diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 429d7f1d..b907ef69 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ If `-hotkey` is used, then one CSV is created for each time recording is started | ProcessID | The process ID of the process that called Present(). | | | SwapChainAddress | The address of the swap chain that was presented into. | | | Runtime | The runtime used to present (e.g., D3D9 or DXGI). | | -| SyncInterval | The sync interval used in the Present() call. | | +| SyncInterval | The sync interval provided by the application in the Present() call. This value may be modified later by the driver, e.g., based on control panel overrides. | | | PresentFlags | Flags used in the Present() call. | | | PresentMode | The presentation mode used by the system for this Present(). See the table below for more details. | not `-no_track_display` | | AllowsTearing | Whether tearing is possible (1) or not (0). | not `-no_track_display` |