A Python Package dedicated to Puzzle solving. Developed as of part of the UC Berkeley GamesCrafters.
Clone this repository and install the dependencies (it's recommended to use a virtualenv when installing dependencies of any project):
git clone https://github.com/GamesCrafters/GamesmanPuzzles.git
cd GamesmanPuzzles
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run from the base directory of the repositiory
python puzzleplayer.py hanoi
to play a puzzle of Towers of Hanoi
Run from the base directory of the respository
python server.py
to access the webserver. The server should be running at
Tips for exploring this repository:
- Follow the guides and learn how to create a puzzle and a solver!
- Definitely explore the puzzlesolver in depth.
- Understand what a puzzle tree is.
Guidelines for contributing puzzles or solvers
- Puzzles/solvers must be pushed into their respective directory encompassed in the
directory. - Every solved Puzzle must have their respective test. The bare minimum for a test is to check the remoteness of an arbitrary position that is not a SOLVABLE position.
Every change must be done using a pull request. Here are the directions to fork a repository and make a change.
Fall 2020:
Anthony Ling, Mark Presten, Arturo Olvera
Spring 2021:
Anthony Ling, Mark Presten, Brian Delaney, Yishu Chao, Sophia Xiao