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Python Statistics

This is a Python implementation of Statistics. It calculates various summary statistics for entire dataset and also for all subgroups created by combining all possible values of nominal covariates.

It has two modes

  1. compute --mode intermediate
  2. compute --mode aggregate --job-ids 1 2 3

Intermediate mode calculates statistics from a single node, while aggregate mode is used after intermediate to combine statistics from multiple jobs. Intermediate mode can be also used to calculate statistics from single node.

Build (for contributors)

Run: ./

Integration Test (for contributors)

Run: captain test

Publish (for contributors)

Run: ./

Unit tests (for contributors)

Create symlink from python-summary-statistics to mip_helper module from python-mip

ln -s ~/projects/python-base-docker-images/python-mip/mip_helper/mip_helper mip_helper

Run unit tests

find . -name \*.pyc -delete
(cd tests; docker-compose run test_suite -x --ff --capture=no)