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1917 lines (1763 loc) · 77.9 KB


File metadata and controls

1917 lines (1763 loc) · 77.9 KB

#region Prolog #Region CallThisProcess

A snippet of code provided as an example how to call this process should the developer be working on a system without access to an editor with auto-complete.

If( 1 = 0 ); ExecuteProcess( '}', 'pLogOutput', pLogOutput, 'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling, 'pSrcCube', '', 'pFilter', '', 'pFilterParallel', '', 'pParallelThreads', 0, 'pTgtCube', '', 'pMappingToNewDims', '', 'pSuppressConsol', 1, 'pSuppressConsolStrings', 0, 'pSuppressRules', 1, 'pSuppressZero', 1, 'pZeroTarget', 1, 'pZeroSource', 0, 'pFactor', 1, 'pDimDelim', '&', 'pEleStartDelim', '¦', 'pEleDelim', '+', 'pTemp', 1, 'pCubeLogging', 0, 'pSandbox', pSandbox, 'pSubN', 0, 'pFile', 0, 'pDelim', ',', 'pQuote', '"', 'pDecimalSeparator', '.', 'pThousandSeparator', ',' ); EndIf; #EndRegion CallThisProcess

#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements

################################################################################################# ##Join the bedrock TM1 community on GitHub Ver 4.0## #################################################################################################

#Region @DOC


This is the process used to copy data from a source cube to a different target cube.

Use case: Mainly used in production environments.

1. This process could be used to populate a Reporting cube.

2. The process could be used to archive data from one cube to another one for any use.


* The target cube may have a different number of dimensions as the source cube.

* Where the target and source cubes share the same dimensions, the process will match the dimensions even if their position in the cube is different.

* An input element must be specified for each dimension which is in the target but not in the source using the parameter pMappingToNewDims.

* The format of parameter pMappingToNewDims using default delimiters & and : is DimInTargetButNotSource1:ElementOfDim & DimInTargetButNotSource2:ElementOfDim.

* The input element must be an N level unless pSuppressConsol is set to 0.

* The maximum number of dimensions catered for in the target cube is 27. (In principle adding support for cubes with higher dimensionality is not difficult).

For dimensions in the source but not the target, the process will accumulate the values of all n level elements

(or all n level elements specified by the pFilter parameter).

The pFilter parameter contains the dimensions and elements to be used for filtering the source cube.

The format of the pFilter parameter is as follows, using default delimiters & + : Dim1: Elem1 + Elem2 & Dim2: Elem3 + Elem4.

The dimension parameters do not need to be given in the index order of dimensions in the cube.

The dimension name is specified as the first member of the delimited string of elements.

If consolidations are skipped the N level children of any consolidated filter elements will be used.

Spaces are ignored so use them to make your filter more readable.

If using the pFilterParallel parameter the single dimension used as the "parallelization slicer" cannot appear in

the pFilter parameters.

When using parallelization via the RunProcess function the elements listed in pFilterParallel will be split one_at_a_time

and passed to a recursive call of the process being added to pFilter.

An example:

To copy the 2011 Actual Sales data from the Sales cube to the General Ledger cube set pFilter to Year: 2011 & Version: Actual.

Say the General Ledger cube has an Account dimension but the Sales cube doesn't and the Account for sales is 9999 (an n level element).

Set the pMappingToNewDims parameter to Account:9999.

This will copy all Actual 2011 Sales to Account 9999 in the General Ledger.

If only sales for Company X are to be copied, set pFilter to Year: 2011 & Version: Actual & Company:X.

If sales from other companies are already in the General Ledger set pZeroTarget to 0 to add Company X's data to the existing data.

Setting pZeroTarget to 1 will clear our data in the target cube for the elements specified in the

pMappingToNewDims parameter and the pFilter parameter for dimensions that are in the target.

#EndRegion @DOC

Global Variables

StringGlobalVariable('sProcessReturnCode'); NumericGlobalVariable('nProcessReturnCode');


cThisProcName = GetProcessName(); cUserName = TM1User(); cTimeStamp = TimSt( Now, '\Y\m\d\h\i\s' ); cRandomInt = NumberToString( INT( RAND( ) * 1000 )); cMsgErrorLevel = 'ERROR'; cMsgErrorContent = '%cThisProcName% : %sMessage% : %cUserName%'; cLogInfo = 'Process:%cThisProcName% run with parameters pSrcCube:%pSrcCube%, pFilter:%pFilter%, pFilterParallel:%pFilterParallel%, pParallelThreads:%pParallelThreads%, pTgtCube:%pTgtCube%, pMappingToNewDims:%pMappingToNewDims%, pSuppressConsol:%pSuppressConsol%, pSuppressConsolStrings:%pSuppressConsolStrings%, pSuppressRules:%pSuppressRules%, pSuppressZero:%pSuppressZero%, pZeroTarget:%pZeroTarget%, pZeroSource:%pZeroSource%, pFactor:%pFactor%, pDimDelim:%pDimDelim%, pEleStartDelim:%pEleStartDelim%, pEleDelim:%pEleDelim%, pTemp:%pTemp%, pCubeLogging:%pCubeLogging%, pSandbox:%pSandbox%, pFile:%pFile%, pThreadMode:%pThreadMode%.';

sDelimDim = TRIM(pDimDelim); sElementStartDelim = TRIM(pElEStartDelim); sDelimElem = TRIM(pEleDelim); nErrors = 0; cLenASCIICode = 3;

LogOutput parameters

IF( pLogoutput = 1 ); LogOutput('INFO', Expand( cLogInfo ) );

Make sure pFactor not zero

nFactor = If( pFactor = 0, 1, pFactor );

sView = cThisProcName | cTimeStamp | cRandomInt; sSubset = sView; sTargetView = 'Target '| sView; sTargetSubset = sTargetView;

check operating system

If( SubSt( GetProcessErrorFileDirectory, 2, 1 ) @= ':' ); sOS = 'Windows'; sOSDelim = ''; ElseIf( Scan( '/', GetProcessErrorFileDirectory ) > 0 ); sOS = 'Linux'; sOSDelim = '/'; Else; sOS = 'Windows'; sOSDelim = ''; EndIf;

File location for indirect data copy

cDir = GetProcessErrorFileDirectory; cFileName = pSrcCube | cTimeStamp | cRandomInt | '.csv'; cFile = cDir | cFileName; cTitleRows = 1;

Validate file delimiter & quote character

If( pDelim @= '' ); pDelim = ','; Else; # If length of pDelim is exactly 3 chars and each of them is decimal digit, then the pDelim is entered as ASCII code nValid = 0; If ( LONG(pDelim) = cLenASCIICode ); nChar = 1; While ( nChar <= cLenASCIICode ); If( CODE( pDelim, nChar ) >= CODE( '0', 1 ) & CODE( pDelim, nChar ) <= CODE( '9', 1 ) ); nValid = 1; Else; nValid = 0; Break; EndIf; nChar = nChar + 1; End; EndIf; If ( nValid<>0 ); pDelim=CHAR(StringToNumber( pDelim )); Else; pDelim = SubSt( Trim( pDelim ), 1, 1 ); EndIf; EndIf; cDelimiter = pDelim;

If( pQuote @= '' ); ## Use no quote character Else; # If length of pQuote is exactly 3 chars and each of them is decimal digit, then the pQuote is entered as ASCII code nValid = 0; If ( LONG(pQuote) = cLenASCIICode ); nChar = 1; While ( nChar <= cLenASCIICode ); If( CODE( pQuote, nChar ) >= CODE( '0', 1 ) & CODE( pQuote, nChar ) <= CODE( '9', 1 ) ); nValid = 1; Else; nValid = 0; Break; EndIf; nChar = nChar + 1; End; EndIf; If ( nValid<>0 ); pQuote=CHAR(StringToNumber( pQuote )); Else; pQuote = SubSt( Trim( pQuote ), 1, 1 ); EndIf; EndIf; cQuote = pQuote;

#Region ## Check Parameters ###

Default filter delimiters

If( pDimDelim @= '' ); pDimDelim = '&'; EndIf; If( pEleStartDelim@= '' ); pEleStartDelim= '¦'; EndIf; If( pEleDelim @= '' ); pEleDelim = '+'; EndIf;

If( pDecimalSeparator @= '' ); pDecimalSeparator = '.'; EndIf; If ( LONG(pDecimalSeparator) = cLenASCIICode ); nValid = 0; nChar = 1; While ( nChar <= cLenASCIICode ); If( CODE( pDecimalSeparator, nChar ) >= CODE( '0', 1 ) & CODE( pDecimalSeparator, nChar ) <= CODE( '9', 1 ) ); nValid = 1; Else; nValid = 0; Break; EndIf; nChar = nChar + 1; End; If ( nValid<>0 ); pDecimalSeparator = CHAR(StringToNumber( pDecimalSeparator )); Else; pDecimalSeparator = SubSt( Trim( pDecimalSeparator ), 1, 1 ); EndIf; EndIf; sDecimalSeparator = pDecimalSeparator;

If( pThousandSeparator @= '' ); pThousandSeparator = ','; EndIf; If ( LONG(pThousandSeparator) = cLenASCIICode ); nValid = 0; nChar = 1; While ( nChar <= cLenASCIICode ); If( CODE( pThousandSeparator, nChar ) >= CODE( '0', 1 ) & CODE( pThousandSeparator, nChar ) <= CODE( '9', 1 ) ); nValid = 1; Else; nValid = 0; Break; EndIf; nChar = nChar + 1; End; If ( nValid<>0 ); pThousandSeparator = CHAR(StringToNumber( pThousandSeparator )); Else; pThousandSeparator = SubSt( Trim( pThousandSeparator ), 1, 1 ); EndIf; EndIf; sThousandSeparator = pThousandSeparator;

If specified source cube doesn't exist then terminate process

If( CubeExists( pSrcCube ) = 0 ); nErrors = nErrors + 1; sMessage = Expand( 'Invalid source cube specified: %pSrcCube%.'); LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); EndIf;

If specified target cube doesn't exist then terminate process

If( CubeExists( pTgtCube ) = 0 ); nErrors = nErrors + 1; sMessage = Expand( 'Invalid target cube specified: %pTgtCube%.'); LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); EndIf;

Validate parallelization filter

If( Scan( pEleStartDelim, pFilterParallel ) > 0 ); sDimParallel = SubSt( pFilterParallel, 1, Scan( pEleStartDelim, pFilterParallel ) - 1 ); If( Scan( Lower(sDimParallel) | pEleStartDelim, Lower(pFilter) ) > 0 ); sMessage = 'Parallelization dimension %sDimParallel% cannot exist in filter.'; nErrors = nErrors + 1; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); EndIf; EndIf;

Validate Max Threads

If( pParallelThreads > 0 ); nMaxThreads = pParallelThreads; Else; nMaxThreads = 1; EndIf;

Validate Sandbox

If( TRIM( pSandbox ) @<> '' ); If( ServerSandboxExists( pSandbox ) = 0 ); SetUseActiveSandboxProperty( 0 ); nErrors = nErrors + 1; sMessage = Expand('Sandbox %pSandbox% is invalid for the current user.'); LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); Else; ServerActiveSandboxSet( pSandbox ); SetUseActiveSandboxProperty( 1 ); EndIf; Else; SetUseActiveSandboxProperty( 0 ); EndIf;

Check for errors before continuing

If( nErrors <> 0 ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf; #EndRegion #Region

Set variables =0 or '' #################################################################################################

Placeholders for mappped dimensions

nMappedDim1 = 0; nMappedDim2 = 0; nMappedDim3 = 0; nMappedDim4 = 0; nMappedDim5 = 0; nMappedDim6 = 0; nMappedDim7 = 0; nMappedDim8 = 0; nMappedDim9 = 0; nMappedDim10 = 0; nMappedDim11 = 0; nMappedDim12 = 0; nMappedDim13 = 0; nMappedDim14 = 0; nMappedDim15 = 0; nMappedDim16 = 0; nMappedDim17 = 0; nMappedDim18 = 0; nMappedDim19 = 0; nMappedDim20 = 0; nMappedDim21 = 0; nMappedDim22 = 0; nMappedDim23 = 0; nMappedDim24 = 0; nMappedDim25 = 0; nMappedDim26 = 0; nMappedDim27 = 0;

sMappedV1 = ''; sMappedV2 = ''; sMappedV3 = ''; sMappedV4 = ''; sMappedV5 = ''; sMappedV6 = ''; sMappedV7 = ''; sMappedV8 = ''; sMappedV9 = ''; sMappedV10 = ''; sMappedV11 = ''; sMappedV12 = ''; sMappedV13 = ''; sMappedV14 = ''; sMappedV15 = ''; sMappedV16 = ''; sMappedV17 = ''; sMappedV18 = ''; sMappedV19 = ''; sMappedV20 = ''; sMappedV21 = ''; sMappedV22 = ''; sMappedV23 = ''; sMappedV24 = ''; sMappedV25 = ''; sMappedV26 = ''; sMappedV27 = ''; sMappedV28 = '';

Placeholders for new dimensions

nNewDim1 = 0; nNewDim2 = 0; nNewDim3 = 0; nNewDim4 = 0; nNewDim5 = 0; nNewDim6 = 0; nNewDim7 = 0; nNewDim8 = 0; nNewDim9 = 0; nNewDim10 = 0; nNewDim11 = 0; nNewDim12 = 0; nNewDim13 = 0; nNewDim14 = 0; nNewDim15 = 0; nNewDim16 = 0; nNewDim17 = 0; nNewDim18 = 0; nNewDim19 = 0; nNewDim20 = 0; nNewDim21 = 0; nNewDim22 = 0; nNewDim23 = 0; nNewDim24 = 0; nNewDim25 = 0; nNewDim26 = 0; nNewDim27 = 0;

sNewV1 = ''; sNewV2 = ''; sNewV3 = ''; sNewV4 = ''; sNewV5 = ''; sNewV6 = ''; sNewV7 = ''; sNewV8 = ''; sNewV9 = ''; sNewV10 = ''; sNewV11 = ''; sNewV12 = ''; sNewV13 = ''; sNewV14 = ''; sNewV15 = ''; sNewV16 = ''; sNewV17 = ''; sNewV18 = ''; sNewV19 = ''; sNewV20 = ''; sNewV21 = ''; sNewV22 = ''; sNewV23 = ''; sNewV24 = ''; sNewV25 = ''; sNewV26 = ''; sNewV27 = '';

Determine dimensions in target cube, we need to know this to test cell type before loading

only numbers get converted from strings to numbers

sDim1 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 1 ); sDim2 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 2 ); sDim3 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 3 ); sDim4 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 4 ); sDim5 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 5 ); sDim6 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 6 ); sDim7 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 7 ); sDim8 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 8 ); sDim9 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 9 ); sDim10 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 10 ); sDim11 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 11 ); sDim12 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 12 ); sDim13 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 13 ); sDim14 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 14 ); sDim15 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 15 ); sDim16 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 16 ); sDim17 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 17 ); sDim18 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 18 ); sDim19 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 19 ); sDim20 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 20 ); sDim21 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 21 ); sDim22 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 22 ); sDim23 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 23 ); sDim24 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 24 ); sDim25 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 25 ); sDim26 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 26 ); sDim27 = TabDim( pTgtCube, 27 ); #EndRegion sTgtDimString = '^^'|sDim1|'^^'|sDim2|'^^'|sDim3|'^^'|sDim4|'^^'|sDim5|'^^'|sDim6|'^^'|sDim7|'^^'|sDim8|'^^'|sDim9|'^^'|sDim10|'^^' |sDim11|'^^'|sDim12|'^^'|sDim13|'^^'|sDim14|'^^'|sDim15|'^^'|sDim16|'^^'|sDim17|'^^'|sDim18|'^^'|sDim19|'^^'|sDim20|'^^' |sDim21|'^^'|sDim22|'^^'|sDim23|'^^'|sDim24|'^^'|sDim25|'^^'|sDim26|'^^'|sDim27|'^^';

We have to remove spaces from the search string before going to include the string in searching loop

sTgtDimString = UPPER( sTgtDimString ); nSPIndex = SCAN( ' ', sTgtDimString ); While ( nSPIndex <> 0); sTgtDimString = DELET( sTgtDimString, nSPIndex, 1 ); nSPIndex = SCAN( ' ', sTgtDimString ); End;

########################################### #Region ### MAPPING Target DIMENSIONS ##### ########################################### nSourceIndex = 1; While( TabDim( pSrcCube, nSourceIndex ) @<> '' ); sSourceDim = TabDim( pSrcCube, nSourceIndex); # reset target index if another source dimension has been found nTargetIndex = 1; WHILE(TabDim( pTgtCube, nTargetIndex ) @<> ''); sTargetDim = TabDim( pTgtCube, nTargetIndex ); If(sSourceDim @= sTargetDim); If( pFile = 0 ); If(nTargetIndex = 1); nMappedDim1 = 1; sMappedV1 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 2); nMappedDim2 = 1; sMappedV2 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 3); nMappedDim3 = 1; sMappedV3 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 4); nMappedDim4 = 1; sMappedV4 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 5); nMappedDim5 = 1; sMappedV5 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 6); nMappedDim6 = 1; sMappedV6 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 7); nMappedDim7 = 1; sMappedV7 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 8); nMappedDim8 = 1; sMappedV8 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 9); nMappedDim9 = 1; sMappedV9 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 10); nMappedDim10 = 1; sMappedV10 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 11); nMappedDim11 = 1; sMappedV11 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 12); nMappedDim12 = 1; sMappedV12 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 13); nMappedDim13 = 1; sMappedV13 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 14); nMappedDim14 = 1; sMappedV14 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 15); nMappedDim15 = 1; sMappedV15 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 16); nMappedDim16 = 1; sMappedV16 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 17); nMappedDim17 = 1; sMappedV17 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 18); nMappedDim18 = 1; sMappedV18 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 19); nMappedDim19 = 1; sMappedV19 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 20); nMappedDim20 = 1; sMappedV20 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 21); nMappedDim21 = 1; sMappedV21 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 22); nMappedDim22 = 1; sMappedV22 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 23); nMappedDim23 = 1; sMappedV23 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 24); nMappedDim24 = 1; sMappedV24 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 25); nMappedDim25 = 1; sMappedV25 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 26); nMappedDim26 = 1; sMappedV26 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 27); nMappedDim27 = 1; sMappedV27 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); EndIf; ElseIf( pFile > 0 ); ## If using source file first variable holds tha cube name, so all the other ones have the index increased by 1 If(nTargetIndex = 1); nMappedDim1 = 1; sMappedV1 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 2); nMappedDim2 = 1; sMappedV2 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 3); nMappedDim3 = 1; sMappedV3 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 4); nMappedDim4 = 1; sMappedV4 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 5); nMappedDim5 = 1; sMappedV5 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 6); nMappedDim6 = 1; sMappedV6 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 7); nMappedDim7 = 1; sMappedV7 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 8); nMappedDim8 = 1; sMappedV8 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 9); nMappedDim9 = 1; sMappedV9 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 10); nMappedDim10 = 1; sMappedV10 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 11); nMappedDim11 = 1; sMappedV11 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 12); nMappedDim12 = 1; sMappedV12 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 13); nMappedDim13 = 1; sMappedV13 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 14); nMappedDim14 = 1; sMappedV14 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 15); nMappedDim15 = 1; sMappedV15 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 16); nMappedDim16 = 1; sMappedV16 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 17); nMappedDim17 = 1; sMappedV17 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 18); nMappedDim18 = 1; sMappedV18 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 19); nMappedDim19 = 1; sMappedV19 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 20); nMappedDim20 = 1; sMappedV20 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 21); nMappedDim21 = 1; sMappedV21 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 22); nMappedDim22 = 1; sMappedV22 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 23); nMappedDim23 = 1; sMappedV23 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 24); nMappedDim24 = 1; sMappedV24 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 25); nMappedDim25 = 1; sMappedV25 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 26); nMappedDim26 = 1; sMappedV26 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 27); nMappedDim27 = 1; sMappedV27 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); EndIf; EndIf;


  nTargetIndex = nTargetIndex + 1;


nSourceIndex = nSourceIndex + 1;


The last variable in the data source holds the values

which need to be mapped to the last variable in the target

If( pFile = 0 ); If(nTargetIndex = 1); nMappedDim1 = 1; sMappedV1 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 2); nMappedDim2 = 1; sMappedV2 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 3); nMappedDim3 = 1; sMappedV3 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 4); nMappedDim4 = 1; sMappedV4 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 5); nMappedDim5 = 1; sMappedV5 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 6); nMappedDim6 = 1; sMappedV6 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 7); nMappedDim7 = 1; sMappedV7 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 8); nMappedDim8 = 1; sMappedV8 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 9); nMappedDim9 = 1; sMappedV9 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 10); nMappedDim10 = 1; sMappedV10 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 11); nMappedDim11 = 1; sMappedV11 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 12); nMappedDim12 = 1; sMappedV12 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 13); nMappedDim13 = 1; sMappedV13 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 14); nMappedDim14 = 1; sMappedV14 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 15); nMappedDim15 = 1; sMappedV15 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 16); nMappedDim16 = 1; sMappedV16 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 17); nMappedDim17 = 1; sMappedV17 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 18); nMappedDim18 = 1; sMappedV18 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 19); nMappedDim19 = 1; sMappedV19 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 20); nMappedDim20 = 1; sMappedV20 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 21); nMappedDim21 = 1; sMappedV21 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 22); nMappedDim22 = 1; sMappedV22 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 23); nMappedDim23 = 1; sMappedV23 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 24); nMappedDim24 = 1; sMappedV24 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 25); nMappedDim25 = 1; sMappedV25 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 26); nMappedDim26 = 1; sMappedV26 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 27); nMappedDim27 = 1; sMappedV27 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex);

a cube with 27 dimensions uses V28 to hold the values

ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 28); nMappedDim28 = 1; sMapped28 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex); EndIf; ElseIf( pFile > 0 ); If(nTargetIndex = 1); nMappedDim1 = 1; sMappedV1 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 2); nMappedDim2 = 1; sMappedV2 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 3); nMappedDim3 = 1; sMappedV3 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 4); nMappedDim4 = 1; sMappedV4 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 5); nMappedDim5 = 1; sMappedV5 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 6); nMappedDim6 = 1; sMappedV6 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 7); nMappedDim7 = 1; sMappedV7 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 8); nMappedDim8 = 1; sMappedV8 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 9); nMappedDim9 = 1; sMappedV9 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 10); nMappedDim10 = 1; sMappedV10 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 11); nMappedDim11 = 1; sMappedV11 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 12); nMappedDim12 = 1; sMappedV12 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 13); nMappedDim13 = 1; sMappedV13 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 14); nMappedDim14 = 1; sMappedV14 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 15); nMappedDim15 = 1; sMappedV15 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 16); nMappedDim16 = 1; sMappedV16 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 17); nMappedDim17 = 1; sMappedV17 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 18); nMappedDim18 = 1; sMappedV18 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 19); nMappedDim19 = 1; sMappedV19 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 20); nMappedDim20 = 1; sMappedV20 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 21); nMappedDim21 = 1; sMappedV21 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 22); nMappedDim22 = 1; sMappedV22 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 23); nMappedDim23 = 1; sMappedV23 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 24); nMappedDim24 = 1; sMappedV24 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 25); nMappedDim25 = 1; sMappedV25 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 26); nMappedDim26 = 1; sMappedV26 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 27); nMappedDim27 = 1; sMappedV27 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1);

a cube with 27 dimensions uses V29 to hold the values if export file is used as source

ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 28); nMappedDim28 = 1; sMapped28 = 'V' | NumberToString(nSourceIndex + 1); EndIf; EndIf; #EndRegion




now deduct 1 to set these indices to the number of dimensions in each cube

nSourceDimensionCount = nSourceIndex - 1; nTargetCubeDimensionCount = nTargetIndex - 1;

default dimension count is for target

nDimensionCount = nTargetIndex - 1;

sElementMapping = TRIM( pMappingToNewDims ); nChar = 1; nCharCount = LONG( sElementMapping );

sTargetFilter = ''; sWord = ''; sLastDelim = ''; nIndex = 1;

Add a trailing element delimiter so that the last element is picked up

If( nCharCount > 0 ); sElementMapping = sElementMapping | sDelimDim; nCharCount = nCharCount + LONG(sDelimDim); EndIf;

WHILE (nChar <= nCharCount); sChar = SUBST( sElementMapping, nChar, 1);

# Used for delimiters, required for multiple character delimiters
sDelim = '';
nAddExtra = 0;

# Ignore spaces
IF (TRIM(sChar) @<> '' );

  ### Dimension Name ###

  # If the delimiter is more than 1 character peek ahead the same amount
  # Ignore the first character
  sDelim = sChar;
  nCount = LONG(sElementStartDelim) - 1;
  If( nCount > 0 & nChar + nCount <= nCharCount );
    # Add the extra characters
    sDelim = sDelim | SUBST( sElementMapping, nChar + 1, nCount);
    # Move to the end of the delimter
    nAddExtra = nCount;

  If( sDelim @= sElementStartDelim );

    sChar = sDelim;

    If( sLastDelim @<> '' & sLastDelim @<> sDelimDim );
        sMessage = 'In pMappingToNewDims the name of a dimension must follow a dimension delimiter (' | sDelimDim | ')';
        nErrors = nErrors + 1;
        LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );

    # Found a dimension
    sDimension = sWord;

    If( DimensionExists( sDimension ) = 0 );
        # The dimension does not exist in the model. Cancel process
        sMessage = 'In pMappingToNewDims - Dimension: ' | sDimension | ' does not exist';
        nErrors = nErrors + 1;
        LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );

    # Find the index of the dimension is in the Target cube
    nTargetIndexCounter = 1;

    WHILE(nTargetIndexCounter <= nTargetCubeDimensionCount );
      sNthDimension = TabDim( pTgtCube, nTargetIndexCounter );

      If(sDimension @= sNthDimension);
        nTargetIndex = nTargetIndexCounter;
        nTargetIndexCounter = 1000;

      nTargetIndexCounter = nTargetIndexCounter + 1;
    #Add to the Target filter
    sLastDelim = sChar;
    # Clear the word
    sWord = '';


    # Reset extra chars
    nAddExtra = 0;

    ### Check both dim delimiter and element delimiter ###
    nIsDelimiter = 0;

    ## Check dimension delimiter first
    # If the delimiter is more than 1 character peek ahead the same amount
    # Ignore the first character
    sDelim = sChar;
    nCount = LONG(sDelimDim) - 1;
    If( nCount > 0 & nChar + nCount <= nCharCount );
      # Add the extra characters
      sDelim = sDelim | SUBST( sElementMapping, nChar + 1, nCount);

    If( sDelim @= sDelimDim );
      nIsDelimiter = 1;
      sChar = sDelim;
      # Move to the end of the delimter
      nAddExtra = nCount;

    If ( nIsDelimiter = 1 );

      If( sLastDelim @= '' % sLastDelim @= sDelimDim );
        sMessage = 'In pMappingToNewDims - an element delimiter must follow a dimension name: ' |  sChar | ' (' | NumberToString(nChar) | ')';
        nErrors = nErrors + 1;
        LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );

      # an element has been found
      sElement = sWord;

      If( DIMIX( sDimension, sElement ) = 0 );
          # The element does not exist in the dimension. Cancel process
          sMessage = 'In pMappingToNewDims - Element: ' | sElement | ' in dimension ' | sDimension | ' does not exist';
          nErrors = nErrors + 1;
          LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );

      # Allow consolidations only if pSuppressConsol is set to 0

      If ( DTYPE( sDimension, sElement) @= 'C' );
        sMessage = Expand( 'In pMappingToNewDims - Target element: %sElement% for dimension %sDimension% is consolidated' );
        nErrors = nErrors + 1;
        LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );

      # Add the element to the source or target depending on whether it's the first or the second element
      # Get principal name
      # in case source element and this element are using different aliases

      sElement = DimensionElementPrincipalName(sDimension,sElement);

      ### Update the variable for InputElement Target Dim ######################################
      If(nTargetIndex = 1);
        nNewDim1 = 1;
        sNewV1 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 2);
        nNewDim2 = 1;
        sNewV2 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 3);
        nNewDim3 = 1;
        sNewV3 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 4);
        nNewDim4 = 1;
        sNewV4 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 5);
        nNewDim5 = 1;
        sNewV5 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 6);
        nNewDim6 = 1;
        sNewV6 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 7);
        nNewDim7 = 1;
        sNewV7 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 8);
        nNewDim8 = 1;
        sNewV8 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 9);
        nNewDim9 = 1;
        sNewV9 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 10);
        nNewDim10 = 1;
        sNewV10 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 11);
        nNewDim11 = 1;
        sNewV11 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 12);
        nNewDim12 = 1;
        sNewV12 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 13);
        nNewDim13 = 1;
        sNewV13 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 14);
        nNewDim14 = 1;
        sNewV14 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 15);
        nNewDim15 = 1;
        sNewV15 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 16);
        nNewDim16 = 1;
        sNewV16 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 17);
        nNewDim17 = 1;
        sNewV17 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 18);
        nNewDim18 = 1;
        sNewV18 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 19);
        nNewDim19 = 1;
        sNewV19 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 20);
        nNewDim20 = 1;
        sNewV20 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 21);
        nNewDim21 = 1;
        sNewV21 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 22);
        nNewDim22 = 1;
        sNewV22 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 23);
        nNewDim23 = 1;
        sNewV23 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 24);
        nNewDim24 = 1;
        sNewV24 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 25);
        nNewDim25 = 1;
        sNewV25 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 26);
        nNewDim26 = 1;
        sNewV26 = sElement;
      ElseIf(nTargetIndex = 27);
        nNewDim27 = 1;
        sNewV27 = sElement;

      #Add to the Target filter
      # Clear the word
      sWord = '';
      sLastDelim = sChar;

      sWord = sWord | sChar;



nChar = nChar + nAddExtra + 1;


Check that an input element or variable has been specified for all dimensions in the target cube

nIndexInTarget = 1; WHILE(nIndexInTarget <= nTargetCubeDimensionCount);

  sMapped   = Expand('%nMappedDim'| NumberToString(nIndexInTarget) |'%'); 
  sMapped   = Subst( sMapped , Scan( '.' , sMapped )-1 , 99);
  nMapped   = StringToNumber( Trim( sMapped ) );
  sNew      = Expand('%nNewDim'| NumberToString(nIndexInTarget) |'%'); 
  sNew      = Subst( sNew , Scan( '.' , sNew )-1 , 99);
  nNew      = StringToNumber( Trim( sNew ) );
  If(nMapped = 0 & nNew = 0 );
        # there's no input element and this dimension is not in the source
        nErrors         = nErrors + 1;
        sTargetDimName  = TabDim( pTgtCube,  nIndexInTarget );
        sMessage        = 'Dimension ' | sTargetDimName | ' is missing an input element in pMappingToNewDims';
        LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
        If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); 
   nIndexInTarget = nIndexInTarget + 1;


############################# Clear out target ################################

Target is cleared for the elements specified in pMappingToNewDims

and for the parts of pFilter for dimensions in the target

This code works through pFilter looking for the parts relating to the target cube

the code which finds individual elements has been left in

so that it can be changed later to deal with consolidated elements

sFilter = TRIM( pFilter ); nChar = 1; nCharCount = LONG( sFilter ); sWord = ''; sLastDelim = '';

Add a trailing element delimiter so that the last Dimension:Element/s clause is picked up

If( nCharCount > 0 ); sFilter = sFilter | sDelimElem; nCharCount = nCharCount + LONG(sDelimElem); EndIf;

WHILE (nChar <= nCharCount);

sChar = SUBST( sFilter, nChar, 1);

# Used for delimiters, required for multiple character dilimiters
sDelim = '';
nAddExtra = 0;

# Ignore spaces
IF (TRIM(sChar) @<> '' );

  ### Dimension Name ###

  # If the delimiter is more than 1 character peek ahead the same amount
  # Ignore the first character
  sDelim = sChar;
  nCount = LONG(sElementStartDelim) - 1;
  If( nCount > 0 & nChar + nCount <= nCharCount );
    # Add the extra characters
    sDelim = sDelim | SUBST( sFilter, nChar + 1, nCount);
    # Move to the end of the delimter
    nAddExtra = nCount;

  If( sDelim @= sElementStartDelim );

    sChar = sDelim;

    If( sLastDelim @<> '' & sLastDelim @<> sDelimDim );
      sMessage = 'In pFilter - the name of a dimension must follow a dimension delimiter (' | sDelimDim | ')';
      nErrors = nErrors + 1;
      LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );

    # Found a dimension!
    sDimension = UPPER( sWord );
    # See if the dimension is in the target cube
    IF(scan('^^'|sDimension|'^^', sTgtDimString)>0);
        sTargetFilter = sDimension;
        sTargetFilter = sTargetFilter | sDelimDim | sDimension;

    sLastDelim = sChar;
    # Clear the word
    sWord = '';
    #reset element count
    nElementCount = 1;


    # Reset extra chars
    nAddExtra = 0;

    ### Check both both dim delimiter and element delimiter ###
    nIsDelimiter = 0;

    ## Check dimension delimiter first
    # If the delimiter is more than 1 character peek ahead the same amount
    # Ignore the first character
    sDelim = sChar;
    nCount = LONG(sDelimDim) - 1;
    If( nCount > 0 & nChar + nCount <= nCharCount );
      # Add the extra characters
      sDelim = sDelim | SUBST( sFilter, nChar + 1, nCount);
      # Move to the end of the delimter
      nAddExtra = nCount;

    If( sDelim @= sDelimDim );
      nIsDelimiter = 1;
      sChar = sDelim;
      # Reset extra chars
      nAddExtra = 0;

      ## Check element delimiter

      # If the delimiter is more than 1 character peek ahead the same amount
      # Ignore the first character
      sDelim = sChar;
      nCount = LONG(sDelimElem) - 1;
      If( nCount > 0 & nChar + nCount <= nCharCount );
        # Add the extra characters
        sDelim = sDelim | SUBST( sFilter, nChar + 1, nCount);
        # Move to the end of the delimter
        nAddExtra = nCount;

      If( sDelim @= sDelimElem );
        nIsDelimiter = 1;
        sChar = sDelim;
        # Reset extra chars
        nAddExtra = 0;


    If ( nIsDelimiter = 1 );

      If( sLastDelim @= '' % sLastDelim @= sDelimDim );
        sMessage = 'In pFilter - an element delimiter must follow a dimension name: ' |  sChar | ' (' | NumberToString(nChar) | ')';
        nErrors = nErrors + 1;
        LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );

      # Found an element
      sElement = sWord;

      IF(DIMIX(sDimension, sElement) > 0 & nDimInTgt=1);
          # first element
          IF(nElementCount = 1);
            sTargetFilter = sTargetFilter | sElementStartDelim | sElement;
          # later elements
            sTargetFilter = sTargetFilter | sDelimElem | sElement;

      nElementCount = nElementCount + 1;
      sLastDelim = sChar;

      # Clear the word
      sWord = '';
      sWord = sWord | sChar;



nChar = nChar + nAddExtra + 1;


Check for errors before continuing

If( nErrors <> 0 ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; Else; ProcessBreak; EndIf; EndIf;

Branch depending on whether to do recursive calls to self on independent threads or run all in this thread

If( Scan( pEleStartDelim, pFilterParallel ) > 0 ); sDimParallel = SubSt( pFilterParallel, 1, Scan( pEleStartDelim, pFilterParallel ) - 1 ); sElementList = SubSt( pFilterParallel, Scan( pEleStartDelim, pFilterParallel ) + 1, Long( pFilterParallel ) ); If( SubSt( sElementList, Long( sElementList ), 1 ) @<> pEleDelim ); sElementList = sElementList | pEleDelim; EndIf;

Counting elements in element list

sElementListCount = sElementList; nElements = 0; While( Scan( pEleDelim, sElementListCount ) > 0 ); nElements = nElements + 1; sElementListCount = SubSt( sElementListCount, Scan( pEleDelim, sElementListCount ) + 1, Long( sElementListCount ) ); End; IF( Mod( nElements, nMaxThreads ) = 0 ); nElemsPerThread = INT( nElements / nMaxThreads ); ELSE; nElemsPerThread = INT( nElements / nMaxThreads ) + 1; ENDIF; nThreadElCounter = 0; While( Scan( pEleDelim, sElementList ) > 0 ); sSlicerEle = SubSt( sElementList, 1, Scan( pEleDelim, sElementList ) - 1 ); sElementList = SubSt( sElementList, Scan( pEleDelim, sElementList ) + 1, Long( sElementList ) ); # Do recursive process call with new RunProcess function nThreadElCounter = nThreadElCounter + 1; sDimDelim = If(pFilter @= '', '', pDimDelim ); IF( nThreadElCounter = 1 ); sFilter = Expand('%pFilter%%sDimDelim%%sDimParallel%%pEleStartDelim%%sSlicerEle%'); ELSE; sFilter = Expand('%sFilter%%pEleDelim%%sSlicerEle%'); ENDIF; IF( nThreadElCounter >= nElemsPerThread ); RunProcess( cThisProcName, 'pLogoutput', pLogoutput, 'pSrcCube', pSrcCube, 'pFilter', sFilter, 'pFilterParallel', '', 'pTgtCube', pTgtCube, 'pMappingToNewDims', pMappingToNewDims, 'pSuppressConsol', pSuppressConsol, 'pSuppressConsolStrings', pSuppressConsolStrings, 'pSuppressRules', pSuppressRules, 'pSuppressZero', pSuppressZero, 'pZeroTarget', pZeroTarget, 'pZeroSource', pZeroSource, 'pFactor', pFactor, 'pDimDelim', pDimDelim, 'pEleStartDelim', pEleStartDelim, 'pEleDelim', pEleDelim, 'pTemp', pTemp, 'pCubeLogging', pCubeLogging, 'pSandbox', pSandbox, 'pFile', pFile, 'pThreadMode', 1 ); nThreadElCounter = 0; sFilter = ''; ENDIF; End;

Process last elements - only when filter is not empty (there are still elements)

IF( sFilter @<> '' ); RunProcess( cThisProcName, 'pLogoutput', pLogoutput, 'pSrcCube', pSrcCube, 'pFilter', sFilter, 'pFilterParallel', '', 'pTgtCube', pTgtCube, 'pMappingToNewDims', pMappingToNewDims, 'pSuppressConsol', pSuppressConsol, 'pSuppressConsolStrings', pSuppressConsolStrings, 'pSuppressRules', pSuppressRules, 'pSuppressZero', pSuppressZero, 'pZeroTarget', pZeroTarget, 'pZeroSource', pZeroSource, 'pFactor', pFactor, 'pDimDelim', pDimDelim, 'pEleStartDelim', pEleStartDelim, 'pEleDelim', pEleDelim, 'pTemp', pTemp, 'pCubeLogging', pCubeLogging, 'pSandbox', pSandbox, 'pFile', pFile, 'pThreadMode', 1 ); ENDIF;
DataSourceType = 'NULL'; Else;

Clear out target view

If(pZeroTarget = 1 & LONG(sTargetFilter)>= 0 & nErrors = 0); ###### Create View of target to clear out ### # Create View of target ### nRet = ExecuteProcess('}bedrock.cube.view.create', 'pLogOutput', pLogOutput, 'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling, 'pCube', pTgtCube, 'pView', sTargetView , 'pFilter', sTargetFilter, 'pSuppressZero', pSuppressZero, 'pSuppressConsol', pSuppressConsol, 'pSuppressRules', pSuppressRules, 'pSuppressConsolStrings', pSuppressConsolStrings, 'pDimDelim', pDimDelim, 'pEleStartDelim', pEleStartDelim, 'pEleDelim', pEleDelim , 'pTemp', pTemp );

  IF(nRet <> 0);
      sMessage = 'Error creating the view from the filter.';
      nErrors = nErrors + 1;
      LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
      If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); 

  nRet = ExecuteProcess( '}',
      'pLogOutput', pLogOutput,
      'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling,
      'pCube', pTgtCube,
      'pView', sTargetView,
      'pFilter', sTargetFilter,
      'pDimDelim', pDimDelim,
      'pEleStartDelim', pEleStartDelim,
      'pEleDelim', pEleDelim,
      'pTemp', pTemp,
      'pCubeLogging', pCubeLogging,
      'pSandbox', pSandbox

  IF(nRet <> 0);
      sMessage = 'Error clearing the target view.';
      nErrors = nErrors + 1;
      LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
      If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); 


If( pFile = 0 ); ### Create View of Source ### IF(pSuppressConsol = 0 & pSuppressConsolStrings = 1); pSubN=1; else; pSubN=0; Endif;

nRet = ExecuteProcess('}bedrock.cube.view.create',
  'pLogOutput', pLogOutput,
  'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling,
  'pCube', pSrcCube,
  'pView', sView,
  'pFilter', pFilter,
  'pSuppressZero', pSuppressZero,
  'pSuppressConsol', pSuppressConsol,
  'pSuppressRules', pSuppressRules,
  'pSuppressConsolStrings', pSuppressConsolStrings, 
  'pDimDelim', pDimDelim,
  'pEleStartDelim', pEleStartDelim,
  'pEleDelim', pEleDelim ,
  'pTemp', pTemp,
  'pSubN', pSubN

IF(nRet <> 0);
      sMessage = 'Error creating the view from the filter.';
      nErrors = nErrors + 1;
      LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
      If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); 

ElseIf( pFile > 0 ); ### Export to File in case of Copy Data Via File ### IF(pSuppressConsol = 0); pSubN=1; else; pSubN=0; Endif;

nRet = ExecuteProcess('}',
   'pLogoutput', pLogOutput,
   'pStrictErrorHandling', pStrictErrorHandling,
   'pCube', pSrcCube,
   'pView', sView,
   'pFilter', pFilter,
   'pFilterParallel', '',
   'pParallelThreads', 0,
   'pDimDelim', pDimDelim,
   'pEleStartDelim', pEleStartDelim,
   'pEleDelim', pEleDelim,
   'pSuppressZero', pSuppressZero,
   'pSuppressConsol', pSuppressConsol,
   'pSuppressRules', pSuppressRules,
   'pSuppressConsolStrings', pSuppressConsolStrings, 
   'pZeroSource', 0,
   'pCubeLogging', pCubeLogging,
   'pTemp', pTemp,
   'pFilePath', cDir,
   'pFileName', cFileName,
   'pDelim', cDelimiter,
   'pDecimalSeparator', sDecimalSeparator,
   'pThousandSeparator', sThousandSeparator,
   'pQuote', cQuote,
   'pTitleRecord', cTitleRows,
   'pSandbox', pSandbox,
   'pSubN', pSubN

IF(nRet <> 0);
      sMessage = 'Error exporting data to file.';
      nErrors = nErrors + 1;
      LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) );
      If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); 


If ( pCubeLogging <= 1 ); sCubeLogging = CellGetS('}CubeProperties', pTgtCube, 'LOGGING' ); CubeSetLogChanges( pTgtCube, pCubeLogging); EndIf;

Assign Datasource

If( pFile = 0 ); DataSourceType = 'VIEW'; DatasourceNameForServer = pSrcCube; DatasourceNameForClient = pSrcCube; DatasourceCubeView = sView; ElseIf( pFile > 0 ); DataSourceType = 'CHARACTERDELIMITED'; DatasourceNameForServer = cFile; DatasourceNameForClient = cFile; DatasourceASCIIHeaderRecords = cTitleRows; DatasourceASCIIDelimiter = cDelimiter; DatasourceASCIIQuoteCharacter = cQuote; EndIf; EndIf;

End Prolog

#endregion #region Metadata

#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements #endregion #region Data

#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements

The exapand function gives the value of the variable passed to it

So if the say the third dimension in the source cube is the first dimension in the target cube

the string variable Source Variable for Target varialbe V1 is set on the prolog to V3 (see Mapped part)

which means Expand(%V3%) gives the value of V3

and Target sV1 will equal V3

If( pFile = 0 );
sV1 =IF(nMappedDim1=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV1|'%'), IF(nNewDim1=1, sNewV1,V1)); sV2 =IF(nMappedDim2=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV2|'%'), IF(nNewDim2=1, sNewV2,V2)); sV3 =IF(nMappedDim3=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV3|'%'), IF(nNewDim3=1, sNewV3,V3)); sV4 =IF(nMappedDim4=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV4|'%'), IF(nNewDim4=1, sNewV4,V4)); sV5 =IF(nMappedDim5=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV5|'%'), IF(nNewDim5=1, sNewV5,V5)); sV6 =IF(nMappedDim6=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV6|'%'), IF(nNewDim6=1, sNewV6,V6)); sV7 =IF(nMappedDim7=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV7|'%'), IF(nNewDim7=1, sNewV7,V7)); sV8 =IF(nMappedDim8=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV8|'%'), IF(nNewDim8=1, sNewV8,V8)); sV9 =IF(nMappedDim9=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV9|'%'), IF(nNewDim9=1, sNewV9,V9)); sV10=IF(nMappedDim10=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV10|'%'),IF(nNewDim10=1,sNewV10,V10)); sV11=IF(nMappedDim11=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV11|'%'),IF(nNewDim11=1,sNewV11,V11)); sV12=IF(nMappedDim12=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV12|'%'),IF(nNewDim12=1,sNewV12,V12));
sV13=IF(nMappedDim13=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV13|'%'),IF(nNewDim13=1,sNewV13,V13));
sV14=IF(nMappedDim14=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV14|'%'),IF(nNewDim14=1,sNewV14,V14));
sV15=IF(nMappedDim15=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV15|'%'),IF(nNewDim15=1,sNewV15,V15));
sV16=IF(nMappedDim16=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV16|'%'),IF(nNewDim16=1,sNewV16,V16));
sV17=IF(nMappedDim17=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV17|'%'),IF(nNewDim17=1,sNewV17,V17));
sV18=IF(nMappedDim18=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV18|'%'),IF(nNewDim18=1,sNewV18,V18));
sV19=IF(nMappedDim19=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV19|'%'),IF(nNewDim19=1,sNewV19,V19));
sV20=IF(nMappedDim20=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV20|'%'),IF(nNewDim20=1,sNewV20,V20));
sV21=IF(nMappedDim21=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV21|'%'),IF(nNewDim21=1,sNewV21,V21));
sV22=IF(nMappedDim22=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV22|'%'),IF(nNewDim22=1,sNewV22,V22));
sV23=IF(nMappedDim23=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV23|'%'),IF(nNewDim23=1,sNewV23,V23));
sV24=IF(nMappedDim24=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV24|'%'),IF(nNewDim24=1,sNewV24,V24));
sV25=IF(nMappedDim25=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV25|'%'),IF(nNewDim25=1,sNewV25,V25));
sV26=IF(nMappedDim26=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV26|'%'),IF(nNewDim26=1,sNewV26,V26));
sV27=IF(nMappedDim27=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV27|'%'),IF(nNewDim27=1,sNewV27,V27)); sV28=IF(nMappedDim28=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV28|'%'),V28);
ElseIf( pFile > 0 ); sV1 =IF(nMappedDim1=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV1|'%'), IF(nNewDim1=1, sNewV1,V2)); sV2 =IF(nMappedDim2=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV2|'%'), IF(nNewDim2=1, sNewV2,V3)); sV3 =IF(nMappedDim3=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV3|'%'), IF(nNewDim3=1, sNewV3,V4)); sV4 =IF(nMappedDim4=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV4|'%'), IF(nNewDim4=1, sNewV4,V5)); sV5 =IF(nMappedDim5=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV5|'%'), IF(nNewDim5=1, sNewV5,V6)); sV6 =IF(nMappedDim6=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV6|'%'), IF(nNewDim6=1, sNewV6,V7)); sV7 =IF(nMappedDim7=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV7|'%'), IF(nNewDim7=1, sNewV7,V8)); sV8 =IF(nMappedDim8=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV8|'%'), IF(nNewDim8=1, sNewV8,V9)); sV9 =IF(nMappedDim9=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV9|'%'), IF(nNewDim9=1, sNewV9,V10)); sV10=IF(nMappedDim10=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV10|'%'),IF(nNewDim10=1,sNewV10,V11)); sV11=IF(nMappedDim11=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV11|'%'),IF(nNewDim11=1,sNewV11,V12)); sV12=IF(nMappedDim12=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV12|'%'),IF(nNewDim12=1,sNewV12,V13));
sV13=IF(nMappedDim13=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV13|'%'),IF(nNewDim13=1,sNewV13,V14));
sV14=IF(nMappedDim14=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV14|'%'),IF(nNewDim14=1,sNewV14,V15));
sV15=IF(nMappedDim15=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV15|'%'),IF(nNewDim15=1,sNewV15,V16));
sV16=IF(nMappedDim16=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV16|'%'),IF(nNewDim16=1,sNewV16,V17));
sV17=IF(nMappedDim17=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV17|'%'),IF(nNewDim17=1,sNewV17,V18));
sV18=IF(nMappedDim18=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV18|'%'),IF(nNewDim18=1,sNewV18,V19));
sV19=IF(nMappedDim19=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV19|'%'),IF(nNewDim19=1,sNewV19,V20));
sV20=IF(nMappedDim20=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV20|'%'),IF(nNewDim20=1,sNewV20,V21));
sV21=IF(nMappedDim21=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV21|'%'),IF(nNewDim21=1,sNewV21,V22));
sV22=IF(nMappedDim22=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV22|'%'),IF(nNewDim22=1,sNewV22,V23));
sV23=IF(nMappedDim23=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV23|'%'),IF(nNewDim23=1,sNewV23,V24));
sV24=IF(nMappedDim24=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV24|'%'),IF(nNewDim24=1,sNewV24,V25));
sV25=IF(nMappedDim25=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV25|'%'),IF(nNewDim25=1,sNewV25,V26));
sV26=IF(nMappedDim26=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV26|'%'),IF(nNewDim26=1,sNewV26,V27));
sV27=IF(nMappedDim27=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV27|'%'),IF(nNewDim27=1,sNewV27,V28)); sV28=IF(nMappedDim28=1, Expand('%'|sMappedV28|'%'),V29); EndIf;


Write data from source file to target cube

If( nDimensionCount = 2 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim2, sV2 ); IF( SubSt( pTgtCube, 1, 17 ) @= '}ElementSecurity_'); sV3 = IF( sV3 @= '', 'NONE', sV3 ); ElementSecurityPut( sV3, sDim1, sV1, sV2 ); ELSEIF( sElType @= 'AA' ); AttrPutS( sV3, sDim1, sV1, sV2, 1 ); ELSEIF( sElType @= 'AS' ); AttrPutS( sV3, sDim1, sV1, sV2 ); ELSEIF( sElType @= 'AN' ); AttrPutN( StringToNumberEx( sV3, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor, sDim1, sV1, sV2 ); ElseIf( sElType @= 'S' ); CellPutS( sV3, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2 ); Else; nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV3, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 3 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim3, sV3 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV4, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3 ); Else; CellPutS( sV4, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 4 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim4, sV4 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV5, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4); Else; CellPutS( sV5, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 5 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim5, sV5 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV6, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5 ); Else; CellPutS( sV6, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 6 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim6, sV6 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV7, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6 ); Else; CellPutS( sV7, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 7 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim7, sV7 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV8, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7 ); Else; CellPutS( sV8, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 8 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim8, sV8 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV9, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8 ); Else; CellPutS( sV9, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 9 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim9, sV9 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV10, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9 ); Else; CellPutS( sV10, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 10 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim10, sV10 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV11, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10 ); Else; CellPutS( sV11, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 11 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim11, sV11 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV12, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11 ); Else; CellPutS( sV12, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 12 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim12, sV12 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV13, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12 ); Else; CellPutS( sV13, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 13 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim13, sV13 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV14, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13 ); Else; CellPutS( sV14, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 14 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim14, sV14 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV15, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14 ); Else; CellPutS( sV15, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 15 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim15, sV15 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV16, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15 ); Else; CellPutS( sV16, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 16 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim16, sV16 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV17, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16 ); Else; CellPutS( sV17, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 17 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim17, sV17 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV18, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17 ); Else; CellPutS( sV18, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 18 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim18, sV18 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV19, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18 ); Else; CellPutS( sV19, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 19 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim19, sV19 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV20, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19 ); Else; CellPutS( sV20, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 20 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim20, sV20 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV21, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20 ); Else; CellPutS( sV21, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20 ); EndIf; EndIf;
ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 21 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim21, sV21 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV22, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21 ); Else; CellPutS( sV22, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21 ); EndIf; EndIf;
ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 22 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim22, sV22 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV23, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22 ); Else; CellPutS( sV23, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 23 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim23, sV23 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV24, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23 ); Else; CellPutS( sV24, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23 ); EndIf; EndIf; ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 24 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim24, sV24 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV25, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24 ); Else; CellPutS( sV25, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24 ); EndIf; EndIf;
ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 25 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24, sV25 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim25, sV25 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24, sV25 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV26, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24, sV25 ); Else; CellPutS( sV26, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24, sV25 ); EndIf; EndIf;
ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 26 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24, sV25, sV26 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim26, sV26 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24, sV25, sV26 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV27, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24, sV25, sV26 ); Else; CellPutS( sV27, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24, sV25, sV26 ); EndIf; EndIf;
ElseIf( nDimensionCount = 27 ); If( CellIsUpdateable( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24, sV25, sV26, sV27 ) = 1 ); sElType = DType( sDim27, sV27 ); If( sElType @<> 'S' ); nObal = CellGetN( pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24, sV25, sV26, sV27 ); nCbal = nObal + StringToNumberEx( sV28, sDecimalSeparator, sThousandSeparator ) * nFactor; CellPutN( nCbal, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24, sV25, sV26, sV27 ); Else; CellPutS( sV28, pTgtCube, sV1, sV2, sV3, sV4, sV5, sV6, sV7, sV8, sV9, sV10, sV11, sV12, sV13, sV14, sV15, sV16, sV17, sV18, sV19, sV20, sV21, sV22, sV23, sV24, sV25, sV26, sV27 ); EndIf; EndIf;


End Data

#endregion #region Epilog

#*Begin: Generated Statements #End: Generated Statements

Zero Source

If( pZeroSource = 1 & nErrors = 0 ); If ( pCubeLogging <= 1 ); CubeSetLogChanges( pSrcCube, pCubeLogging); EndIf; ViewZeroOut( pSrcCube, sView ); If ( pCubeLogging <= 1 ); CubeSetLogChanges( pSrcCube, IF(CellGetS('}CubeProperties', pSrcCube, 'LOGGING' ) @= 'YES',1,0) ); EndIf; EndIf;

Switch back logging on Tgt Cube

If ( pCubeLogging <= 1 ); CubeSetLogChanges( pTgtCube, IF(sCubeLogging @='YES',1,0) ); EndIf;

Delete export file if used

If( pFile = 1 ); TM1RunCmd = 'CMD.EXE /C "DEL "' | cFile | '" "'; EXECUTECOMMAND ( TM1RunCmd , 0 ); EndIf;

Return code & final error message handling

If( nErrors > 0 ); sMessage = 'the process incurred at least 1 error. Please see above lines in this file for more details.'; nProcessReturnCode = 0; LogOutput( cMsgErrorLevel, Expand( cMsgErrorContent ) ); sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% Process:%cThisProcName% completed with errors. Check tm1server.log for details.' ); If( pStrictErrorHandling = 1 ); ProcessQuit; EndIf; Else; sProcessAction = Expand( 'Process:%cThisProcName% successfully copied data from %pSrcCube% cube to the %pTgtCube% cube.' ); sProcessReturnCode = Expand( '%sProcessReturnCode% %sProcessAction%' ); nProcessReturnCode = 1; If( pLogoutput = 1 ); LogOutput('INFO', Expand( sProcessAction ) );
EndIf; EndIf;

End Epilog
