Cynagora provide a mechanism called agent that allows to add logic of autorization to cynagora. It can be used for example to query a user to autorize or not a permission ponctually.
Cynagora server implements a predefined agent named the at
agent that
implements a simple redirection of a query.
Rules of the database have a RESULT. That result is either yes
, no
an agent query. An agent query is of the form:
where NAME is the name of the agent, VALUE is a value attached to the rule and passed to the agent when querying it.
The colon between the NAME and the VALUE is mandatory.
The agent is queried to give a result with the following values:
The file cynagora.initial
that provides a default initialisation file
has the following lines:
* * @ADMIN * yes forever
* * 0 * @:%c;%s;@ADMIN;%p forever
The first line defines a special user @ADMIN
that always has the permission.
The special user can be seen as a group: the admin group. Remember that strings
of the database are conventionnal, that is that the meaning of the USER part
is conventionnal. A common convention is to use the decimal representation of
the UID of the unix account to check. That convention is used on the second
line. That second line defines that the user root (UID 0) is in the group
admin. To achieve that it uses the agent-AT mecanism.
So if no other rule was selected for the user 0
then cynagora find at least
the rule that requires to query the predefined agent @
(AT) with the value
The agent is asked with the following values:
the valueCLIENT
, the values of original request
The AT-agent use the value %c;%s;@ADMIN;%p
to compose a check query.
it interpret the value as a semi-colon separated rule query of cynagora, in the
order: client, session, user, permission. Then it replaces any occurency of:
with value ofCLIENT
of original request%s
with value ofSESSION
of original request%u
with value ofUSER
of original request%p
with value ofPERMISSION
of original request%%
So for the given value, the result at the end is the result of querying cynagora for the result of:
- client: %c that is substituted by CLIENT
- session: %s that is substituted by SESSION
- user: @ADMIN
- permission: %p that is substituted by PERMISSION
The query to cynagora with CLIENT SESSION @ADMIN PERMMISSION must be done using sub-query of agents.