All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Add conflict with origin neomerx/json-api (use fork laravel-json-api/neomerx-json-api for best php 8.* support)
0.0.15 - 2025-02-06
- Data Transfer Object classes generation from swagger spec
- JsonApiResponseFactory::createResponse()
arguments - CacheableDispatcherFactoryProxy
- Union types support for
DTO: use suitable type for input data structure
- Best composer dependencies compatibility: allow more versions
- php 7.4 and 8.0 support
0.0.14 - 2021-02-02
- Route info in the request attribute
- CacheableDispatcherFactoryProxy
- JsonApiResponseFactory::createRelationshipResponse()
- RateLimitMiddleware and related packages
0.0.13 - 2021-01-27
- TraceIntoDetailsExplainingErrorFactory for catched ErrorHandler exceptions debug. Note: not for production usage
- Using the same middleware twice
- Fix cebe/php-openapi version for best php versions support
- Deprecated method AbstractDocument::fromRequest, use fromHttpMessage
0.0.12 - 2020-12-20
- Application implement RequestHandlerInterface
- Require psr/http-factory
0.0.11 - 2020-12-18
- CORSHeadersSetter Middleware
- PHP 8 Support
- Update dependencies
0.0.10 - 2020-07-19
- AbstractDocument::fromHttpMessage(), possible constructing DTO from Response and Requests both
- PsrContainerAwareSchemaContainer for injection dependencies to neomerx Schemas
- Mark AbstractDocument::__constructor as final
- Extended neomerx Encoder and Factory don't use EntityManager, but use Psr\Container
- AbstractDocument::fromRequest, use fromHttpMessage instead
- DoctrineProxyAwareSchemaContainer, use PsrContainerAwareSchemaContainer: it is check Doctrine Proxies too.
0.0.9 - 2020-07-08
- Typed attributes fields support and nested key-value structures in DTO
- SwaggerSpecificationRequestValidator middleware
0.0.8 - 2020-06-25
- fig/http-message-util package dependency (StatusCodeInterface is using)
- Respond with 400 instead 500 on invalid json, handle it with BodyParser middleware
- Set type in DTO\AbstractResourceObject
0.0.7 - 2020-06-12
- Relationships support in DTO classes
- Factory and Middleware Decorator for assign middleware to methods
- DoctrineProxyAwareSchemaContainer handle not entity classes correct
- Allow all headers (CORS)
- Handle empty operationId with "not implemented" response
0.0.6 - 2020-05-08
- Middleware: Authorization based on Policies, ErrorHandler, BodyParser
- Psr Application
0.0.5 - 2020-05-08
- Validation subpackage based on rakit/validation
- Request Validation Middleware
- JsonApiResponseFactory
- I18n support
- Unused free-elephants/php-di dependency (but suggested)
0.0.4 - 2020-04-27
- Bump version with merged 0.0.2 changes
- Correct license value
- Remove unused zircote/swagger-php package
0.0.3 - 2020-04-27 [YANKED]
- Neomerx Encoder implementation aware about Doctrine Proxies
- DTO super classes
0.0.2 - 2020-03-24
- OperitionId to Psr normalizer class name
0.0.1 - 2020-03-24
- FastRoute Dispatcher generation from swagger operationIds