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File metadata and controls

398 lines (348 loc) · 12.4 KB

#region Prolog #Region CallThisProcess

A snippet of code provided as an example how to call this process should the developer be working on a system without access to an editor with auto-complete.

If( 1 = 0 ); ExecuteProcess( '}bedrock.hier.sub.exporttofile', 'pLogOutput', pLogOutput, 'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling, 'pDim', '', 'pHier', '', 'pSub', '', 'pTgtDir', '', 'pTgtFile', '', 'pTitleRecord', 1, 'pDelim', ',', 'pQuote', '"' ); EndIf; #EndRegion CallThisProcess

#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements

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#Region @DOC


This process will Export a subset in a Hierarchy of a Dimension to a file. Custom record delimiter

(specified by a character or its ASCII code) can be used.

Format of the file:

- 1st line: File metadata contains summary information about the dimension, hierarchy, subset

name, number of elements and date/time when file was generated.

- 2nd line and forth: Elements export data.


Valid dimension name (pDim), subset name (pSub), inclusion of header (pTitleRecord)

are mandatory otherwise the process will abort. Target folder (pTgtDir) must exist.

If needed, custom delimiter might be used by specifying parameter pDelim value as either exactly one

character or as a 3-digit (decimal) ASCII code. For example to use TAB as a delimiter, use 009.

#EndRegion @DOC

Global Variables

StringGlobalVariable('sProcessReturnCode'); NumericGlobalVariable('nProcessReturnCode'); nProcessReturnCode= 0;


cThisProcName = GetProcessName(); cUserName = TM1User(); cTimeStamp = TimSt( Now, '\Y\m\d\h\i\s' ); cRandomInt = NumberToString( INT( RAND( ) * 1000 )); cTempSub = cThisProcName |''| cTimeStamp |''| cRandomInt; cMsgErrorLevel = 'ERROR'; cMsgErrorContent = 'User:%cUserName% Process:%cThisProcName% ErrorMsg:%sMessage%'; cLogInfo = 'Process:%cThisProcName% run with parameters pDim:%pDim%, pHier:%pHier%, pSub:%pSub%, pTgtDir:%pTgtDir%, pTgtFile:%pTgtFile%, pTitleRecord:%pTitleRecord%.'; cAttributeDim = '}ElementAttributes_' | pDim; cLenASCIICode = 3;

pDelim = TRIM(pDelim);

LogOutput parameters

IF ( pLogoutput = 1 ); LogOutput('INFO', Expand( cLogInfo ) );

Validate Parameters

nErrors = 0;

If( Scan( ':', pDim ) > 0 & pHier @= '' ); # A hierarchy has been passed as dimension. Handle the input error by splitting dim:hier into dimension & hierarchy pHier = SubSt( pDim, Scan( ':', pDim ) + 1, Long( pDim ) ); pDim = SubSt( pDim, 1, Scan( ':', pDim ) - 1 ); EndIf;

Validate dimension

If( Trim( pDim ) @= '' ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'No dimension specified'; DataSourceType = 'NULL'; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); EndIf; If( DimensionExists( pDim ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Invalid dimension: ' | pDim; DataSourceType = 'NULL'; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); EndIf;

Validate hierarchy

IF( Trim(pHier) @= '' ); pHier = pDim; EndIf;

IF( HierarchyExists(pDim, pHier ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Invalid Source Hierarchy: ' | pDim |':'|pHier; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); EndIf;

Validate subset

If( Trim( pSub ) @= '' ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'No subset specified'; DataSourceType = 'NULL'; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); EndIf;

If( HierarchySubsetExists( pDim, pHier, pSub ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Invalid subset: ' | pSub | ' in dimension:Hierarchy ' | pDim |':' | pHier; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); EndIf;

check operating system

If( SubSt( GetProcessErrorFileDirectory, 2, 1 ) @= ':' ); sOS = 'Windows'; sOSDelim = ''; ElseIf( Scan( '/', GetProcessErrorFileDirectory ) > 0 ); sOS = 'Linux'; sOSDelim = '/'; Else; sOS = 'Windows'; sOSDelim = ''; EndIf;

Validate file path

Strip off trailing backslash (if present)

If( SubSt( pTgtDir, Long( pTgtDir ), 1 ) @= sOSDelim ); pTgtDir = SubSt( pTgtDir, 1, Long( pTgtDir ) - 1 ); EndIf; If( FileExists( pTgtDir ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Invalid export path specified. Folder does not exist.'; DataSourceType = 'NULL'; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); EndIf; pTgtDir = pTgtDir | sOSDelim;

Validate file delimiter & quote character

If( pDelim @= '' ); pDelim = ','; Else; # If length of pDelim is exactly 3 chars and each of them is decimal digit, then the pDelim is entered as ASCII code nValid = 0; If ( LONG(pDelim) = cLenASCIICode ); nChar = 1; While ( nChar <= cLenASCIICode ); If( CODE( pDelim, nChar )>=CODE( '0', 1 ) & CODE( pDelim, nChar )<=CODE( '9', 1 ) ); nValid = 1; Else; nValid = 0; EndIf; nChar = nChar + 1; End; EndIf; If ( nValid<>0 ); pDelim=CHAR(StringToNumber( pDelim )); Else; pDelim = SubSt( Trim( pDelim ), 1, 1 ); EndIf; EndIf; If( pQuote @= '' ); ## Use no quote character Else; # If length of pQuote is exactly 3 chars and each of them is decimal digit, then the pQuote is entered as ASCII code nValid = 0; If ( LONG(pQuote) = cLenASCIICode ); nChar = 1; While ( nChar <= cLenASCIICode ); If( CODE( pQuote, nChar ) >= CODE( '0', 1 ) & CODE( pQuote, nChar ) <= CODE( '9', 1 ) ); nValid = 1; Else; nValid = 0; EndIf; nChar = nChar + 1; End; EndIf; If ( nValid<>0 ); pQuote=CHAR(StringToNumber( pQuote )); Else; pQuote = SubSt( Trim( pQuote ), 1, 1 ); EndIf; EndIf;

Validate filename

If no file name then default to Dimension.Subset.Export.csv (or Dimension.Hierarchy.Subset.Export.csv in case of alternate hierarchy usage)

If( pTgtFile @= '' ); If( pHier @= pHier ); pTgtFile = pDim |'.'| pSub |'.Export.csv'; Else; pTgtFile = pDim |'.'| pHier |'.'| pSub |'.Export.csv'; EndIf; Else; If( Scan( '.', pTgtFile ) = 0 ); # No file extension specified pTgtFile = pTgtFile | '.csv'; EndIf; EndIf; sFile = pTgtDir | pTgtFile;

Validate Character Set

If(Trim( pCharacterSet ) @= '' ); pCharacterSet = 'TM1CS_UTF8'; EndIf;

Initialise & declare variables

nRecordCount = 0;

Determine if alias exists

sAttributeDim = '}ElementAttributes_' | pDim; sAlias = '(no alias)'; If( DimensionExists( sAttributeDim ) = 1 ); nElementIndex = 1; nElementCount = DimSiz( sAttributeDim ); While( nElementIndex <= nElementCount ); sAttribute = DimNm( sAttributeDim, nElementIndex ); If( SubSt( DType( sAttributeDim, sAttribute ), 2, 1 ) @= 'A' ); sAlias = sAttribute; nElementIndex = nElementCount; EndIf; nElementIndex = nElementIndex + 1; End; EndIf;

Check for errors before continuing

If( nErrors <> 0 ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf;

Assign Data Source

DatasourceNameForServer = pDim|':'|pHier; DatasourceNameForClient = pDim|':'|pHier; DataSourceType = 'SUBSET'; DatasourceDimensionSubset = pSub; DatasourceAsciiDelimiter= pDelim; DatasourceAsciiQuoteCharacter = pQuote;

End Prolog

#endregion #region Metadata

#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements #endregion #region Data

#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements

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Set the output character set

SetOutputCharacterSet( sFile, pCharacterSet );

Check for error in prolog

If( nErrors <> 0 ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf;

Check whether to write title records

nRecordCount = nRecordCount + 1;

If( nRecordCount = 1 & pTitleRecord = 1 );

nSubsetSize = HierarchySubSetGetSize( pDim, pHier, pSub );

Write params

TextOutput( sFile, 'Export from dimension: ' | pDim | ',Hierarchy:'|pHier|',Subset:'|pSub| ', Total elements: ' | NumberToString( nSubsetSize ) | '. On ' | Date( Now, 1 ) | ' at ' | Time );

Write header records

TextOutput( sFile, 'Subix', 'Element', 'Alias: ' | sAlias, 'Dimix', 'El Type', 'Level', 'Num Children', 'Parent 1', 'Weight 1', 'Parent 2', 'Weight 2', 'Parent 3', 'Weight 3', 'Parent 4', 'Weight 4', 'Parent 5', 'Weight 5' );


Write dimension info to flat file

sElement = HierarchyElementPrincipalName( pDim, pHier, vElement ); sSubix = NumberToString( nRecordCount ); sIndex = NumberToString( ElementIndex( pDim, pHier, vElement ) ); sType = ElementType( pDim, PHier, vElement ); sLevel = NumberToString( ElementLevel( pDim, pHier, vElement ) ); sChild = NumberToString( ElementComponentCount( pDim, pHier, vElement ) ); sParent1 = ElementParent( pDim,pHier, vElement, 1 ); sParent2 = ElementParent( pDim,pHier, vElement, 2 ); sParent3 = ElementParent( pDim,pHier, vElement, 3 ); sParent4 = ElementParent( pDim,pHier, vElement, 4 ); sParent5 = ElementParent( pDim,pHier, vElement, 5 ); sParent6 = ElementParent( pDim,pHier, vElement, 6 ); sParent7 = ElementParent( pDim,pHier, vElement, 7 ); sParent8 = ElementParent( pDim,pHier, vElement, 8 ); sWeight1 = NumberToString( ElementWeight( pDim, pHier, sParent1, vElement ) ); sWeight2 = NumberToString( ElementWeight( pDim, pHier, sParent2, vElement ) ); sWeight3 = NumberToString( ElementWeight( pDim, pHier, sParent3, vElement ) ); sWeight4 = NumberToString( ElementWeight( pDim, pHier, sParent4, vElement ) ); sWeight5 = NumberToString( ElementWeight( pDim, pHier, sParent5, vElement ) ); sWeight6 = NumberToString( ElementWeight( pDim, pHier, sParent6, vElement ) ); sWeight7 = NumberToString( ElementWeight( pDim, pHier, sParent7, vElement ) ); sWeight8 = NumberToString( ElementWeight( pDim, pHier, sParent8, vElement ) );

If( sAlias @<> '(no alias)' ); sAliasValue = ElementAttrS( pDim, pHier, vElement, sAlias ); Else; sAliasValue = ''; EndIf;

TextOutput( sFile, sSubix, sElement, sAliasValue, sIndex, sType, sLevel, sChild, sParent1, sWeight1, sParent2, sWeight2, sParent3, sWeight3, sParent4, sWeight4, sParent5, sWeight5, sParent6, sWeight6, sParent7, sWeight7, sParent8, sWeight8 );

End Data

#endregion #region Epilog

#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements

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Return code & final error message handling

If( nErrors > 0 ); sMessage = 'the process incurred at least 1 error. Please see above lines in this file for more details.'; nProcessReturnCode = 0; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% Process:%cThisProcName% completed with errors. Check tm1server.log for details.' ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; EndIf; Else; sProcessAction = Expand( 'Process:%cThisProcName% successfully exported subset %pSub% from dimension %pDim%.' ); sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% %sProcessAction%' ); nProcessReturnCode = 1; If( pLogoutput = 1 ); LogOutput('INFO', Expand( sProcessAction ) );
EndIf; EndIf;

End Epilog
