unauthorized users to issue commands to Nagios, ");
- printf("so you'll have to disable this safeguard if you are really stubborn and want to invite trouble.
- printf("Read the section on CGI authentication in the HTML documentation to learn how you can enable authentication and why you should want to.\n");
+ printf("CGIの認証機能が無効になっています
@@ -1857,12 +1856,12 @@ void commit_command_data(int cmd) {
/* the user is not authorized to issue the given command */
else if(authorized == FALSE) {
if(content_type == WML_CONTENT) {
- printf("
Error: You're not authorized to commit that command!
+ printf("
エラー: このコマンドを発行する権限がありません。
else {
- printf("
Sorry, but you are not authorized to commit the specified command.
- printf("
Read the section of the documentation that deals with authentication and authorization in the CGIs for more information.
- printf("The external command file may be missing, Nagios may not be running, and/or Nagios may not be checking external commands.\n");
+ printf("外部コマンドファイルが無いようです。Nagiosが動いてないか、Nagiosが外部コマンドをチェックできない状態の可能性があります。\n");
Error: Could not open command file '%s' for update!
\n", command_file);
+ printf("
エラー: コマンドファイル'%s'をアップデートできません。
\n", command_file);
- printf("The permissions on the external command file and/or directory may be incorrect. Read the FAQs on how to setup proper permissions.\n");
+ printf("外部コマンドファイルもしくは、ディレクトリのパーミッションに誤りがある可能性があります。パーミッションが適切かどうか確認してください。\n");
@@ -2336,7 +2336,7 @@ void clean_comment_data(char *buffer) {
/* display information about a command */
void show_command_help(int cmd) {
- printf("
Command Description
+ printf("
@@ -2344,458 +2344,436 @@ void show_command_help(int cmd) {
switch(cmd) {
- printf("This command is used to add a comment for the specified host. If you work with other administrators, you may find it useful to share information about a host\n");
- printf("that is having problems if more than one of you may be working on it. If you do not check the 'persistent' option, the comment will be automatically be deleted\n");
- printf("the next time Nagios is restarted.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはこのホストにコメントを追加します。仕事中に起こったホストに関する様々な問題を記録すると他の管理者と共有が行え便利です。\n");
+ printf("「再起動後も(コメントを)保持させる」チェックボックスにチェックを入れないとNagiosが次に再起動したときにコメントは削除されます。\n");
- printf("This command is used to add a comment for the specified service. If you work with other administrators, you may find it useful to share information about a host\n");
- printf("or service that is having problems if more than one of you may be working on it. If you do not check the 'persistent' option, the comment will automatically be\n");
- printf("deleted the next time Nagios is restarted.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはこのホストにコメントを追加します。仕事中に起こったホストに関する様々な問題を記録すると他の管理者と共有が行え便利です。\n");
+ printf("「再起動後も(コメントを)保持させる」チェックボックスにチェックを入れないとNagiosが次に再起動したときにコメントは削除されます。 \n");
- printf("This command is used to delete a specific host comment.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはこのホストのコメントを削除します。\n");
- printf("This command is used to delete a specific service comment.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはこのサービスのコメントを削除します。\n");
- printf("This command is used to delay the next problem notification that is sent out for the specified host. The notification delay will be disregarded if\n");
- printf("the host changes state before the next notification is scheduled to be sent out. This command has no effect if the host is currently UP.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは障害を検出した時にこのホストの次回通知を遅らせます。ただし、遅らせた通知が作動する前にホストの状態が変化した場合は無視されます。\n");
+ printf("また、ホストが稼働状態の場合はこのコマンドは効果がありません。\n");
- printf("This command is used to delay the next problem notification that is sent out for the specified service. The notification delay will be disregarded if\n");
- printf("the service changes state before the next notification is scheduled to be sent out. This command has no effect if the service is currently in an OK state.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは障害を検出した時にこのサービスの次回通知を遅らせます。ただし、遅らせた通知が作動する前にホストの状態が変化した場合は無視されます。\n");
+ printf("また、ホストが稼働状態の場合はこのコマンドは効果がありません。\n");
- printf("This command is used to schedule the next check of a particular service. Nagios will re-queue the service to be checked at the time you specify.\n");
- printf("If you select the force check option, Nagios will force a check of the service regardless of both what time the scheduled check occurs and whether or not checks are enabled for the service.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスを次回からチェックするようにスケジュールするために使います。実行するとNagiosは指定する時にチェックされるサービスをキューに入れます。\n");
+ printf("また、「強制的にチェック」にチェックを入れるとNagiosは他にチェックがスケジュールされていない場合やこのサービスのサービスチェックが無効になっていた場合であっても強制的にチェックを行います。パッシブサービスチェックのみのサービスであってもアクティブチェックされていますので注意してください。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable active checks of a service.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはアクティブなサービスのチェックを有効にするために使います。\n");
- printf("This command is used to disable active checks of a service.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはアクティブなサービスのチェックを無効にするために使います。\n");
- printf("This command is used to disable host and service notifications on a program-wide basis.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはホストとサービスの通知機能をグローバル設定として無効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable host and service notifications on a program-wide basis.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはホストとサービスの通知機能をグローバル設定として有効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to shutdown the Nagios process. Note: Once the Nagios has been shutdown, it cannot be restarted via the web interface!\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはNagiosを停止させます。注)一度このコマンドでNagiosを停止させると、WebインターフェースからNagiosを起動することはできないので注意してください。\n");
- printf("This command is used to restart the Nagios process. Executing a restart command is equivalent to sending the process a HUP signal.\n");
- printf("All information will be flushed from memory, the configuration files will be re-read, and Nagios will start monitoring with the new configuration information.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはNagiosを再起動させます。再起動コマンドはプロセスにHUPシグナルのを送るのと同じです。\n");
+ printf("メモリ上の全情報のクリア、設定ファイルを再読込したあとNagiosはモニタリングを開始します\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable active checks of all services associated with the specified host. This does not enable checks of the host unless you check the 'Enable for host too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはこのホストの全サービスのチェックを有効にします。ただし、ホストチェックは有効になりません。ホストのチェックを有効にしたい場合は、「同時にホストも有効にする」をチェックします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to disable active checks of all services associated with the specified host. When a service is disabled Nagios will not monitor the service. Doing this will prevent any notifications being sent out for\n");
- printf("the specified service while it is disabled. In order to have Nagios check the service in the future you will have to re-enable the service.\n");
- printf("Note that disabling service checks may not necessarily prevent notifications from being sent out about the host which those services are associated with. This does not disable checks of the host unless you check the 'Disable for host too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはこのホストの全サービスのチェックを無効にします。サービスを無効にするとNagiosはモニターしなくなります。これは障害が起こっているときに通知を送るのを抑制することができます。再度サービスをチェックを行うには「有効」にすることで出来ます。ただし、ホストチェックは無効になりません。ホストのチェックも無効にしたい場合は、「同時にホストチェックも無効にする」をチェックします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to scheduled the next check of all services on the specified host. If you select the force check option, Nagios will force a check of all services on the host regardless of both what time the scheduled checks occur and whether or not checks are enabled for those services.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定されたホスト上の全てのサービスを次回からチェックするようにスケジュールするために使います。「強制的にチェック」にチェックを入れるとNagiosは他にチェックがスケジュールされていても、このサービスのサービスチェックが無効になっていたとしても強制的にチェックを行います。パッシブサービスチェックのみのサービスであってもアクティブチェックされてますので注意してください。\n");
- printf("This command is used to delete all comments associated with the specified host.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストの全コメントを削除します。\n");
- printf("This command is used to delete all comments associated with the specified service.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスの全コメントを削除します。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable notifications for the specified service. Notifications will only be sent out for the\n");
- printf("service state types you defined in your service definition.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスの通知機能を有効にします。通知は定義したサービス情報の状態が変わった際に送られます。\n");
- printf("This command is used to prevent notifications from being sent out for the specified service. You will have to re-enable notifications\n");
- printf("for this service before any alerts can be sent out in the future.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスの通知機能を無効にします。通知機能は再度有効にするまで一切機能しません。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable notifications for the specified host. Notifications will only be sent out for the\n");
- printf("host state types you defined in your host definition. Note that this command does not enable notifications\n");
- printf("for services associated with this host.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストの通知機能を有効にします。通知は定義したホスト情報の状態が変わった際に送られます。\n");
+ printf("注)このコマンドではホストに付随するサービスの通知機能までは有効になりません。\n");
- printf("This command is used to prevent notifications from being sent out for the specified host. You will have to re-enable notifications for this host\n");
- printf("before any alerts can be sent out in the future. Note that this command does not disable notifications for services associated with this host.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストの通知機能を無効にします。通知機能は再度有効にするまで一切機能しません。\n");
+ printf("注)このコマンドではホストに付随するサービスの通知機能までは無効になりません。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable notifications for all hosts and services that lie \"beyond\" the specified host\n");
- printf("(from the view of Nagios).\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストの配下にある全てのホストとサービスの通知機能を有効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to temporarily prevent notifications from being sent out for all hosts and services that lie\n");
- printf("\"beyond\" the specified host (from the view of Nagios).\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストの配下にある全てのホストとサービスの通知機能を無効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable notifications for all services on the specified host. Notifications will only be sent out for the\n");
- printf("service state types you defined in your service definition. This does not enable notifications for the host unless you check the 'Enable for host too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストの全サービスの通知機能を有効にします。通知は定義したサービス状態が変化した際に送られます。\n");
+ printf("このコマンドではホストの通知機能は有効になりません。ホストも同様に通知機能を有効にしたい場合は「同時にホストも有効にする」をチェックします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to prevent notifications from being sent out for all services on the specified host. You will have to re-enable notifications for\n");
- printf("all services associated with this host before any alerts can be sent out in the future. This does not prevent notifications from being sent out about the host unless you check the 'Disable for host too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストの全サービスの通知機能を無効にします。通知機能は再度有効にするまで機能しません。\n");
+ printf("このコマンドではホストの通知機能は無効になりません。ホストも同様に通知機能を無効にしたい場合は「同時にホストも無効にする」をチェックします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to acknowledge a host problem. When a host problem is acknowledged, future notifications about problems are temporarily disabled until the host changes from its current state.\n");
- printf("If you want acknowledgement to disable notifications until the host recovers, check the 'Sticky Acknowledgement' checkbox.\n");
- printf("Contacts for this host will receive a notification about the acknowledgement, so they are aware that someone is working on the problem. Additionally, a comment will also be added to the host.\n");
- printf("Make sure to enter your name and fill in a brief description of what you are doing in the comment field. If you would like the host comment to remain once the acknowledgement is removed, check\n");
- printf("the 'Persistent Comment' checkbox. If you do not want an acknowledgement notification sent out to the appropriate contacts, uncheck the 'Send Notification' checkbox.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストの問題を既知としてマークします。ホストの問題が認知済としてマークされたら、今後この問題に関して状態が変わるまで(たとえば復旧するなど)通知を行わなくなります。\n");
+ printf("このコマンドが実行されるとホストの通知先に「問題を認知した」という通知が行われます。加えてコメントも追加されます。\n");
+ printf("名前とちょっとした説明を入れてください。もしこの問題を認知してもコメントを残したい場合は「保存する」にチェックを入れます。もし、この問題を認知した警報を通知したくなければ「警報を通知」のチェックをはずしてください。\n");
- printf("This command is used to acknowledge a service problem. When a service problem is acknowledged, future notifications about problems are temporarily disabled until the service changes from its current state.\n");
- printf("If you want acknowledgement to disable notifications until the service recovers, check the 'Sticky Acknowledgement' checkbox.\n");
- printf("Contacts for this service will receive a notification about the acknowledgement, so they are aware that someone is working on the problem. Additionally, a comment will also be added to the service.\n");
- printf("Make sure to enter your name and fill in a brief description of what you are doing in the comment field. If you would like the service comment to remain once the acknowledgement is removed, check\n");
- printf("the 'Persistent Comment' checkbox. If you do not want an acknowledgement notification sent out to the appropriate contacts, uncheck the 'Send Notification' checkbox.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスの問題を既知としてマークします。ホストの問題が認知済としてマークされたら、今後この問題に関して状態が変わるまで(たとえば復旧するなど)通知を行わなくなります。\n");
+ printf("このコマンドが実行されるとサービスの通知先に「問題を認知した」という通知が行われます。加えてコメントも追加されます。\n");
+ printf("名前とちょっとした説明を入れてください。もしこの問題を認知してもコメントを残したい場合は「保存する」にチェックを入れます。もし、この問題を認知した警報を通知したくなければ「警報を通知」のチェックをはずしてください。\n");
- printf("This command is used to resume execution of active service checks on a program-wide basis. Individual services which are disabled will still not be checked.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはグローバル設定としてサービスチェックを再開します。ただし、個々のサービスでサービスチェックが無効になっているものはそのまま無効になります。\n");
- printf("This command is used to temporarily stop Nagios from actively executing any service checks. This will have the side effect of preventing any notifications from being sent out (for any and all services and hosts).\n");
- printf("Service checks will not be executed again until you issue a command to resume service check execution.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは一時的に全てのサービスチェックを停止します。これによりどんな通知も行わなくなります。\n");
+ printf("サービスチェックはサービスチェックを再開するコマンドを発行するまで行われません。\n");
- printf("This command is used to make Nagios start accepting passive service check results that it finds in the external command file\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはNagiosが外部コマンドからパッシブサービスチェックの結果を受け付けるようにします。\n");
- printf("This command is use to make Nagios stop accepting passive service check results that it finds in the external command file. All passive check results that are found will be ignored.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはNagiosが外部コマンドからパッシブサービスチェックの結果を受け付ないようにします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to allow Nagios to accept passive service check results that it finds in the external command file for this particular service.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはNagiosが外部コマンドから指定したサービスについてのパッシブサービスチェックの結果を受け付けるようにします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to stop Nagios accepting passive service check results that it finds in the external command file for this particular service. All passive check results that are found for this service will be ignored.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはNagiosが外部コマンドから指定したサービスについてのパッシブサービスチェックの結果を受け付けないようにします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to allow Nagios to run host and service event handlers.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはホスト、サービスのイベントハンドラを有効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to temporarily prevent Nagios from running any host or service event handlers.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはホスト、サービスのイベントハンドラを無効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to allow Nagios to run the service event handler for a particular service when necessary (if one is defined).\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスのイベントハンドラを有効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to temporarily prevent Nagios from running the service event handler for a particular service.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスのイベントハンドラを無効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to allow Nagios to run the host event handler for a particular service when necessary (if one is defined).\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストのイベントハンドラを有効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to temporarily prevent Nagios from running the host event handler for a particular host.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストのイベントハンドラを無効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable active checks of this host.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはホストチェックを有効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to temporarily prevent Nagios from actively checking the status of a particular host. If Nagios needs to check the status of this host, it will assume that it is in the same state that it was in before checks were disabled.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはホストチェックを無効にします。もしNagiosがこのホストのチェックデータが必要となったら、無効にする前の状態を現在の状態とみなします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to have Nagios start obsessing over service checks. Read the documentation on distributed monitoring for more information on this.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはNagiosにObsessing overサービスチェックを開始させます。この機能についてはドキュメントを参照してください。\n");
- printf("This command is used stop Nagios from obsessing over service checks.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはNagiosにObsessing overサービスチェックを停止させます。この機能についてはドキュメントを参照してください。\n");
- printf("This command is used to remove an acknowledgement for a particular host problem. Once the acknowledgement is removed, notifications may start being\n");
- printf("sent out about the host problem. \n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストの認知済マークを削除し、通知を再開します。\n");
- printf("This command is used to remove an acknowledgement for a particular service problem. Once the acknowledgement is removed, notifications may start being\n");
- printf("sent out about the service problem.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスの認知済マークを削除し、通知を再開します。\n");
- printf("This command is used to submit a passive check result for a particular service. It is particularly useful for resetting security-related services to OK states once they have been dealt with.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスからのPassiveチェックの結果を送信します。これは作業が行われたり、作業を完了したり、セキュリティチェックなどに有効活用できます。\n");
- printf("This command is used to submit a passive check result for a particular host.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストのPassiveチェックの結果を送信します。\n");
- printf("This command is used to schedule downtime for a particular host. During the specified downtime, Nagios will not send notifications out about the host.\n");
- printf("When the scheduled downtime expires, Nagios will send out notifications for this host as it normally would. Scheduled downtimes are preserved\n");
- printf("across program shutdowns and restarts. Both the start and end times should be specified in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.\n");
- printf("If you select the fixed option, the downtime will be in effect between the start and end times you specify. If you do not select the fixed\n");
- printf("option, Nagios will treat this as \"flexible\" downtime. Flexible downtime starts when the host goes down or becomes unreachable (sometime between the\n");
- printf("start and end times you specified) and lasts as long as the duration of time you enter. The duration fields do not apply for fixed downtime.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストのダウンタイムをスケジュールします。ダウンタイムを設定するとその間はNagiosはホストに関する通知を行わなくなります。\n");
+ printf("ダウンタイムが経過したらNagiosは通常どおり通知を行います。このスケジュール内容はNagiosが再起動した場合でも保存されます。\n");
+ printf("フィールドにダウンタイム開始時間と終了時間をmm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss形式で入力してください。\n");
+ printf("もし「固定」にチェックを入れると入力した開始時間と終了時間きっちりにスケジュールされます。もし「固定」にチェックを入れない場合はNagiosは\"フレキシブル\"なダウンタイムとします。\n");
+ printf("フレキシブルなダウンタイムとはホストが停止または未到達になる開始時間から経過時間を指定してダウンタイムを決定することです。「固定」にチェックを入れた場合期間を指定する箇所は入力しても無効になります。\n");
- printf("This command is used to schedule downtime for all services on a particular host. During the specified downtime, Nagios will not send notifications out about the host.\n");
- printf("Normally, a host in downtime will not send alerts about any services in a failed state. This option will explicitly set downtime for all services for this host.\n");
- printf("When the scheduled downtime expires, Nagios will send out notifications for this host as it normally would. Scheduled downtimes are preserved\n");
- printf("across program shutdowns and restarts. Both the start and end times should be specified in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.\n");
- printf("If you select the fixed option, the downtime will be in effect between the start and end times you specify. If you do not select the fixed\n");
- printf("option, Nagios will treat this as \"flexible\" downtime. Flexible downtime starts when the host goes down or becomes unreachable (sometime between the\n");
- printf("start and end times you specified) and lasts as long as the duration of time you enter. The duration fields do not apply for fixed downtime.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストとその全サービスのダウンタイムをスケジュールします。ダウンタイムを設定するとその間はNagiosはホストに関する通知を行わなくなります。\n");
+ printf("ダウンタイムが経過したらNagiosは通常どおり通知を行います。このスケジュール内容はNagiosが再起動した場合でも保存されます。\n");
+ printf("フィールドにダウンタイム開始時間と終了時間をmm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss形式で入力してください。\n");
+ printf("もし「固定」にチェックを入れると入力した開始時間と終了時間きっちりにスケジュールされます。もし「固定」にチェックを入れない場合はNagiosは\"フレキシブル\"なダウンタイムとします。\n");
+ printf("フレキシブルなダウンタイムとはホストが停止または未到達になる開始時間から経過時間を指定してダウンタイムを決定することです。「固定」にチェックを入れた場合期間を指定する箇所は入力しても無効になります。\n");
- printf("This command is used to schedule downtime for a particular service. During the specified downtime, Nagios will not send notifications out about the service.\n");
- printf("When the scheduled downtime expires, Nagios will send out notifications for this service as it normally would. Scheduled downtimes are preserved\n");
- printf("across program shutdowns and restarts. Both the start and end times should be specified in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.\n");
- printf("If you select the fixed option, the downtime will be in effect between the start and end times you specify. If you do not select the fixed\n");
- printf("option, Nagios will treat this as \"flexible\" downtime. Flexible downtime starts when the service enters a non-OK state (sometime between the\n");
- printf("start and end times you specified) and lasts as long as the duration of time you enter. The duration fields do not apply for fixed downtime.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスのダウンタイムをスケジュールします。ダウンタイムを設定するとその間はNagiosはサービスに関する通知を行わなくなります。\n");
+ printf("ダウンタイムが経過したらNagiosは通常どおり通知を行います。このスケジュール内容はNagiosが再起動した場合でも保存されます。\n");
+ printf("フィールドにダウンタイム開始時間と終了時間をmm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss形式で入力してください。");
+ printf("もし「固定」にチェックを入れると入力した開始時間と終了時間きっちりにスケジュールされます。もし「固定」にチェックを入れない場合はNagiosは\"フレキシブル\"なダウンタイムとします。\n");
+ printf("フレキシブルなダウンタイムとはサービスが停止または未到達になる開始時間から経過時間を指定してダウンタイムを決定することです。「固定」にチェックを入れた場合期間を指定する箇所は入力しても無効になります。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable flap detection for a specific host. If flap detection is disabled on a program-wide basis, this will have no effect,\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストのフラップ検知を有効にします。ただし、フラップ検知がグローバル設定で無効に設定されている場合はこのコマンドは何の効果も持ちません。\n");
- printf("This command is used to disable flap detection for a specific host.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストのフラップ検知を無効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable flap detection for a specific service. If flap detection is disabled on a program-wide basis, this will have no effect,\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスのフラップ検知を有効にします。ただし、フラップ検知がグローバル設定で無効に設定されている場合はこのコマンドは何の効果も持ちません。\n");
- printf("This command is used to disable flap detection for a specific service.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスのフラップ検知を無効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable flap detection for hosts and services on a program-wide basis. Individual hosts and services may have flap detection disabled.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはグローバル設定としてフラップ検知を有効にします。個々のホストやサービスで無効に設定されている場合、それらは保持されたままになります。\n");
- printf("This command is used to disable flap detection for hosts and services on a program-wide basis.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはグローバル設定としてフラップ検知を無効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable notifications for all services in the specified hostgroup. Notifications will only be sent out for the\n");
- printf("service state types you defined in your service definitions. This does not enable notifications for the hosts in this hostgroup unless you check the 'Enable for hosts too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストグループの全サービスの通知を有効にします。通知はサービス定義で定義したサービスのみ送られます。\n");
+ printf("このコマンドでは指定したホストグループ上のホストの通知機能は有効になりません。もし有効にしたい場合は「同時にホストも有効にする」をチェックします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to prevent notifications from being sent out for all services in the specified hostgroup. You will have to re-enable notifications for\n");
- printf("all services in this hostgroup before any alerts can be sent out in the future. This does not prevent notifications from being sent out about the hosts in this hostgroup unless you check the 'Disable for hosts too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストグループの全サービスの通知を無効にします。通知はサービス定義で定義したサービスのみ送られます。\n");
+ printf("このコマンドでは指定したホストグループ上のホストの通知機能は無効になりません。もし無効にしたい場合は「同時にホストも無効にする」をチェックします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable notifications for all hosts in the specified hostgroup. Notifications will only be sent out for the\n");
- printf("host state types you defined in your host definitions.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストグループ上の全ホストの通知を有効にします。\n");
+ printf("通知はホスト定義で定義したホストのみに送られます。\n");
- printf("This command is used to prevent notifications from being sent out for all hosts in the specified hostgroup. You will have to re-enable notifications for\n");
- printf("all hosts in this hostgroup before any alerts can be sent out in the future.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストグループ上の全ホストの通知を無効にします。\n");
+ printf("再度このホストグループ上の全ホストに通知を有効にするまでどんな警報も通知されません。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable active checks of all services in the specified hostgroup. This does not enable active checks of the hosts in the hostgroup unless you check the 'Enable for hosts too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストグループ上のサービスチェックを有効にします。\n");
+ printf("ただし、ホストチェックまではこのコマンドでは有効になりません。有効にしたい場合は「同時にホストも有効にする」をチェックします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to disable active checks of all services in the specified hostgroup. This does not disable checks of the hosts in the hostgroup unless you check the 'Disable for hosts too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストグループ上のサービスチェックを無効にします。このコマンドではホストグループのホストチェックは無効になりません。無効にしたい場合は「同時>にホストも無効にする」をチェックします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to cancel active or pending scheduled downtime for the specified host.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストのダウンタイムをキャンセルもしくは保留にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to cancel active or pending scheduled downtime for the specified service.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスのダウンタイムをキャンセルもしくは保留にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable the processing of performance data for hosts and services on a program-wide basis. Individual hosts and services may have performance data processing disabled.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはグローバル設定としてホストとサービスのパフォーマンスデータを有効にします。\n");
+ printf("個々のホストやサービスが無効になっている場合は無効のままになります。\n");
- printf("This command is used to disable the processing of performance data for hosts and services on a program-wide basis.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはグローバル設定としてホストとサービスのパフォーマンスデータを無効にします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to schedule downtime for all hosts in a particular hostgroup. During the specified downtime, Nagios will not send notifications out about the hosts.\n");
- printf("When the scheduled downtime expires, Nagios will send out notifications for the hosts as it normally would. Scheduled downtimes are preserved\n");
- printf("across program shutdowns and restarts. Both the start and end times should be specified in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.\n");
- printf("If you select the fixed option, the downtime will be in effect between the start and end times you specify. If you do not select the fixed\n");
- printf("option, Nagios will treat this as \"flexible\" downtime. Flexible downtime starts when a host goes down or becomes unreachable (sometime between the\n");
- printf("start and end times you specified) and lasts as long as the duration of time you enter. The duration fields do not apply for fixed downtime.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストグループ上の全ホストのダウンタイムをスケジュールします。ダウンタイムを設定するとその間はNagiosはホストに関する通知を行わなくなります。\n");
+ printf("ダウンタイムが経過したらNagiosは通常どおり通知を行います。このスケジュール内容はNagiosが再起動した場合でも保存されます。\n");
+ printf("フィールドにダウンタイム開始時間と終了時間をmm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss形式で入力してください。\n");
+ printf("もし「固定」にチェックを入れると入力した開始時間と終了時間きっちりにスケジュールされます。もし「固定」にチェックを入れない場合はNagiosは\"フレキシブル\"なダウンタイムとします。\n");
+ printf("フレキシブルなダウンタイムとはホストが停止または未到達になる開始時間から経過時間を指定してダウンタイムを決定することです。「固定」にチェックを入れた場合期間を指定する箇所は入力しても無効になります。\n");
- printf("This command is used to schedule downtime for all services in a particular hostgroup. During the specified downtime, Nagios will not send notifications out about the services.\n");
- printf("When the scheduled downtime expires, Nagios will send out notifications for the services as it normally would. Scheduled downtimes are preserved\n");
- printf("across program shutdowns and restarts. Both the start and end times should be specified in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.\n");
- printf("If you select the fixed option, the downtime will be in effect between the start and end times you specify. If you do not select the fixed\n");
- printf("option, Nagios will treat this as \"flexible\" downtime. Flexible downtime starts when a service enters a non-OK state (sometime between the\n");
- printf("start and end times you specified) and lasts as long as the duration of time you enter. The duration fields do not apply for fixed downtime.\n");
- printf("Note that scheduling downtime for services does not automatically schedule downtime for the hosts those services are associated with. If you want to also schedule downtime for all hosts in the hostgroup, check the 'Schedule downtime for hosts too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストグループ上の全サービスのダウンタイムをスケジュールします。ダウンタイムを設定するとその間はNagiosはサービスに関する通知を行わなくなります。\n");
+ printf("ダウンタイムが経過したらNagiosは通常どおり通知を行います。このスケジュール内容はNagiosが再起動した場合でも保存されます。\n");
+ printf("フィールドにダウンタイム開始時間と終了時間をmm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss形式で入力してください。\n");
+ printf("もし「固定」にチェックを入れると入力した開始時間と終了時間きっちりにスケジュールされます。もし<「B>固定」にチェックを入れない場合はNagiosは\"フレキシブル\"なダウンタイムとします。\n");
+ printf("フレキシブルなダウンタイムとはホストが停止または未到達になる開始時間から経過時間を指定してダウンタイムを決定することです。「固定」にチェックを入れた場合期間を指定する箇所は入力しても無効になります。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable active host checks on a program-wide basis.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはグローバル設定としてホストチェックを有効にするために使います。\n");
- printf("This command is used to disable active host checks on a program-wide basis.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはグローバル設定としてホストチェックを無効にするために使います。\n");
- printf("This command is used to have Nagios start obsessing over host checks. Read the documentation on distributed monitoring for more information on this.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはNagiosがObsessing Overホストチェックを開始するために使います。詳細な情報はドキュメントの分散モニタリング(distributed monitoring)の部分を参照してください。\n");
- printf("This command is used to stop Nagios from obsessing over host checks.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはNagiosがObsessing Overホストチェックを停止するために使います。\n");
- printf("This command is used to allow Nagios to accept passive host check results that it finds in the external command file for a particular host.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはNagiosが指定したホストの外部コマンドからパッシブチェックを行うことを許可するために使用します。\n");
- printf("This command is used to stop Nagios from accepting passive host check results that it finds in the external command file for a particular host. All passive check results that are found for this host will be ignored.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはNagiosが指定したホストの外部コマンドからパッシブチェックを行うことを拒否するために使用します。これを実行すると指定したホストからの全てのPassiveチェックが無視されます。\n");
- printf("This command is used to have Nagios start obsessing over host checks. Read the documentation on distributed monitoring for more information on this.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはobsessing overホストチェックを開始するために使います。詳細な情報はドキュメントの分散モニタリング(distributed monitoring)の部分を参照してください。\n");
- printf("This command is used to stop Nagios from obsessing over host checks.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドはobsessing overホストチェックを停止するために使います。\n");
- printf("This command is used to schedule the next check of a particular host. Nagios will re-queue the host to be checked at the time you specify.\n");
- printf("If you select the force check option, Nagios will force a check of the host regardless of both what time the scheduled check occurs and whether or not checks are enabled for the host.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストを次回からチェックするようにスケジュールするために使います。実行するとNagiosは指定する時にチェックされるサービスをキューに入れます。\n");
+ printf("また、「強制的にチェック」にチェックを入れるとNagiosは他にチェックがスケジュールされていない場合やこのホストのホストチェックが無効になっていた場合であっても強制的にチェックを行います。\n");
- printf("This command is used to have Nagios start obsessing over a particular service.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスのobsessing overを開始するために使います。\n");
- printf("This command is used to stop Nagios from obsessing over a particular service.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスのobsessing overを停止するために使います。\n");
- printf("This command is used to have Nagios start obsessing over a particular host.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストのobsessing overを開始するために使います。\n");
- printf("This command is used to stop Nagios from obsessing over a particular host.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したホストのobsessing overを停止するために使います。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable notifications for all services in the specified servicegroup. Notifications will only be sent out for the\n");
- printf("service state types you defined in your service definitions. This does not enable notifications for the hosts in this servicegroup unless you check the 'Enable for hosts too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスグループの全サービスの通知を有効にします。通知はサービス定義で定義したサービスのみ送られます。\n");
+ printf("このコマンドでは指定したサービスグループ上のホストの通知機能は有効になりません。もし有効にしたい場合は「同時にホストも有効にする」をチェックします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to prevent notifications from being sent out for all services in the specified servicegroup. You will have to re-enable notifications for\n");
- printf("all services in this servicegroup before any alerts can be sent out in the future. This does not prevent notifications from being sent out about the hosts in this servicegroup unless you check the 'Disable for hosts too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスグループの全サービスの通知を無効にします。通知はサービス定義で定義したサービスのみ送られます。\n");
+ printf("このコマンドでは指定したサービスグループ上のホストの通知機能は無効になりません。もし有効にしたい場合は「同時にホストも無効にする」をチェックします。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable notifications for all hosts in the specified servicegroup. Notifications will only be sent out for the\n");
- printf("host state types you defined in your host definitions.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスグループ上の全ホストの通知を有効にします。\n");
+ printf("通知はホスト定義で定義したホストのみに送られます。\n");
- printf("This command is used to prevent notifications from being sent out for all hosts in the specified servicegroup. You will have to re-enable notifications for\n");
- printf("all hosts in this servicegroup before any alerts can be sent out in the future.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスグループ上の全ホストの通知を無効にします。\n");
+ printf("再度このサービスグループ上の全ホストに通知を有効にするまでどんな警報も通知されません。\n");
- printf("This command is used to enable active checks of all services in the specified servicegroup. This does not enable active checks of the hosts in the servicegroup unless you check the 'Enable for hosts too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスグループ上のサービスチェックを有効にします。このコマンドではサービスグループのホストチェックは有効になりません。有効にしたい場合は「同時にホストも有効にする」にチェックを入れてください。\n");
- printf("This command is used to disable active checks of all services in the specified servicegroup. This does not disable checks of the hosts in the servicegroup unless you check the 'Disable for hosts too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスグループ上のサービスチェックを無効にします。このコマンドではサービスグループのホストチェックは無効になりません。無効にしたい場合は「同時にホストも無効にする」にチェックを入れてください。\n");
- printf("This command is used to schedule downtime for all hosts in a particular servicegroup. During the specified downtime, Nagios will not send notifications out about the hosts.\n");
- printf("When the scheduled downtime expires, Nagios will send out notifications for the hosts as it normally would. Scheduled downtimes are preserved\n");
- printf("across program shutdowns and restarts. Both the start and end times should be specified in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.\n");
- printf("If you select the fixed option, the downtime will be in effect between the start and end times you specify. If you do not select the fixed\n");
- printf("option, Nagios will treat this as \"flexible\" downtime. Flexible downtime starts when a host goes down or becomes unreachable (sometime between the\n");
- printf("start and end times you specified) and lasts as long as the duration of time you enter. The duration fields do not apply for fixed downtime.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスグループ上の全ホストのダウンタイムをスケジュールします。ダウンタイムを設定するとその間はNagiosはホストに関する通知を行わなくなります。\n");
+ printf("ダウンタイムが経過したらNagiosは通常どおり通知を行います。このスケジュール内容はNagiosが再起動した場合でも保存されます\n");
+ printf("フィールドにダウンタイム開始時間と終了時間をmm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss形式で入力してください。\n");
+ printf("もし「固定」にチェックを入れると入力した開始時間と終了時間きっちりにスケジュールされます。もし「固定」にチェックを入れない場合はNagiosは\"フレキシブル\"なダウンタイムとします。\n");
+ printf("フレキシブルなダウンタイムとはホストが停止または未到達になる開始時間から経過時間を指定してダウンタイムを決定することです。「固定」にチェックを入れた場合期間を指定する箇所は入力しても無効になります。\n");
- printf("This command is used to schedule downtime for all services in a particular servicegroup. During the specified downtime, Nagios will not send notifications out about the services.\n");
- printf("When the scheduled downtime expires, Nagios will send out notifications for the services as it normally would. Scheduled downtimes are preserved\n");
- printf("across program shutdowns and restarts. Both the start and end times should be specified in the following format: mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.\n");
- printf("If you select the fixed option, the downtime will be in effect between the start and end times you specify. If you do not select the fixed\n");
- printf("option, Nagios will treat this as \"flexible\" downtime. Flexible downtime starts when a service enters a non-OK state (sometime between the\n");
- printf("start and end times you specified) and lasts as long as the duration of time you enter. The duration fields do not apply for fixed downtime.\n");
- printf("Note that scheduling downtime for services does not automatically schedule downtime for the hosts those services are associated with. If you want to also schedule downtime for all hosts in the servicegroup, check the 'Schedule downtime for hosts too' option.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定したサービスグループ上の全サービスのダウンタイムをスケジュールします。ダウンタイムを設定するとその間はNagiosはサービスに関する通知を行わなくなります。\n");
+ printf("ダウンタイムが経過したらNagiosは通常どおり通知を行います。このスケジュール内容はNagiosが再起動した場合でも保存されます\n");
+ printf("フィールドにダウンタイム開始時間と終了時間をmm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss形式で入力してください。\n");
+ printf("もし「固定」にチェックを入れると入力した開始時間と終了時間きっちりにスケジュールされます。もし「固定」にチェックを入れない場合はNagiosは\"フレキシブル\"なダウンタイムとします。\n");
+ printf("フレキシブルなダウンタイムとはホストが停止または未到達になる開始時間から経過時間を指定してダウンタイムを決定することです。「固定」にチェックを入れた場合期間を指定する箇所は入力しても無効になります。\n");
- printf("This command is used to reset the flapping state for the specified %s.\n",
- (cmd == CMD_CLEAR_HOST_FLAPPING_STATE) ? "host" : "service");
- printf("All state history for the specified %s will be cleared.\n",
- (cmd == CMD_CLEAR_HOST_FLAPPING_STATE) ? "host" : "service");
+ printf("このコマンドは指定された%sのフラッピング状態をリセットするために使用されます。\n",
+ (cmd == CMD_CLEAR_HOST_FLAPPING_STATE) ? "ホスト" : "サービス");
+ printf("指定されて%sのすべての状態履歴がクリアされます。\n",
+ (cmd == CMD_CLEAR_HOST_FLAPPING_STATE) ? "ホスト" : "サービス");
- printf("This command is used to send a custom notification about the specified %s. Useful in emergencies when you need to notify admins of an issue regarding a monitored system or service.\n", (cmd == CMD_SEND_CUSTOM_HOST_NOTIFICATION) ? "host" : "service");
- printf("Custom notifications normally follow the regular notification logic in Nagios. Selecting the Forced option will force the notification to be sent out, regardless of the time restrictions, whether or not notifications are enabled, etc. Selecting the Broadcast option causes the notification to be sent out to all normal (non-escalated) and escalated contacts. These options allow you to override the normal notification logic if you need to get an important message out.\n");
+ printf("このコマンドは%sに対してすぐに通知します。これは監視されているシステムあるいはサービスについて発生した問題を管理者側へ通知する必要がある緊急時において有用です。\n", (cmd == CMD_SEND_CUSTOM_HOST_NOTIFICATION) ? "ホスト" : "サービス");
+ printf("この作業はNagiosで通常行われる通知作業の後に行われます。「強制的に通知する」を選択した場合、通知機能が有効になっているかや時間による制限が行われているかなどにかかわらず通知を行うようになります。「全員に通知」を選択すると全ての利用者に対して通知を行います。\n");
+ printf("尚、これらの選択はあなたが重要なメッセージを受け取りたいと考えているならば通常の通知よりも優先しておく必要があります。\n");
- printf("Sorry, but no information is available for this command.");
+ printf("このコマンドの情報はありません。");
It appears as though you do not have permission to view the configuration information you requested...
- printf("
If you believe this is an error, check the HTTP server authentication requirements for accessing this CGI ");
- printf("and check the authorization options in your CGI configuration file.
$ARG%u$=", bg_class, i);
for(c = command_args[i], j = 0; c && isspace(*c); c++, j++)
/* TODO: As long as the hyperlinks change all whitespace into actual spaces,
@@ -2403,16 +2403,16 @@ void display_command_expansion(void) {
if(!arg_count[0]) {
diff --git a/html/main.php b/html/main.php
index 15713f8d85..db9d4ea6ae 100644
--- a/html/main.php
+++ b/html/main.php
@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ function setCoreStatusHTML(image, text) {
December 19, 2024
Check for updates
@@ -85,15 +85,15 @@ function setCoreStatusHTML(image, text) {
if (!$updateinfo['update_checks_enabled']) {
Warning: Automatic Update Checks are Disabled!
Disabling update checks presents a possible security risk. Visit nagios.org to check for updates manually or enable update checks in your Nagios config file.
diff --git a/html/stylesheets/common.css b/html/stylesheets/common.css
index 45941ab720..036ccf2cb3 100644
--- a/html/stylesheets/common.css
+++ b/html/stylesheets/common.css
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
+@charset "utf-8";
/***************** common to all pages, moved to this stylesheet ********************/
/* default font size for all elements */
* {font-size:8pt;}
body {
- font-family: verdana,arial,serif;
+ font-family: Meiryo,"MS Pゴシック",verdana,arial,serif;
font-weight: normal;
diff --git a/include/cgiutils.h b/include/cgiutils.h
index c46bb1d5e5..6214a84b85 100644
--- a/include/cgiutils.h
+++ b/include/cgiutils.h
@@ -88,27 +88,27 @@ NAGIOS_BEGIN_DECL
#define INFO_ICON "info.png"
-#define INFO_ICON_ALT "Informational Message"
+#define INFO_ICON_ALT "情報"
#define START_ICON "start.gif"
-#define START_ICON_ALT "Program Start"
+#define START_ICON_ALT "プログラム起動"
#define STOP_ICON "stop.gif"
-#define STOP_ICON_ALT "Program End"
+#define STOP_ICON_ALT "プログラム停止"
#define RESTART_ICON "restart.gif"
-#define RESTART_ICON_ALT "Program Restart"
+#define RESTART_ICON_ALT "プログラム再起動"
#define OK_ICON "recovery.png"
-#define OK_ICON_ALT "Service Ok"
+#define OK_ICON_ALT "サービス正常(OK)"
#define CRITICAL_ICON "critical.png"
-#define CRITICAL_ICON_ALT "Service Critical"
#define WARNING_ICON "warning.png"
-#define WARNING_ICON_ALT "Service Warning"
+#define WARNING_ICON_ALT "サービス警告(WARNING)"
#define UNKNOWN_ICON "unknown.png"
-#define UNKNOWN_ICON_ALT "Service Unknown"
+#define UNKNOWN_ICON_ALT "サービス不明(UNKNOWN)"
#define NOTIFICATION_ICON "notify.gif"
-#define NOTIFICATION_ICON_ALT "Service Notification"
#define LOG_ROTATION_ICON "logrotate.png"
-#define LOG_ROTATION_ICON_ALT "Log Rotation"
+#define LOG_ROTATION_ICON_ALT "ログローテーション"
#define EXTERNAL_COMMAND_ICON "command.png"
-#define EXTERNAL_COMMAND_ICON_ALT "External Command"
#define STATUS_DETAIL_ICON "status2.gif"
#define STATUS_OVERVIEW_ICON "status.gif"
@@ -139,23 +139,23 @@ NAGIOS_BEGIN_DECL
#define EMPTY_ICON "empty.gif"
#define ACTIVE_ICON "active.gif"
-#define ACTIVE_ICON_ALT "Active Mode"
+#define ACTIVE_ICON_ALT "アクティブモード"
#define STANDBY_ICON "standby.gif"
-#define STANDBY_ICON_ALT "Standby Mode"
+#define STANDBY_ICON_ALT "スタンバイモード"
#define HOST_DOWN_ICON "critical.png"
-#define HOST_DOWN_ICON_ALT "Host Down"
+#define HOST_DOWN_ICON_ALT "ホスト停止(DOWN)"
#define HOST_UNREACHABLE_ICON "critical.png"
-#define HOST_UNREACHABLE_ICON_ALT "Host Unreachable"
#define HOST_UP_ICON "recovery.png"
-#define HOST_UP_ICON_ALT "Host Up"
+#define HOST_UP_ICON_ALT "ホスト稼働(UP)"
#define HOST_NOTIFICATION_ICON "notify.gif"
-#define HOST_NOTIFICATION_ICON_ALT "Host Notification"
#define SERVICE_EVENT_ICON "serviceevent.gif"
-#define SERVICE_EVENT_ICON_ALT "Service Event Handler"
+#define SERVICE_EVENT_ICON_ALT "サービスイベントハンドラ"
#define HOST_EVENT_ICON "hostevent.gif"
-#define HOST_EVENT_ICON_ALT "Host Event Handler"
+#define HOST_EVENT_ICON_ALT "ホストイベントハンドラ"
#define THERM_OK_IMAGE "thermok.png"
#define THERM_WARNING_IMAGE "thermwarn.png"
diff --git a/make-patch b/make-patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d863a98cb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/make-patch
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+git d master..HEAD | gzip -c >/tmp/nagios-jp-4.5.2.huchiyama.patch.gz
diff --git a/sample-config/cgi.cfg.in b/sample-config/cgi.cfg.in
index c38892e532..59efbc6c01 100644
--- a/sample-config/cgi.cfg.in
+++ b/sample-config/cgi.cfg.in
@@ -420,3 +420,10 @@ navbar_search_for_aliases=1
#CMT_ACKNOWLEDGE_HOST_PROBLEM=2,"Problem is being looked into"
+# The font file used for the text of the image outputted by GD
+# is specified. The path of the file to specify is absolutely
+# performed by specification.
diff --git a/t/610cgistatus.t b/t/610cgistatus.t
index 3517899bc0..f0638a50af 100644
--- a/t/610cgistatus.t
+++ b/t/610cgistatus.t
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+# ステータスCGIのチェックを行う
# Checks for status.cgi
use warnings;
@@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ ok( $numhosts > 1, "Got $numhosts hosts, which is more than 1");
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REMOTE_USER=nagiosadmin REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING=host=host1 $cgi`;
like( $output, '/status.cgi\?host=host1&sorttype=1&sortoption=1/', "Host value should be set to specific host if passed in" );
-like( $output, '/1 Matching Services/', "Found the one host" );
+like( $output, '/1 のサービスを表示中/', "Found the one host" );
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REMOTE_USER=nagiosadmin REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING=host= $cgi`;
like( $output, '/status.cgi\?host=&sorttype=1&sortoption=1/', "Host value kept as blank if set to blank" );
-like( $output, '/0 Matching Services/', "Got no hosts because looking for a blank name" );
+like( $output, '/0 のサービスを表示中/', "Got no hosts because looking for a blank name" );
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REMOTE_USER=nagiosadmin REQUEST_METHOD=GET $cgi`;
like( $output, '/status.cgi\?host=all&sorttype=1&sortoption=1/', "Host value should be set to all if nothing set initially" );
@@ -41,5 +41,5 @@ $_ = grep /title=/, split("\n", $output);
is( $_, $numhosts, "Same number of hosts" );
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REMOTE_USER=second REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING=host=all $cgi`;
-like( $output, '/1 Matching Services/', "Got 1 service, as permission only allows one host");
+like( $output, '/1 のサービスを表示中/', "Got 1 service, as permission only allows one host");
diff --git a/t/615cgierror.t b/t/615cgierror.t
index 58e67c3f49..6864fd51af 100644
--- a/t/615cgierror.t
+++ b/t/615cgierror.t
@@ -30,6 +30,6 @@ plan tests => scalar keys %cgis;
foreach my $cgi (sort keys %cgis) {
my $output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.nonexistent REQUEST_METHOD=GET $cgi_dir/$cgi`;
- like( $output, "/Error: Could not open CGI config file 'etc/cgi.nonexistent' for reading/", "Found error for $cgi" );
+ like( $output, "/エラー: CGI設定ファイル 'etc/cgi.nonexistent' が読めません/", "Found error for $cgi" );
diff --git a/t/617statuswml.t b/t/617statuswml.t
index 2dcd482ba9..ef7e886380 100644
--- a/t/617statuswml.t
+++ b/t/617statuswml.t
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
+# ステータスswmlのチェック
# Checks for statuswml.cgi
use warnings;
@@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ plan tests => 5;
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING="ping=" $statuswml`;
unlike( $output, "/this should not get here/", "Check that security error does not exist" );
-like( $output, qr%
Invalid host name/ip
% );
+like( $output, qr%
% );
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING="traceroute=" $statuswml`;
unlike( $output, "/this should not get here/", "Check that security error does not exist" );
-like( $output, qr%
Invalid host name/ip
% );
+like( $output, qr%
% );
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING="ping=" $statuswml`;
-like( $output, qr%Results For Ping Of %, "Works correctly for valid address for ping" );
+like( $output, qr%へのPing結果: %, "Works correctly for valid address for ping" );
# Don't run this test below, because it actually invokes traceroute
#$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING="traceroute=" $statuswml`;
diff --git a/t/622extinfo-local.t b/t/622extinfo-local.t
index 1dfaa9b62e..6fc3b8b2fb 100644
--- a/t/622extinfo-local.t
+++ b/t/622extinfo-local.t
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ my $remote_user = "REMOTE_USER=nagiosadmin";
plan tests => 2;
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REQUEST_METHOD=GET $remote_user $extinfo_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/Process Information/", "extinfo.cgi without params show the process information" );
+like( $output, "/プロセス情報/", "extinfo.cgi without params show the process information" );
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg REQUEST_METHOD=GET $remote_user QUERY_STRING='&type=1&host=host1' $extinfo_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/Schedule downtime for all services on this host/", "extinfo.cgi allows us to set downtime for a host and all of his services" );
+like( $output, "/このホスト上の全サービスのダウンタイムをスケジュール/", "extinfo.cgi allows us to set downtime for a host and all of his services" );
diff --git a/t/623cmd-local.t b/t/623cmd-local.t
index 93c45daee8..1825ced34a 100644
--- a/t/623cmd-local.t
+++ b/t/623cmd-local.t
@@ -20,150 +20,150 @@ my $remote_user = 'REMOTE_USER=nagiosadmin';
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/
Error: No command was specified
/", "$local_cgi without params shows an error" );
+like( $output, "/
エラー: コマンドが選択されていません。
/", "$local_cgi without params shows an error" );
# Run many tests against commands which are not supportet by cmd.cgi
for (8, 18, 19, 31, 32, 53, 54, 69..77, 97, 98, 103..108, 115..120, 123..158, 161..169 ){
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
- unlike( $output, "/You are requesting to execute an unknown command. Shame on you!/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ results in an error" );
+ unlike( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:execute an unknown command. Shame on you!/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ results in an error" );
# Tests against command type '1'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to add a host comment/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows host comment form" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Author \\(Your Name\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストにコメントを追加する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows host comment form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '2'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to delete a host comment/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows host comment form" );
-like( $output, "/
Comment ID:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment ID field" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストのコメントを削除する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows host comment form" );
+like( $output, "/
コメント ID:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment ID field" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '3'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to add a service comment/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows service comment form" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Author \\(Your Name\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスにコメントを追加する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows service comment form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '4'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to delete a service comment/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows service comment delete form" );
-like( $output, "/
Comment ID:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment ID field" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスのコメントを削除する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows service comment delete form" );
+like( $output, "/
コメント ID:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment ID field" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '5'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable active checks of a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows enable active service checks form" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスチェックを有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows enable active service checks form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '6'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable active checks of a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows disable active service checks form" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスチェックを無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows disable active service checks form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '7'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule a service check/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request service check form" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Check Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:次回のサービスチェックを再スケジュール/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request service check form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Time in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '9'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to delay a service notification/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to delay service notification" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Notification Delay \\(minutes from now\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Notification Delay form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスの通知を遅らせる/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to delay service notification" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Notification Delay form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '10'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to delay a host notification/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to delay host notification" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Notification Delay \\(minutes from now\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Notification Delay form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストの通知を遅らせる/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to delay host notification" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Notification Delay form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '11'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notification/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notification" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:通知を無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notification" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '12'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notification/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notification" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:通知を有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notification" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '13'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to restart the Nagios process/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to restart Nagios" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:Nagiosの再起動/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to restart Nagios" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '14'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to shutdown the Nagios process/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to shutdown Nagios" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:Nagiosの停止/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to shutdown Nagios" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '15'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable active checks of all services on a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable active checks of all services on a host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストの全サービスを有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable active checks of all services on a host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '16'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable active checks of all services on a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable active checks of all services on a host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストの全サービスを無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable active checks of all services on a host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '17'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule a check of all services for a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request check all services on a host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Check Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストの全てのサービスチェックを遅らせる/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request check all services on a host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Time in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
@@ -171,94 +171,94 @@ unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "
# Tests against command type '20'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to delete all comments for a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to delete all comments for a host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストの全てのコメントを削除する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to delete all comments for a host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '21'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to delete all comments for a service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to delete all comments for a service" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスの全てのコメントを削除する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to delete all comments for a service" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '22'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for a service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for a service" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスの通知を有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for a service" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '23'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for a service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for a service" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスの通知を無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for a service" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '24'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for a host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストの通知を有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for a host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '25'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for a host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストの通知を無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for a host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '26'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for all hosts and services beyond a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all hosts and services beyond a host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホスト配下の全ホストとサービスの通知を有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all hosts and services beyond a host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '27'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for all hosts and services beyond a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all hosts and services beyond a host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホスト配下の全ホストとサービスの通知を無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all hosts and services beyond a host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '28'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for all services on a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all services on a host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホスト上の全サービスの通知を有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all services on a host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '29'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for all services on a host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all services on a host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホスト上の全サービスの通知を無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all services on a host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '30'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to submit a passive check result for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to submit passive check result for a particular service" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Check Result:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Result in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Check Output:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Output in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスのパッシブチェックの結果を登録する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to submit passive check result for a particular service" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Result in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Output in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
@@ -266,558 +266,558 @@ unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "
# Tests against command type '33'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to acknowledge a host problem/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to acknowledge a host problem" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Author \\(Your Name\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Sticky Acknowledgement:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows Sticky Acknowledge in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Send Notification:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows to send notification in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Persistent Comment:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows to set Persistent Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストの問題を既知にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to acknowledge a host problem" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows Sticky Acknowledge in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows to send notification in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows to set Persistent Comment in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '34'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to acknowledge a service problem/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to acknowledge a service problem" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Author \\(Your Name\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Sticky Acknowledgement:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows Sticky Acknowledge in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Send Notification:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows to send notification in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Persistent Comment:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows to set Persistent Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスの問題を既知にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to acknowledge a service problem" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows Sticky Acknowledge in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows to send notification in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ allows to set Persistent Comment in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '35'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to start executing active service checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start executing system wide active service checks" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスチェックを開始する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start executing system wide active service checks" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '36'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop executing active service checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop executing system wide active service checks" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスチェックを停止する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop executing system wide active service checks" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '37'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to start accepting passive service checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start accepting executing system wide passive service checks" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:パッシブサービスチェックを開始する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start accepting executing system wide passive service checks" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '38'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop accepting passive service checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop accepting system wide passive service checks" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:パッシブサービスチェックを停止する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop accepting system wide passive service checks" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '39'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to start accepting passive service checks for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start accepting passive service checks for a particular service" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスのパッシブチェックを開始する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start accepting passive service checks for a particular service" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '40'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop accepting passive service checks for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop accepting passive service checks for a particular service" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスのパッシブチェックを停止する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop accepting passive service checks for a particular service" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '41'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable event handlers/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable system wide event handlers" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:イベントハンドラを有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable system wide event handlers" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '42'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable event handlers/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable system wide event handlers" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:イベントハンドラを無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable system wide event handlers" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '43'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable the event handler for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable event handler of a particular host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストのイベントハンドラを有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable event handler of a particular host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '44'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable the event handler for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable event handler of a particular host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストのイベントハンドラを無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable event handler of a particular host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '45'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable the event handler for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable event handler of a particular service" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスのイベントハンドラを有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable event handler of a particular service" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '46'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable the event handler for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable event handler of a particular service" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスのイベントハンドラを無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable event handler of a particular service" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '47'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable active checks of a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable active checks of a particular host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストのアクティブチェックを有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable active checks of a particular host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '48'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable active checks of a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable active checks of a particular host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストのアクティブチェックを無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable active checks of a particular host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '49'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to start obsessing over service checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start obsessing over service checks" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:Obsessing Overサービスチェックを開始する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start obsessing over service checks" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '50'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop obsessing over service checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop obsessing over service checks" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:Obsessing Overサービスチェックを停止する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop obsessing over service checks" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '51'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to remove a host acknowledgement/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to remove a host acknowledgement" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストの既知の問題を削除する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to remove a host acknowledgement" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '52'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to remove a service acknowledgement/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to remove a service acknowledgement" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスの既知の問題を削除する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to remove a service acknowledgement" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '55'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for a particular Host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Author \\(Your Name\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Start Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
-like( $output, "/
End Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストのダウンタイムをスケジュールに追加する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for a particular Host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '56'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for a particular Service" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Author \\(Your Name\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Start Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
-like( $output, "/
End Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスのダウンタイムをスケジュールに追加する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for a particular Service" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '57'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable flap detection for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable flap detection for a particular host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストのフラップ検知を有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable flap detection for a particular host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '58'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable flap detection for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable flap detection for a particular host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストのフラップ検知を無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable flap detection for a particular host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '59'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable flap detection for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable flap detection for a particular service" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスのフラップ検知を有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable flap detection for a particular service" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '60'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable flap detection for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable flap detection for a particular service" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスのフラップ検知を無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable flap detection for a particular service" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '61'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable flap detection for hosts and services/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable flap detection for hosts and services" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストとサービスのフラップ検知を有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable flap detection for hosts and services" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '62'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable flap detection for hosts and services/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable flap detection for hosts and services" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストとサービスのフラップ検知を無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable flap detection for hosts and services" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '63'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for all services in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all services in a particular hostgroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Hostgroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストグループ上の全サービスの通知を有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all services in a particular hostgroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '64'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for all services in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all services in a particular hostgroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Hostgroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストグループ上の全サービスの通知を無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all services in a particular hostgroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '65'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for all hosts in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all hosts in a particular hostgroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Hostgroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストグループ上の全ホストの通知を有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all hosts in a particular hostgroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '66'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for all hosts in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all hosts in a particular hostgroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Hostgroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストグループ上の全ホストの通知を無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all hosts in a particular hostgroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '67'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable active checks of all services in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable active checks of all services in a particular hostgroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Hostgroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストグループ上の全てのサービスチェックを有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable active checks of all services in a particular hostgroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '68'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable active checks of all services in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable active checks of all services in a particular hostgroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Hostgroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストグループ上の全てのサービスチェックを無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable active checks of all services in a particular hostgroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '78'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to cancel scheduled downtime for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to cancel scheduled downtime for a particular host" );
-like( $output, "/
Scheduled Downtime ID:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Scheduled Downtime ID in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストのダウンタイムをキャンセルする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to cancel scheduled downtime for a particular host" );
+like( $output, "/
ダウンタイム ID:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Scheduled Downtime ID in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '79'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to cancel scheduled downtime for a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to cancel scheduled downtime for a particular service" );
-like( $output, "/
Scheduled Downtime ID:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Scheduled Downtime ID in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:サービスのダウンタイムをキャンセルする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to cancel scheduled downtime for a particular service" );
+like( $output, "/
ダウンタイム ID:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Scheduled Downtime ID in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '82'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable performance data processing for hosts and services/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable performance data processing for hosts and services" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストとサービスのパフォーマンスデータを有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable performance data processing for hosts and services" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '83'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable performance data processing for hosts and services/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable performance data processing for hosts and services" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストとサービスのパフォーマンスデータを無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable performance data processing for hosts and services" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '84'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for all hosts in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all hosts in a particular hostgroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Hostgroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Author \\(Your Name\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Start Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
-like( $output, "/
End Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストグループ上のホストのダウンタイムをスケジュールに追加する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all hosts in a particular hostgroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '85'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for all services in a particular hostgroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all services in a particular hostgroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Hostgroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Author \\(Your Name\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Start Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
-like( $output, "/
End Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストグループ上のサービスのダウンタイムをスケジュールに追加する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all services in a particular hostgroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Hostgroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '86'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for all services for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all services for a particular host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Author \\(Your Name\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Start Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
-like( $output, "/
End Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストの全サービスのダウンタイムをスケジュールに追加する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all services for a particular host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '87'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to submit a passive check result for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to submit a passive check result for a particular host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Check Result:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Result in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Check Output:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Output in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストのパッシブチェックの結果を登録する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to submit a passive check result for a particular host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Result in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Output in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '88'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to start executing host checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start executing host checks" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストチェックを開始する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start executing host checks" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '89'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop executing host checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop executing host checks" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストチェックを停止する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop executing host checks" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '90'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to start accepting passive host checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start accepting passive host checks" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:パッシブホストのチェックを開始する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start accepting passive host checks" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '91'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop accepting passive host checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop accepting passive host checks" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:パッシブホストのチェックを停止する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop accepting passive host checks" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '92'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to start accepting passive checks for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start accepting passive checks for a particular host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストのパッシブチェックを開始する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start accepting passive checks for a particular host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '93'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop accepting passive checks for a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop accepting passive checks for a particular host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストのパッシブチェックを停止する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop accepting passive checks for a particular host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '94'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to start obsessing over host checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start obsessing over host checks" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:Obsessing Overホストのチェックを開始する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start obsessing over host checks" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '95'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop obsessing over host checks/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop obsessing over host checks" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:Obsessing Overホストのチェックを停止する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop obsessing over host checks" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '96'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule a host check/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule a host check" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Check Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:ホストチェックをスケジュールに追加する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule a host check" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Check Time in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '99'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to start obsessing over a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start obsessing over a particular service" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスのObsessing Overを開始する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start obsessing over a particular service" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '100'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop obsessing over a particular service/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop obsessing over a particular service" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスのObsessing Overを停止する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop obsessing over a particular service" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '101'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to start obsessing over a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start obsessing over a particular host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストのObsessing Overを開始する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to start obsessing over a particular host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '102'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to stop obsessing over a particular host/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop obsessing over a particular host" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したホストのObsessing Overを停止する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to stop obsessing over a particular host" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '109'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for all services in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all services in a particular servicegroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Servicegroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスグループ上の全サービスの通知を有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all services in a particular servicegroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '110'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for all services in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all services in a particular servicegroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Servicegroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスグループ上の全サービスの通知を無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all services in a particular servicegroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '111'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable notifications for all hosts in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all hosts in a particular servicegroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Servicegroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスグループ上の全ホストの通知を有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable notifications for all hosts in a particular servicegroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '112'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable notifications for all hosts in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all hosts in a particular servicegroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Servicegroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスグループ上の全ホストの通知を無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable notifications for all hosts in a particular servicegroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '113'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to enable active checks of all services in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable active checks of all services in a particular servicegroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Servicegroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスグループ上の全てのサービスチェックを有効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to enable active checks of all services in a particular servicegroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '114'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to disable active checks of all services in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable active checks of all services in a particular servicegroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Servicegroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスグループ上の全てのサービスチェックを無効にする/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to disable active checks of all services in a particular servicegroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '121'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for all hosts in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all hosts in a particular servicegroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Servicegroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Start Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
-like( $output, "/
End Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Author \\(Your Name\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスグループ上のホストのダウンタイムをスケジュールに追加する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all hosts in a particular servicegroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '122'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to schedule downtime for all services in a particular servicegroup/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all services in a particular servicegroup" );
-like( $output, "/
Servicegroup Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Start Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
-like( $output, "/
End Time:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Author \\(Your Name\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:指定したサービスグループ上のサービスのダウンタイムをスケジュールに追加する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to schedule downtime for all services in a particular servicegroup" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Servicegroup Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Start Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires End Time in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '159'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to send a custom host notification/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to send a custom host notification" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Author \\(Your Name\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:カスタムホスト通知を送信する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to send a custom host notification" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
# Tests against command type '160'
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi.cfg $remote_user REQUEST_METHOD=GET QUERY_STRING='cmd_typ=$cmd_typ' $local_cgi`;
-like( $output, "/You are requesting to send a custom service notification/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to send a custom service notification" );
-like( $output, "/
Host Name:
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
-like( $output, "/
Author \\(Your Name\\):
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
-like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
+like( $output, "/リクエストしたコマンド:カスタムサービス通知を送信する/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ shows request to send a custom service notification" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Host Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Service in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Author Name in form" );
+like( $output, "/
/", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ requires Comment in form" );
unlike( $output, "/Sorry, but no information is available for this command./", "$local_cgi with cmd_typ=$cmd_typ has a command description" );
diff --git a/t/660status-downtimes-comments.t b/t/660status-downtimes-comments.t
index 32b5f3f42c..38b0da07b9 100644
--- a/t/660status-downtimes-comments.t
+++ b/t/660status-downtimes-comments.t
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ while($iteration <= $iterations_max) {
my $start = time;
$output = `NAGIOS_CGI_CONFIG=etc/cgi-with-generated-status.cfg REQUEST_METHOD=GET REMOTE_USER=nagiosadmin QUERY_STRING="host=host1" $status_cgi`;
my $duration = time-$start;
- like( $output, "/This service has $num_comments comments associated with it/", "Found $num_comments comments in HTML output from status.dat. Took $duration seconds" );
+ like( $output, "/このサービスには $num_comments 個のコメントがあります/", "Found $num_comments comments in HTML output from status.dat. Took $duration seconds" );
# This test is invalid - the comments displayed are in the order they are read
# As the test status.dat generator is in a random order, the output will also be in the same