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Body Temperature

Forstride edited this page Feb 10, 2024 · 50 revisions

Body Temperature is one of the core mechanics of Tough As Nails. Temperature works on a 5-tier scale, consisting of the following values:

  • Icy
  • Cold
  • Neutral
  • Warm
  • Hot

Your body temperature will slowly change to match the environmental temperature, which can be affected by many different sources, including the following:

A Thermometer can be used to immediately check the current environmental temperature. When your body temperature is in the Icy/Hot range, you will be at risk of Hypo/Hyperthermia respectively, which will slowly damage you over time.

Temperature sources such as blocks, armor, held items, and consumed items will show a tooltip for whether they provide cooling or heating. Additionally, Potions of Fire Resistance and Ice Resistance, the temporary Climate Clemency effect, and the Thermal Tuning enchantment can protect you from the negative effects of extreme temperatures.

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