This document describes style guide for Python code used in this project
Shall be compliant with official PEP 8 – Style Guide for Python Code with exceptions/specifications described in this document.
Not limited.
Motivations: everyone has different size of monitor and can set individual soft-word wrap.
PyCharm 2022.2:
- File > Settings > Editor > Code Style:
- Hard wrap at: 1000
- View > Active Editor > Soft-Wrap
Allowed when it helps to read the code.
COLOR_LIGHT_YELLOW = '\033[0;93m'
COLOR_LIGHT_BLUE = '\033[0;94m'
COLOR_LIGHT_MAGENTA = '\033[0;95m'
COLOR_LIGHT_CYAN = '\033[0;96m'
PyCharm 2022.2:
- File > Settings > Editor > Inspections > Python
- PEP8 coding style violation
- Options, Ignored errors - add 'E221'
- PEP8 coding style violation
Use type hints of Python v3.6 as much as possible, including return types of functions/methods.
Exception: 'self' parameter is class methods
- More easy code reading
- Enabling type validation by PyCharm
May not contain @staticmethod
Motivation: to have uniform declaration of all methods
PyCharm 2022.2:
- File > Settings > Editor > Inspections > Python
- Method is not declared static