#region Prolog #Region CallThisProcess
A snippet of code provided as an example how to call this process should the developer be working on a system without access to an editor with auto-complete.
If( 1 = 0 ); ExecuteProcess( '}bedrock.hier.sub.delete', 'pLogOutput', pLogOutput, 'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling, 'pDim', '', 'pHier', '', 'pSub', '', 'pDelim', '&', 'pMode', 0 ); EndIf; #EndRegion CallThisProcess
#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements
##Join the bedrock TM1 community on GitHub https://github.com/cubewise-code/bedrock Ver 4.0##
#Region @DOC
This process deletes public subsets from selected dimension and hierarchies. Dimensions, hierarchies
- When specifying hierarchy names wildcards are permitted and all hierachies that match the wildcard
- To specify multiple search stings list them all separated by a delimiter e.g. Bedrock* & *Temp & *Test*
- Similarly you can use ?
as wildcard specifying one character - usage is similar as above specified examples for *
- Specific subset names and wildcard based names can both be used together e.g. SalesByProduct;Bedrock*
#EndRegion @DOC
StringGlobalVariable('sProcessReturnCode'); NumericGlobalVariable('nProcessReturnCode'); nProcessReturnCode= 0;
cThisProcName = GetProcessName(); cTimeStamp = TimSt( Now, '\Y\m\d\h\i\s' ); cRandomInt = NumberToString( INT( RAND( ) * 1000 )); cTempSub = cThisProcName |''| cTimeStamp |''| cRandomInt; cTempSubDim = cThisProcName |'Dim'| cTimeStamp |'_'| cRandomInt; cUserName = TM1User(); cMsgErrorLevel = 'ERROR'; cMsgErrorContent = 'User:%cUserName% Process:%cThisProcName% ErrorMsg:%sMessage%'; cLogInfo = 'Process:%cThisProcName% run with parameters pDim:%pDim%, pHier:%pHier%, pSub:%pSub%, pMode:%pMode%.'; cAll = 'ALL'; cDimDimensions = '}Dimensions'; cCharAny = '?'; cStringAny = '*'; cCharDimHier = ':';
nSkipParsing = 0; sProcessAction = '';
IF( pLogoutput = 1 );
LogOutput('INFO', Expand( cLogInfo ) );
nErrors = 0;
If( Scan( '*', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( '?', pDim ) = 0 & Scan( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & Scan( ':', pDim ) > 0 & pHier @= '' ); # A hierarchy has been passed as dimension. Handle the input error by splitting dim:hier into dimension & hierarchy pHier = SubSt( pDim, Scan( ':', pDim ) + 1, Long( pDim ) ); pDim = SubSt( pDim, 1, Scan( ':', pDim ) - 1 ); EndIf;
If( Trim( pDelim ) @= '' ); pDelim = '&'; EndIf;
If( Trim( pDim ) @= '' ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'No dimension specified'; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf; If( SCAN( cCharAny, pDim ) = 0 & SCAN( cStringAny, pDim ) = 0 & SCAN( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & SCAN( cCharDimHier, pDim ) > 0 & pHier @= '' ); pHier = SubSt( pDim, SCAN( cCharDimHier, pDim ) + 1, Long( pDim ) ); pDim = SubSt( pDim, 1, SCAN( cCharDimHier, pDim ) - 1 ); EndIf;
IF(pHier @= 'Leaves' ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Invalid Hierarchy: ' | pDim |':'|pHier; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); EndIf;
If( Trim( pHier ) @<> '' ); sHier = pHier; EndIf;
If( Trim( pSub ) @= '' ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'No subsets specified'; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf;
If ( SCAN( cCharAny, pDim ) = 0 & SCAN( cStringAny, pDim ) = 0 & SCAN( pDelim, pDim ) = 0 & SCAN( cCharAny, pHier ) = 0 & SCAN( cStringAny, pHier ) = 0 & SCAN( pDelim, pHier ) = 0 & SCAN( cCharAny, pSub ) = 0 & SCAN( cStringAny, pSub ) = 0 & SCAN( pDelim, pSub ) = 0 ); If ( DimensionExists( pDim ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = Expand( 'Dimension %pDim% doesn''t exist.' ); LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf; If ( pHier @<> '' & HierarchyExists( pDim, pHier ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = Expand( 'Hierarchy %pHier% doesn''t exist in dimension %pDim%.' ); LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf; If ( HierarchySubsetExists( pDim, pHier, pSub ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = Expand( 'Subset %pSub% doesn''t exist in hierarchy %pHier% of dimension %pDim%.' ); LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf; If ( pHier @= '' ); pHier = pDim; EndIf; If ( pMode <= 1 ); HierarchySubsetDestroy( pDim, pHier, pSub ); sProcessAction = Expand( 'Destroyed subset %pSub% on dimension %pDim% in hierarchy %pHier%.' ); ElseIf ( pMode = 2 ); HierarchySubsetDeleteAllElements( pDim, pHier, pSub ); sProcessAction = Expand( 'Deleted all elements from subset %pSub% on dimension %pDim% in hierarchy %pHier%.' ); EndIf;
nSkipParsing = 1; EndIf;
If ( nSkipParsing = 0 );
If( Trim( pDim ) @= '*' ); pDim = cAll; EndIf;
We will exclude hierarchies in this step and will filter them in connection with subsets in later steps
If ( TRIM( pDim ) @= cAll ); sMDX = Expand( '{FILTER(TM1SUBSETALL([%cDimDimensions%]), INSTR([%cDimDimensions%].CurrentMember.Name, '':'' ) = 0 )}' ); Else; sDimTokenizer = TRIM( pDim ); sMDX = ''; ### Loop and tokenize dimension list While ( sDimTokenizer @<> '' ); nPos = SCAN( pDelim, sDimTokenizer ); If ( nPos = 0 ); nPos = LONG( sDimTokenizer ) + 1; EndIf; sSearchDim = TRIM( SUBST( sDimTokenizer, 1, nPos - 1 ) ); If( sMDX @= '' ); sMDX = Expand( '{TM1FILTERBYPATTERN({FILTER(TM1SUBSETALL([%cDimDimensions%]), INSTR([%cDimDimensions%].CurrentMember.Name, '':'' ) = 0 )}, "%sSearchDim%")}' ); Else; sMDX = Expand( '%sMDX% + {TM1FILTERBYPATTERN({FILTER(TM1SUBSETALL([%cDimDimensions%]), INSTR([%cDimDimensions%].CurrentMember.Name, '':'' ) = 0 )}, "%sSearchDim%")}' ); EndIf; ### Consume dimension and delimiter sDimTokenizer = TRIM( DELET( sDimTokenizer, 1, nPos + LONG( pDelim ) - 1 ) ); End; sMDX = Expand( '{%sMDX%}' ); EndIf;
If ( SubsetExists( cDimDimensions, cTempSub ) = 1 ); SubsetMDXSet( cDimDimensions, cTempSub, sMDX ); Else; SubsetCreatebyMDX( cTempSub, sMDX, cDimDimensions, 1 ); EndIf; nMaxDim = SubsetGetSize( cDimDimensions, cTempSub );
nCurDim = 1;
While ( nCurDim <= nMaxDim );
sCurDim = SubsetGetElementName( cDimDimensions, cTempSub, nCurDim );
sCurSubDim = Expand( '}Subsets_%sCurDim%' );
### We will lookup subsets in }Subsets_ dimension of current dim
If ( DimensionExists( sCurSubDim ) <> 0 );
If ( pHier @= '' );
sHier = sCurDim;
sHier = pHier;
sHierTokenizer = TRIM( sHier );
sMDX = '';
### Loop and tokenize hierarchies list
While ( sHierTokenizer @<> '' );
nPos = SCAN( pDelim, sHierTokenizer );
If ( nPos = 0 );
nPos = LONG( sHierTokenizer ) + 1;
sSearchHier = TRIM( SUBST( sHierTokenizer, 1, nPos - 1 ) );
sSubTokenizer = TRIM( pSub );
### Loop and tokenize subset list
While ( sSubTokenizer @<> '' );
nPos1 = SCAN( pDelim, sSubTokenizer );
If ( nPos1 = 0 );
nPos1 = LONG( sSubTokenizer ) + 1;
sSearchSubset = TRIM( SUBST( sSubTokenizer, 1, nPos1 - 1 ) );
If ( sSearchHier @<> '*' );
If ( sSearchHier @= sCurDim );
sSearchMDX = sSearchSubset;
sSearchMDX = Expand( '%sSearchHier%:%sSearchSubset%' );
If( sMDX @= '' );
sMDX = Expand( '{TM1FILTERBYPATTERN(TM1SUBSETALL( [%sCurSubDim%] ), "%sSearchMDX%")}' );
sMDX = Expand( '%sMDX% + {TM1FILTERBYPATTERN(TM1SUBSETALL( [%sCurSubDim%] ), "%sSearchMDX%")}' );
# We need to handle special case of * specified as hierarchy filter - this is interpreted as ALL hierarchies - otherwise we would be skipping default hierarchy
sSearchMDX1 = Expand( '%sSearchHier%:%sSearchSubset%' );
sSearchMDX2 = Expand( '%sSearchSubset%' );
If( sMDX @= '' );
sMDX = Expand( '{TM1FILTERBYPATTERN(TM1SUBSETALL( [%sCurSubDim%] ), "%sSearchMDX1%")} + {TM1FILTERBYPATTERN(TM1SUBSETALL( [%sCurSubDim%] ), "%sSearchMDX2%")}' );
sMDX = Expand( '%sMDX% + {TM1FILTERBYPATTERN(TM1SUBSETALL( [%sCurSubDim%] ), "%sSearchMDX1%")} + {TM1FILTERBYPATTERN(TM1SUBSETALL( [%sCurSubDim%] ), "%sSearchMDX2%")}' );
### Consume subset and delimiter
sSubTokenizer = TRIM( DELET( sSubTokenizer, 1, nPos1 + LONG( pDelim ) - 1 ) );
### Consume hierarchy and delimiter
sHierTokenizer = TRIM( DELET( sHierTokenizer, 1, nPos + LONG( pDelim )- 1 ) );
### Query the hierarchies/subsets
If ( SubsetExists( sCurSubDim, cTempSub ) = 1 );
SubsetMDXSet( sCurSubDim, cTempSub, sMDX );
SubsetCreatebyMDX( cTempSub, sMDX, sCurSubDim, 1 );
nMaxSubs = SubsetGetSize( sCurSubDim, cTempSub );
nCurSubs = nMaxSubs;
While ( nCurSubs >= 1 );
sCurSubs = SubsetGetElementName( sCurSubDim, cTempSub, nCurSubs );
nColPos = SCAN( ':', sCurSubs );
If ( nColPos = 0 );
sHierarchy = sCurDim;
sSubset = sCurSubs;
sHierarchy = SUBST( sCurSubs, 1, nColPos - 1 );
sSubset = SUBST( sCurSubs, nColPos + 1, LONG(sCurSubs) - nColPos );
If ( pMode <= 1 );
### Recursive call to consume process error in this process and not to broadcast it to the parent caller process
ExecuteProcess( cThisProcName,
'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling,
'pLogOutput', pLogOutput,
'pDim', sCurDim,
'pHier', sHierarchy,
'pSub', sSubset,
'pDelim', pDelim,
'pMode', pMode
ElseIf ( pMode = 2 );
### No need for a recursive call as we suppose this call is not going to raise a process error - this will save processing time significantly
HierarchySubsetDeleteAllElements( pDim, pHier, pSub );
sProcessAction = Expand( 'Deleted all elements from subset %pSub% on dimension %pDim% in hierarchy %pHier%.' );
nCurSubs = nCurSubs - 1;
nCurDim = nCurDim + 1;
#endregion #region Metadata
#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements #endregion #region Data
#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements #endregion #region Epilog
#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements
##Join the bedrock TM1 community on GitHub https://github.com/cubewise-code/bedrock Ver 4.0##
If( nErrors > 0 );
sMessage = 'the process incurred at least 1 error. Please see above lines in this file for more details.';
nProcessReturnCode = 0;
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% Process:%cThisProcName% completed with errors. Check tm1server.log for details.' );
If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 );
sProcessAction = Expand( 'Process:%cThisProcName% successfully deleted subset %pSub% from dimension %pDim%.' );
sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% %sProcessAction%' );
nProcessReturnCode = 1;
If( pLogoutput = 1 );
LogOutput('INFO', Expand( sProcessAction ) );