All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- fix(language): Set fallback language to English when Dutch for example is not available
- docs: clean up Keycloak section from README by @hcvdwerf in #141
- feat(language): add Dutch facet translations to translations table by @Markus92 in #129
- chore(deps): update aquasecurity/trivy-action action to v0.26.0 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #128
- chore(deps): update redis docker tag to v7 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #134
- chore(deps): update aquasecurity/trivy-action action to v0.27.0 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #140
- fix: bugfix on harvesters by @brunopacheco1 in #131
- fix: reduce cron job for harvesting to every 15min by @brunopacheco1 in #139
- chore(deps): update ckan/ckan-base docker tag to v2.10.5 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #115
- chore(deps): update ckan/ckan-dev docker tag to v2.10.5 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #116
- feat(scheming): set up GDI presets (for datetime scheming) by @Markus92 in #119
- chore(deps): update postgres docker tag to v17 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #124
- feat: Upgrade to DCAT AP 3 by @hcvdwerf in #125
- chore(deps): update aquasecurity/trivy-action action to v0.25.0 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in https://
- feat(auth): remove Keycloak integration from CKAN and user portal by @hcvdwerf in #121
- fix: user permissions error causes oidc plugin to error by @Markus92 in #114
- chore(deps): remove vulnerable packages by @brunopacheco1 in #126
- chore(deps): update fsfe/reuse-action action to v4 - autoclosed by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #83
- chore(deps): update docker/build-push-action action to v6 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #82
- chore(deps): update docker/login-action digest to 0d4c9c5 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #79
- chore(deps): update docker/metadata-action digest to a64d048 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #80
- chore(deps): update oss-review-toolkit/ort-ci-github-action digest to 81698a9 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #81
- chore(deps): update postgres docker tag to v16 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #84
- chore(deps): update azure/webapps-deploy digest to 5c1d76e by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #78
- chore: setup default user permissions by @brunopacheco1 in #109
- chore: change from Catalogues to Organizations by @nolliia in #110
- chore: merge RUN commands by @brunopacheco1 in #111
- Update fairdatapoint extension by @hcvdwerf in #113
- fix: Set compatibility_mode to false to map correctly publisher close… by @hcvdwerf in #74
- chore: change versions of fairdatapoint harvester and gdi extensions by @a-nayden in #66
- chore: update vocabulary by @a-nayden in #68
- chore: update fairdatapoint by @hcvdwerf in #69
- fix(cron): Run harvester cron job in background (run and clean up log… by @hcvdwerf in #71
- fix(csv): resolve "extra data after last expected column" error by @hcvdwerf in #70
chore: change versions of fairdatapoint harvester and gdi extensions
- fix: fix harvester issues
- chore: preload CKAN term translation by @brunopacheco1 in #56
- chore: remove keycloak from localhost by @brunopacheco1 in #58
- chore(deps): bump 2.10 version to 2.10.4 by @hcvdwerf in #57
- chore: update gdi-userportal reference by @a-nayden in #60
- chore: add more labels by @brunopacheco1 in #62
- fix(azure-deployment): Trigger repull on new CKAN version by updating… by @hcvdwerf in #52
- fix: point to fairdatapoint extension tag by @a-nayden in #54
- fix: #51 bug report by @hcvdwerf in #55
- fix: set up profiles to fix parsing from file bug by @a-nayden in #59
- fix: update gdi-userportal reference by @a-nayden in #61
- enable multilingual plugins; pre-populate ckan db with labels by @a-nayden in #53
- fix: update fairdatapoint harvester reference by @a-nayden in #63
- chore: #15 add REUSE headers by @brunopacheco1 in #44
- feat(harvester): Configure automatic CRON job for CKAN Harvester #25 by @hcvdwerf in #45
- fix: Re-add ckanext scheming extension from Civity to solved harvester issues
- fix(theme-fetcher): handle empty iterable in theme reduction process #36 by @hcvdwerf in #48
- ckanext-scheming v3.0.0.
- ckanext-dcat v1.5.1.
- ckanext-harvest v1.5.6.
- ckanext-gdi-userportal v1.0.0.
- ckanext-oidc-pkce v0.3.1.
- minimal default scheming for GDI User Portal.
- Unused datastore dependencies.
- Replaced all non-GDI extension locations by their original ones.