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File metadata and controls

40 lines (30 loc) · 2.51 KB

Localization and mapping with GNSS sensor

The program supports the dynamic localization of acquired point clouds with GNSS data.
Both the point cloud and the GNSS measurements must be pre-recorded and saved to files.

How to prepare files

For proper using the program you need the following files:

  1. PCAP file: containing LiDAR data.
  2. CSV file: containing GNSS data. Supported sensors:
  • Stonex S9 III Plus sensor: the measurements can be exported in a proprietary RW5 format, which can be converted to a CSV file. Use the following configuration:
    • Generate CSV file: comma separated
    • Select coordinate order: X/Y Y=EAST
    • Delete first row from generated CSV file
  • GNSS/GPS sensors in mobile phones: the recommended application for Android is GPS Logger. With this application, the GNSS log can be exported in a TXT file. It is really a CSV file in fact, so:
    • replace the .txt extension with .csv
    • replace , with ;
    • replace . with ,
  • Online GPS export: using the --exportpcapgps switch, the GPS data read from the LiDAR PCAP file can be exported to a separate CSV file, allowing it to be run in offline mode with the --pcapcsvfile option. (Similar to the --csvfile and --mcsvfile options.)

How to run

Proper parameterization of the inputs is required to run the program. Use the --help or -h option for a list of possible parameters.

The following parameters could be given:

Option Mandatory Description
--file <path> YES PCAP file path.
--csvfile <path> YES* CSV file path for Stonex sensor data.
--mcsvfile <path> YES* CSV file path for mobile GNSS sensor data.
--pcapcsvfile <path> YES* CSV file path for gps sensor data exported from running the program with an online GPS and the --exportpcapgps switch.
--stime <time> The UNIX epoch time of the first frame in the PCAP file.
--filter Apply an origo filter, measured LiDAR point closer to 1 meter or further than 16 meters from the sensor are cropped out.
--wftype <pcd | las> The output file format (pcd and las are supported.) Defaults to las.

* You may specify any combination of --csvfile, --mcsvfile, --pcapcsvfile, as long as at least one of them is given.