# Boolean - Enable or disable the plugin
enabled: true
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Boolean - Enable or disable the disenchantment feature
enabled: true
# List<String> - List of worlds where the disenchantment is disabled
disabled-worlds: [ ]
# List<String> - List of materials that are not allowed to be disenchanted
disabled-materials: [ ]
# List<String> - List of enchantments states for how they should be handled
# Format is: "enchantment:keep" or "enchantment:disabled"
# Keep = Do not remove the enchantment from the item
# Disabled = Do not proceed with the disenchantment if the enchantment is present
enchantments-states: [ ]
# Boolean - Enable or disable the anvil sound
enabled: true
# Double - Edit the volume and pitch of the anvil sound
volume: 1.0
pitch: 1.0
# Boolean - Enable or disable the repair cost reset back to 0 when the item is disenchanted
reset: false
# Boolean - Enable or disable the repair cost
cost: true
# Double - Base value for the cost of the disenchantment
base: 10
# Double - This multiplication is applied to the base value
# The enchantments are sorted by level in descending order, so the more enchantments you have, the more expensive it is
# Multiplication value from 0 to [max int value] (0.25 = 25%)
# It is calculated by the following:
# base + (level * multiply)
# Example: base = 10, sharpness = 5, fire_aspect = 1, multiplier = 0.25
# 10 + (1 * 1) = 11 -> 11 + (5 * 1.25) = 17.25 -> 17.25
multiply: 0.25
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Boolean - Enable or disable the shatterment feature
enabled: true
# List<String> - List of worlds where the shatterment is disabled
disabled-worlds: [ ]
# List<String> - List of enchantments states for how they should be handled
# Format is: "enchantment:keep" or "enchantment:disabled"
# Keep = Do not remove the enchantment from the item
# Disabled = Do not proceed with the disenchantment if the enchantment is present
enchantments-states: [ ]
# Boolean - Enable or disable the anvil sound
enabled: true
# Double - Edit the volume and pitch of the anvil sound
volume: 1.0
pitch: 1.0
# Boolean - Enable or disable the repair cost reset back to 0 when the item is disenchanted
reset: false
# Boolean - Enable or disable the repair cost
cost: true
# Double - Base value for the cost of the shatterment
base: 10
# Double - This multiplication is applied to the base value
# The enchantments are sorted by level in descending order, so the more enchantments you have, the more expensive it is
# Multiplication value from 0 to [max int value] (0.25 = 25%)
# It is calculated by the following:
# base + (level * multiply)
# Example: base = 10, sharpness = 5, fire_aspect = 1, multiplier = 0.25
# 10 + (1 * 1) = 11 -> 11 + (5 * 1.25) = 17.25 -> 17.25
multiply: 0.25