#region Prolog #Region CallThisProcess
A snippet of code provided as an example how to call this process should the developer be working on a system without access to an editor with auto-complete.
If( 1 = 0 ); ExecuteProcess( '}bedrock.hier.unwind', 'pLogOutput', pLogOutput, 'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling, 'pDim', '', 'pHier', '', 'pConsol', '*', 'pRecursive', 0, 'pDelim', '&' ); EndIf; #EndRegion CallThisProcess
#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements
##Join the bedrock TM1 community on GitHub https://github.com/cubewise-code/bedrock Ver 4##
#Region @DOC
descendants of the target regardless of depth. If not recursive (pRecursive=0) then only immediate children
1. Production call prior to main dimension build process in case mapping relationships have changed to ensure no double-counting steming from leaf elements
* A blank pHier parameter will process only the same named hierarchy for each of the dimensions processed.
* A delimited list or wildcard for pDim or pHier or a delimited list of consolidations for pConsol will result in recursive calls of the process.
#EndRegion @DOC
##Global Variables StringGlobalVariable('sProcessReturnCode'); NumericGlobalVariable('nProcessReturnCode'); nProcessReturnCode= 0;
cThisProcName = GetProcessName(); cUserName = TM1User(); cTimeStamp = TimSt( Now, '\Y\m\d\h\i\s' ); cRandomInt = NumberToString( INT( RAND( ) * 1000 )); cTempSub = cThisProcName |''| cTimeStamp |''| cRandomInt; cTempSubOuter = '}OuterLoop_' | cThisProcName |''| cTimeStamp |''| cRandomInt; cTempSubInner = '}InnerLoop_' | cThisProcName |''| cTimeStamp |''| cRandomInt; cMsgErrorLevel = 'ERROR'; cMsgErrorContent= 'Process:%cThisProcName% ErrorMsg:%sMessage%'; cMsgInfoContent = 'User:%cUserName% Process:%cThisProcName% Message:%sMessage%'; cLogInfo = 'Process:%cThisProcName% run with parameters pDim:%pDim%, pHier:%pHier%, pConsol:%pConsol%, pRecursive:%pRecursive%, pDelim:%pDelim%.' ; cHierAttr = 'Bedrock.Descendant'; cAttrVal = 'Descendant';
IF( pLogoutput = 1 );
LogOutput('INFO', Expand( cLogInfo ) );
nErrors = 0;
If( Scan( '*', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & Scan( ':', pDim ) > 0 & pHier @= '' ); # A hierarchy has been passed as dimension. Handle the input error by splitting dim:hier into dimension & hierarchy pHier = SubSt( pDim, Scan( ':', pDim ) + 1, Long( pDim ) ); pDim = SubSt( pDim, 1, Scan( ':', pDim ) - 1 ); EndIf;
IF( Trim( pDim ) @= '' ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'No dimension specified.'; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); ElseIF( Scan( '*', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & DimensionExists( pDim ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Invalid dimension: ' | pDim; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); EndIf;
Validate hierarchy (can only validate hierarchy up front if dimension is fixed and doesn't contain wildcards)
IF( Scan( '', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & pHier @= ''); pHier = pDim; ElseIf( Scan( '', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pHier ) = 0 & pHier @<> '' & DimensionExists( pDim ) = 1 & HierarchyExists( pDim, pHier ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Invalid dimension hierarchy: ' | pHier; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); Endif;
If( Trim( pHier ) @= '' ); ## use same name as Dimension. Since wildcards are allowed, this is managed inside the code below EndIf;
If( pConsol @<> '');
If( Scan( '', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pConsol ) = 0 & ElementIndex( pDim, pHier, pConsol ) = 0 );
nErrors = 1;
sMessage = 'Item ' | pConsol | ' does NOT exist. Please enter a valid consolidation element in the ' |pDim| ':' |pHier| ' dimension:hierarchy.';
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
ElseIf( Scan( '', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pConsol ) = 0 & ElementType( pDim, pHier, pConsol ) @<> 'C' );
nErrors = 1;
sMessage = 'Item ' | pConsol | ' is NOT a consolidated item. Please enter a valid consolidation element in the ' |pDim| ':' |pHier| ' dimension:hierarchy.';
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
ElseIf( Scan( '*', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pConsol ) = 0 & ElementComponentCount( pDim, pHier, pConsol ) = 0 );
nErrors = 1;
sMessage = 'Invalid consolidation: ' | pConsol | ' has no children.';
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
ElseIf( Trim( pConsol ) @= '' );
nErrors = 1;
sMessage = 'No consolidated element specified.';
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
If( pDelim @= '' ); pDelim = '&'; EndIf;
If( nErrors <> 0 ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; Else;
DataSourceType = 'NULL'; EndIf;
If there is no separator and wildcard in the parameters, execute the unwind of the specific consolidated element
If( Scan( '', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '*', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pConsol ) = 0 );
### In case alias used for pConsol convert to principal name
If( ElementIndex( pDim, pHier, pConsol ) > 0 );
pConsol = HierarchyElementPrincipalName( pDim, pHier, pConsol );
### Turn-off Logging in the Attribute cube
sAttrCube = '}ElementAttributes_' | pDim;
If( CubeExists( sAttrCube ) = 1 );
nLogging = CubeGetLogChanges( sAttrCube );
CubeSetLogChanges( sAttrCube, 0 );
### Create Temp Descendent Attribute
AttrDelete( pDim, cHierAttr );
AttrInsert( pDim, '', cHierAttr, 'S' );
### Assign data source ###
If( pRecursive = 1);
# Set Descendent attribute value
nElementIndex = 1;
nElementCount = ElementCount( pDim , pHier );
While( nElementIndex <= nElementCount );
sElement = ElementName( pDim, pHier, nElementIndex );
If( ElementIsAncestor( pDim, pHier, pConsol, sElement ) = 1 % pConsol @= sElement );
ElementAttrPutS( cAttrVal, pDim, pHier, sElement, cHierAttr );
nElementIndex = nElementIndex + 1;
# Assign Data Source
DataSourceType = 'SUBSET';
DatasourceNameForServer = pDim|':'|pHier;
DatasourceNameForClient = pDim|':'|pHier;
DatasourceDimensionSubset = 'ALL';
### Remove direct children from the target consol ###
If( ElementComponentCount( pDim, pHier, pConsol ) > 0 );
If( pLogOutput = 1 );
LogOutput( 'INFO', Expand( 'Deleting all components from consolidation %pConsol% in hierarchy "%pHier%" of "%pDim%" dimension.' ) );
nComp = ElementComponentCount( pDim, pHier, pConsol );
While( nComp > 0 );
sComp = ElementComponent( pDim, pHier, pConsol, nComp );
HierarchyElementComponentDelete( pDim, pHier, pConsol, sComp );
nComp = nComp - 1;
# No data source, straight to Epilog
DataSourceType = 'NULL';
If pConsol is "*" and there is no separator and wildcard in the pDim & pHier parameters then unwind the whole hierarchy
ElseIf( Scan( '', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pHier ) = 0 & Trim( pConsol ) @= '*' );
# as pConsol is * wildcard it doesn't matter if recursive or not. We unwind everything. As speed enhancement rather than removing children delete and add back C elements to empty children in one step (not steps = count of children)
nMaxEle = ElementCount( pDim, pHier );
nCtrEle = 1;
While( nCtrEle <= nMaxEle );
sEle = ElementName( pDim, pHier, nCtrEle);
If( ElementComponentCount( pDim, pHier, sEle ) > 0 );
If( nCtrEle < nMaxEle );
sEleNext = ElementName( pDim, pHier, nCtrEle + 1 );
sEleNext = '';
HierarchyElementDelete( pDim, pHier, sEle );
HierarchyElementInsert( pDim, pHier, sEleNext, sEle, 'C' );
nCtrEle = nCtrEle + 1;
# since hierarchy already fully unwound no subset; datasource = NULL
DataSourceType = 'NULL';
Otherwise, if there is a separator or wildcard in the parameters, tokenize the string and self-call the process recursively.
Else; # No data source, straight to Epilog DataSourceType = 'NULL';
# Loop through dimensions in pDim
sDims = pDim;
nDimDelimiterIndex = 1;
sMdx = '';
# Get 1st dimension
While( nDimDelimiterIndex <> 0 );
# Extract 1st dimension > sDim
nDimDelimiterIndex = Scan( pDelim, sDims );
If( nDimDelimiterIndex = 0 );
sDim = sDims;
sDim = Trim( SubSt( sDims, 1, nDimDelimiterIndex - 1 ) );
sDims = Trim( Subst( sDims, nDimDelimiterIndex + Long(pDelim), Long( sDims ) ) );
# Create subset of dimensions using Wildcard to loop through dimensions in pDim with wildcard
sDimExp = '"'|sDim|'"';
sMdxPart = Expand('{TM1FILTERBYPATTERN( EXCEPT( TM1SUBSETALL( [}Dimensions].[}Dimensions] ), TM1FILTERBYPATTERN( TM1SUBSETALL( [}Dimensions].[}Dimensions] ) , "*:*") ) , %sDimExp% )}');
If( sMdx @= '');
sMdx = sMdxPart;
sMdx = sMdx | ' + ' | sMdxPart;
If( SubsetExists( '}Dimensions' , cTempSubOuter ) = 1 );
# If a delimited list of dim names includes wildcards then we may have to re-use the subset multiple times
SubsetMDXSet( '}Dimensions' , cTempSubOuter, sMDX );
# temp subset, therefore no need to destroy in epilog
SubsetCreatebyMDX( cTempSubOuter, sMDX, '}Dimensions' , 1 );
# Loop through dimensions in subset created based on wildcard
nCountDim = SubsetGetSize( '}Dimensions' , cTempSubOuter );
While( nCountDim >= 1 );
sDim = SubsetGetElementName( '}Dimensions' , cTempSubOuter, nCountDim );
# Validate dimension name
If( DimensionExists(sDim) = 0 );
nErrors = 1;
sMessage = Expand( 'Dimension "%sDim%" does not exist.' );
LogOutput( 'ERROR', Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
If( pLogOutput = 1 );
sMessage = Expand( 'Dimension "%sDim%" being processed....' );
LogOutput( 'INFO', Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) );
# Loop through hierarchies in pHier
If( Trim( pHier ) @= '' );
### Use main hierarchy for each dimension if pHier is empty
sHierarchies = sDim;
sHierarchies = pHier;
nDelimiterIndexA = 1;
sHierDim = '}Dimensions' ;
sMdxHier = '';
While( nDelimiterIndexA <> 0 );
nDelimiterIndexA = Scan( pDelim, sHierarchies );
If( nDelimiterIndexA = 0 );
sHierarchy = sHierarchies;
sHierarchy = Trim( SubSt( sHierarchies, 1, nDelimiterIndexA - 1 ) );
sHierarchies = Trim( Subst( sHierarchies, nDelimiterIndexA + Long(pDelim), Long( sHierarchies ) ) );
# Create subset of Hierarchies using Wildcard
If( sDim @= sHierarchy );
sHierExp = '"'| sDim |'"';
sHierExp = '"'| sDim | ':' | sHierarchy|'"';
sMdxHierPart = Expand('{TM1FILTERBYPATTERN( {TM1SUBSETALL([%sHierDim%].[%sHierDim%])}, %sHierExp% )}');
If( sMdxHier @= '');
sMdxHier = sMdxHierPart;
sMdxHier = sMdxHier | ' + ' | sMdxHierPart;
# include the named hierarchy in case ALL hierachies
If( Trim(pHier) @= '*' );
sMdxHier = Expand('{[%sHierDim%].[%sHierDim%].[%sDim%]} + %sMdxHier%');
If( SubsetExists( sHierDim, cTempSubInner ) = 1 );
# If a delimited list of hierarchy names includes wildcards then we may have to re-use the subset multiple times
SubsetMDXSet( sHierDim, cTempSubInner, sMdxHier );
# temp subset, therefore no need to destroy in epilog
SubsetCreatebyMDX( cTempSubInner, sMdxHier, sHierDim, 1 );
# Loop through subset of hierarchies created based on wildcard
nCountHier = SubsetGetSize( sHierDim, cTempSubInner );
While( nCountHier >= 1 );
sCurrHier = SubsetGetElementName( sHierDim, cTempSubInner, nCountHier );
sCurrHierName = Subst( sCurrHier, Scan(':', sCurrHier)+1, Long(sCurrHier) );
# Validate hierarchy name in sHierDim
If( Dimix( sHierDim , sCurrHier ) = 0 );
sMessage = Expand('The "%sCurrHier%" hierarchy does NOT exist in the "%sDim%" dimension.');
LogOutput( 'INFO' , Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) );
ElseIf( sCurrHierName @= 'Leaves' );
sMessage = Expand('Skipping %sCurrHier% hierarchy. No need to unwind!');
If( pLogOutput = 1 );
LogOutput( 'INFO', Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) );
If( pLogOutput = 1 );
sMessage = Expand( 'Hierarchy "%sCurrHierName%" in Dimension "%sDim%" being processed....' );
LogOutput( 'INFO', Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) );
# Loop through consolidated elements in pConsol
sEles = Trim( pConsol );
If( sEles @= '*' );
# no need for recursive call for ALL wildcard. We can just unwind whole hierarchy
nMaxEle = ElementCount( sDim, sCurrHierName );
nCtrEle = 1;
While( nCtrEle <= nMaxEle );
sEle = ElementName( sDim, sCurrHierName, nCtrEle);
If( ElementComponentCount( sDim, sCurrHierName, sEle ) > 0 );
If( nCtrEle < nMaxEle );
sEleNext = ElementName( sDim, sCurrHierName, nCtrEle + 1 );
sEleNext = '';
HierarchyElementDelete( sDim, sCurrHierName, sEle );
HierarchyElementInsert( sDim, sCurrHierName, sEleNext, sEle, 'C' );
nCtrEle = nCtrEle + 1;
# a delimited list of consolidations is given. Handle with recursive call and temp descendents attribute
nDelimiterIndexB = 1;
While( nDelimiterIndexB <> 0 );
nDelimiterIndexB = Scan( pDelim, sEles );
If( nDelimiterIndexB = 0 );
sEle = sEles;
sEle = Trim( SubSt( sEles, 1, nDelimiterIndexB - 1 ) );
sEles = Trim( Subst( sEles, nDelimiterIndexB + Long(pDelim), Long( sEles ) ) );
# Wildcard search string
sEle = '"'|sEle|'"';
sMdxEle = Expand('{TM1FILTERBYPATTERN( {TM1SUBSETALL([%sCurrHier%])}, %sEle% )}');
If( HierarchySubsetExists( sDim, sCurrHierName, cTempSub ) = 1 );
# If a delimited list of dim names includes wildcards then we may have to re-use the subset multiple times
HierarchySubsetMDXSet( sDim, sCurrHierName, cTempSub, sMDXEle );
# temp subset, therefore no need to destroy in epilog
SubsetCreatebyMDX( cTempSub, sMDXEle, sCurrHier, 1 );
# Loop through subset of Consolidated elements created based on wildcard
nCountElems = HierarchySubsetGetSize(sDim, sCurrHierName, cTempSub);
While( nCountElems >= 1 );
sElement = HierarchySubsetGetElementName(sDim, sCurrHierName, cTempSub, nCountElems);
## Check that the element is consolidated and has children
If( DType( sCurrHier, sElement ) @= 'C' & ElementComponentCount( sDim, sCurrHierName, sElement ) > 0 );
If( pLogOutput = 1 );
LogOutput( 'INFO', Expand( 'Process called recursively for "%sElement%" in hierarchy "%sDim%:%sCurrHierName%".' ) );
ExecuteProcess( cThisProcName, 'pLogOutput', pLogOutput,
'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling,
'pDim', sDim, 'pHier', sCurrHierName,
'pConsol', sElement, 'pRecursive', pRecursive,
'pDelim', pDelim
nCountElems = nCountElems - 1;
nCountHier = nCountHier - 1;
nCountDim = nCountDim - 1;
#endregion #region Metadata
#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements
##Join the bedrock TM1 community on GitHub https://github.com/cubewise-code/bedrock Ver 4.0##
If( nErrors <> 0 ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf;
If( ElementComponentCount( pDim, pHier, vElement ) = 0 ); ItemSkip; EndIf;
If( pConsol @= '*' ); sAttrVal = cAttrVal; Else; sAttrVal = ElementAttrS( pDim, pHier, vElement, cHierAttr ); EndIf;
If( sAttrVal @= cAttrVal ); bFastUnwind = 1;
# Cannot check nPars > 1 as due to ordering of elements processes some parents may have already been removed
nPars = ElementParentCount( pDim, pHier, vElement );
nPar = 1;
While( nPar <= nPars );
sPar = ElementParent( pDim, pHier, vElement, nPar );
If( ElementAttrS( pDim, pHier, sPar, cHierAttr ) @<> cAttrVal );
# Parent does not belong to unwinding intersection. Cannot delete C children, must unwind.
bFastUnwind = 0;
nPar = nPar + 1;
If( bFastUnwind = 1 );
# delete and recreate C element (Fast)
sEleNext = ElementName( pDim, pHier, ElementIndex( pDim, pHier, vElement ) + 1 );
HierarchyElementDelete( pDim, pHier, vElement );
HierarchyElementInsert( pDim, pHier, sEleNext, vElement, 'C' );
# unwind C element without deletion (Slow for consols with many children)
nComp = ElementComponentCount( pDim, pHier, vElement );
While( nComp > 0 );
sComp = ElementComponent( pDim, pHier, vElement, nComp );
HierarchyElementComponentDelete( pDim, pHier, vElement, sComp );
nComp = nComp - 1;
#endregion #region Data
#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements #endregion #region Epilog
#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements
##Join the bedrock TM1 community on GitHub https://github.com/cubewise-code/bedrock Ver 4.0##
If( nErrors > 0 ); sMessage = 'the process incurred at least 1 error. Please see above lines in this file for more details.'; nProcessReturnCode = 0; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% Process:%cThisProcName% completed with errors. Check tm1server.log for details.' ); Else;
### Remove Descendent attribute
IF( Scan( '*', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '*', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '*', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pConsol ) = 0 );
AttrDelete( pDim, cHierAttr );
IF( Scan( '', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '*', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pConsol ) = 0 ); If( CubeExists( sAttrCube ) = 1 ); If( nLogging = 1 ); CubeSetLogChanges( sAttrCube, 1 ); EndIf; EndIf; EndIf;
If( nErrors > 0 );
sMessage = 'the process incurred at least 1 error. Please see above lines in this file for more details.';
nProcessReturnCode = 0;
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% Process:%cThisProcName% completed with errors. Check tm1server.log for details.' );
If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 );
sProcessAction = Expand( 'Process:%cThisProcName% successfully unwound the appropriate consolidated items the %pDim%:%pHier% dimension:hierarchy.' );
sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% %sProcessAction%' );
nProcessReturnCode = 1;
If( pLogoutput = 1 );
LogOutput('INFO', Expand( sProcessAction ) );