diff --git a/lang/de_de.lang b/lang/de_de.lang
index 8606c7f..d3e4c3a 100644
--- a/lang/de_de.lang
+++ b/lang/de_de.lang
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-yform_spam_protection_title = Schaltflächen zur Datenschutzerklärung
+yform_spam_protection_title = Spamschutz
yform_spam_protection_settings = Einstellungen
yform_spam_protection_error_message = Fehlermeldung
yform_spam_protection_error_notice = Fehlermeldung, die die Validierung ausgeben soll. Kann mit dem Addon Sprog oder XOutputFilter mehrsprachig übersetzt werden.
diff --git a/lang/en_gb.lang b/lang/en_gb.lang
index afcd4be..b521f76 100644
--- a/lang/en_gb.lang
+++ b/lang/en_gb.lang
@@ -1,27 +1,27 @@
-yform_spam_protection_title = Schaltflächen zur Datenschutzerklärung
+yform_spam_protection_title = Spam Protection
yform_spam_protection_settings = Settings
yform_spam_protection_error_message = Error Message
yform_spam_protection_error_notice = Error message which will be shown in the frontend. Translation should be done in sprog or via XOutputFilter.
yform_spam_protection_checks = Checks
yform_spam_protection_timer = Timer
yform_spam_protection_honeypot = Honeypot
-yform_spam_protection_block_ip_dyn = Dynamic IP-Blocking
+yform_spam_protection_block_ip_dyn = Dynamic IP Blocking
yform_spam_protection_block_ip_dyn_notice = If too many forms are submitted from the same ip address it will be blocked for some time.
yform_spam_protection_advanced_settings = Advanced Settings
-yform_spam_protection_email = E-Mail Address
+yform_spam_protection_email = Email Address
yform_spam_protection_email_notice = You'll get notified if many submissions are blocked.
yform_spam_protection_timer_1 = Timer 1
-yform_spam_protection_timer_1_notice = Time in seconds which will be needed to edit a form at a minimum.
+yform_spam_protection_timer_1_notice = The minimum time it must take to fill in the form.
yform_spam_protection_timer_2 = Timer 2
yform_spam_protection_timer_2_notice = Time in seconds which will have to be passed since loading the form.
-yform_spam_protection_timer_block_limit = IP-Sperren-Limit
-yform_spam_protection_timer_block_limit_notice = Anzahl, die im IP-Sperren-Zeitfenster überschritten werden muss, z.B. 10
pro Zeitfenster
-yform_spam_protection_timer_block_limit_window = IP-Sperren-Zeitfenster
-yform_spam_protection_timer_block_limit_window_notice = In Sekunden, in denen das Anfrage-Limit überschritten werden muss, z.B. 600
für 10 Minuten.
-yform_spam_protection_geoip = GeoIP-Sperre
-yform_spam_protection_tld_block = IP-Sperre
-yform_spam_protection_tld_list = Top-Level-Domains
-yform_spam_protection_tld_list_notice = Top-Level-Domains, an die kein Versand erfolgen soll, bspw. .ru
+yform_spam_protection_timer_block_limit = IP Blocking limit
+yform_spam_protection_timer_block_limit_notice = No of queries that must be succeeded in IP Blocking timeframe, i.e. 10
per timeframe
+yform_spam_protection_timer_block_limit_window = IP Blocking timeframe
+yform_spam_protection_timer_block_limit_window_notice = No of seconds building the timeframe for the query limit, i.e. 600
for 10 minutes.
+yform_spam_protection_geoip = GeoIP Blocking
+yform_spam_protection_tld_block = IP Blocking
+yform_spam_protection_tld_list = Top-Level domains
+yform_spam_protection_tld_list_notice = Top-Level domains that are not allowed, i.e. .ru
yform_spam_protection_activate = Activate
yform_spam_protection_deactivate = Deactivate
yform_spam_protection_ip_whitelist = IP Whitelist