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This artifact is the ECOOP submission, Interaction Tree Specifications: A Framework for Specifying Recursive, Effectful Computations that Supports Auto-active Verification, submission #10.

It contains a Coq library containing formalized versions of all definitions and proofs contained in the paper relating to ITree Specifications. It also contains code for typechecking and extraction for Heapster types, as part of the saw tool Finally, it contains the C source code for the mbox examples, with Heapster types already included, as well as Coq proofs of the correctness of the output specifications. We have included the source code, relevant build scripts, as well as a Docker image (to quickly verify that the code builds without needing to install dependencies).

Core Claims

We claim this artifact deserves the reusable badge (and therefore functional and available as well). This document provides a mapping from definitions and proofs in the paper to formalized versions in the artifact, as well as all of the code needed to run all examples.

Potential Reuse Scenario

A research team could apply the techniques we used to verify the mbox examples to other C programs. This would involve giving correct Heapster types to the program, extracting functional specifications, writing correctness specifications as ITree Specs, and running the prove_refinement tactic and solving all goals that it provides.

A research team could also use ITree Specifications as a target semantics for another programming language. This would enable them towrite similar specifications, and use the prove_refinement tactic to help verify them.

Getting Started


Build from Source


Saw dependencies

  • ghc 8.10.7
  • cabal
  • z3

Coq dependencies

  • coq 8.15.2
  • coq-paco >= 4.1.2
  • coq-ext-lib >= 0.11.7
  • coq-itree >= 5.0.0


To build saw, which includes the heapster tool, navigate to the saw-script directory and run cabal build saw. This will produce the saw executable

To build the ITree Specification library, navigate to the entree_specs directory, and run make && make install.

To run the mbox examples, first navigate to saw-script/saw-core-coq/coq and run make. Then navigate to saw-script/heapster-saw/examples and run make.

Heapster Tool

Heapster can be run using the saw executible installed in the Docker image. For example, running saw mbox.saw as discussed below.

MBox Example

The mbox example is located in /home/coq/saw-script/heapster-saw/examples in the Docker image. The relevant files are:

  • mbox.c – the source C file
  • mbox.saw – the saw-script file which, when executed using saw mbox.saw, instructs Heapster to generate mbox_gen.v
  • mbox_gen.v – contains the Heaspter-generated Coq specifications extracted from the C functions in mbox.c
  • mbox_proofs.v – contains proofs of correctness of most of the functions above

The Docker image comes with mbox_gen.v generated and mbox_proofs.v verified. However, you can also generate and verify these files yourself as follows:

$ rm -rf mbox_gen.v
$ make

Instead of calling make, you can also go through each step individually by running: saw mbox.saw (or make mbox_gen.v), make mbox_gen.vo, and make mbox_proofs.vo.

Core ITree Specifications Library

Definitions Table

  • paper_name -> repo_name at filpath:line#
    • Notes
  • server_impl -> server_impl at theories/Rel/SortEx.v:600
  • server_spec -> server_spec at theories/Rel/SortEx.v:608
  • EncodingType -> EncodingType at theories/Basics/HeterogeneousRelations.v:13
    • While in the paper, the EncodingType class requires a function named response_type, in the code it is called encodes
  • ReSum -> ReSum at theories/Core/SubEvent.v:18 and theories/Core/SubEvent.v:19
    • While in the paper, ReSum is presented as a single typeclass requiring two functions, in the code it is presented as two typeclasses each requiring one function
  • trigger -> trigger at theories/Core/SubEvent.v:30
  • itree -> entree at theories/Core/EnTreeDefinition.v:9-21
    • The paper presents itree with a positive type coinductive definition, while the code repository uses negative types. This causes minor differences in many definitions related to ITrees
  • spin -> spin at theories/Core/EnTreeDefinition.v:77
  • euttF -> eqitF at theories/Eq/Eqit.v:37
    • eqitF is more general than euttF, containing boolean parameters that control whether inductive Tau steps can be made, as well as the vclo parameter which can be useful for certain interactions with the paco library, but to understand this code you can assume it is always set to the identity function and can be ignored
  • eutt -> eutt at theories/Eq/Eqit.v:78
    • While eutt is defined on line 78, the application of the paco libraries greatest fixpoint combinator occurs on line 74
  • bind -> bind at theories/Core/EnTreeDefinition.v:46-61
    • In the code, bind is defined in terms of subst, which performs an identical computation with the continuation and the tree swapped
  • interp_mrec -> interp_mrec at theories/Ref/MRecSpec.v:26-37
  • mrec -> mrec at theories/Ref/MRecSpec.v:38
  • evenodd -> evenodd at theories/Ref/Example.v:24-44
  • Rel -> Rel at theories/Basics/HeterogeneousRelations.v:20
  • PostRel -> PostRel at theories/Basics/HeterogeneousRelations.v:21
  • RComposePostRel -> RComposePostRel at theories/Basics/HeterogeneousRelations.v:31
  • CoveredType -> QuantType at theories/Basics/QuantType.v:33
  • forall_spec -> forall_spec at theories/Ref/EnTreeSpecDefinition.v:99
  • exists_spec -> exists_spec at theories/Ref/EnTreeSpecDefinition.v:101
  • assume_spec -> assume_spec at theories/Ref/EnTreeSpecDefinition.v:104
  • assert_spec -> assert_spec at theories/Ref/EnTreeSpecDefinition.v:107
  • SpecEvent -> SpecEvent at theories/Ref/EnTreeSpecDefinition.v:26
  • itree_spec -> entree_spec at theories/Ref/EnTreeSpecDefinition.v:51
  • refinesF -> refinesF at theories/Ref/EnTreeSpecDefinition.v:65
  • refines -> refines at theories/Ref/EnTreeSpecDefinition.v:95
  • padded_refines -> padded_refines at theories/Ref/EnTreeSpecFacts.v:838
  • interp_mrec_spec -> interp_mrec_spec at theories/Ref/MRecSpec.v:43-55
  • mrec_spec -> mrec_spec at theories/Ref/MRecSpec.v:56
  • concreteF -> isConcreteF at theories/Ref/Concrete.v:29
  • rec_fix_spec -> rec_fix_spec at theories/Ref/RecSpecFix.v:50
  • total_spec -> total_spec' at theories/Ref/RecFixSpecTotal.v:43
  • total_spec_fix -> total_spec_fix at theories/Ref/RecFixSpecTotal.v:53
  • merge -> merge at theories/Ref/SortEx.v:241
  • merge_pre -> merge_pre at theories/Ref/SortEx.v:261
  • merge_post -> merge_post at theories/Ref/SortEx.v:264
  • rdec_merge -> rdec_merge at theories/Ref/SortEx.v:107


  • padded_refines_bind -> padded_refines_bind at theories/Ref/EnTreeSpecCombinatorFacts.v:110
  • padded_refines_trans -> padded_refines_trans at theories/Ref/EnTreeSpecFacts/v:872
  • padded_refines_mrec -> padded_refine_mrec at theories/Ref/EnTreeSpecCombinatorFacts.v:423
  • total_spec_fix_correct -> total_spec_fix_refines_total_spec' at theories/Ref/RecFixSpecTotal.v:66
  • merge_correct -> merge_correct at theories/Ref/SortEx.v:423
  • server_correct -> server_correct at theories/Ref/RecFixSpecTotal.v:619