#region Prolog #Region CallThisProcess
A snippet of code provided as an example how to call this process should the developer be working on a system without access to an editor with auto-complete.
If( 1 = 0 ); ExecuteProcess( '}bedrock.dim.clone', 'pLogOutput', pLogOutput, 'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling, 'pSrcDim', '', 'pTgtDim', '', 'pHier', '*', 'pAttr', 0, 'pUnwind', 0, 'pDelim', '&' ); EndIf; #EndRegion CallThisProcess
#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements
##Join the bedrock TM1 community on GitHub https://github.com/cubewise-code/bedrock Ver 4.0##
#Region @DOC
#EndRegion @DOC
StringGlobalVariable ('sProcessReturnCode'); NumericGlobalVariable('nProcessReturnCode'); nProcessReturnCode = 0;
cThisProcName = GetProcessName(); cUserName = TM1User(); cTimeStamp = TimSt( Now, '\Y\m\d\h\i\s' ); cRandomInt = NumberToString( INT( RAND( ) * 1000 )); cSubset = cThisProcName |''| cTimeStamp |''| cRandomInt; cMsgErrorLevel = 'ERROR'; cMsgErrorContent = '%cThisProcName% : %sMessage% : %cUserName%'; cMsgInfoContent = 'User:%cUserName% Process:%cThisProcName% Message:%sMessage%'; cLogInfo = '***Parameters for Process:%cThisProcName% for pSrcDim:%pSrcDim%, pTgtDim:%pTgtDim%, pHier:%pHier%, pAttr:%pAttr%, pUnwind:%pUnwind%, pDelim:%pDelim%.'; cLangDim = '}Cultures'; nNumLang = DimSiz( cLangDim );
IF ( pLogoutput = 1 );
LogOutput('INFO', Expand( cLogInfo ) );
nErrors = 0;
If( Scan( '*', pSrcDim )=0 & Scan( '?', pSrcDim )=0 & Scan( pDelim, pSrcDim )=0 & Scan( ':', pSrcDim ) > 0 & pHier @= '' ); # A hierarchy has been passed as dimension. Handle the input error by splitting dim:hier into dimension & hierarchy pHier = SubSt( pSrcDim, Scan( ':', pSrcDim ) + 1, Long( pSrcDim ) ); pSrcDim = SubSt( pSrcDim, 1, Scan( ':', pSrcDim ) - 1 ); EndIf;
IF( Trim( pSrcDim ) @= '' ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'No source dimension specified.'; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); ElseIF( DimensionExists( pSrcDim ) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Invalid source dimension: ' | pSrcDim; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); EndIf;
If( pTgtDim @= '' % pTgtDim @= pSrcDim ); pTgtDim = pSrcDim | '_Clone'; EndIf;
IF( Scan( '', pSrcDim )=0 & Scan( '?', pSrcDim )=0 & Scan( pDelim, pSrcDim )=0 & pHier @= ''); pHier = pSrcDim; ElseIf( Scan( '', pHier )=0 & Scan( '?', pHier )=0 & Scan( pDelim, pHier )=0 & pHier @<> '' & HierarchyExists(pSrcDim, pHier) = 0 ); nErrors = 1; sMessage = 'Invalid dimension hierarchy: ' | pHier; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); Endif;
If( Trim( pHier ) @= '' ); ## use same name as Dimension. Since wildcards are allowed, this is managed inside the code below EndIf;
If( pDelim @= '' ); pDelim = '&'; EndIf;
If( nErrors <> 0 ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf;
If(DimensionExists( pTgtDim ) = 0 ); DimensionCreate( pTgtDim ); Else; IF(pUnwind = 1 ); nRet = ExecuteProcess('}bedrock.hier.unwind', 'pLogOutput', pLogOutput, 'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling, 'pDim', pTgtDim, 'pHier', pTgtDim, 'pConsol', '*', 'pRecursive', 1 ); ELSEIF(pUnwind = 2 ); # Do nothing; ELSE; DimensionDeleteAllElements( pTgtDim ); EndIf; EndIf;
sSortElementsType = CELLGETS( '}DimensionProperties', pSrcDim, 'SORTELEMENTSTYPE'); sSortElementsSense = CELLGETS( '}DimensionProperties', pSrcDim, 'SORTELEMENTSSENSE'); sSortComponentsType = CELLGETS( '}DimensionProperties', pSrcDim, 'SORTCOMPONENTSTYPE'); sSortComponentsSense = CELLGETS( '}DimensionProperties', pSrcDim, 'SORTCOMPONENTSSENSE');
DimensionSortOrder( pTgtDim, sSortComponentsType, sSortComponentsSense, sSortElementsType , sSortElementsSense);
nSourceDimSize = DIMSIZ( pSrcDim ); nIndex = 1; WHILE( nIndex <= nSourceDimSize ); sElName = DIMNM( pSrcDim, nIndex); sElType = DTYPE( pSrcDim, sElName);
DimensionElementInsert( pTgtDim, '', sElName, sElType );
nIndex = nIndex + 1; END;
DatasourceNameForServer = pSrcDim; DatasourceNameForClient = pSrcDim; DataSourceType = 'SUBSET'; DatasourceDimensionSubset = 'ALL';
sAttrDim = '}ElementAttributes_' | pSrcDim; sAttrLoc = '}LocalizedElementAttributes_' | pSrcDim; sAttrTargetDim = '}ElementAttributes_' | pTgtDim; sAttrLocTarget = '}LocalizedElementAttributes_' | pTgtDim;
If( pAttr = 1 & DimensionExists( sAttrDim ) = 1 ); nNumAttrs = DimSiz( sAttrDim ); nCount = 1; While( nCount <= nNumAttrs ); sAttrName = DimNm( sAttrDim, nCount ); sAttCheck = SubSt( DTYPE( sAttrDim, sAttrName ), 1, 1 ); IF (sAttCheck @= 'A'); sAttrType = SubSt( DTYPE( sAttrDim, sAttrName ), 2, 1 ); Else; sAttrType = sAttcheck; EndIf;
If ( DimensionExists( sAttrTargetDim ) = 0);
AttrInsert(pTgtDim,'',sAttrName,sAttrType );
ElseIF(DimIx(sAttrTargetDim, sAttrName) = 0);
AttrInsert(pTgtDim,'',sAttrName,sAttrType );
nCount = nCount + 1;
End; EndIf;
#endregion #region Metadata
#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements
##Join the bedrock TM1 community on GitHub https://github.com/cubewise-code/bedrock Ver 4.0.0##
If( nErrors <> 0 ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf;
sElType = DType( pSrcDim, vEle ); IF( sElType @= 'C' & ElCompN( pSrcDim, vEle ) > 0 ); nChildren = ElCompN( pSrcDim, vEle ); nCount = 1; While( nCount <= nChildren ); sChildElement = ElComp( pSrcDim, vEle, nCount ); sChildWeight = ElWeight( pSrcDim, vEle, sChildElement ); DimensionElementComponentAdd( pTgtDim, vEle, sChildElement, sChildWeight ); nCount = nCount + 1; End; EndIf;
#endregion #region Data
#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements
##Join the bedrock TM1 community on GitHub https://github.com/cubewise-code/bedrock Ver 4.0.0##
If( nErrors <> 0 ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf;
If( pAttr = 1 & DimensionExists( sAttrDim ) = 1 );
nAttr = 1;
While( nAttr <= nNumAttrs );
sAttrName = DimNm( sAttrDim, nAttr );
sAttCheck = SubSt( DTYPE( sAttrDim, sAttrName ), 1, 1 );
IF (sAttCheck @= 'A');
sAttrType = SubSt( DTYPE( sAttrDim, sAttrName ), 2, 1 );
sAttrType = sAttcheck;
sMessage = pSrcDim | ' dimension contains invalid attribute - ' | sAttrName ;
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 );
ItemReject(Expand( cMsgErrorContent ));
If( CellIsUpdateable( sAttrTargetDim, vEle, sAttrName ) = 1 );
If( sAttrType @= 'S' % sAttrType @= 'A' );
#sAttrVal = AttrS( pSrcDim, vEle, sAttrName );
sAttrVal = CellgetS('}ElementAttributes_'| pSrcDim, vEle, sAttrName);
If( sAttrVal @<> '' );
If( sAttrType @= 'A' );
AttrPutS( sAttrVal, pTgtDim, vEle, sAttrName, 1 );
AttrPutS( sAttrVal, pTgtDim, vEle, sAttrName );
#nAttrVal = AttrN( pSrcDim, vEle, sAttrName );
nAttrVal = CellgetN('}ElementAttributes_'| pSrcDim, vEle, sAttrName);
If( nAttrVal <> 0 );
AttrPutN( nAttrVal, pTgtDim, vEle, sAttrName );
# check for localized attributes
If( CubeExists( sAttrLoc ) = 1 );
nLang = 1;
While( nLang <= nNumLang );
sLang = DimNm( cLangDim, nLang );
If( sAttrType @= 'A' % sAttrType @= 'S' );
sAttrVal = AttrS( pSrcDim, vEle, sAttrName );
sAttrValLoc = AttrSL( pSrcDim, vEle, sAttrName, sLang );
If( sAttrValLoc @= sAttrVal ); sAttrValLoc = ''; EndIf;
nAttrVal = AttrN( pSrcDim, vEle, sAttrName );
nAttrValLoc = AttrNL( pSrcDim, vEle, sAttrName, sLang );
If( CubeExists( sAttrLocTarget ) = 0 );
If( sAttrType @= 'A' );
AttrPutS( sAttrValLoc, pTgtDim, vEle, sAttrName, sLang, 1 );
ElseIf( sAttrType @= 'N' );
If( nAttrValLoc <> nAttrVal );
AttrPutN( nAttrValLoc, pTgtDim, vEle, sAttrName, sLang );
AttrPutS( sAttrValLoc, pTgtDim, vEle, sAttrName, sLang );
ElseIf( CubeExists( sAttrLocTarget ) = 1 );
If( CellIsUpdateable( sAttrLocTarget, vEle, sLang, sAttrName ) = 1 );
If( sAttrType @= 'A' );
AttrPutS( sAttrValLoc, pTgtDim, vEle, sAttrName, sLang, 1 );
ElseIf( sAttrType @= 'N' );
If( nAttrValLoc <> nAttrVal );
AttrPutN( nAttrValLoc, pTgtDim, vEle, sAttrName, sLang );
AttrPutS( sAttrValLoc, pTgtDim, vEle, sAttrName, sLang );
nLang = nLang + 1;
nAttr = nAttr + 1;
#endregion #region Epilog
#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements
##Join the bedrock TM1 community on GitHub https://github.com/cubewise-code/bedrock Ver 4.0.0##
CELLPUTS( sSortElementsType, '}DimensionProperties', pTgtDim, 'SORTELEMENTSTYPE'); CELLPUTS( sSortElementsSense, '}DimensionProperties', pTgtDim, 'SORTELEMENTSSENSE'); CELLPUTS( sSortComponentsType, '}DimensionProperties', pTgtDim, 'SORTCOMPONENTSTYPE'); CELLPUTS( sSortComponentsSense, '}DimensionProperties', pTgtDim, 'SORTCOMPONENTSSENSE');
If( SubsetExists( pSrcDim, cSubset ) = 1 ); SubsetDestroy( pSrcDim, cSubset ); EndIf;
##Clone all the Hierarchies except default hierarchy & Leaves If( pHier @= '*' ); sDim = pSrcDim; sHierDim = '}Hierarchies_' | sDim; sTargetHierarchy = ''; nMax = DimSiz( sHierDim ); nCtr = 1; While( nCtr <= nMax ); sEle = DimNm( sHierDim, nCtr ); nElength = Long(sEle); nElestart = 0; nElestart = SCAN(':', sEle) + 1; If(nElestart > 1); vSourceHierarchy = SUBST(sEle,nElestart,nElength); If ( vSourceHierarchy @<> 'Leaves'); nRet = ExecuteProcess('}bedrock.hier.clone', 'pLogOutput', pLogOutput, 'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling, 'pSrcDim', sDim, 'pSrcHier', vSourceHierarchy, 'pTgtDim', pTgtDim, 'pTgtHier', vSourceHierarchy, 'pAttr', pAttr, 'pUnwind',pUnwind ); Endif; sTargetHierarchy = sTargetHierarchy |':'|vSourceHierarchy; Endif; nCtr = nCtr + 1; End;
ElseIf( Scan( '*', pHier )=0 & Scan( '?', pHier )=0 & Scan( pDelim, pHier )=0 & Trim( pHier ) @<> '' ); sDim = pSrcDim; sHierDim = '}Hierarchies_' | sDim; sCurrHier = pHier; sCurrHierName = Subst( sCurrHier, Scan(':', sCurrHier)+1, Long(sCurrHier) ); # Validate hierarchy name in sHierDim If( Dimix( sHierDim , sDim |':'| sCurrHier ) = 0 ); sMessage = Expand('The "%sCurrHier%" hierarchy does NOT exist in the "%sDim%" dimension.'); LogOutput( 'INFO' , Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) ); ElseIf( sCurrHierName @= 'Leaves' ); sMessage = 'Invalid Hierarchy: ' | sCurrHier | ' will be skipped....'; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); ElseIf( sCurrHierName @<> sDim ); If( pLogOutput = 1 ); sMessage = Expand( 'Hierarchy "%sCurrHierName%" in Dimension "%sDim%" being processed....' ); LogOutput( 'INFO', Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) ); EndIf; nRet = ExecuteProcess('}bedrock.hier.clone', 'pLogOutput', pLogOutput, 'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling, 'pSrcDim', sDim, 'pSrcHier', sCurrHierName, 'pTgtDim', pTgtDim, 'pTgtHier', sCurrHierName, 'pAttr', pAttr, 'pUnwind',pUnwind ); Endif;
ElseIf( Scan( '*', pHier )=0 & Scan( '?', pHier )=0 & Trim( pHier ) @<> '' );
# Loop through hierarchies in pHier
sDim = pSrcDim;
sHierarchies = pHier;
nDelimiterIndexA = 1;
sHierDim = '}Hierarchies_'| sDim ;
sMdxHier = '';
While( nDelimiterIndexA <> 0 );
nDelimiterIndexA = Scan( pDelim, sHierarchies );
If( nDelimiterIndexA = 0 );
sHierarchy = sHierarchies;
sHierarchy = Trim( SubSt( sHierarchies, 1, nDelimiterIndexA - 1 ) );
sHierarchies = Trim( Subst( sHierarchies, nDelimiterIndexA + Long(pDelim), Long( sHierarchies ) ) );
sCurrHier = sHierarchy;
sCurrHierName = Subst( sCurrHier, Scan(':', sCurrHier)+1, Long(sCurrHier) );
# Validate hierarchy name in sHierDim
If( Dimix( sHierDim , sDim |':'| sCurrHier ) = 0 );
sMessage = Expand('The "%sCurrHier%" hierarchy does NOT exist in the "%sDim%" dimension.');
LogOutput( 'INFO' , Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) );
ElseIf( sCurrHierName @= 'Leaves' );
sMessage = 'Invalid Hierarchy: ' | sCurrHier | ' will be skipped....';
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
ElseIf( sCurrHierName @<> sDim );
If( pLogOutput = 1 );
sMessage = Expand( 'Hierarchy "%sCurrHierName%" in Dimension "%sDim%" being processed....' );
LogOutput( 'INFO', Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) );
nRet = ExecuteProcess('}bedrock.hier.clone',
'pLogOutput', pLogOutput,
'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling,
'pSrcDim', sDim,
'pSrcHier', sCurrHierName,
'pTgtDim', pTgtDim,
'pTgtHier', sCurrHierName,
'pAttr', pAttr,
ElseIf( Trim( pHier ) @<> '' );
# Loop through hierarchies in pHier
sDim = pSrcDim;
sHierarchies = pHier;
nDelimiterIndexA = 1;
sHierDim = '}Hierarchies_'| sDim ;
sMdxHier = '';
While( nDelimiterIndexA <> 0 );
nDelimiterIndexA = Scan( pDelim, sHierarchies );
If( nDelimiterIndexA = 0 );
sHierarchy = sHierarchies;
sHierarchy = Trim( SubSt( sHierarchies, 1, nDelimiterIndexA - 1 ) );
sHierarchies = Trim( Subst( sHierarchies, nDelimiterIndexA + Long(pDelim), Long( sHierarchies ) ) );
# Create subset of Hierarchies using Wildcard
sHierExp = '"'| sDim | ':' | sHierarchy|'"';
sMdxHierPart = '{TM1FILTERBYPATTERN( {TM1SUBSETALL([ ' |sHierDim| '])},'| sHierExp | ')}';
IF( sMdxHier @= '');
sMdxHier = sMdxHierPart;
sMdxHier = sMdxHier | ' + ' | sMdxHierPart;
If( SubsetExists( sHierDim, cSubset ) = 1 );
# If a delimited list of attr names includes wildcards then we may have to re-use the subset multiple times
SubsetMDXSet( sHierDim, cSubset, sMdxHier );
# temp subset, therefore no need to destroy in epilog
SubsetCreatebyMDX( cSubset, sMdxHier, sHierDim, 1 );
# Loop through subset of hierarchies created based on wildcard
nCountHier = SubsetGetSize( sHierDim, cSubset );
While( nCountHier >= 1 );
sCurrHier = SubsetGetElementName( sHierDim, cSubset , nCountHier );
sCurrHierName = Subst( sCurrHier, Scan(':', sCurrHier)+1, Long(sCurrHier) );
# Validate hierarchy name in sHierDim
If( Dimix( sHierDim , sCurrHier ) = 0 );
sMessage = Expand('The "%sCurrHier%" hierarchy does NOT exist in the "%sDim%" dimension.');
LogOutput( 'INFO' , Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) );
ElseIf( sCurrHierName @= 'Leaves' );
sMessage = 'Invalid Hierarchy: ' | sCurrHier | ' will be skipped....';
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
ElseIf( sCurrHierName @<> sDim );
If( pLogOutput = 1 );
sMessage = Expand( 'Hierarchy "%sCurrHierName%" in Dimension "%sDim%" being processed....' );
LogOutput( 'INFO', Expand( cMsgInfoContent ) );
nRet = ExecuteProcess('}bedrock.hier.clone',
'pLogOutput', pLogOutput,
'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling,
'pSrcDim', sDim,
'pSrcHier', sCurrHierName,
'pTgtDim', pTgtDim,
'pTgtHier', sCurrHierName,
'pAttr', pAttr,
nCountHier = nCountHier - 1;
If( pSub = 1); nCountSubs = DimSiz ('}Subsets_' | sDim); While ( nCountSubs >= 1 ); sCurrSub = If( Scan( ':', DimNm ('}Subsets_' | sDim, nCountSubs)) = 0, DimNm ('}Subsets_' | sDim, nCountSubs), Subst( DimNm ('}Subsets_' | sDim, nCountSubs), Scan( ':', DimNm ('}Subsets_' | sDim, nCountSubs))+1, Long(DimNm ('}Subsets_' | sDim, nCountSubs))-Scan( ':', DimNm ('}Subsets_' | sDim, nCountSubs)))); sCurrHier = If( Scan( ':', DimNm ('}Subsets_' | sDim, nCountSubs)) = 0, '', Subst(DimNm ('}Subsets_' | sDim, nCountSubs), 1, Scan( ':', DimNm ('}Subsets_' | sDim, nCountSubs))-1));
'pTgtDim', pTgtDim,
'pTgtHier', sCurrHier,
nCountSubs = nCountSubs - 1;
End; Endif;
If( nErrors > 0 );
sMessage = 'the process incurred at least 1 error. Please see above lines in this file for more details.';
nProcessReturnCode = 0;
LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% Process:%cThisProcName% completed with errors. Check tm1server.log for details.' );
If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 );
sProcessAction = Expand( 'Process:%cThisProcName% has cloned the %pSrcDim% dimension into %pTgtDim%.' );
sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% %sProcessAction%' );
nProcessReturnCode = 1;
If( pLogoutput = 1 );
LogOutput('INFO', Expand( sProcessAction ) );