Before you can use CVAT, you’ll need to get it installed. The document below contains instructions for the most popular operating systems. If your system is not covered by the document it should be relatively straight forward to adapt the instructions below for other systems.
Probably you need to modify the instructions below in case you are behind a proxy server. Proxy is an advanced topic and it is not covered by the guide.
Open a terminal window. If you don't know how to open a terminal window on Ubuntu please read the answer.
Type commands below into the terminal window to install
. More instructions can be found here.sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y \ apt-transport-https \ ca-certificates \ curl \ gnupg-agent \ software-properties-common curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository \ "deb [arch=amd64] \ $(lsb_release -cs) \ stable" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli
Perform post-installation steps to run docker without root permissions.
sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
Log out and log back in (or reboot) so that your group membership is re-evaluated. You can type
command in a terminal window after that and check ifdocker
group is in its output. -
Install docker-compose (1.19.0 or newer). Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container docker applications.
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip sudo pip3 install docker-compose
Clone CVAT source code from the GitHub repository.
sudo apt-get install -y git git clone cd cvat
Build docker images by default. It will take some time to download public docker image ubuntu:16.04 and install all necessary ubuntu packages to run CVAT server.
docker-compose build
Run docker containers. It will take some time to download public docker images like postgres:10.3-alpine, redis:4.0.5-alpine and create containers.
docker-compose up -d
You can register a user but by default it will not have rights even to view list of tasks. Thus you should create a superuser. A superuser can use an admin panel to assign correct groups to the user. Please use the command below:
docker exec -it cvat bash -ic 'python3 ~/ createsuperuser'
Choose login and password for your admin account. For more information please read Django documentation.
Google Chrome is the only browser which is supported by CVAT. You need to install it as well. Type commands below in a terminal window:
wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add - sudo sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google-chrome.list' sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable
Open the installed Google Chrome browser and go to localhost:8080. Type your login/password for the superuser on the login page and press the Login button. Now you should be able to create a new annotation task. Please read the CVAT user's guide for more details.
Download Docker for Windows. Double-click
Docker for Windows Installer
to run the installer. More instructions can be found here. Note: Docker Desktop requires Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise version 14393 to run. -
Download and install Git for Windows. When installing the package please keep all options by default. More information about the package can be found here.
Download and install Google Chrome. It is the only browser which is supported by CVAT.
Go to windows menu, find
Git Bash
application and run it. You should see a terminal window. -
Clone CVAT source code from the GitHub repository.
git clone cd cvat
Build docker images by default. It will take some time to download public docker image ubuntu:16.04 and install all necessary ubuntu packages to run CVAT server.
docker-compose build
Run docker containers. It will take some time to download public docker images like postgres:10.3-alpine, redis:4.0.5-alpine and create containers.
docker-compose up -d
You can register a user but by default it will not have rights even to view list of tasks. Thus you should create a superuser. A superuser can use an admin panel to assign correct groups to other users. Please use the command below:
winpty docker exec -it cvat bash -ic 'python3 ~/ createsuperuser'
Choose login and password for your admin account. For more information please read Django documentation.
Open the installed Google Chrome browser and go to localhost:8080. Type your login/password for the superuser on the login page and press the Login button. Now you should be able to create a new annotation task. Please read the CVAT user's guide for more details.
Download Docker for Mac. Double-click Docker.dmg to open the installer, then drag Moby the whale to the Applications folder. Double-click in the Applications folder to start Docker. More instructions can be found here.
There are several ways to install Git on a Mac. The easiest is probably to install the Xcode Command Line Tools. On Mavericks (10.9) or above you can do this simply by trying to run git from the Terminal the very first time.
git --version
If you don’t have it installed already, it will prompt you to install it. More instructions can be found here.
Download and install Google Chrome. It is the only browser which is supported by CVAT.
Open a terminal window. The terminal app is in the Utilities folder in Applications. To open it, either open your Applications folder, then open Utilities and double-click on Terminal, or press Command - spacebar to launch Spotlight and type "Terminal," then double-click the search result.
Clone CVAT source code from the GitHub repository.
git clone cd cvat
Build docker images by default. It will take some time to download public docker image ubuntu:16.04 and install all necessary ubuntu packages to run CVAT server.
docker-compose build
Run docker containers. It will take some time to download public docker images like postgres:10.3-alpine, redis:4.0.5-alpine and create containers.
docker-compose up -d
You can register a user but by default it will not have rights even to view list of tasks. Thus you should create a superuser. A superuser can use an admin panel to assign correct groups to other users. Please use the command below:
docker exec -it cvat bash -ic 'python3 ~/ createsuperuser'
Choose login and password for your admin account. For more information please read Django documentation.
Open the installed Google Chrome browser and go to localhost:8080. Type your login/password for the superuser on the login page and press the Login button. Now you should be able to create a new annotation task. Please read the CVAT user's guide for more details.
- Auto annotation using DL models in OpenVINO toolkit format
- Analytics: management and monitoring of data annotation team
- TF Object Detection API: auto annotation
- Support for NVIDIA GPUs
- Semi-automatic segmentation with Deep Extreme Cut
# Build and run containers with CUDA and OpenVINO support
# IMPORTANT: need to download OpenVINO package before running the command
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f components/cuda/docker-compose.cuda.yml -f components/openvino/docker-compose.openvino.yml up -d --build
# Build and run containers with Analytics component support:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f components/analytics/ up -d --build
The command below stops and removes containers, networks, volumes, and images
created by up
docker-compose down
If you want to access you instance of CVAT outside of your localhost you should specify the ALLOWED_HOSTS environment variable. The best way to do that is to create docker-compose.override.yml and put all your extra settings here.
version: "2.3"
- "80:8080"
Please don't forget include this file to docker-compose commands using the -f
option (in some cases it can be omitted).
You can use a share storage for data uploading during you are creating a task. To do that you can mount it to CVAT docker container. Example of docker-compose.override.yml for this purpose:
version: "2.3"
CVAT_SHARE_URL: "Mounted from /mnt/share host directory"
- cvat_share:/home/django/share:ro
type: none
device: /mnt/share
o: bind
You can change the share device path to your actual share. For user convenience we have defined the environment variable $CVAT_SHARE_URL. This variable contains a text (url for example) which is shown in the client-share browser.