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530 lines (473 loc) · 24.9 KB

#region Prolog #Region CallThisProcess

A snippet of code provided as an example how to call this process should the developer be working on a system without access to an editor with auto-complete.

If( 1 = 0 ); ExecuteProcess( '}bedrock.hier.unwind', 'pLogOutput', pLogOutput, 'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling, 'pDim', '', 'pHier', '', 'pConsol', '*', 'pRecursive', 0, 'pDelim', '&' ); EndIf; #EndRegion CallThisProcess

#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements

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#Region @DOC


This process will remove all children from a specific target consolidation (pConsol) in a Hierarchy

in target Dimension. If recursive (pRecursive=1), it will also unwind all consolidations that are

descendants of the target regardless of depth. If not recursive (pRecursive=0) then only immediate children

of the target consolidation will be removed.

Use case: Intended for both production and development/prototyping scenarios.

1. Production call prior to main dimension build process in case mapping relationships have changed to ensure no double-counting steming from leaf elements

rolling into multiple parents within the same rollup or hierarhcy

2. Production combine with }bedrock.hier.emptyconsols.delete to remove orphaned rollups

3. Development manual cleanup of dimensions during prototyping or prior to going to production


* A valid source dimension name (pDim) is mandatory otherwise the process will abort.

* A blank pHier parameter will process only the same named hierarchy for each of the dimensions processed.

* A * pConsol parameter will process ALL C level items in the given hierarchy (pHier).

* A delimited list or wildcard for pDim or pHier or a delimited list of consolidations for pConsol will result in recursive calls of the process.


If consolidations are also used in unrelated consolidations and recursive is selected this

will result in orphan consolidations in the other rollups.

#EndRegion @DOC

##Global Variables StringGlobalVariable('sProcessReturnCode'); NumericGlobalVariable('nProcessReturnCode'); nProcessReturnCode= 0;


cThisProcName = GetProcessName(); cUserName = TM1User(); cTimeStamp = TimSt( Now, '\Y\m\d\h\i\s' ); cRandomInt = NumberToString( INT( RAND( ) * 1000 )); cTempSub = cThisProcName |''| cTimeStamp |''| cRandomInt; cTempSubOuter = '}OuterLoop_' | cThisProcName |''| cTimeStamp |''| cRandomInt; cTempSubInner = '}InnerLoop_' | cThisProcName |''| cTimeStamp |''| cRandomInt; cMsgErrorLevel = 'ERROR'; cMsgErrorContent= 'Process:%cThisProcName% ErrorMsg:%sMessage%'; cMsgInfoContent = 'User:%cUserName% Process:%cThisProcName% Message:%sMessage%'; cLogInfo = 'Process:%cThisProcName% run with parameters pDim:%pDim%, pHier:%pHier%, pConsol:%pConsol%, pRecursive:%pRecursive%, pDelim:%pDelim%.' ; cHierAttr = 'Bedrock.Descendant'; cAttrVal = 'Descendant';

LogOutput parameters

IF( pLogoutput = 1 ); LogOutput('INFO', Expand( cLogInfo ) );

Validate Parameters

nErrors = 0;

If( Scan( '*', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & Scan( ':', pDim ) > 0 & pHier @= '' ); # A hierarchy has been passed as dimension. Handle the input error by splitting dim:hier into dimension & hierarchy pHier = SubSt( pDim, Scan( ':', pDim ) + 1, Long( pDim ) ); pDim = SubSt( pDim, 1, Scan( ':', pDim ) - 1 ); EndIf;

Validate Source dimension

IF( Trim( pDim ) @= '' ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'No dimension specified.'; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); ElseIF( Scan( '*', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & DimensionExists( pDim ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Invalid dimension: ' | pDim; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); EndIf;

Validate hierarchy (can only validate hierarchy up front if dimension is fixed and doesn't contain wildcards)

IF( Scan( '', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & pHier @= ''); pHier = pDim; ElseIf( Scan( '', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pHier ) = 0 & pHier @<> '' & DimensionExists( pDim ) = 1 & HierarchyExists( pDim, pHier ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Invalid dimension hierarchy: ' | pHier; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); Endif;

If( Trim( pHier ) @= '' ); ## use same name as Dimension. Since wildcards are allowed, this is managed inside the code below EndIf;

Validate consol

If( pConsol @<> ''); If( Scan( '', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pConsol ) = 0 & ElementIndex( pDim, pHier, pConsol ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Item ' | pConsol | ' does NOT exist. Please enter a valid consolidation element in the ' |pDim| ':' |pHier| ' dimension:hierarchy.';
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); ElseIf( Scan( '
', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pConsol ) = 0 & ElementType( pDim, pHier, pConsol ) @<> 'C' ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Item ' | pConsol | ' is NOT a consolidated item. Please enter a valid consolidation element in the ' |pDim| ':' |pHier| ' dimension:hierarchy.';
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); ElseIf( Scan( '*', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pConsol ) = 0 & ElementComponentCount( pDim, pHier, pConsol ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Invalid consolidation: ' | pConsol | ' has no children.'; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); Endif; ElseIf( Trim( pConsol ) @= '' ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'No consolidated element specified.'; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); Endif;

If blank delimiter specified then convert to default

If( pDelim @= '' ); pDelim = '&'; EndIf;

Check for errors before continuing

If( nErrors <> 0 ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; Else;

If subset required will be set later

DataSourceType = 'NULL'; EndIf;

If there is no separator and wildcard in the parameters, execute the unwind of the specific consolidated element

If( Scan( '', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '*', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pConsol ) = 0 );

### In case alias used for pConsol convert to principal name 
If( ElementIndex( pDim, pHier, pConsol ) > 0 );
    pConsol = HierarchyElementPrincipalName( pDim, pHier, pConsol );

### Turn-off Logging in the Attribute cube
sAttrCube = '}ElementAttributes_' | pDim;
If( CubeExists( sAttrCube ) = 1 );
    nLogging = CubeGetLogChanges( sAttrCube );
    CubeSetLogChanges( sAttrCube, 0 );

### Create Temp Descendent Attribute
AttrDelete( pDim, cHierAttr );
AttrInsert( pDim, '', cHierAttr, 'S' );

### Assign data source ###
If( pRecursive      = 1);
    # Set Descendent attribute value
    nElementIndex   = 1;
    nElementCount   = ElementCount( pDim , pHier );
    While( nElementIndex <= nElementCount );
        sElement = ElementName( pDim, pHier, nElementIndex );
        If( ElementIsAncestor( pDim, pHier, pConsol, sElement ) = 1 % pConsol @= sElement );
            ElementAttrPutS( cAttrVal, pDim, pHier, sElement, cHierAttr );
        nElementIndex = nElementIndex + 1;
    # Assign Data Source
    DataSourceType            = 'SUBSET';
    DatasourceNameForServer   = pDim|':'|pHier;
    DatasourceNameForClient   = pDim|':'|pHier;
    DatasourceDimensionSubset = 'ALL';
    ### Remove direct children from the target consol ###
    If( ElementComponentCount( pDim, pHier, pConsol ) > 0 );
        If( pLogOutput = 1 );
            LogOutput( 'INFO', Expand( 'Deleting all components from consolidation %pConsol% in hierarchy "%pHier%" of "%pDim%" dimension.' ) );
        nComp = ElementComponentCount( pDim, pHier, pConsol );
        While( nComp > 0 );
            sComp = ElementComponent( pDim, pHier, pConsol, nComp );
            HierarchyElementComponentDelete( pDim, pHier, pConsol, sComp );
            nComp = nComp - 1;
    # No data source, straight to Epilog
    DataSourceType = 'NULL';

If pConsol is "*" and there is no separator and wildcard in the pDim & pHier parameters then unwind the whole hierarchy

ElseIf( Scan( '', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pHier ) = 0 & Trim( pConsol ) @= '*' );

# as pConsol is * wildcard it doesn't matter if recursive or not. We unwind everything. As speed enhancement rather than removing children delete and add back C elements to empty children in one step (not steps = count of children)
nMaxEle = ElementCount( pDim, pHier );
nCtrEle = 1;
While( nCtrEle <= nMaxEle );
    sEle = ElementName( pDim, pHier, nCtrEle);
    If( ElementComponentCount( pDim, pHier, sEle ) > 0 );
        If( nCtrEle < nMaxEle );
            sEleNext = ElementName( pDim, pHier, nCtrEle + 1 );
            sEleNext = '';
        HierarchyElementDelete( pDim, pHier, sEle );
        HierarchyElementInsert( pDim, pHier, sEleNext, sEle, 'C' );
    nCtrEle = nCtrEle + 1;

# since hierarchy already fully unwound no subset; datasource = NULL
DataSourceType = 'NULL';

Otherwise, if there is a separator or wildcard in the parameters, tokenize the string and self-call the process recursively.

Else; # No data source, straight to Epilog DataSourceType = 'NULL';

# Loop through dimensions in pDim
sDims = pDim;
nDimDelimiterIndex = 1;
sMdx = '';
# Get 1st dimension
While( nDimDelimiterIndex <> 0 );
    # Extract 1st dimension > sDim
    nDimDelimiterIndex = Scan( pDelim, sDims );
    If( nDimDelimiterIndex = 0 );
        sDim = sDims;
        sDim = Trim( SubSt( sDims, 1, nDimDelimiterIndex - 1 ) );
        sDims = Trim( Subst( sDims, nDimDelimiterIndex + Long(pDelim), Long( sDims ) ) );
    # Create subset of dimensions using Wildcard to loop through dimensions in pDim with wildcard
    sDimExp = '"'|sDim|'"';
    sMdxPart = Expand('{TM1FILTERBYPATTERN( EXCEPT( TM1SUBSETALL( [}Dimensions].[}Dimensions] ), TM1FILTERBYPATTERN( TM1SUBSETALL( [}Dimensions].[}Dimensions] ) , "*:*") ) , %sDimExp% )}');
    If( sMdx @= ''); 
        sMdx = sMdxPart; 
        sMdx = sMdx | ' + ' | sMdxPart;

If( SubsetExists( '}Dimensions' , cTempSubOuter ) = 1 );
    # If a delimited list of dim names includes wildcards then we may have to re-use the subset multiple times
    SubsetMDXSet( '}Dimensions' , cTempSubOuter, sMDX );
    # temp subset, therefore no need to destroy in epilog
    SubsetCreatebyMDX( cTempSubOuter, sMDX, '}Dimensions' , 1 );

# Loop through dimensions in subset created based on wildcard
nCountDim = SubsetGetSize( '}Dimensions' , cTempSubOuter );
While( nCountDim >= 1 );
    sDim = SubsetGetElementName( '}Dimensions' , cTempSubOuter, nCountDim );
    # Validate dimension name
    If( DimensionExists(sDim) = 0 );
        nErrors = 1;
        sMessage = Expand( 'Dimension "%sDim%" does not exist.' );
        LogOutput( 'ERROR', Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
        If( pLogOutput = 1 );
            sMessage = Expand( 'Dimension "%sDim%" being processed....' );
            LogOutput( 'INFO', Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) );
        # Loop through hierarchies in pHier
        If( Trim( pHier ) @= '' );
            ### Use main hierarchy for each dimension if pHier is empty
            sHierarchies  = sDim;
            sHierarchies  = pHier;
        nDelimiterIndexA  = 1;
        sHierDim          = '}Dimensions' ;
        sMdxHier          = '';
        While( nDelimiterIndexA <> 0 );
            nDelimiterIndexA = Scan( pDelim, sHierarchies );
            If( nDelimiterIndexA = 0 );
                sHierarchy   = sHierarchies;
                sHierarchy   = Trim( SubSt( sHierarchies, 1, nDelimiterIndexA - 1 ) );
                sHierarchies  = Trim( Subst( sHierarchies, nDelimiterIndexA + Long(pDelim), Long( sHierarchies ) ) );
            # Create subset of Hierarchies using Wildcard
            If( sDim @= sHierarchy );
                sHierExp = '"'| sDim |'"';
                sHierExp = '"'| sDim | ':' | sHierarchy|'"';
                sMdxHierPart = Expand('{TM1FILTERBYPATTERN( {TM1SUBSETALL([%sHierDim%].[%sHierDim%])}, %sHierExp% )}');
            If( sMdxHier @= ''); 
                sMdxHier = sMdxHierPart; 
                sMdxHier = sMdxHier | ' + ' | sMdxHierPart;
        # include the named hierarchy in case ALL hierachies
        If( Trim(pHier) @= '*' );
            sMdxHier = Expand('{[%sHierDim%].[%sHierDim%].[%sDim%]} + %sMdxHier%');

        If( SubsetExists( sHierDim, cTempSubInner ) = 1 );
            # If a delimited list of hierarchy names includes wildcards then we may have to re-use the subset multiple times
            SubsetMDXSet( sHierDim, cTempSubInner, sMdxHier );
            # temp subset, therefore no need to destroy in epilog
            SubsetCreatebyMDX( cTempSubInner, sMdxHier, sHierDim, 1 );

        # Loop through subset of hierarchies created based on wildcard
        nCountHier = SubsetGetSize( sHierDim, cTempSubInner );
        While( nCountHier >= 1 );
            sCurrHier = SubsetGetElementName( sHierDim, cTempSubInner, nCountHier );
            sCurrHierName = Subst( sCurrHier, Scan(':', sCurrHier)+1, Long(sCurrHier) );
            # Validate hierarchy name in sHierDim
            If( Dimix( sHierDim , sCurrHier ) = 0 );
                sMessage = Expand('The "%sCurrHier%" hierarchy does NOT exist in the "%sDim%" dimension.');
                LogOutput( 'INFO' , Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) );
            ElseIf( sCurrHierName @= 'Leaves' );
                sMessage = Expand('Skipping %sCurrHier% hierarchy. No need to unwind!');
                If( pLogOutput = 1 );
                    LogOutput( 'INFO', Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) );
                If( pLogOutput = 1 );
                    sMessage = Expand( 'Hierarchy "%sCurrHierName%" in Dimension "%sDim%" being processed....' );
                    LogOutput( 'INFO', Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) );
                # Loop through consolidated elements in pConsol
                sEles = Trim( pConsol );
                If( sEles @= '*' );
                    # no need for recursive call for ALL wildcard. We can just unwind whole hierarchy
                    nMaxEle = ElementCount( sDim, sCurrHierName );
                    nCtrEle = 1;
                    While( nCtrEle <= nMaxEle );
                        sEle = ElementName( sDim, sCurrHierName, nCtrEle);
                        If( ElementComponentCount( sDim, sCurrHierName, sEle ) > 0 );
                            If( nCtrEle < nMaxEle );
                                sEleNext = ElementName( sDim, sCurrHierName, nCtrEle + 1 );
                                sEleNext = '';
                            HierarchyElementDelete( sDim, sCurrHierName, sEle );
                            HierarchyElementInsert( sDim, sCurrHierName, sEleNext, sEle, 'C' );
                        nCtrEle = nCtrEle + 1;
                    # a delimited list of consolidations is given. Handle with recursive call and temp descendents attribute
                    nDelimiterIndexB = 1;
                    While( nDelimiterIndexB <> 0 );
                        nDelimiterIndexB = Scan( pDelim, sEles );
                        If( nDelimiterIndexB = 0 );
                            sEle = sEles;
                            sEle = Trim( SubSt( sEles, 1, nDelimiterIndexB - 1 ) );
                            sEles = Trim( Subst( sEles, nDelimiterIndexB + Long(pDelim), Long( sEles ) ) );
                        # Wildcard search string
                        sEle = '"'|sEle|'"';
                        sMdxEle = Expand('{TM1FILTERBYPATTERN( {TM1SUBSETALL([%sCurrHier%])}, %sEle% )}');
                        If( HierarchySubsetExists( sDim, sCurrHierName, cTempSub ) = 1 );
                            # If a delimited list of dim names includes wildcards then we may have to re-use the subset multiple times
                            HierarchySubsetMDXSet( sDim, sCurrHierName, cTempSub, sMDXEle );
                            # temp subset, therefore no need to destroy in epilog
                            SubsetCreatebyMDX( cTempSub, sMDXEle, sCurrHier, 1 );
                        # Loop through subset of Consolidated elements created based on wildcard
                        nCountElems = HierarchySubsetGetSize(sDim, sCurrHierName, cTempSub);
                        While( nCountElems >= 1 );
                            sElement = HierarchySubsetGetElementName(sDim, sCurrHierName, cTempSub, nCountElems);
                            ## Check that the element is consolidated and has children
                            If( DType( sCurrHier, sElement ) @= 'C' & ElementComponentCount( sDim, sCurrHierName, sElement ) > 0 );
                                If( pLogOutput = 1 );
                                    LogOutput( 'INFO', Expand( 'Process called recursively for "%sElement%" in hierarchy "%sDim%:%sCurrHierName%".' ) );
                                ExecuteProcess( cThisProcName, 'pLogOutput', pLogOutput,
                                    'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling,
                                    'pDim', sDim, 'pHier', sCurrHierName,
                                    'pConsol', sElement, 'pRecursive', pRecursive,
                                    'pDelim', pDelim
                            nCountElems = nCountElems - 1;
            nCountHier = nCountHier - 1;
    nCountDim = nCountDim - 1;


End Prolog

#endregion #region Metadata

#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements

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Check for errors in prolog

If( nErrors <> 0 ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf;

If Leaf or already unwound then skip

If( ElementComponentCount( pDim, pHier, vElement ) = 0 ); ItemSkip; EndIf;

Break all parent/child links below target consol

If( pConsol @= '*' ); sAttrVal = cAttrVal; Else; sAttrVal = ElementAttrS( pDim, pHier, vElement, cHierAttr ); EndIf;

If( sAttrVal @= cAttrVal ); bFastUnwind = 1;

# Cannot check nPars > 1 as due to ordering of elements processes some parents may have already been removed
nPars = ElementParentCount( pDim, pHier, vElement );
nPar = 1;
While( nPar <= nPars );
    sPar = ElementParent( pDim, pHier, vElement, nPar );
    If( ElementAttrS( pDim, pHier, sPar, cHierAttr ) @<> cAttrVal );
        # Parent does not belong to unwinding intersection. Cannot delete C children, must unwind.
        bFastUnwind = 0;
    nPar = nPar + 1;
If( bFastUnwind = 1 );
    # delete and recreate C element (Fast)
    sEleNext = ElementName( pDim, pHier, ElementIndex( pDim, pHier, vElement ) + 1 );
    HierarchyElementDelete( pDim, pHier, vElement );
    HierarchyElementInsert( pDim, pHier, sEleNext, vElement, 'C' );
    # unwind C element without deletion (Slow for consols with many children)
    nComp = ElementComponentCount( pDim, pHier, vElement );
    While( nComp > 0 );
        sComp = ElementComponent( pDim, pHier, vElement, nComp );
        HierarchyElementComponentDelete( pDim, pHier, vElement, sComp );
        nComp = nComp - 1;


End Metadata

#endregion #region Data

#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements #endregion #region Epilog

#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements

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Return code & final error message handling

If( nErrors > 0 ); sMessage = 'the process incurred at least 1 error. Please see above lines in this file for more details.'; nProcessReturnCode = 0; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% Process:%cThisProcName% completed with errors. Check tm1server.log for details.' ); Else;

### Remove Descendent attribute
IF( Scan( '*', pDim ) = 0 &  Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '*', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '*', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pConsol ) = 0 );
  AttrDelete( pDim, cHierAttr );


Reset Logging in the Attribute cube

IF( Scan( '', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pHier ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pHier ) = 0 & Scan( '*', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pConsol ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pConsol ) = 0 ); If( CubeExists( sAttrCube ) = 1 ); If( nLogging = 1 ); CubeSetLogChanges( sAttrCube, 1 ); EndIf; EndIf; EndIf;

Return code & final error message handling

If( nErrors > 0 ); sMessage = 'the process incurred at least 1 error. Please see above lines in this file for more details.'; nProcessReturnCode = 0; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% Process:%cThisProcName% completed with errors. Check tm1server.log for details.' ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; EndIf; Else; sProcessAction = Expand( 'Process:%cThisProcName% successfully unwound the appropriate consolidated items the %pDim%:%pHier% dimension:hierarchy.' ); sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% %sProcessAction%' ); nProcessReturnCode = 1; If( pLogoutput = 1 ); LogOutput('INFO', Expand( sProcessAction ) );
EndIf; EndIf;

End Epilog
