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CX Performance Data

Ryan Wold edited this page Aug 16, 2024 · 18 revisions

Touchpoints was created to support CX (Customer Experience) Performance reporting in the federal government.

Each quarter, High Impact Service Providers (HISPs) report results from customer satisfactions surveys for designated services.

The data is published at

The tables below describe the data fields included in the csv and json files available for download.

  • Service Providers
  • Services
  • CX Collections
  • CX Collection Details
  • CX Responses

Service Providers

A Service Providers represents a HISP (High-impact Service Provider); a federal entity, as designated by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), that provides or funds customer-facing services, including Federal services administered at the State or local level.

Field Name Sample Input Format Description
id 36 Number Unique number for a collection record. A collection record is generated for each HISP each reporting quarter. A record indicates whether HISP has reported survey(s) for the quarter, as well as how many surveys were reported.organization_id
organization_name Department of Agriculture Text Name of department
name Farm Service Agency Text Name of HISP
slug usda-fsa Text Abbreciation of department and HISP namesdescription
department_abbreviation usda Text Abbreviation of department name
bureau Farm Service Agency Text Name of HISP
url Text HISP may provide a website link to their agency.
new FALSE Boolean True or False for whether HISP is a new service provider.
inactive FALSE Boolean True or False for whether HISP is inactive.


A Service represents a service provided by a federal government agency.

Field Name Sample Input Format Description
id 2 Number Unique identifier for a Service.
name Receiving outpatient services Text Name of designated service of the HISP
short_description VHA sends email surveys to everyone who receives outpatient services. Text HISP provides a description of the designated service.
organization_id 2129 Number Unique number for each department. A department may contain several HISPs
organization_abbreviation VA Text Abbreviation of each department name
organization_name Department of Veterans Affairs Text Name of department
service_provider_id 21 Number Unique number for each HISP
service_provider_name Veterans Health Administration Text Name of HISP
service_provider_slug va-vha Text Abbreviation of department and HISP names
contact_center FALSE Boolean True or False for whether the service involves a contact center and/or an interaction with a contact center
kind [] Text Identifies the category of service: compliance, administrative, benefits, recreation, informational, data and research, and regulatory
year_designated 2023 String Which FY was this service designated?
transactional FALSE Boolean True or False for whether the service is transactional
hisp true Boolean True or False for identifying the agency as a HISP
homepage_url Text HISP may provide a website link to their service
channels [] Text HISP select channel(s) where their service is delivered
tags [] Text HISP may add tags as needed. No strict guidance on tag type

CX Collections

A Collection represents the 2nd version of the quarterly CX Data Collection. (Starting FY 2024)

Field Name Format Description Sample Input
aasm_state string The state of the record published
created_at datetime The timestamp when the record was created 2024-03-26T20:46:03.778Z
fiscal_year string The fiscal year of the report 2024
id integer Unique record id 123
integrity_hash string A hash value for data integrity asf908asdf90-8sd90asd8fasddsadsf8
name string Name of the report CX Quarterly Reporting
organization_id integer Identifier for the organization 2098
organization_name (Service provider integer Organization Name General Services Administration
quarter string The quarter of the fiscal year 2
rating string The rating for the service true,false,partial
service_id integer Identifier for the service 74
service_name string Name for the service
service_provider_id integer Unique ID for the Service Provider 36
service_provider_name integer Name of the Federal Agency Service Provider Public Experience Portfolio
submitted_at datetime The timestamp when the report was submitted 2024-06-12T15:38:13.751Z
updated_at datetime The timestamp when the record was last updated 2024-06-12T15:38:25.098Z
user_id integer Unique ID for the user 2086
cx_collection_details_count integer Identifier for the user 3

CX Collection Details

Each CXCollection has_many CXCollectionDetail records.

Field Name Format Description Sample Input
channel string The channel through which the interaction occurred computer
created_at datetime The timestamp when the record was created 2023-07-31 12:34:56
cx_collection_id integer Identifier for the CX Collection 148
omb_control_number string OMB control number for the survey 0412-0609
service_id integer Identifier for the service 132
service_name integer Name of the Service Passports
service_provider_id integer Identifier for the Service Provider 9722
service_provider_name string Name of the Service Provider Bureau of Consular Affairs
service_stage_id integer Identifier for the service stage 317
service_stage_name string Name of the Service Stage end
survey_title string Title of the survey USAID Pre-Engagement Assessment Post Transaction Survey
survey_type string Type of the survey thumbs up/down, likert scale
trust_question_text string Text of the question assessing trust The assessment increased my trust in the USAID partnership process.
updated_at datetime The timestamp when the record was last updated 2023-07-31 14:56:78
volume_of_customers integer The total volume of customers this quarter 3240
volume_of_customers_provided_survey_opportunity integer The number of customers who were provided the opportunity to take the survey this quarter 2324
volume_of_respondents integer The number of respondents who completed the survey this quarter 381448

CX Responses

The CX Response table holds details response records reported by HISP services each quarter.

Field Name Format Description Sample Input
created_at datetime The timestamp when the record was created 2023-07-31 12:34:56
cx_collection_detail_id integer Identifier for the CX Collection detail 123
cx_collection_detail_upload_id integer Identifier for the CX Collection Detail Upload 456
external_id string External identifier for the record EXT-789
job_id string A unique ID assigned when a batch of responses is imported JOB-101112
negative_ease string Negative feedback on ease of use 0,1
negative_effectiveness string Negative feedback on effectiveness 0,1
negative_efficiency string Negative feedback on efficiency 0,1
negative_employee string Negative feedback on employee interaction 0,1
negative_humanity string Negative feedback on human-centered approach 0,1
negative_other string Other negative feedback 0,1
negative_transparency string Negative feedback on transparency 0,1
positive_ease string Positive feedback on ease of use 0,1
positive_effectiveness string Positive feedback on effectiveness 0,1
positive_efficiency string Positive feedback on efficiency 0,1
positive_employee string Positive feedback on employee interaction 0,1
positive_humanity string Positive feedback on human-centered approach 0,1
positive_other string Other positive feedback 0,1
positive_transparency string Positive feedback on transparency 0,1
question_1 string Thumbs up/down feedback or 1-5 Likert Scale 0,1 or 1,2,3,4,5
updated_at datetime The timestamp when the record was last updated 2023-07-31 14:56:78
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