- Added palm/invalid finger type
- Added trackpoint logic improvements by @1Revenger1
- Seperated X and Y axis
- Switched to higher resolution (400)
- Added divisor for scroll and mouse movement
- Workaround crashes with USB devices on macOS 13, thx @kprinssu
- Improved touch state abstraction
- Remove angle calculation
- Eliminate leftover scaling of physical dimensions by x10
- Add trackpoint device from VoodooTrackpoint
- Initial MacKernelSDK and Xcode 12 compatibility
- Allowed to set finger type externally to fix swiping desktops when holding a dragged item
- Added a message to allow client to set gesture orientation when rotating a touchscreen (thx @Goshin)
- Reduced memory consumption and CPU usage
- Fixed dragging issues on some touchpads
- Don't read extra finger if there is no stylus
- Improve handling of slow to respond devices
- Improved compatibility with MT2 emulation (thx @Goshin)
- Improved compatibility with VoodooI2C (thx @kprinssu)
- Fix dragging/selection instability while touchpad button is pressed
- Bundle SDK in resources for DEBUG builds
- Fixed interpreting transducer type data
- Minor deployment fixes
- Resolved loading issues on some configurations (thx @Sniki)
- Added support for macOS versions prior to 10.15
- Initial release