To make the server available publicly, you will have to open the following ports in your firewall or security group.
- 7777/UDP
- 7777/TCP
- 7778/UDP
- 7778/TCP
- 9002/UDP
If the game server is running behind a router, you'll need to forward the above ports as well.
The simplest way to get a game server running on linux is to use the pre-built taserver-docker image. See chickenbellyfin/taserver on Docker Hub for full details.
Install docker and then run:
docker run \
--name "taserver" -d --cap-add NET_ADMIN \
-v "$(pwd)/gamesettings:/gamesettings" -p "9002:9002/tcp" \
-p "7777:7777/tcp" -p "7777:7777/udp" \
-p "7778:7778/tcp" -p "7778:7778/udp" \
These instructions are if you would like to install and run taserver directly without using docker. The steps are specific to debian/ubuntu but it should be possible to use a different distribution as well.
Wine is used to run windows programs (Tribes Ascend) on linux. Python is required to run taserver. This step may take a long time.
$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y wine winetricks python3 python3-pip unzip
$ WINEARCH=win32 winetricks -q vcrun2017 dotnet48
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
You only need this step if you are on a machine without a display, such as a server
$ sudo apt-get install xvfb
$ Xvfb :1 &> xvfb.out & export DISPLAY=":1"
$ mkdir /home/$USER/tribes && cd /home/$USER/tribes
Download and extract it to /home/$USER/tribes/Tribes_Ascend_Parting_Gifts/ download link
$ cd /home/$USER/tribes
# Check and replace the TAG with the newest version
$ TAG="v2.8.0"
$ wget -O$
$ unzip -q
$ mv $(ls | grep taserver-*) taserver && rm
Update dir = /home/$USER/tribes/Tribes_Ascend_Parting_Gifts/Binaries/Win32
where $USER
is your username
should look like this
host =
port = 9001
dir = /home/<user>/tribes/Tribes_Ascend_Parting_Gifts/Binaries/Win32
controller_dll = TAMods-Server.dll
controller_config = gamesettings/ootb/serverconfig.lua
injector_exe = InjectorStandalone.exe
$ cd /home/$USER/tribes/taserver
$ python3
$ python3
Run these steps every time you want to start the server.
$ cd /home/$USER/tribes/taserver
# If you installed xvfb in the earlier previous step, run it in the background
$ pkill Xvfb
$ Xvfb :1 &> xvfb.out & export DISPLAY=":1"
# start firewall and game server launcher
$ sudo python3 &> /dev/null &
$ python3