diff --git a/R/tex-utils.R b/R/tex-utils.R
index 6495d7350..5ab6e2377 100644
--- a/R/tex-utils.R
+++ b/R/tex-utils.R
@@ -38,43 +38,53 @@ tex.catwitherror <- function(x, dx, digits=1, with.dollar=TRUE, with.cdot=TRUE,
   if(missing(x) || length(x) == 0) {
     stop("x must be a numeric vector with length > 0")
-  if(length(x) == 2){
+  if (!missing(dx)) {
+    have.error <- TRUE
+  } else if (length(x) == 2) {
     dx <- x[2]
     x <- x[1]
     have.error <- TRUE
-  }else if(!missing(dx)){
-    have.error <- TRUE
-  }else{
+  } else {
     have.error <- FALSE
+  tmp <- character(length(x))
-  if(!have.error){
+  if (!have.error) {
     ## just a number without error
-    tmp <- formatC(x, digits=digits, ...)
+    tmp <- sapply(x, formatC, digits = digits, ...)
-  else if(is.numeric(dx) && dx == 0){
-    tmp <- formatC(x, digits=digits, ...)
-    if(grepl("e", tmp, fixed=TRUE)){
-      tmp <- sub("e", "(0)e", tmp)
-    }else{
-      tmp <- paste0(tmp, "(0)")
+  else {
+    zero_error <- is.numeric(dx) & dx == 0
+    if (any(zero_error)) {
+      tmp[zero_error] <- formatC(x[zero_error], digits = digits, ...)
+      tmp[zero_error] <- ifelse(
+        grepl("e", tmp[zero_error], fixed = TRUE),
+        sub("e", "(0)e", tmp[zero_error]),
+        paste0(tmp[zero_error], "(0)"))
-  }
-  else{
-    if(requireNamespace('errors')){
-      tmp <- format(errors::set_errors(x, dx), digits=digits, ...)
-    }else{
-      warning("The `errors`-package is not installed. The output of `tex.catwitherror` might not be as you want it.")
-      tmp <- formatC(x, digits=digits, ...)
-      tmp <- paste0(tmp, " +- ", formatC(dx, digits=digits, ...))
+    if (any(!zero_error)) {
+      if (requireNamespace('errors')) {
+        tmp[!zero_error] <-
+          format(errors::set_errors(x[!zero_error], dx[!zero_error]), digits = digits, ...)
+      } else{
+        warning(
+          "The `errors`-package is not installed. The output of `tex.catwitherror` might not be as you want it."
+        )
+        tmp[!zero_error] <-
+          formatC(x[!zero_error], digits = digits, ...)
+        tmp[!zero_error] <-
+          paste0(tmp[!zero_error], " +- ", formatC(dx[!zero_error], digits = digits, ...))
+      }
-  } 
+  }
-  if(with.cdot){
-    if(grepl("e", tmp, fixed=TRUE)){
-      tmp <- sub("e", "\\\\cdot 10^{", tmp)
-      tmp <- paste0(tmp, "}")
-    }
+  if (with.cdot) {
+    tmp <- ifelse(
+      grepl("e", tmp, fixed = TRUE),
+      paste0(sub("e", "\\\\cdot 10^{", tmp), "}"),
+      tmp)
     tmp <- sub("+-", "\\\\pm", tmp, fixed=TRUE)
   if (with.dollar) {
diff --git a/tests/testthat/test_tex_catwitherror.R b/tests/testthat/test_tex_catwitherror.R
index 26c0c89c5..764e15939 100644
--- a/tests/testthat/test_tex_catwitherror.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test_tex_catwitherror.R
@@ -75,3 +75,31 @@ test_that('vector', {
                      tex.catwitherror(c(x, dx), digits = 4))
+test_that('vectorized_two_elements', {
+    val <- runif(2)
+    err <- runif(2)
+    str_apply <- mapply(function (v, e) tex.catwitherror(v, e), val, err)
+    str_vec <- tex.catwitherror(val, err)
+    expect_equal(str_apply, str_vec)
+test_that('vectorized_with_zero_error', {
+    val <- runif(20)
+    err <- c(runif(10), rep(0.0, 10))
+    str_apply <- mapply(function (v, e) tex.catwitherror(v, e), val, err)
+    str_vec <- tex.catwitherror(val, err)
+    expect_equal(str_apply, str_vec)
+test_that('vectorized_with_zero_error_at_front', {
+    val <- runif(20)
+    err <- c(rep(0.0, 10), runif(10))
+    str_apply <- mapply(function (v, e) tex.catwitherror(v, e), val, err)
+    str_vec <- tex.catwitherror(val, err)
+    expect_equal(str_apply, str_vec)
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