git clone [email protected]:GMAO-SI-Team/RemapScripting.git
The remapping script is in the fvInput/AeroCom/scripts
directory as doremap
Annoyingly, we have to get files from /archive
so make sure you are on a head
node. (This should probably be fixed...)
The environment needs to have BINDIR
defined a la:
$ export BINDIR=/discover/nobackup/mathomp4/SystemTests/builds/AGCM/CURRENT/GEOSgcm/install-Release/bin
The scripts might only work with the Git GEOS now...unsure.
By default the script will run all the cases for that directory. Here, we only need ACCMIP and it only needs the 144x91 PSDELP files and we only need 2020 and onward:
diff --git a/fvInput/AeroCom/scripts/doremap b/fvInput/AeroCom/scripts/doremap
index 0187456..ee2bb47 100755
--- a/fvInput/AeroCom/scripts/doremap
+++ b/fvInput/AeroCom/scripts/doremap
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ if ( ! -x $BINDIR/GFIO_remap.x ) then
exit 1
-set TYPE_TABLE = ( AeroCom.aircraft_fuel A2_ACCMIP gmi_oh_ch4 GMI.vmr )
set indir = "/discover/nobackup/projects/gmao/share/dasilva/fvInput/fvInput_nc3/PIESA/L72"
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ cd $outdir
# Copy input ps_delp files for safety
# -----------------------------------
-set RES_TYPES = ( x288_y181 x144_y091 )
+set RES_TYPES = ( x144_y091 )
set input_psdir = $outdir/inputps
mkdir -p $input_psdir
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ foreach TYPE ( `echo $TYPE_TABLE` )
set TAGO = "x144_y91.t12"
- foreach IFILE ( `find $indir -type f -iname "${TYPE}*"` )
+ foreach IFILE ( `find $indir -type f -iname "${TYPE}*202*"` )
set FILE = `basename $IFILE`
set TAG1 = `echo $FILE | awk -F. '{print $1 }'`
set TAG2 = `echo $FILE | awk -F. '{print $2 }'` ```
To speed things up you can do:
$ dmget /archive/u/mathomp4/Merra2_PSDELP_forRemap/PerMonth/merra2.aer_Nv.ps_delp.x144_y091.2003-2014.2008*
Go to fvInput/AeroCom/scripts
. There is a doremap
$ ./doremap --help
usage: doremap -levs numlevels -outdir OUTDIR
$ ./doremap -levs 181 -outdir /discover/nobackup/mathomp4/ACCMIP-2021/L181-2021Feb19
Remapping to 181 levels
Output will be saved to /discover/nobackup/mathomp4/ACCMIP-2021/L181-2021Feb19
BINDIR: /discover/nobackup/mathomp4/SystemTests/builds/AGCM/CURRENT/GEOSgcm/install-Release/bin
g5_modules: Setting BASEDIR and modules for discover35
'/archive/u/mathomp4/Merra2_PSDELP_forRemap/PerMonth/merra2.aer_Nv.ps_delp.x144_y091.2003-2014.200801clm.nc4' -> '/discover/nobackup/mathomp4/ACCMIP-2021/L181-2021Feb19/inputps/merra2.aer_Nv.ps_delp.x144_y091.2003-2014.200801clm.nc4'
Running A2_ACCMIP...